The South Marlin Circle Bondage Club Chapter 28


Steven sat down to dinner with Haruko's family. He had learned toslow himself down when he ate, but his use of chopsticks in aladylike way still left a lot to be desired. He could at least situp straight while he ate as long as he only had to do it for about20 minutes. "Smile and be more flirty, Steven," Rie pointed out. "The expression on your face is too serious. " "The problem, sweety,"Erik said, "is that women come to the dinner table to socialize. Mendo it to get a job done. " "You guys have to learn to have more funat dinner," Shiho bubbled. "Try to see it as a way to share not justfood, but yourself, too," she added.

After they finished, Steven and Haruko went back to her bedroom andshe had him do some exercises to stretch his back out. She then hadhim walk around the house so that he could work on doing it whilekeeping his back straight. "You really look nice when you walktall," she complimented. "Too bad you don't have much of a butt,"she giggled. "Mistress, are you sure we're going to be okay at thezoo? Aside from the embarrassment, I'm afraid we might run into somebelligerence there. " "Don't worry. Me, Shiho and Rie will be there,too, so we'll just kill anyone who gives you any problems," shepromised.


   "Great," he thought to himself. I have to be protected bymy GIRLFRIEND. "

That Saturday, Steven felt nauseous as soon as he woke up. As hewent to make himself up, he wondered how Haruko would make himdress. He didn't have to wait too long to find out. She arose about15 minutes later while he was still in the bathroom. First, she hadhim put on white silk panties and a bra. Then she handed him a lightblue t-shirt with a teddy bear on it and then a knee length jeanskirt, which she then finished off with white ankle socks and tennisshoes. "You're going to need a purse, too," she stated, handing hima little brown leather one she never used. He put his wallet,makeup, lipstick, tissues and cellphone in it and Haruko had himwalk around the house to see how he would look. "Daddy, tell thetruth: if you saw Stephanie walking around would you ask her out?"Rie giggled. Erik laughed. "The problem honey is that I know he's aboy and so my eyes go right to his biceps and his hands. Plus hisfeet are a little big," he noted. "Gee thanks, Erik," Steven thoughtsarcastically to himself.

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When the family got into their SUV, Steven felt like he was walkingdown those last yards to the death chamber. His stomach churned andhe prayed for an egregious traffic jam. When they entered the SanDiego city limits a little over an hour later, he felt a littleflushed due to the embarrassment. His heart was flipping andflopping in his chest. As they pulled into the zoo parking lot,Steven wanted to go bury himself in a hole. "Here Stephanie, let mecheck your makeup," Haruko said. She was happy with it and so thedoors opened and Steven stepped out. "Stand up straight Stephanie,"Haruko reminded him. "Yes Mistress," he obeyed. "Listen son, ifyou're going to go down in flames you might as well do it big. If itbecomes a big problem, I've brought a change of clothes for you. "Thanks Master Erik. " "Okay kids, let's go," Erik encouraged andthey headed to the gate.

As they leisurely strolled about the various animal exhibits, peoplescarcely noticed him. But as the day wore on, he began to notice menstaring at him.

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   "Do they think I'm hot or do they want to kick myass?" he wondered. His nervousness, fortunately, didn't hinder hisability to talk in a woman's voice. At lunchtime, the family satdown at adjoining tables and Haruko had Steven go fetch what she,he, Robbie and Shiho wanted to eat. Behind him was a tall fairlyaverage looking guy. "Hey, you're cute!" the guy said. "Do you livearound here?" "Oh Christ, he's fucking flirting with me!" Stevensmiled as best he could and said he didn't, that he was just herewith his family, which slowed the guy's roll considerably. It wasalso now her turn to order from the concession stand. They man atthe counter was staring at him. "Jeez, does he know and is laughinginside or does he want to fuck me?" he questioned internally. He gotthe food, said thank you and took it over to his table.

:"Hey you guys, a dude actually flirted with me!" he laughed. Theothers cracked up and Shiho leaned over to the other table to tellher remaining family members, who also got a good chuckle out of it. "Stephanie, the pitch of your voice drops when you laugh. You needto work on that," she informed him. "Thank you Haruko.



