
The South Marlin Circle Bondage Club Chapter 21


With the livingroom concert out of the way and it now being November2nd, Steven really started to hit the project that would help him taperhis body so he could look better in women's clothes. He took copiousnotes after he came back from his run and had a shower. He practiced hisdeep throating and had a little more of a breakthrough, now able to geta toothbrush further into his mouth before the gagging would kick in. His ass was very sore from the fucking it endured the previous day andwhile he sat at his computer desk he was shifting around a lot trying tofind a position where it wouldn't be so painful. He had now suckedHaruko's strap on cock and taken it in his ass and was now becomingcurious about doing the real thing. However, the thought of kissing aman repulsed him. There are a lot of straight guys who have, forwhatever reason, cocksucking fetishes. He played around in his mind whathe would do if Haruko ordered him to suck somebody's penis, a veryunlikely scenario in his mind.

He went to Haruko's house, put his makeup on and dressed in the outfitthat was laid out for him by her and sat as demurely as he could musteron her bed. "So how's your butt?" she wondered. "Oh my God Mistress, itis so sore. I'm definitely not looking forward to using the bathroombecause it's probably going to feel like I'm shitting razor blades. ""I'm sorry to hear that Stephanie. I hope it heals quickly because Iwant to use my little slut again. " "Yes Mistress. Thank you Mistress.

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"Now we need to do something about your language. Cursing isn't veryladylike. So from now on, everytime you utter a profanity, even out ofcharacter, it will mean 25 swats from my paddle. Do you understandStephanie?" "Yes Mistress. " "Of course, during sex, that rule isn't ineffect. But all other times it is. " "Yes Mistress. "

"By the way, when was the last time you masturbated?' "I don't think Ihave since Mistress decided to feminize me. " "Why is that?" "Usually,when I get the urge, it's after 9 p. m. and I'm not going to botherMistress by calling you for permission. So I just go without. " "You'remaking good progress Stephanie. You aren't frustrated?" "Mistress, we'vebeen having enough sex so that I get to cum often enough to stave offbeing frustrated. " "That's great, Stephanie.

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   I like having sex with youfairly regularly, so  since you aren't masturbating, I don't see theneed at this time to put you in a chastity belt. But that will change ifyou start to cum when I haven't given you permission. " "Yes Mistress. Thank you Mistress. "

I want to begin restraining you, but I haven't been trained in thatbecause of my earlier vanilla preferences. How do you feel about that?""It sounds hot, Mistress. " "I'm glad you think that, Stephanie. It willbecome especially handy when I have to punish you. But I also don't wantto do any lasting damage, so I will have to ask some of the otherdominants to show me the ropes, as it were. " "Yes Mistress. Thank youMistress. " Also, when you do undergo a correction, it is to make you abetter slave for me, so you will express gratitude for the correcting ofyour behavior. "Yes Mistress, Thank you Mistress. "

Okay, let's look at some fashion magazines and I want you to memorizethe styles, clothing types and how they mix and match. So raise yourhand when you have any questions.

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   "Yes Mistress. " "And tell me what youwould like to wear. Of course, I will take that under advisement, butthe final decision is mine since you have no right to decide what towear when you're in your female garb. " "Yes Mistress. Thank youMistress. "

Over the next  several days, Haruko and Steven looked at women'smagazines and apparel sites on the internet so that he could learn aboutfashion. Ms. McMullen had decided a couple weeks back to not doanything with Steven's hair because it was so short and already curly. Therefore, she recommended that he grow it out  for another few monthsand then she would see what she could do at the time. However, Thuy didhis nails, though Haruko allowed his righthand nails to be a littlelonger so he could continue to play fingerstyle guitar.

As he continued to run, his legs were becoming more toned and his bodywas beginning to seem thinner, which he didn't really need. This wasmore about his body's contours and not his weight. The core exerciseswere also helping to firm his stomach up as well, though he was far fromhaving six pack abs. He made his presentation to Haruko the Saturdayafter Thanksgiving, when he had massively pigged out during dinner withhis family and relatives, about the regimen he would follow to helpflatten and taper his abdomen. Haruko decided to follow that program,too.

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   She usually sparred with other members of her family in thebackyard to stay in shape, but since this was something she could dotogether with Steven she decided to add this to her routine. So beforehe would leave her house, they would do an hour of core work.

As the days and weeks passed, Haruko noticed that Steven was becomingmore passive. She also imposed a new rule, that he had to kiss her feetbefore they left for school in the morning and any other time he wasentering her home. She bought more outfits for him and also had himhelping Maki in the kitchen on occasion so that he could learn to cookJapanese food. But she still loved having him stuff her pussy a coupleof times a week with his big dick and never denied him an orgasm sincethere was no need to do that because he already worshipped her.

