
The South Marlin Circle Bondage Club Chapter 29


Saturday, there was a package dropped off at the Eklund residence. Makipicked it up and brought it to her daughter. Steven was sitting onher bed wearing his white sun dress outfit. "Stephanie, today youtake another step in your growth toward womanhood," she smirked. "Take your clothes off," she commanded. "Yes Mistress. " Haruko went outto the kitchen to get a knife with which to open the box. Once shesliced it open, she returned to her bedroom with it as Steven satdemurely on the bed starkers. "Stand for inspection," Haruko directed. He stood at attention and she pulled out a pair of silicone fake, butyet realistic appearing, C cup boobs. She then produced a tube ofmedical adhesive and carefully affixed one of the fake tits to hisbreast. She did the same to the other side. "Oh my, it looks likeyour breasts have come in, Stephanie!" she cackled. "Now don't movefor a few minutes. " Stephanie could feel the weight, which was about1. 5 pounds, on his body.

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   It made him hard as he looked down on thejutting, slightly pendulous artificial knockers. They matched hisskin tone perfectly and had nice little nipples on them. Harukoreturned with Maki in tow. "Sugoi (oh my God, that's freaky)!" Makiremarked. "So what do you think mom?" Haruko asked her in english. "They look cute on her!" Maki enthused. "Now she can have somethingresembling a real figure!" Haruko pulled out a thong that wasactually a molded fake hairless vagina and explained how he shouldput it on, tucking his penis into a slot underneath the top sheathso that a kind of mons is created and gives the illusion of aflattened pubic region. Not only that, but he could piss with it on aslong as he sat down like a girl. The vagina could be penetrated, butfor all practical purposes, wasn't all that useful if some guywanted to fuck "Stephanie. " Haruko went to her dresser and pulled out apair of little shorts, a new, larger bra and a belly shirt. Stevenput the bra on, though with a little difficulty since he had beenpreviously used to not much being on his chest, and then the shortsand the t-shirt. Maki and Haruko both giggled. "Kawaii (she's socute!)!"

"Okay Stephanie, go look at yourself in the mirror," Harukosuggested. As Steven walked to the bathroom, he could feel the breastsjiggling slightly. What he saw in the mirror amazed him.

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   Now helooked like a real female except for his Adam's apple and relatively large arms andfeet. He was really turned on by this. Haruko walked into thebathroom. "So what do you think?" "Oh my God, Mistress, I lookamazing!" "Now you can take the vagina off if you need to, but justremember to always sit down when you use a woman's restroom. Infact, from now on you will always sit down to do it, including here. The exception, of course, is when you are out as a boy. " "YesMistress. " "Also, you will need to clean it everyday. The adhesivefor the breasts will hold for three days and you will need to cleanthe breasts before reapplying it. During the summer, youwill be wearing breasts full time. " "Yes Mistress. Thank youMistress. "So are you happy?" "Yes Mistress. I'm thrilled!" "I'mglad, sweety. " Haruko groped his new hooters from behind.

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   "Thatfeels pretty close to natural to me," she said. She turned himaround to face her and then she pulled his shirt up and groped himagain over his bra. "Can you feel it when I do that?" "A little bit Mistress,but not like you would if I did that to you, I'm sure. " Haruko thenpopped his bra and fondled the gazongas once more. "How did thatfeel?" "A little more noticeable, Mistress. " "Do you get turned on when I dothat?" "Not from the touching of the breast itself Mistress, but perhaps Imight at the visual. I guess it would depend on the atmosphere andthe guy. ," Haruko tried sucking on the nipples. "Ugh, you cantotally taste the silicone," Haruko reacted. Steven laughed. He puthis bra back on and then pulled his shirt down.

'So do you want to go out with your new body?" she grinned. "Yes and no,Mistress. " "Show me your clit," she ordered. He pulled his dress up.

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  His penis was totally hidden by the vagina thong, which had a cutelittle slit molded into it. Haruko giggled. She could tell, though, thathe was hard. "So are you leaking precum into the pouch that holds yourclit Stephanie?" "Yes Mistress. "

Well, it's getting time to take you to Ms. McMullen's. We'll have totake your breasts and vagina off so she can have the waxing done. Goahead and dress as a boy and we'll go. " With that, Haruko showed Stevenhow to remove the breasts with a solvent before he put on a t-shirt,jeans and shoes and socks.

