First Time With My Special Sister


Anyway, we had been in her room playing some board game or other for about an hour, when Mom shouted upstairs for us to clean up our rooms before we went out to dinner. Being the horny almost teenager that I was, I got an idea. "Hey sis, I'll clean up your room if you'll let me touch your chest and slide it in between your legs," I suggested with an evil grin. "No, cuz last time you didn't make my bed, and I got in trouble! It's not like I can TELL on you for that, either. . . We'd both get in a LOT of trouble for what we were doing that messed up the bed, especially after you left ME to clean up all that sticky stuff that came out of your thingy!" she added with a sigh that sounded almost like regret. That incident was something that I had thought of, but had been quiet about so far. That whole thing about "abuse" that they had been preaching at our schools made it so where two kids couldn't experiment with each other and not feel like they were going to end up in some kind of institution for the insane. I didn't want to sound like some kind of a monster that had one of those "dirty little secrets". We both knew that adults shouldn't do those things to us, but was it wrong to do those things to each other? We didn't know, but it didn't really felt like it. . . "I know, and I'm sorry. But don't you like it when we touch each other? Doesn't it feel good?" I asked, really anxious to know if she felt the same way about me that I was starting to feel about her. "Well, I know if I want to get you to do something, I know how to do it!" she snickered.

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  "You think so, huh? Well, just for that comment, I'm not going to clean anything for you! I don't care what you'll let me do to you. " obviously, I was ticked off and had no clue what I was saying. She had me pegged, and I guess I didn't want to think about that. I'd do anything for my little sister, and she KNEW it. Keep in mind, we're talking about a 9 year old at this point, and I was nearly 14. Even at that age, my sister had a mind with an edge that was sharper than any blade I've yet to come across, and I had no idea yet, but I was falling in love with her. At 9, she was starting to blossom as well, and seeing this REALLY got me going. "Wait, I don't want us to fight," she said with a thoughtful look. "You're my big brother and I love you. Look, we both need to clean up our rooms before Mom freaks. What if we just clean up our rooms and play later tonight when we get back, after all, Mom and Dad are going to let us stay up. It's the weekend!" she said with a big smile that could melt the hardest of hearts. I didn't think of that, and which wasn't all that surprising since I wasn't thinking with the right head. All I knew was that I wanted to get off, and she had what I needed. Yeah, I was the king of sensitivity and romance, I know.

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   "Yeah, you're probably right. I guess I'll go," I started to walk out, but she stopped me with a big hug and an "I knew you'd understand!" which really confused me, because the last time I thought about it, I was figuring that she didn't want to do anything me. The truth was, she did, but being the wiser of us, she knew how we could still be together AND still get our rooms cleaned up. Dinner went without incident, as Dad was really tired from working, we went straight home instead of stopping for coffee like we usually did after going out to eat. Once we got in the house, Mom pulled the two of us aside. "Now you kids are welcome to stay up and watch TV, but I want the volume LOW, and I don't want to hear any arguing once I go upstairs. Your father is really tired, and there's a lot going on at work for him that's on his mind. " I didn't have a problem with that mostly because I was tired too from eating too much. I couldn't help it. I LOVED the Chinese place that we went to that night, and I always overdid it when we ate there. "Sure, Mom," my sister responded in her oh-so-sexy angel voice. "We'll keep it down. There's only one or two shows that we want to watch, then I think we're heading to bed, too. "At that instant, I was wide awake. I couldn't believe my ears!.

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   She had actually hinted at the fact that we would be sleeping in the same bed together! Mom didn't seem to notice or care. Whatever. I knew what I wanted, and I was starting to formulate a game plan. I had no clue at all that it wasn't going to happen according to my will. After our good night kisses to Mom, we both sat down to watch TV. I sat in the recliner and my sister sat over on the couch. "I think I'm going to go up and change," she said as she stood up stretched. "You're not pooping out on me, are you, sis?" I asked wondering if she was just going to go to sleep. "No, I know you'd just crawl into bed with me later if I did that," she said. And she was right! I knew it, and she knew it. "But don't worry, we'll still do our thing when I get back," she added with a wink. Man, was I turned on at that point. I went into the kitchen and got two bottles of water for us. It always seemed to get really hot when we got together and did this, so I figured I'd save us a trip to the fridge later on. About that time I heard a voice say,"What are you doing?" and I almost jumped out of my skin.