The week before Christmas, there was a neighborhood Christmas party formembers of the club and the girls were quite impressed with Steven'snewly acquired cooking skills as the subbies prepared the food thatwould be served to the celebrants. He was fully dressed in femaleclothing because, of course, he was genetically male, but was proud ofhis contributions to the festivities nonetheless. Haruko was wellchuffed with his performance. By that time, too, he could deep throather strap on cock, which had also reamed his ass several more times. Hehad tried to internalize the concept of equating his being assfuckedwith getting a cock in a pussy, but that was still a work in progress. He did, though, now want to try sucking a real dick and had fantasiesabout it. He wanted to stay with Haruko because men just didn't get itfor him sexually, but he began to think about sucking and being screwedfrom a woman's point of view.

Steven, though, wasn't the only one making a big transition. ChristmasDay, Ethan, Daniel, Aoi, Dante, Cheryl and their parentswent over to the Yamanoris.

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   "Merry Christmas Master Koji. We're sorryto interrupt your good household's festivities, but Ethan here hassomething he needs to say. Ethan? "Thank you Dad and I apologize toMaster Koji and mesubuta for imposing on their wonderful family. . "Ethan then walked up to where Aya was sitting. "Aya, please kneel,"he ordered. Aya immediately recognized what this was about and asshe assumed her position on the floor in front of her boyfriend,tears began to fall from her smoky brown eyes. "Aya, your lovingdevotion to me has made me a better man by making me want to proveto you that I am worthy of being in your life. Every day I have beenwith you has been a happy one and my pride in having such abeautiful and sweet girl by my side is limitless. Aya MaureenYamanori, will you submit to me?" Aya began full on crying as shechoked out, "Yes Master!" She was quickly surrounded by Yoriko,Keiko, Yuki and Akihiro and given congratulatory hugs. "MasterEthan, according to the rules, I  must remind you that you willdisplay the necessary dignity and self control in keeping andpreserving my daughter or your right to lead may be forfeited. Doyou understand Master Ethan?" "Yes Master Koji. Thank you MasterKoji. "

"A-chan, your father has always taken pride in the beauty andaccomplishments of his daughters and thanks mesubuta for the way shehas guided them over the years. You will serve Master Ethan with allof your heart and soul.

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   Do you understand?" "Yes daddy. Thank youdaddy. " "Aya, I will choose your slave name over the coming days. Please take your time celebrating the holidays with your greatfamily. Merry Christmas to everyone and again, I apologize forinterrupting this household's festivities. " Everyone left and on theway back home, Daniel and Dante high fived their brother. "She'sdefinitely a keeper dude," Dante insisted.

She felt numb. After they had dinner in the late afternoon, sheasked permission to go over to her new master's house. BerniecePerlis answered the door. "Oh hi Aya! Come in honey," she bubbled. Aya walked into the house, stripped, and then went into thelivingroom and kneeled in front of Ethan with tears in her eyes. Hehad her stand up and then he hugged her tight. "I love you Aya," hesaid to her as her tears dripped on to his chest. "Master, yourslave has waited so long for this day.

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   She is so happy to finally beable to submit to you. " "Aya, I will keep and love you forever. Youare dismissed from your duties for the day and are welcome tocelebrate Christmas with our family. " "Thank you Master. Your slaveis so sorry to be interrupting your holiday with her presence. ""Aya, you can interrupt me anytime," he rejoindered. "Welcome to thefamily Aya," Troy Perlis said. "Thank you Master Troy. I will serveMaster with all my heart," she reported. "I know you will, Aya. Ourfamily has always been very happy that Master Ethan chose you as hismate and now his slave. " Everybody hugged her. "Omedetai desu ne,(this is an auspicious occasion, isn't it?)," Aoi said to Aya. "Arigatou Aoi senpai (thank you Aoi, who is my senior). " "Gambattene (do your best, okay?).

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  " "Gambarimasu," Aya acknowledged.

The next day, Ethan notified Aya that she was now "comforthole. "Noriko put her on birth control as soon as she turned 14 knowingthat her daughter wanted Ethan to take her, so she was now ready tomeet all of her Master's needs. Ethan didn't hesitate to takeadvantage of his new power over her. He took her into his bedroomand she knew what was coming next, but she, like Ethan, had so muchpent up desire she was happy to finally experience this moment. Theycrawled into bed together and began heatedly making out. She felthis fingers inside of her pussy for the first time and gasped asthey nuzzled the little ridges just inside of her opening. By doingthis, he was adding to the sensations and emotions she had feltbefore when what he could do with her was restricted by the rules. The feelings of anticipation, her passionate love for him and herneed to serve him all converged to heighten the heat inside of herpussy and increase her heart rate.