When they got home after what hair he had on his body had been strippedoff by the waxing, Haruko had him don the sun dress outfit along withthe breasts and the prosthetic vagina as well as a pair of whitesandals. She had him practice sitting like a female, both in a chair andon the floor. He went past the 30 minute mark for both with no problem. "Did that hurt at all Stephanie? And tell me the truth or I'll punishyou. " "No Mistress. I think my body is finally used to it.

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  " "Good girl,Stephanie. You're becoming quite a nice young lady," Haruko smirked. "Thank you Mistress. "

At dinner, she still couldn't cut meat with her chopsticks, but she wasshowing incremental improvements now that he was able to remain sittingup straight in his chair. After they finished eating, Haruko,accompanied by Robbie and Rie, decided to take him out to a shoppingmall two cities over. The mall had already closed, so they had himpractice walking around it with his back straight. "What do you thinkRobbie?" Haruko asked. "Well, she's a little too old for me, but in thislight Stephanie looks pretty cute," he revealed. "Thank you sweety,"Steven said in his female voice. Rie saw a cop car entering the mall, sothe four of them left.

"Let's see, where to go next?" Haruko pondered. "Hey Haruko, there's abookstore not very far from here," Rie mentioned. "Great idea, Rie!Stephanie loves bookstores. Did you bring any money with you, Stephaniebecause you're not gonna be able to use your credit card. " "I only haveabout ten bucks on me right now Mistress.

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  " "Okay, let's stop at an ATM,"she told Steven, who was driving. There was a bank across the streetfrom the mall, so they stopped there. There were a couple people in lineahead of Steven after he got out of his car. Neither of them seemed tonotice anything amiss or didn't care. By the time he got up to thekiosk, though, a couple of guys were behind him. After he got his money,the one guy remarked, "hey, you're really cute. " "Thank you," Stevensmiled. "I'm Chuck," he said, sticking his hand out. Steven gave him adead fish handshake. Steven was mortified that the guy might notice hisobvious man hands, but the prospective suitor  was too busy looking athis silicone enhanced chest. "I'm Stephanie," Steven told him. "So areyou from around here?" he wanted to know. "No, I live in HuntingtonBeach," Steven lied. "Can I have your phone number?" the guy asked. "It's 555-1212," Steven intoned, hoping that the dude wouldn't know thenumber for time.

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   He didn't and Steven was laughing his ass off inside. "Hey Stephanie, you slut, do you have to flirt with every guy you see?"Haruko shouted. "Sorry, my friends are waiting, so I have to go, bye!"he tried to wave in a girlish manner and climbed back into his car. Theywere all howling at what just transpired as they headed to thebookstore.

In the parking lot of the store, Haruko warned him, "look Stephanie, Iknow you go through bookstores like you were part of a Viking invasion,but your going to have to be more mellow when you're dressed as a girl. And keep your back straight!" Haruko urged. Rie was giggling and Robbiehad a shit eating grin on his face as they went through the front doorof the bookstore. Steven made a beeline for the science section. "Cool,the new biography of Newton is out!" he whispered to himself, snatchingit off the shelf. "Walk slower," Rie warned quietly. From behind them,Steven heard, "wow, look at those blondes! And the brunette isn't bad,either!" Steven smiled and relayed to Haruko and Rie what his ears hadperceived and they giggled conspiratorially.

As he got into line to pay for the seven books he wanted, Stevenfidgeted because the lighting in that part of the store was quite brightand he was afraid it would expose him through his makeup. The femaleclerk, though, greeted him brightly, rang him up, bagged his books andsent him on his way. with the other three trailing behind him. " "LookRie, Stephanie is swaggering a little bit!" Haruko giggled.

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   "Yeah, she'sreally getting comfortable going out dressed up, isn't she?" Rie saidrhetorically.