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   My mom had come downstairs for something to drink. "Just getting some waters for me and sis. I thought you went to bed," I said, trying not to sound like I was busted in the middle of thinking about nailing my baby sister. "Okay, well I think she went upstairs. Are you two going to be up much longer?" Mom asked, sounding tired. "No, I don't think so," I replied, finally getting the nerve to shut the door to the fridge and look at my Mom in the face. At this point, my sister walked around the corner, wearing only a long t-shirt, into the kitchen and saw Mom and I talking. "Hi, mom. Weren't you going to bed?" she asked in her innocent little voice. "Jeez, why are you kids trying so hard to get rid of me?" Mom asked sarcasticly. "Stop worrying! I'm going back to bed as soon as I drink my water! I won't interfere with your 'no old people' party much longer!"Both me and my sister laughed our butts off at Mom. She was the one in charge of the house, no doubt, but she could really be funny when she wanted to. As the laughter faded, Mom walked back out of the kitchen and upstairs. As I started back to the recliner with my water, I heard Mom and Dad's bedroom door shut, followed by the typical creak of someone getting into bed. I sat down, and my sister followed me back into the den.

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   "So," she said, looking at me matter of factly. "What?" I asked, genuinely confused, yet somehow turning red. "What are we going to do now? I think Mom's asleep. Did you want to still do something together or are you too tired?" she asked. This was one of the the few times when I could see her age, because any woman knows that for a young male teenager to be too tired for sex is like hell freezing over. "I'm a little tired, but I'm not dead to the world or anything, sis. Why don't we go out back to the fort and look at some of the magazines? I just got some new ones from Jeff the other day, and I haven't looked at them yet. I guess that's something we could do. ""Isn't it a little cool to go outside tonight? I was almost cold coming in from the restaurant tonight," she said looking at me pleadingly. "I still have that little catalytic heater out there from when Jeff and Mike spent the night last week. Remember Mom made us take it out there so we wouldn't freeze?" I reminded her. "Oh yeah. Well, I guess we can do that. Can I bring my CD player?" she asked. "Okay, but no Debbie Gibson.

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   Find anything else, and I don't care," I told her, dreading that CD being played AGAIN. She looked a little defeated, but soon had another idea to compromise with me. "Well, can I bring the CD and just maybe play a couple of songs? I promise I won't play too many," she asked again in that little angelic voice that made me willing to do almost anything for her. "Oh what the hell. Bring the damn CD, but it will cost you. I get to choose what I want to do, and you get to play a song, okay?" I offered to her. "Okay, I'll go get my stuff right now!" she said, bouncing up the stairs. "SHHHH!!!!!" I hissed at her. "Mom and Dad are sleeping! Don't wake them up!" She made a look of surprise then shock as she remembered, then proceeded to her room with the silence of a cat stalking its prey. I suppose that wasn't entirely wrong. Meanwhile, I made my way out into the yard to the fort that Dad and I had built a few years back, thinking that I couldn't believe I was going to try it with my sister again. The thrill was intoxicating, but I also felt incredibly guilty. It felt like I was taking advantage of her innocence and love for me as a brother to get her to satisfy my sexual urges. She had never really objected, but I still felt bad once the hormones wore off. As I walked towards the fort, I began to remember the other encounters that my sister and I had while out here.