The biggest test came, though, when he needed to use the bathroom. "I'll go with her," Haruko said and they went into the women'sbathroom. Steven was surprised at how messy it was. Not as bad asthe men's bathrooms usually are, but nonetheless worse than what hehad conceived women's toilets as being. Haruko whispered to him thathe was going to sit down to piss because otherwise if people saw twolegs facing the john they would wonder what the hell was going on. Haruko redid her lipstick in a mirror while Steven did hisbusiness. . He pulled his panties back up, lowered his skirt, washedhis hands and he was good to go and they hurried out.

When he discussed how messy the women's head was, Maki rejoindered,"American girls these days are such a bunch of pigs," she spat. "Youwould never see anything like that in Japan," she claimed. "It wouldseem so," Steven agreed. "I don't understand it," Rie analyzed. "Hygiene is a huge issue for us because we have more places germscan get into. Plus it just isn't very nice to be a girl and a slob. It makes your family look bad.

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They continued rambling around to the various exhibits and Stevenfound himself relaxing more, even with Haruko's occasional remindersto stand up straight. "Hey you guys, I know a good restaurant inthis area. You want to go there rather than getting fast food lateron?" Erik asked. Haruko smiled devilishly while Steven's heart sanksince he had previously thought that his ordeal was just about over. Maki, of course, knew which restaurant he was talking about andindicated she wanted to go, which pretty much sealed the decision. Approximately 20 minutes later, they pulled up to the eatery, whichwas actually a steakhouse. They went in and had to await amid amilling gaggle of customers. A couple of guys stared at him, butotherwise nobody said anything before the Eklunds and Steven wereshown to their table. "Sit up straight Stephanie," Haruko barkedagain. They ate then loaded back into the car. "So how do you feelright now Stephanie?" Haruko inquired. "Relieved Mistress. This wasdefinitely the most unique experience of my life," he revealed,chuckling. "Did it turn you on?" "The idea of doing this is a turnon Mistress, but actually having to do it is nerve wracking andstressful. " "I saw a few guys staring at you, Stephanie.

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  ," Shihosaid. "Yeah, so did I. But it more scared me than turned me on,although the one guy who made a pass at me, that was pretty funny. Who knows though, he might have a tranny fetish. " Everybody laughed. "That's a cute outfit for you, Stephanie," Rie propounded. "Thankyou Rie. I think so, too," Steven admitted. "So you really likedressing like a girl, don't you?" Haruko interrogated. "YesMistress. " "Why?" "Because dresses are really comfortable. You canget a little bit of a breeze up there on a hot day. " "Yes, that'strue," Haruko agreed. " "But you also get guys trying to look upthere. "

"How did I do walking, sitting and eating today?" Steven wanted toknow.

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   "You did okay under the circumstances. You're eating slowerand in smaller bites and taking more time. But you still have workto do," Haruko evaluated. "Haruko, we need to get him some boobs,too," Shiho asserted. "Stephanie, tonight, we'll go online and seeif we can find you some fake boobs," Haruko giggled. "We need togive you more of a figure. " "Thank you Mistress. "

When they got home, Steven asked for permission to take a shower andHaruko granted it. However,  he had to wear panties and a bra whenhe exited the bathroom. He fell into bed and let out a long sigh ofrelief while Haruko went to take her shower. He couldn't believethat he had spent the whole day out in public dressed as a womanwithout getting his ass kicked or people laughing at him. WhenHaruko came back into the bedroom and unwrapped the towel she hadhidden her body in, Steven asked her to remain naked and sit downwith him. Haruko smiled and acceeded to his request. He wrapped hisleft arm around her and smiled. She smiled back and they begankissing.