So the following day after they left Mrs. Westfield's, they dressed himin a little gray skirt that was an inch above his knees, a blue blouse,ankle socks and tennis shoes and took him to the Fashion Oasis mall thatwas 30 minutes away from Haruko's home. They spent a couple of hoursshopping and Haruko bought him some lingerie. "You're going to bed tolook good enough to fuck now Stephanie instead of just wearing pantiesor nothing," Haruko directed. "Yes Mistress. " As they were leaving themall, though, an obvious crossdresser approached them. "Hi, he said. "That is the best example of crossdressing I've ever seen, he saidquietly. "Thanks me lady," Steven said in his female voice. "Oh my God,how do you do that voice? Is that your natural voice?" "No, it isn't,"Steven said in his actual voice. "Can you teach me how to do that?""Sure! Come out to our car and I'll tell you how to do it," he offered. "Thank you sis!" the guy said. "No problem sweety," Steven replied,going back to his female voice. They went out to his car and he lecturedthe man on how to use his voice and gave him some exercises to do.

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   "Itwill take you a few days to tune your voice. Just don't force it or youcan really mess your vocal cords up," he went on. Haruko looked the guyover and asked him some questions about how he tried to feminize hisface and body. It was a couple of transvestites talking shop and Haruko,Robbie and Rie were giggling at how surreal it all was. Harukosuggested a change of hairstyle to frame his face differently and to tryusing what Steven was for breasts. "You guys are so cool. Thanks foreverything," the crossdresser said, who added, "my wife is waiting forme, so catch ya later. "

Once the guy was out of earshot, Robbie started laughing loudly. "Oh myGod, it was so obvious! How can he go out in public looking like that?"he asked. "Yeah, Robbie, but he spotted Stephanie's arms and handsrightaway, so Stephanie's probably not much better. " Steven was prettylanky after all the running and exercises had toned his body, but hisbiceps were the dead giveaway, like it often is for crossdressers. Plusthe Adam's apple. There was nothing he could do about it because heneeded to remain male for part of his life, especially the haf thatinvolved screwing Haruko.

They went home and recounted the little adventure to Maki and Erik. Haruko then ordered Steven to do the laundry and make dinner.

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   The mealwas judged to be "pretty good," but not great. "Well, at least I'm notpoisoning them," Steven snarked to himself. After he did the dishes. Haruko told him to take a shower with the silicone boobs, had him cleanthe prosthetic pussy and ensure that his ass was spotless, too. He stoodfor inspection when he returned to Haruko's bedroom. She went over hisbody inch by inch as he stood silently. "Okay sweety, you need to domore exfoliation. I'll show you tomorrow night," she promised.

"Are you reaching a point now where you want to be out 24/7 as a woman?"Haruko interrogated. "Yes Mistress. I still like being reallyaggressive for the male part of my life, but when I change  into thefeminine clothes I get a kind of peace from that. " "Why do you thinkthat is, Stephanie?" "I thought about that, Mistress and what I'veconcluded is that it is freeing to get outside of myself. Men areexpected to be a certain way all the time and being able to throw offthat behavioral uniform every now and then and freelance makes life seemmore three dimensional to me. " "But yet, I've impressed expectations onyour behavior. Do you find that confining?" "I do and I don't,Mistress.


   It's a different way of doing things. People sometimes wonderwhere I get my idea because they seem out of leftfield, so doingsomething different from the typical man thing can add to that byimbuing my thoughts and instincts with a little more flexibility. "

Haruko handed him a light blue lace teddy and showed him how to put iton. Then the panties and thigh high stockings. "How does this make youfeel, Stephanie?" "Really excited, Mistress, to be honest. "So do youthink, if you were a guy who saw someone who looked like you you wouldwant to fuck them?" "I don't know about that, Mistress. " Haruko fetchedthe rest of her family. Maki giggled while Robbie went, "whoa. " Ken, theten year old, laughed. "So what do you think of Stephanie?" Harukoasked Erik. "Well, the outfit is hot. I wish her arms, hands and feetwere a little smaller or thinner. But I'm also used to looking at Makidressed in this stuff. " "I think he looks cute, Haruko," Rie said. Therewas a knock at the door.

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   It was Brandon for Rie. "Master Brandon, canyou come here for a minute?" Haruko asked. "Hi Mistress  Haruko. Oh, hiStephanie," Brandon blurted as he suddenly caught a glimpse of Steven inthe lingerie. "So Master Brandon, would you like to fuck Stephanie?""You mean if I wasn't already with Rie?" "Yeah, if you can imagineStephanie having real boobs and a vagina," Haruko added. "Yeah, if I wasa little drunk I probably would. " "Okay, thanks Master Brandon. ""You're welcome Mistress Haruko. "

Brandon then took Rie into her bedroom, hogtied her and skullfucked her, blowing his load all over her face and then leaving.