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   It always seemed more relaxed when we got together in the fort. Maybe it was because we were both more comfortable in surroundings that we both helped to create, but more than likely it was the fact that we knew our parents couldn't sneak up on us because we'd done this so many times that we knew the sounds to listen for if someone was coming outside. I reached the fort and opened the door. It wasn't too shabby as forts went. On the outside, it was obviously made of scrap wood, but lately, my sister and I had been decorating the inside with some paint we found in the garage, and it was starting to look kind of cool. It was just tall enough inside for me to stand up, and since it was built against the fence, we extended it almost the entire length of the backyard. I had actually built a wall or two inside, to make what I called "meeting rooms" where my friends and I could conspire together. Mostly though, they were rooms where we slept when we camped out. I had some old cushions from a couch we'd thrown out laid down in the far corner of one room, and a couple of bean bag chairs that were covered with sheets. I walked into the room, found the small heater and turned it on, setting it to high so that it would take the chill out of the air. I heard a door close gently and peeked out of one of the many holes that I had strategically placed (yeah right, accidentally poked would be a better description) along the corner wall and saw my sister in her t-shirt and bare feet tiptoeing through the grass heading to the door of the fort. "Hey, can you let me in? I can never figure out how to open this stupid door. " My sister was having her usual dilemma (no, the other one) about how to get the door open. It's really not all that complicated, but she had small hands, and couldn't really work the latch just right. "Sure, sis," I answered her.

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   I worked my way back to the other end of the fort, opening the door to let her in. True to her word, she had brought that damn CD I was hoping that she'd forget, along with the radio. Also she had brought us another couple of waters, smiling when I saw them. "I figured we'd need these later. " she remarked with a stifled smile. "Did you want to listen to the radio first or do I get to listen to Debbie?" she asked hopefully. Feeling generous, I told her she could pick out and play two songs if she came over and sat on my lap. "Fine, I'm cold anyway," she responded, as she turned on the CD then came over and plopped down into my lap. With her in my lap in the bean bag chair I got the shock of my life. I slid my hand along her calf up to her knee, and then up the inside of her thigh about halfway before moving my hand back down to her knee and then up the outside of her thigh to her butt. As my hand slid along her firm small buttocks, I realized that I didn't feel a panty line! I moved my hand a little more to the inside, and found myself even more suprised. My baby sister was wearing a thong!As my hand moved across the thong, she looked up into my eyes and smiled the most beautiful smile I have ever seen, to this day, and spoke words to me that made me think I was in a dream state. "I love you. I think, no I know that tonight I want to try it like we see them doing it in the magazines. You told me that the reason people do this is because they love each other or want to feel good.

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   Well, I love you. You're my brother, and I know how good it makes you feel when you touch me. I want you to feel good and I want to feel good, too. Can we do it so that I can feel what those ladies in the magazines feel? Look, I even wore some of those underwear that they wear in that small magazine that you like. "Boy was this a turn of events. . . No more convincing my sister to let me molest her or have her do things to me. I was in such a state of shock that I wasn't sure what to do or say in response to her. So I told her. "Wow, sis. . . I didn't know you felt that way. There's a lot we don't know about sex.

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  . . I mean, I know where it goes and stuff, but I don't really know much else. I'm afraid I might hurt you. Then how would we explain that to mom and dad? I don't know. I love you too. You're my only sister and I want this, too. Not only that, but what about pregnancy? I know that I can make a girl pregnant. Dad told me that if I ever wanted to have sex, that I should use a condom, and I don't have any. Hell sis, I don't even know how to put one on!""Well, do you know where to get any?" she asked, ever the optimist. "I think that the store on the corner sells them. But are they going to sell them to me? I mean, it's not like I can say that they're for Dad or anything. "She laughed at this, but I could see she was still working on the idea in her head. "Why not just tell them that you are learning how to use them now so that when you DO have a girlfriend you'll know how?" See what I mean about her mind? How many other preteens are going to think like that? It just blows my mind how smart she was. "Well, I can't just.