As the  minutes passed and the stimulation of her g spot mounted,his mouth now sucking on her dark nipples, she could already feelherself losing control of her breathing and her face and chestfeeling flushed. She was in a kind of hypnosis, her yearning forthis moment having trained her to drink in every little bit of theexperience as she began to pant. Before, only she could touch thatpart of her body, but now she was surrendering it to her Master andher breathing accelerated until her body shuddered, the initialwaves of pleasure fanning out through her, the first orgasm that shehad been given by a boy with her clothes off.

She was enjoying the sensation of opening her body to him as hescooted down to put his mouth on her vulva and his tongue on herclit, his first taste of a woman's wetness and heat. His cocktightened that much more as his nose and taste buds sampled hersecretions and scent. Aya panted every time his tongue clangedagainst her nubbin and wrestled and kneaded it to push her pleasurehigher and higher, his love making him want to please her and keepher submissive to him.

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   Her clit was feeling steaming hot as it engorged withblood and the pulses she felt when it was sucked on nearly causedher to lose her breath as he slurped more of her moisture down. Shereached down and stroked his head, begging him to not stop, hervoice changing keys upward while he maintained his oral attack. She let out a squeal as she felt the release commence, themusic of her gasps spurring him to keep at it, wanting to pleasureher until he was exhausted and also make her helpless to thestimulation he exerted on her.

The energy that the orgasms sapped from her and the endorphins thatimbued her with a kind of high made her passive and willing to allowhim to penetrate her. She lay there with her legs open waiting forhis penis to transgress her soft, warm gate. He positioned himselfon top of her,  his face above hers and his righthand stroking hercheek and brushing the hair out of her eyes. He used the tip of histongue to tantalize the inner ridges of her ears and then puttinghis lips on hers. "Aya, you're so awesome," he burbled in hisadolescent way. "I so want to be one with you," he said, a line hehad heard in a rock lyric but nonetheless reflective of his wantingto be stay close to her. "Guide me in baby," he pleaded, wanting herto welcome him into the most intimate part of her. She grasped hislength and gently pulled the head to her opening. He gingerlythrusted his hips forward and poked his cockhead into her, cleavingher steamy walls open. Since he knew she was going to experiencepain, he decided he wanted to get it over with for her as soon aspossible rather than drawing it out. "Relax Aya," he advised her ashe hesitated for a minute to give her time to adjust. Her brown eyeslooked up into his and then they closed tightly as he impaled herwith every inch of his manhood.

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   She let out a yelp and then gaspedrapidly and writhed and twist under him. "Sorry about the painbabe," he apologized, kissing her.

After a brief respite, he raked his cock slowly in and out of her,stopping every second or third thrust hoping her vaginal musclescould adjust. "God Ethan, it hurts!" she whimpered, tears fallingdown her cheeks. He stopped again and wrapped her in his arms tocomfort her. He softly kissed her and then started to push his dickinto her and withdraw it over and over. As he secreted more precuminto her and her body leaked its own wetness in reaction to hisinvasion of her, after a few minutes, it became easier and easier forher. She attained a stage where the pain had completely halted and,when he didn't hear any indications of pain,  he hastened histhrusts. He smiled when he heard her first moans and felt betterthat he wasn't torturing her. He masturbated just before he saw Ayaso that he wouldn't shoot too quickly, but he was already feelingthe weight of his balls beginning to nudge him toward an orgasm andnow it was he that needed to relax. His cock kept dodging in and outand now her senses looked forward to each passage of his prong inand out of her tender twat. The results were expressed in herbreathy sighs. "Oh God Ethan, that feels so good now. Don't stopbaby," she called. He smiled but didn't respond verbally, trying tostay on task, finding happiness at each sign of her peaking ardor,hoping that her journey to ecstasy will end soon so that he maydispense with his heavy load.