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   He looked at her silently while stroking her left cheekwith his righthand. An obvious bulge formed in his panties. "Mistress, do you think my appearance as a woman was convincing?""It may have been more convincing for some people than others,Stephanie, but nobody screamed when you went into the women's bathroom, so maybe it was. I thought you looked adorable myself. Butlike daddy said, you still have those man hands and the obvious malebiceps. There's nothing that can be done about that. Do you want mento be turned on by you when you go out as a female?" "I have toadmit, Mistress, that part of me wants that for the lulz. But otherguys who approach me may suss out that I'm actually male and theywould get so furious they would beat me up or worse. " "What if areally hot guy hit on you and asked you to suck his cock?" "Iwouldn't do it unless you ordered me to do it Mistress. " "Why not?""Because my body belongs to you, not me. " "Good answer, Stephanie. But if I told you to let a guy fuck you would you do it?" "If hewasn't too gross I would, but only as long as he used a condom. ""What kind of guy would you want me to have fuck you?" "Mistress, ifyou feel you want to watch a guy fuck me, I would prefer a guy whoisn't very hairy and who doesn't have facial hair or tattoos and itwould be great if his cock and balls were shaved. " "Would you wantto be fucked by a young guy or older guy?" "The age doesn't matteras long as he was decent looking to me. " "It's too bad I don't knowany gay or bi guys who i can trust to have fuck you, Stephanie.

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   Thefeel of a penis inside you is wonderful. "

"Mistress, you're my dominant, but how do you feel when we have sex?It seems that women are mostly physically built for submission. Theonly time that isn't true is when you're on top, but that's aboutit. " "You know what Stephanie? I don't think about that. You tore meup pretty good the other day when you did me doggy and thenmissionary style, but I was more concerned about enjoying myself andtaking that beautiful big cock you have between your legs thandetermining, 'well, should I use this position because it's moredominant and forego this other position because it requires me to beunder the guy?' and all that crap. Besides, I like the feel of yourweight on me and it's hot when you display how much more powerfulthe male body is than the female one. I guess I'm not as dominant assome other girls, but I have to do what's right for me. Besides,you're very obedient and so I don't have to use denial as a tool toget you to do things for me. Now if you become more defiant thenyes, I will pull the denial card out of the deck. Also, I love sexand I think it deepens our intimacy when you cum inside me, so I'mnot going to deny myself by denying you for long periods of time. Plus, I love you. " "I love you, too, Mistress. I hope that when yousee that engagement ring on your finger everyday you comprehend howmuch love I was feeling for you when I bought it. It makes me sohappy to see you glad to wear it in front of everybody every day. It's really validating.


  " "I'm glad you feel that way, Stephanie. Tobe honest, to me, it's not just a symbol of your love for me, but ittells me that I have someone I can depend on and who will always bethere backing me up. That's really comforting and that I get to doit at such an early age just makes me want to pinch myself. "

Steven scooted himself to the head of the bed and laid his head onthe pillow. "Mistress, may I please have the honor of your head onmy shoulder?" "Yes you may, Stephanie. " "I love holding my Mistressand showing how much I love her. I hope my shoulder is ascomfortable for you as it is fun for me to cuddle you. " "Steven,what planet are you from? I wish there were more guys like you. ""Thank you Mistress. "

When they woke up in the morning, Haruko released Steven from hisduties for the day and let him dress however he wanted. He used someof that time to play guitar, though nonetheless still in panties anda bra, while Haruko opened her laptop and ordered a couple of thingsoff the internet for him. "You really like those panties, huh babe?""Yeah. I'm so used to them that it feels weird now when I'm notwearing them. " "Wow, I've really trained you well," she giggled. "Iguess you have!" he laughed.


   "Hey sweety, can you play that song youdedicated to me when you did that little concert?" "Sure babe. Idon't know if I can remember all the words now, but here goes," andhe went into Jim Croce's "Time in a Bottle. " "Thanks Steven. That'sreally sweet. " "Anytime my beautiful Mistress. "

A little later, as more of the sun shone through the curtains in theroom, she asked Steven to stand for inspection. She looked him over. "Hmmm, some of that body hair is beginning to grow back. We'll haveto go to Ms. McMullen's this coming Saturday. " "Yes Mistress. "Haruko called to make an appointment. "Mistress, I'm going running. You want to come?" "No thanks honey. I'm feeling lazy today.


  " "Okay. I'll be back in while. " When he came back, he tossed his runningshorts, socks and shirt into the laundry hamper. "Hey honey, whenyou come out of the shower, stand for inspection for me, okay?" "Yougot it my goddess. " Thank you sweety!"