  . . Okay, what the hell? All they can do is tell me no anyway, right? Okay, I'll walk to the store and see what happens. " I said, sounding a lot surer of myself than I actually was. "Not NOW, silly. Can't we just sit here and be together until the song is over? I like being close to you," she said, and looked up into my eyes with those beautiful brown doe eyes of hers. Then she looked down, snuggled her head into my chest, put her arms around my neck and wiggled her crotch down into my lap. "You better be careful sis. . . things like that little wiggle will make me forget all about going to the store," I gently whispered in her ear as I felt that bulge in my lap start to grow harder with each beat of my incestous heart. "Maybe that's the idea," she said and looked up at me with that evil little girl twinkle in her eyes. "Maybe I want you to get me pregnant with your baby. Maybe I want to feel your hot sticky sperm in me. What if that's what I want?"It took every inch of self control that I ever had or ever will have to not just tear off both of our clothing and get on top of her right there.

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   I felt emotions like I never had before. I felt my heart pounding like I had just run a marathon. I felt my cock swell in record time to a size that was physically painful. And there were so many things that I felt that I didn't know how I was going to deal with them all. My head swam and I felt a little sick. "Are you ok? What's wrong?" my sister asked, more than a little concerned. "You're as white as a ghost! Are you sick?""No, I'm ok, sis. You didn't do anything. " I reassured her. That was a total lie. I was FAR from ok, and it WAS because of her, or rather, what she had told me. You can't tell a hormonal teenager that you want him to get you pregnant as you sit in his lap wearing next to nothing! Not unless you WANT to get it on right then and there!"Look, let me get up. I need some air so I'm going to run to the store real quick and get the condoms, is there anything else you want while I'm there?" I asked her. "Ummm. .

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  . bring me some Spree's. " she replied. Talk about a spring back to reality. She was a child again, at least for a few moments, until she realized that I was staring at her crotch through her t-shirt. Then she grinned at me again. "Hurry back. I'll be here looking at that magazine. Where's the new ones you said you got?"I handed the new ones to her, realizing in the process that these were different from the last ones that I had. These were showing LOTS more than the kind of thing I was used to seeing from my Dad's collection. Oh well. Better not to look too hard until I got back. While walking down the block, I ran down the list of reason to feel guilty about wanting, not thinking about, not just a passing thought, but straight up DESIRING to impregnate my baby sister. Is it really ok to feel this way? Sure, I love her. That's never been in question.

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   Sure, I want to have sex with her, but that's not an uncommon feeling when looking at someone you find attractive, is it? It is when she's your baby sister! Well, if it's so wrong, why does it feel so right when she's sitting in my lap looking up at me with those baby brown eyes? Why does it feel so right when we're naked together? Why is it that when we DO sleep together in the same bed we always wake up intertwined and smiling at each other? We hadn't been fighting so much in the 4 or so months that we had been experimenting, and I'm sure that had something to do with it. When I was with her, she ALWAYS reciprocated. She'd squeeze me tighter when I'd move closer to her. She'd kiss me back, with every bit of the passion, vitality and apparent arousal that I had. Well, I hadn't come to any answers except that all these feelings were there and I'd have to deal with them later when I reached the store. Much to my surprise, it went off without a hitch. I suppose I looked a little older than the almost 14 that I was, because the guy behind the counter didn't say anything except to ask what brand I wanted. I told him I didn't know, and just wanted something that would do the job and not be in the way to much. He picked out a small box, rang up the condoms and the Spree's, and I paid him. I don't remember a whole lot about the walk back home, just that it seemed to go much faster than the walk there. Before I knew it I was back home, and trying to open the gate to the yard quietly. I walked over the fort, opened the door, closed it behind me, and locked it as best I could, figuring that we were going to be there for a while. Walking through the fort to the corner room seemed to be difficult, as I kept tripping. My sister's voice came drifting through the flimsy door, "Is that you? What are you doing in there? Are you okay?""I'm okay, sis. Just being a klutz.