"Daddy, can you please tie Stephanie up for me since I don't know howto?" Haruko requested. Erik facepalmed. "Damn it Haruko, I'm sorry.   Ikept meaning to teach you but I forgot. So how about we begin now?""Yay! Thank you daddy!" Erik retrieved several lengths of rope andstepped up in front of Steven. "Okay Stephanie, put your hands behindyour back so I can show your Mistress how to do a hand tie," Erikcommanded.

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   "Yes Master Erik," Steven answered and followed thedirection. "Now look princess, you want to make it snug, but not sotight that you cut circulation off. This makes the tie look clean andgives a nice contrast with the skin. After Erik finished, he had Harukolook at it. Erik untied it and had Haruko try it. Erik helped her thoughit and then had her do it a couple more times.

"Okay honey, now that his hands are bound, we'll do her ankles andconnect that tie to the hand binding. " "God, Stephanie, these stockingsreally give your legs a nice shape, but your feet are pretty big," Erikobserved as he finished the ankle tie. "Okay Haruko, you give it a shot,now. Untie it slowly, look at the component parts and then try toreplicate what I did. " They spent the next few minutes to have Harukoget the ankle tie right. Then Erik demonstrated how to connect the twoties to immobilize Steven completely. "I'd like to learn to do this,too," Steven said. "Sorry son, but subbies aren't allowed to restrainothers or perform other dominant functions on them," Erik told him. "Sorry Master Erik.

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  " "That's okay Stephanie. You haven't grown up inthis community like many of us have. "

"Okay Haruko, untie his hands and disconnect the hand tie from the ankletie and move his hands to the front and connect that to the ankle tie. Haruko did it perfectly. "Excellent princess!" "Thank you daddy!""You're welcome sweetheart. Tomorrow, I'll show you how to hogtie herand do a nice little breast harness. " "Haruko kissed her dad and thefamily left Haruko and Steven to their own devices. "So how do you feelimmobilized like this?" "Getting kinda high off of it Mistress. " "GreatStephanie! You're such a good little girl. " "Thank you Mistress. " Erikcame into the room. "Oh, Mistress Haruko, one thing: guys aren't asflexible as women and have larger muscle groups, so sometimes you canactually hurt them easier than you can a woman if you exert too muchtorsion on those big muscle groups. Make sure you keep communicatingwith him when you tie him up. " "Thank you Daddy!" "Anytime honey. "

Haruko began tickling him up his sides and under his arms until he wasbreathless.

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   "You know, Stephanie, I've threatened to paddle you in thepast and never really followed through on it. I think you might need toget a concrete sense of what punishment will be in store if you defyme. " "Yes Mistress. Thank you Mistress. " "What are you thanking me for,Stephanie?" "For providing a reminder to me that will encourage to makesure I am always devoted to you, Mistress. " Good answer Stephanie. "Haruko went to her dresser and pulled out a wooden paddle. She prowledbehind him and pulled his panties down to expose his ass. She drew herarm back and swung it. THWACK!" "Oooh," he jumped a little, but it didn't feel that bad. She wound up and swung as hard as she could, which carried a lot more pain to his ass when the paddle made itsimpact. "Owww!" he yelped. She swung again and again, his ass becomingredder and the stinging sensations amplifying with each successivestrike. Each impression she left on his hind quarters was making his assmore raw and painful. After 40 swats, she was sweating a bit and hisass was on fire.

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   "Mistress, please stop!" he pleaded. She walked aroundin front of him. "Who the fuck are you to tell me what to do Stephanie?"she growled as she grabbed the back of his hair and yanked it downward. "Sorry Mistress!" he apologized. She hammered his ass 20 more times andhis cries of pain got louder with each assault. She then went after theback of his thighs, landing ten hard passes on them. She swung with allher might five more times and he started to cry, which provoked her toslam her whippin' stick five more times off of his flaming red bottom. She was exhausted,  her hand and wrist hurt and she was sweating. Sheput the paddle back in the drawer and then walked in front of him, wherehe was weeping and tears were streaming down his face. "So are yougoing to be a good little girl?" she interrogated while panting inexhaustion. "Yes Mistress," he sniffled. "You better," she retortedmalevolently.

