Daddy's Girl


So I ended up at home again, I tried to get involved in my daughter's school, but to my surprise I found myself virtually rejected by the mother's that formed the parents association despite all my efforts to help. Despite this I made sure that I took an interest in my daughter's schoolwork and her gay chatter about each day's events. Gradually she grew up, her interests turned to things other than dolls and I found myself having to put my foot down on more than one occasion where boys were concerned. As for me I had no social life outside school functions and events that I attended religiously, naturally as a normal healthy male with normal healthy appetites this was a great frustration and when the frustration grew too much I would use the services of a prostitute. My life had come to a virtual standstill since the death of my wife and had remained that way while my daughter grew up. Now here we were nearly seventeen years later, Jackie had just turned a very beautiful eighteen while I was thirty-seven and feeling every one of my years. Across the room from me Jackie lounged on the couch, her short dress riding up her legs as she smiled cheekily at me, however, she had picked the wrong time to try her cute little tricks with me. This latest trick of hers was her most frustrating, she would wear skimpy clothes that were designed to show off her body while she wheedled me for something and she had a great body to show off, but it was also a major source of frustration and she knew it. It had been added to her arsenal of tricks six months back and had fast become her favourite method of 'persuading' me to let her have her way and it normally worked. But on this day I was not in the mood for her tricks, I was in a foul mood. Not that Jackie was to blame for it, the whole day had contributed in one way or another, but I suppose two things had really made my day for me, first was being turned down for a job by being bluntly told I was too old and second was receiving a phone call from the woman I had been dating, the first woman I had dated in nearly seventeen years, telling me that she thought I was too boring and would not be seeing me again. These rejections on top of a number of small, niggly frustrations had set me to drinking heavily throughout the evening, which had made my mood even worse. Now my daughter was trying to persuade me to let her go to a party being given by a boy that the whole neighbourhood knew was not only a drug dealer, but an addict as well. "C'mon dad," Jackie wheedled in her best little girl voice, "I promise to be a good girl. " "I said no and I mean no. " I snapped.

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   I had to admit that it amazed me that at eighteen my daughter still asked me for permission to go places, even stranger was the fact that she generally acceded to my decision. Mind you she generally managed to get me to agree to what she wanted anyway so I suppose I shouldn't be that surprised really, it was almost a game between us. Only this time I had no time for her games, I felt too frustrated both mentally and physically and was half cut from the scotch I'd drunk. In fact I was still brooding on having been told that I was old and boring and at that moment in time I felt like lashing out at something, anything, to relief my frustration. "Is poor dadums in a bad mood then?" she grinned saucily. "You are not too old for a good spanking, young lady," I replied sharply, "and any more of your cheek you'll get one. " "Ooh daddy," she laughed, "I'm so fwightened. " It was too much for me, this, on top of everything else, made something inside me snap and I pushed myself out of my chair, crossed the room, pulled Jackie to her feet, sat on the couch and pulled her down across my knee. As she fell forward Jackie squealed then wriggled on my legs, I was suddenly very aware of her young boobs rubbing against my thigh then I raised her dress and sucked in a sharp breath. The little minx was not wearing panties; the globes of her bottom and the pouting lips of her pussy lay open to my disbelieving eyes as I raised my hand. Jackie was abruptly still across my legs as I stared at her backside, my hand hovering in mid-air as my anger melted away to be replaced by something even worse, desire. Lowering my hand slowly to her bare bottom I stroked her perfect skin and my desire turned to lust, I was shocked by my actions yet seemed unable to stop myself as I stroked my way to her pussy. As my fingers traced the outline of her pussy lips then rubbed along her slit Jackie began wriggling on me again, I felt ashamed of myself nevertheless I continued to caress her soft, warm, moist pussy. Then I found her clit, with trembling fingers I rubbed the tiny button and heard my daughter sigh, her wriggling stopped and her bottom raised slightly as though to make access easier for me. As I played with my daughter's clit I felt my cock swell to erection, trapped under her body as it was it felt uncomfortable, it was also an unexpected turn on especially when she began to squirm gently on me.