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  " I answered her while pulling open the panel to the corner room. "Ok, just checking. It sounded like you tripped on your way in. " "Nah, I'm okay. ""I've been looking through these new magazines that you got and I want to know if you think that if we do the same things that they are, will it work? I see in the pics that this guy's thingy is big, but this lady seems to like it. Do you think I'll like it more since my cunny is a lot smaller than your thingy?" she asked. "I don't know, sis. Let me see that. " I looked at the magazine, and these were not just the naked ladies I had been jerking off to while goofing around with Dad's magazines. This particular magazine was extremely hardcore. I knew EXACTLY where my cock was supposed to fit after looking at the pictures, and that it WAS supposed to go all the way in her, settling a disagreement that I had with a few friends. "Wow. . . this is a lot different than the others I have.

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   I guess we can try a few of these, but I think we should go really slow just to make sure that no one gets hurt. " I was genuinely shocked that my sister was looking at this magazine and not finding it gross or anything. "Okay, I trust you. Come on and lay down," she invited me over as she moved over to the couch cushions. She began to take off her t-shirt and I undid the button on my jeans. I kicked off my shoes, slid out of my pants, and as I stood up to take off my shirt, I damn near had an orgasm right there. My sister had completely taken off her shirt and was laying on her side with one knee up and the other on its side, so that I had a clear shot of her flowering virginity, obscured only by the burgundy thong that she was wearing. Her breasts were small, but puffy little mounds sitting up begging for attention, and since it was still a little cold, her tiny little nipples were hard. Seeing all this made me stop and catch my breath. She noticed me stopping, and got up to walk over to me. She walked right up to me, pushed herself against me, and asked me, "Do you want to make love with me, big brother? Because that's what I want. I want to feel you inside me, like those ladies feel the guys pushed way up inside them. . . I want that, can you give it to me?"At that moment, the world could have stopped and everything exploded and I STILL would have been the happiest guy in the world.

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   Nothing could ever make me feel better than knowing that my little sister was that much in love with me, and wanted to do those things with me. I looked down into her eyes, curled my arms around her small waist and pulled her to me. She squinched up even closer against me and our lips met. Our kissing was slow, intense and time just seemed to stop. Our tongues met and caressed each other. She slid her hands down to my hips and pulled me against her crotch. My rock hard cock, restrained only by the boxers that I was just barely still wearing, was begging for attention. Seeming to read my mind, she pulled away, smiled, and walked with me, hand in hand over to the cushions. "Lay down. I want to show you what I've seen the women doing to the men in that magazine," she purred in my ear as we moved into a reclining position. I have to admit, not having looked at the magazine all the way through made me just a little nervous, but something made me just give in and see what was going to happen. I lay back, and just relaxed. My sister came over the top of me, straddling my lap, and gently sat down. Her hands, warm and soft despite the slight chill in the air, slid up my chest under my shirt to my shoulders, where she took of my shirt. Throwing it over to the side on top of hers, she lay down, putting her head on my chest.

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  "I love you, big brother. While you were gone, I was thinking. I want this more than anything. I want you to do whatever you want to me. If it hurts, I'll tell you, and we can try something else. But I want you to try everything you've ever wanted to do with a woman. I want to be the woman of your dreams. ""I could never love another woman like I love you, my baby sister. You ARE the woman of my dreams, and I'll make you queen of my universe. " I murmured into her hair. She then kissed me softly on the lips, with me caressing her angelic face, and then she started to kiss my nipples. I could feel every inch of her against me, and it was pure heaven. She was running her tongue in small circles around my nipples and that was REALLY getting me going. I reached down and slid my hand into her thong. I felt her soft pubic hair against my fingertips and her tiny lips, which were soaking with desire for her big brother.

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   I slid my middle finger down in between her lips and across her tiny erect clitoris. I didn't know it at the time, but I think that's when she really gave in to me completely. She moaned softly when I finally touched it, and said,"Ohhhhhhhhh. . . . . " while grinding her hips against me to give me more access to her little love button. I started to circle her clit with the tip of my finger and she started to really get worked up. There was a slight sheen of perspiration on her forehead, and she was moving her hips back and forth against my hand while her breathing got more and more ragged. "Mmmmmm. . . . that feels soooooooooo good, big brother.