About 25 minutes later, he came back  into the room, chucked histowel into the hamper and stood at attention. Haruko got up out ofthe bed and looked him over. Then she hugged him and sniffed hisfreshly washed body. "God, you smell so good. I know you like how Ismell after I've showered, but I like your scent, too," she praised. He hugged her tight and kissed her. "You so rock Mistress. " Shegiggled and then put her hand over his mouth. His cock hardenedinstantly. She dropped to her knees and engulfed his unit with hermouth, tasting his freshly cleaned dick as her lips slid up and downthe whole of his shaft, enjoying the lightly soapy aroma emanatingfrom his body and the saltiness of his precum, gradually pushing himhigher and higher up the mountain of pleasure before he released hisburden into her piehole, which she swallowed, before she stood upand kissed him. "God Mistress, that was sensational!" "Just likeyou!" she grinned.

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He pushed her down and slipped her pants and panties off and knelton the floor. He pulled her pussy up to the edge of the bed and tookin the taste of her sex, lightly running his finger on the rims ofboth of her labia while he slammed his tongue into the hood of herclit, her faintly musky odor inspiring his animalistic imperatives,his tongue slurping her juices and sucking her love nubbin withearnest intent in order to drive her ardor higher and faster than aSaturn rocket until the cork on her champagne bottle of pleasurerocketed across the room, rebounded back in the bottle then blew offagain and again and again, unable to contain the effervescence ofthe sensations he imposed on her. "Oh shit Steven, God," she said,unable to form a cogent thought due to the stream of orgasms thathad flooded her brain with endorphins, putting her in a kind ofstupor. He plopped himself at the head of the bed and pulled her tohim, his eyes sopping up the beauty of her face, body and legs likea biscuit soaks up gravy. They stared into each others eyes for acouple of minutes. "Sorry Haruko, but your beauty does to my brainwhat kryptonite does to Superman, so that's why I can't think ofanything to say. . " She laughed at that bit of flattery. "So thatexplains why so many boys impress me as drooling dumbasses," shegiggled. "Yep, you're fault. A man's failures are always the woman'sfault," he joked. "I should get my paddle out for that remark," shelaughed. "At this point, Haruko, the intervention your looks did onmy brain means I can't even spell 'paddle'" right now. "

"By the way, Steven, aren't you going to be class valedictorian?""Yeah, I was, until principal Ellsworth saw the speech he thought Iwanted to give. I actually didn't want to go up there and act like Iwas some big deal douchebag, so I wrote this rant that started witha quote from Johnny Rotten: 'you ever feel like you've beencheated?' and it went pretty much downhill from there so that hewould have an excuse to not pressure me to do it.

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   I mean, come on,writing a valedictory that opens with a Sex Pistols quote; whatcould possibly go wrong?" he chuckled. "So they gave it to SusieKim. She earned it, so I don't begrudge her getting it. I'm not evengoing to go to my graduation anyway. It's not like anyone actuallywants me there, anyway. " "But other people from the neighborhood aregoing to their's. " "That's not really my problem, Haruko. Sorry. ""What do your parents think?" "They're resigned to me doing what Iwant to do. My dad knows how I feel about the herd animals that willcomprise the greater part of the graduating class, dumb bastardsallowing themselves to be suckered into their own extinction. ""Steven, do me a favor: don't turn into a bitter old man, okay?""Don't worry Haruko. As long as I wake up next to you every morningI'll be one happy dude. " "That's good sweety. Because I really lovethe guy you are now. "

When Monday came, it signaled that there was only just a touch overa month left in the school schedule.


   For Steven, he was glad theordeal was finally going to be over with and looked forward to beingamong his fellow nerds at Cal Tech while continuing his relationshipwith Haruko. For her, though, she was going to hate not being ableto see him during the day and it was going to be at least anothereight years before he finished his Phd and it was more likely to beten. On the way to school, she put her arm on his his hip and leanedher head on his shoulder as they walked to school. He could see thatshe was troubled by something. "What's wrong, baby," he asked. "I'mjust feeling a littler wistful because I won't be able to do this withyou in the fall," she disclosed. "We have our whole lives still in frontof us, Haruko. Please don't be sad. ".
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