She felt his hard rod rubbing her vaginal walls and the  frictionthat made her so hot inside inspired the machine gun pace of herbreaths as he was just about there. He found the key to herpleasure chest and she squirmed and squealed as the full force ofthe tidal heat lit up her senses and she dug her nails into hisback. His shooter then unloaded cum rockets into her, his spermswimming through her cervix and into her womb in the hunt for heregg. He fulfilled his primal need and hers as well. The only thingAya was disappointed in after Ethan made a woman out of her was thathe couldn't remain erect and stay inside of her. He cuddled her andshe smiled and they traded soft kisses. "I love you forever, Aya,"he enthused to her and she grinned while her pussy throbbed from theresidual soreness. "Ethan sweety,, you make me so happy because Iknow I have someone who cares so much about me. I love giving myselfto you because  you will treat that gift like gold," she said. "Aya,I'm not as good with thinking of stuff to say as you, but I feel sogood inside when I'm with you. You're the one babe. You're the onlyone. Someday you're going to be my wife and people won't be able tothink of me without also thinking of you. " She smiled and kissedhim. That was the perfect thing she wanted to hear after she losther virginity.

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   "You're excused from your duties for the day becauseyou're just so awesome," he added. "Thank you Master. It's nice toknow that I can look at you and say, 'that's my man. '" "Even thoughwe say that the dominant takes a submissive, I know you took me whenyou submitted to me. Thank you for making me feel so lucky. " Ayahugged him tight and started crying. "Master, may your comfortholehave the honor of your company the rest of the day?" "Comforthole,my greatest pleasure is your hand," he said, tucking his righthandin his.

"Are you sore babe?" he wondered. "Yes Master, a little. " "Tomorrow,I have an appointment at Mistress McMullen's shop for yourmaintenance. Before we leave for it, comforthole will report on herhealth. " "Yes Master. Thank you Master. "

Ethan's mom then came into his room and saw the bloodstain on thesheets. She sat down on the bed next to them as Aya greeted her.

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  Mrs. , Perlis stroked Aya's head. "Aya, we're so lucky  to have youas a part of our family now. If you have any irregular discharges,report it immediately to Master Ethan, okay honey?" "Yes Ma'am. Thank you for your concern. " "She's a beautiful, lively girl Ethan. You better not chase her off," Mrs. Perlis warned, half in jest. "I'll kill myself if I do that, mom. "  She kissed him on theforehead, embarrassing him. Aya giggled.

Yoriko, who had gone back to college in the fall, was back on theblock for the Christmas holidays, as was her Master Donny. At a NewYear's Eve Party at her parents' house, her father quieted therevelers. Everybody sat on the floor in two neat rows. They had allbeen tipped off abut what was about to occur.

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   Yoriko,who, of course, was naked, was called up to the front of theassembled partiers and told  to kneel. Her heart was beating a milea minute as Donny came up the aisle. He collared her and then theclock struck midnight while everyone kissed and hugged her as shewas now officially a permanently owned slave. Donny, who studied tobe a chemical engineer, and Yoriko bothfinished their educations and then got married that September. Ninemonths later, she was a mom, but now living in a different town incloser proximity to Donny's job. Donny promised that he would movehis new family back into the neighborhood once they could afford itbecause that is where both he and Yoriko both actually wanted to reside.

During the weekend of the second week of January, the Maceros finallymoved into their house on South Stingray Circle, the street adjacent toSouth Bluefin Circle. During the welcoming party, which was held at theStevenson residence, 14 about to be 15 year old Matt was introduced toShiho Eklund, who had turned 15 that past December. Matt was immediatelyknocked for six by Shiho's looks and her fundamental agreeableness andshe was taken by his warm, optimistic  personality that seemed to have asexy stern side to it plus his cute sense of humor. They began to hangout together a lot and, ten days later, they were a couple. Haruko,Robbie and Rie were ecstatic that their beloved sister had finally foundsomeone. He had also ended up in two of Shiho's classes during thespring semester, which made school more fun for them.

Steven turned 18  that month and now his parents would allow him tospend the night and weekends at Haruko's. He also no longer had acurfew. Moreover, the pair were able to get four of their classestogether for the spring semester so she could not only keep an eye onhis behavior, but take advantage of his intellectual brilliance, too.

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  The Eklund family began treating him as a real girl because Haruko askedthem to. So he received more women's clothes, including lingerie, fromhis Mistress, her sisters and their mother on the day he became a legaladult. Haruko then took him into her bedroom and fucked him in the asswith her strap on while calling him "my birthday slut. " She took him theday after that to have his body hair waxed off, which was painful, buthe wouldn't have to shave it for months at a time. He was the happiesthe had ever been in his life under Haruko's strong, loving hand. Harukoforbade him from adopting women's speaking habits and hand movementsbecause they might be too hard to shake when he interacted in regularsociety and that would make it harder for him in homophobic Americasince people would think he was gay. "In public, just be a regular guy. In my control, though, you're my cute little sissy slave," she said tohim. "Yes Mistress. Thank you Mistress. "
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