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   Don't stop. . . mmmm. "All of a sudden, her hips bucked several times, she grabbed my shoulders forcefully, and moaned loudly. "Wow. . . . what was that?" she asked while trying to catch her breath. "I think you came, baby. " I said to her while stroking her face with one hand and her little breast with the other. "Was it good?""I've never felt anything like that before. Does that happen all the time?""Well, from what I've read and seen, if you're lucky it does!" I said with a grin. "Oh, if this happens every time, I don't think I'll ever want to stop.

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  . . play with my cunny some more, okay, big brother? I want to feel that again. " she pleaded with me while grinding her sloppy wet crotch against me. She planted a hard kiss right on my lips and proceeded to nibble on my neck and ear, as I slid my hand back into her underwear. I reached her clit again, but this time moved past it down into the depths of her flower, and slid my index finger inside her pussy. It was sooooo tight and I felt her hymen inside, pulling back slightly, still not sure if I REALLY wanted to take my sister's virginity. As I was sliding my finger in and out of my sisters tight sex, I realized that this was the farthest I had ever been with a girl. And it was with my sister. The more I thought about that, the more right it seemed. Finally, in a state I had never seen her before, my sister stood up, took off her thong and lay down on her back. "Remember when I said that I wanted you to do whatever you wanted? I mean that, big brother. Do anything you want to me. " she cooed as I was lying down next to her. I kissed her again.


   God, kissing my sister was more exciting than anything I'd experienced before. It sent shivers all up and down my spine like I don't know what. While we were kissing, my sister put her hand on my stomach, sliding her fingers down to my achingly hard cock. She wrapped her tiny little fingers around my shaft and asked me,"Am I doing this right?""God, yes, sis. . . " I moaned. I really couldn't have done it better myself, and I had plenty of practice thinking about this moment. She was moving her hand up and down the shaft, occasionally letting go to scratch the head lightly with her nails, probably because I jumped every time she touched it. She really was all about making me feel good. Feeling obligated to return the favor, I turned around and pulled her on top of me, with her hips just below my shoulders, and her head and shoulders conveniently close to my cock. I pulled her hips down closer to me, and she moved like she knew exactly what I was doing. She maneuvered her body so she could sit her tiny tight little slit right on my face. Putting my hands on her hips, I placed her squarely in my mouth, and she moaned something that I couldn't understand. .

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  . until I realized that she had her mouth right over the head of my cock. "Should I put you in my mouth like that woman did in the magazine?" she queried. "Please, baby. Please put your sweet lips around my cock. " I begged her. She slowly slid the head against her lips, and with all the grace and talent of a pro, slid the head of my cock past her lips into her mouth. It was soooooo intense. I KNEW she hadn't done this before and it was really taking every ounce of control not to shoot in her mouth. I'd always heard that was a really awesome feeling, but I didn't want to do that to my sister on her first experience with me. Again, I had no clue that things were not going to happen according to my desires. She sucked on my rod like it was the sweetest candy she'd ever had. Naturally, she couldn't take it all in her mouth, but she was damn sure trying. All the while I had been licking on her clit, eliciting several moans, squeeks, and squeals. At one point I made her come again, and she actually squirted.

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   I did my best to catch it all in my mouth, sweet as it was. This wasn't very difficult, considering that she had her pussy smashed against my mouth when it happened. She moved down to kneel between my legs and continue working me, and maybe 3 minutes after that, I told her,"Sis, I'm going to come. Move!" She didn't. In fact, she sucked even harder, and begin pumping my shaft hard and fast. That was all it took. I shot a HUGE load in her mouth. I saw her throat move as she swallowed my incestous seed, and quite a bit more came from the sides of her mouth as I continued to shoot faster than she could swallow. My come was running from the sides of my sister's mouth, down her chin to in between her lovely young breasts. My body convulsed violently, as this was the first orgasm I'd had that wasn't self produced. Even after I emptied my prostate in her mouth and down her chin, I could still feel the gland pulsating. . . I hadn't stopped coming yet! Oh, the fluid had stopped, but I wasn't done! When I finally finished spasming in my post orgasmic glory, I looked up and saw my sister. What a sight.