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   Possessed by the demon lust I played with my daughter's clit while my palm pressed along her slit, her juices making my skin slick as I forced them to flow, her squirms became tremors and I moved my fingers to her tight young hole. "Daddy!" Jackie gasped as my fingers slid into her. She began to wriggle again, but her motions only seemed to help my fingers as they thrust into her, her body seemed to rise to meet my every stroke yet I could feel her trying to move away from me, my other hand pressing her down across my legs with greater force. The feel of her pussy gripping my invading fingers and her juices wetting my skin made my excitement grow, I knew what I was doing and that it was wrong, but it was as though I was out of control, the more I did the more I wanted to do and I knew that unless Jackie managed to escape I would take her. Even as I finger-fucked my daughter I felt ashamed of my actions, but my lust, my desire, my hunger seemed to overwhelm me, to drive me on. Again Jackie's body trembled as I forced her to a minor climax, as she gasped and pleaded with me I lifted her to her feet at the same time rising with her, holding her firmly to me to prevent her escaping. Pushing her out to arms length while holding her upper arms in a tight grip I stared at her, with a mind of its own one of my hands grabbed the front of her flimsy dress and tugged sharply and with a harsh ripping sound the material parted to reveal her naked body to my hungry eyes. Under the dress she had been totally naked! "Please Daddy!" she gasped as I threw the tatters of her dress across the room. Her words fell on deaf ears, for a moment I took in the beauty of her lush young body, the swell of her boobs, her hard nipples, and her light bush of pubic hair that could not hide the swell of her pussy lips. Holding her with one hand I struggled with my own clothing, tugging and pushing at it with desperate haste until I was at last as naked as my daughter, then I pushed her to the floor, almost throwing her down. Kneeling beside her I held my daughter's body down with one hand while the fingers of the other invaded her pussy once again, leaning down I kissed her full on the lips, her struggles pressing her lips to mine as though in welcome. Moments later I parted our lips and moved my mouth to one of her nipples and as I sucked the hard bud into my mouth Jackie sobbed, all the while my fingers thrust into her pussy, forcing her body to respond to my lecherous attentions. As I teased her nipple with my mouth and tongue and thrust my fingers into her pussy I stretched my thumb to her clit, rubbing and teasing her tiny button until she gave a cry. My daughter's body shook as I forced her to climax, her voice calling out to me, pleading with me, but I was deaf to her pleas, sickened and excited by what I was doing, unable to control my lust I moved my hand from her pussy, my mouth from her nipple and shifted until I knelt between her legs. Licking my lips I leant forward and thrust my tongue into her hole, her juices filling my mouth with their sweet sticky flavour and my body with an insatiable desire, Jackie writhed as I lapped at her pussy, but my hands held her firmly, too firmly for her to avoid my attentions.