Haruko untied him and told him to stand there. She went to therefrigerator and grabbed a paper towel, which she then wrapped aroundsome ice cubes before wetting it. She had him lie on the bed on hisstomach and ran the ice cube filled paper wad over his ass to reduce thewelts that were on it.

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   After she did that for a few minutes and thepaper towel was beginning to shred, she chucked the whole mess into thekitchen sink, wrung it out and tossed it in the garbage. She climbedback in bed, sat with her legs crossed, put a pillow on them and toldher to lay her head on it. "So sweety, this has been a pretty big dayfor you. How do you feel?" "Mistress. my butt is really sore, but thishas been an amazing day. I've felt a lot of different emotions andsensations and being tied up was a new experience. I also haven't beenspanked since I was maybe seven or eight, but never paddled. So that wasinteresting. The paddling, too, also deepened my sense of submission toyou. " "Are you glad I did it?" "Do you mean the paddling Mistress?'"Yes. While I will perhaps be rueing it tomorrow when I have to sit upstraight in school, it was new for me and arguably something I needed. ""I think you really understand me, Stephanie, and that's reallygratifying. " "One little psychological dimension to taking me outdressed up, or "en femme," as some crossdressers have it, is that you'reshowing everyone your dominion over me, but in an undercover way. Ifind that part of it fascinating and cool. " Haruko laughed.

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   "I don'tknow that I could have conceptualized it like that, Stephanie, but youread that side of our relationship pretty well, I think," she said, asshe stroked his head.

"Stephanie, can I ask you something a little delicate?" "Of courseMistress. If you need to know it for your own sense of comfort then ofcourse you should ask it. " "Look, let me be honest, Stephanie: I knowthat intellectually, you and I exist in different universes. I think I'ma pretty intelligent person, but how do you deal with someone who isabout 50 IQ points beneath you?" "Mistress, as people, we have to likeeach other first. There are a lot of gifted people out there who areoutright douchebags or Aspberger's cases. Mistress is a fundamentallygood, loving person and so that is why I feel comfortable submitting toyou. Plus there are all kinds of intelligence out there. The moment webecome competitive or overly mindful of or over numbers or grades orwhatever is the moment we lose sight of the humanity that binds ustogether. So while I have some pretty complex ideas sometimes, thesimpler we keep our relationship the better. Not everything has to be anartistic or social statement. "

"That was an amazing and beautiful thought, Stephanie. When I talk toyou, even though I'm only 17, I feel like I'm being pushed faster intomaturity when I'm with you. With other boys my age, there is no way inhell I would feel like that. I like the way you challenge me with yourbrilliance.

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  " "Thank you Mistress. That sounded all the notes I needed tohear to feel validated. " Haruko smiled and looked down on her slave asshe stroked his head. "So what you're saying is that my opinion of youis very important to you. " "Yes Mistress. I live to please you and makeyou happy. " "I keep saying it, Stephanie, but you're a good girl. ""Thank you Mistress. "
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If you want to find the right hooker in Thessaloniki, you should do your study and choose a service or place that people trust. Always be kind and polite to the workers, and make sure to talk about prices and services before doing anything.Of course, there are several options for having oral sex with an escort female in Thessaloniki. Some guys prefer to receive, while others want to give. And there are plenty of women who are quite content to engage in both, making for an extremely pleasurable and rewarding encounter.
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Get the facts about oral sex in Thessaloniki from a reliable medical professional by talking to them. Advice on how to have a safe and enjoyable oral sex experience and information on the potential risks involved may be provided. Oral sex techniques, postures, and language are all topics covered by a number of informative websites on the web.Do your study before picking an escort service in Thessaloniki. Look for companies that have a good name and a history of giving good services. You should also think about the services they offer, how much they cost, and when they are open.

Thessaloniki escort - https://dubaiescortsbaby.com/escorts-from/thessaloniki/
Thessaloniki's independent escorts are also highly professional and treat their work seriously. They are always punctual, dependable, and committed to giving their customers the finest experience imaginable.Thessaloniki also has a number of high-end brothels and escort services for those searching for something a little more decadent. Private rooms, VIP treatment, and even companions are all available through these facilities. However, the costs associated with these services are typically much higher than what one would pay at a local street vendor or brothel.