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   Again her body shook and again I moved, this time my mouth settled around her clit, my tongue pressing and circling it as I sucked, I heard her cry out as yet another orgasm was forced upon her, her pussy grinding up to my face as she surged to free herself, her hands tugging at my shoulders in an effort to move me away from her. All to no avail, however, her cries fell on lust- deafened ears, her strength insufficient to affect me other than to increase the shame I felt deep inside me. Moving my mouth back to her hole I lapped and probed at her with my tongue, I savoured the taste of her juices as they flowed from my tongue into my mouth as I drove her to another climax and only then did I kneel up, my eyes gazing at her naked body like a starving man's at a feast. "Daddy please!" Jackie whispered. Her words made me hesitate for a moment, but only for a brief moment, the beast that had woken within me would not let me stop. Sliding forward I probed at her pussy with my cock, my hard shaft sliding along her slit as I tried to gain entry then I felt my knob press to her hole, felt it penetrate a little. As I thrust myself into my daughter's pussy with one long hard stroke she cried out, her voice trailing off in a sob as our groins met sharply, for a few brief seconds I lay still, savouring the feel of her pussy around my prick, her muscles gripping me even as she bucked beneath me to push me away. Then, like a wild animal, I began thrusting, there was nothing gentle about my movements, nothing loving just a desperate need for fulfilment, for satisfaction, a double-edged satisfaction of guilt and pleasure. In her struggles Jackie's body seemed to be matching my movements, her hips rising as I thrust down into her pussy, cries, gasps and sobs bursting from her throat as I fucked her without mercy, without any thought but my own desire, even so I forced her to climax again and again before I finally felt my balls tighten. With one last deep thrust that made Jackie scream I felt my seed rise hotly along my prick to explode in a burst of bliss into her depths and as I came my daughter sobbed and stiffened beneath me. For a few moments I remained still, my body tense as the sheer power of my climax sent overwhelming signals throughout my nervous system then, with a gasp, I relaxed, my body dropping to crush my daughter beneath my weight. For a full minute I lay over my daughter, my mind slowly clearing as the seconds passed, her sobs fuelling the shame and guilt I felt at what I had done and with a feeling of shock and sickness I rolled off her trembling body. Sitting up I stared in horror at Jackie, she lay on her back, her head turned away from me, her arm over her eyes, her body shook and I could hear her sobbing, from her pussy my juices started to seep in a white, sticky stream. Tears of shame sprang to my eyes as I sat in shock at what I had done, unable to believe that I had raped my own daughter yet forced to believe it. "Jackie," I whispered as I buried my face in my hands "Jackie, I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me.

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  " She sobbed at my words, I knew that there was nothing I could say, nothing I could do to comfort her, after what I had done she would never be able to trust me again and I knew what I had to do. Rising to my feet I walked towards the phone, but before I could pick it up Jackie sat up and looked at me with eyes that held no tears, she smiled up at me then giggled. "Do you know how long" she said softly "I've been waiting for you to do that? Three years, three long years. I've tried everything to get you to fuck me short of begging you. " To say I was confused was an understatement; I was stunned! With an unsteady step I moved to the nearest chair and fell into it, my eyes never leaving my daughter's, what I saw there held more weight than her words had, they glowed with satisfaction, with fulfilment and I couldn't believe it. All her struggles, all her cries, all her sobs had not been pleas to me to stop, her struggles HAD been her body moving with mine, her cries HAD been of encouragement and her sobs, Christ, her sobs HAD been from sheer exhilaration, the sheer bliss of her orgasm. The sheer knowledge that I had not raped my daughter eased my feeling of guilt and shame somewhat, but not completely, what we had done was still wrong, still against the law. "Why?" I breathed the question. "Daddy," she smiled as she stood up and came to sit on the arm of my chair "dearest, darling daddy. Because I love you. " "But. . . " I began. "No buts," she said softly "I love you daddy and I wanted you.

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   I only wish it had not taken so long for you to see my signals. " "I didn't," I muttered "I thought I had raped you. " She put her hand under my chin, leant forward and kissed me, our roles suddenly reversed, me the child that needed comforting, her the kindly parent. As our lips met I felt the stir of excitement in me again, it was a shock to discover that I still desired my daughter as a woman. "Dad," Jackie said firmly as our lips parted moments later, "I don't want any other man but you in my life. No-one makes me feel the way you do, no-one can excite me the way you do. " "But it's wrong. " I whispered. "Who says it is wrong?" she replied forcefully "Some judge in his ivory tower, some priest in his pulpit? How can what I feel be wrong? How can what we shared be wrong? I've watched you over the years daddy, the sacrifices you've made for me, the loneliness you've endured for me, it all added up to the fact that you loved me more than anything else in the world. " "But Jackie," I protested "a father has to love his daughter. " "Not to the exclusion of everything else, including his own happiness. " she retorted, "Stop thinking with your head and think with your heart. Admit it, you love me as much as I love you and deep down you know it!" Her words hit home hard, for so many years I had denied the feelings I'd had towards my daughter yet she had somehow sensed them. She knew me better than I knew myself, knew I loved her in a way that a man loved a woman and as a father yet I had never dared to show her that love or to express my feelings in any way other than parental. Yet even now I hesitated, the years of obeying the law as regards incest too deeply set in me to be laid aside in a moment.

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   "I. . . " I faltered as I looked into her eyes "Jackie, I do love you, but I. . . " "I know you do," she smiled as she slid off the arm of the chair onto my lap. The touch of her warm skin sent thrills through me wherever it touched me; my cock twitched under her as it began to return to life and at that moment I knew life could never be the same. For the first time in many, many years I felt contentment and happiness, I knew that in time I would get over the feeling of guilt my upbringing had forced on me and somehow I knew Jackie would help in this. "Where do we go from here?" I sighed. She smiled and wriggled on my lap, her skin rubbing on my cock in an exciting way while at the same time sending a clear signal as to where she wanted to go next. I laughed and kissed her lightly. "Not yet you sex mad baggage. " I said. "Aw pwetty pwease.

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  " she pouted at the same time rubbing herself on me even more firmly. "Be serious" I responded "for a moment. " "Dad there is no problem at all. " she sighed, "Everyone knows you are my father and that I live at home. We just go about things as though nothing was out of the ordinary, outside we can be father and daughter, and inside we can be like husband and wife or lovers. Now that's settled will you for God's sake fuck me!" She bounced in my lap which of course sent a thrill through my cock and although I wasn't convinced that everything was as simple as she made it sound I decided to enjoy the moment to the full, especially as she was giving me little choice in the matter. Our lips met in a passionate kiss that sent my blood racing, reaching up with one hand I teased her nipples while my other dropped to her pussy to play with her clit and to invade her eager hole while her bottom pressed and rubbed on my hard cock. This time there was no beast riding me, I was fully aware of my actions and in control of them, this time I took the time to savour every inch of my daughter's body with my hands before lifting her in my arms to lay her on the floor so that I could savour her again with my mouth. Within minutes of our kiss Jackie was climaxing, her body shaking as her voice rose in cries and sobs that I now realised were sheer enjoyment of the things I was doing to her and when I lay her on the floor to kiss my way over her body Jackie almost shrieked with excitement. While I used my mouth and tongue to please my daughter she took my cock in one of her hands, rubbed, and squeezed my hard flesh in a way that was so delightful it forced small moans of pleasure from me. Something no woman had ever done before! Eagerly I lapped at her juices when I finally reached her pussy, at the same time I teased her clit with my fingers sending her wild as an orgasm ripped through her so violently that I was forced to let her calm down a little before I could continue sucking and licking her pussy. An exciting age later I moved my mouth to her clit and plunged two of my fingers into her pussy and while I sucked her hot little clit my fingers flashed in and out of her grasping pussy. "Jesus H. fucking Christ!" Jackie screamed a few seconds later. Jackie's body bucked and writhed and squirmed under my attentions, her voice ringing around the room as each climax hit her like a physical blow and then, with a strength I never knew she had, my daughter surged off the floor, pushed me onto my back and leapt astride me.

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   It was the work of barely a second for her to engulf my prick within the moist warmth of her pussy and as she rode me I matched her movements thrust for thrust at the same time raising my hands to her bouncing boobs to tease her nipples. "Oh fuck!" she cried as I gently squeezed her hard buds. To my surprise I found her coarse language as we fucked a turn on and I think she knew this, but I had also learnt that my little girl had a hair trigger and her climaxes were coming thick and fast as the minutes passed. Savouring the tight feel of her pussy as it thrust down on me I closed my eyes and groaned with delight and when she added a grinding motion to each downward thrust I was unable to hold myself back for long. With a gay cry I thrust up into Jackie, my balls twitched and there was the sudden rush of heat and excitement rising in my shaft, Jackie thrust down on me and clenched her pussy muscles tight as my seed jetted into her, her action making me groan with bliss. We stayed frozen for a few moments and then Jackie began thrusting on me again, her upper body flopping forward, her nipples rubbing on my chest, her hair brushing my face as she rose to one more powerful orgasm. Suddenly she sat bolt upright, her head thrown back in a silent scream, her body tense and trembling and just as suddenly she fell forward to lie on top of me, bucking and shaking, but my prick still lay in her pussy. At last she stirred and on shaky legs climbed off me, staggered to the couch and flopped onto it, breathing heavily I got up and joined her on the couch, cradling her in my arms as we sat recovering. Only it was not the best way to recover, over the next few minutes our breathing gradually returned to normal while at the same time my cock gradually returned to a state of erection. "How on earth did you do without for so long?" Jackie gasped as she caught sight of my proudly erect cock. "It's you my dear," I smiled "the effect you have on me is doing this. " "I know what you mean. " she giggled and reached out to wank me "Anyway, daddies wittle girl is going to do something about that 'naughty', gorgeous monster of a prick. " Before I could think of a reply Jackie had slid off the couch to kneel in front of me, gently she parted my legs and lowered her head to my cock. As her tongue flicked across my skin I gasped, Jackie looked up at me, smiled then lowered her head again.

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   Teasingly slowly she licked my cock from root to tip covering every millimetre of it before taking my knob into her mouth and sucking gently on it. Keeping her movements slow my daughter moved her mouth down my shaft, the feel of her lips sliding on my skin and her tongue teasing the underside of my prick made me gasp and moan with sheer delight. Gradually her movements became faster, her tongue grew more insistent as she sucked harder on my hard cock, her hand touched my balls and I nearly came when she squeezed then gently in her fingers. All too soon I felt the heat of my climax rushing up on me, Jackie sensed this and her mouth closed around my flesh while her tongue pressed on the sensitive spot just behind the knob. "God!" I gasped as I climaxed. Greedily Jackie swallowed every drop of my seed then sucked for more only stopping when, despite all her efforts, my satiated cock began to shrink in her mouth. Licking her lips happily my daughter sat back on her heels, looked up at me and smiled. "Better?" she grinned. "For the moment. " I replied with a grin. She came back onto the couch beside me, snuggled up to me and sighed contentedly. It felt a little strange cuddling my naked daughter to my naked body, but as the minutes passed in an intimate silence I realised that I was at long last content, even in the early days of my marriage I had not felt this content. It also dawned on me that I was no longer feeling my years, knackered maybe, but not old and unwanted, maybe, by the rules of society, what we were doing was wrong, but I no longer cared, I was happy. Then a thought struck me. "Jackie," I said quietly "were you planning on going to that party dressed as you were?" "I wasn't planning" she giggled softly "on going to that party at all.

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  " "Then why all the argument and wheedling?" I asked in surprise. "To get you mad enough to spank me," she laughed "I knew that as soon as you saw my bare bum I'd get what I really wanted, you. " "Lord you are a cunning little vixen," I sighed "but I love you. " "I know. " she grinned up at me "I wish. . . " "You wish what?" I asked. "I wish I could figure out a way to let us marry. " she whispered. At first it was a shock to hear her say this then it dawned on me that deep down I felt the same. However, the fact remained that we could not marry; no church or registry office that I knew of would permit such a thing, or would they. What if they didn't know? I still had all my wife's papers and Jackie had been named after my wife, she had been two years younger than me and perhaps with a little make-up my 'little' girl could look old enough to pull it off. It would mean moving though, moving to an area where we were not known. Quietly I explained my thoughts to my daughter, even before I'd finished she was bouncing up and down with excitement and demanding to know when we were moving and where we were moving to.


   That was a year ago, it took us a month to find a place to move to and make all the necessary arrangements, it took another month to sell our old house and the money we made on that paid off the mortgage on the new house with enough left over to make our lives comfortable once it was added to the funds we already had. Jackie never bothered trying to look older; her claim was that youthful looks ran in her family and two months after we arrived at our new home we were married in the local village church by the unsuspecting vicar. Perhaps we should feel guilty about what we have done, but we don't and Jackie keeps me too busy to worry about it, she's a randy little minx and gets worse as time passes, thank goodness! THE END.

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