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  . . My come had burst forth from the corners of her mouth, and what she hadn't licked up was slowly moving down her chest. Just when I thought I couldn't handle seeing anymore, she took a finger, wiped up my come from her chest, and put it in her mouth. "Mmmmm. . . I love the way your sperm tastes, big brother. " she cooed at me. "Can we try something else now?"I nodded at her dumbly and waited to see what she had in mind. She reached over for the magazine, looked into it and folded over one corner of the page, marking it for future reference. Then, without missing a beat, rolled onto her back, and crooked a finger at me. "I am REALLY excited and it's all wet down there. Do you want to put it in me? It's so wet, I think it'll just slide right in. " she remarked.

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   Burning up with incestous desire and 13 and 1/2 years of pent up sexual frustration, I lay on top of her, while she spread her legs. She reached for the book again, glancing quickly at the page before wrapping her legs around me. She then reached down, took hold of my cock again with those tiny silky fingers, and fitted the head of my come dribbling cock up to her soaking wet opening. I could feel the warmth of her pussy right at the head, and it was almost like she was sucking my cock into her. It went in a little ways, but then we both realized that I was much wider than her hole was. I don't know how to describe the look on her face. . . She was flushed, but continued to urge me into her pussy. It took about 4 minutes of muffled grunts, squeals, and "Ooooooooh's" from the two of us before my cock finally sprang into her pussy, and my balls came to rest against her rectum. I could feel her hymen right against the head of my cock. To distract her, I kissed her eyelids, her eyebrows and finally her lips. As our tongues intertwined, I pushed hard and took my sister's virginity. She cried out and squeezed her eyes shut, and more than a few tears spilled. "Do you want me to take it out?" I asked her.

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   She shook her head violently from side to side, tightening her legs around me even more, forcing my cock deeper into her pussy. I gave in to her desire, and lay my head on the side of her shoulder, where she placed one hand behind my head, and the other on my lower back, where I was thrusting in and out of my sister. "Is this what you wanted?" she grunted at me between thrusts. "Because it's what *I* wanted, big brother. I want to do this with you all the time. . . I don't ever want it to be over!""Don't worry, my precious baby. I will never turn you away. . . I will make love with you as often as I can, and as much as you want it from me, my baby sister. " I grunted back at her. Suddenly, a realization hit me like a bucket of ice water. In all the heat and excitement of the moment, I hadn't put the condom on! OH SHIT!! I thought to myself.

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   Do I stop and tell her or do I keep going and just pull it out of her when I come? I decided on the former, being that I love my sister and didn't want to do *anything* to destroy the relationship and trust that we had developed. "Baby?" I asked her, stopping for a moment. "What?" she replied. "Do you want to do something else?""No, it's just that I don't have the condom on, and I wanted to tell you and put one on before we go any farther. ""NO!!!" she practically yelled at me. "DON'T STOP. I *WANT* your sperm in my pussy. . . I want to feel you squirt inside me like you squirted in my mouth. . . I want us to come together and I don't want *ANYTHING* between us! This is our moment, and I don't want anything to spoil it!" She was raving. I had never seen my sister like this. But then again, I had never been this far sexually either.

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  "Are you sure?" I asked her. "You might get pregnant. Baby, you're almost 10, but that's not old enough for me to get you pregnant. I just wouldn't feel right about it, sis. " "Listen. There's no guarantee that I'll get pregnant. If I do, then fine, I'm pregnant. All I know is, I want you to come in me. If you don't want to get me pregnant, I know there's a way where we can watch my cycles, and avoid it that way. " I'll hand it to her, even in this state, she was the logical one. "Just come in me this one time, big brother, and we'll start watching after this. You can take it out when you come next time we do it. "I couldn't argue with her. My sister's mind was made up, and I know from past experiences, there's no room for compromise when she gets an idea in her head. So we continued, with my sister moaning in my ear how much she loved me and wanted me to get her pregnant, and me grunting and pushing deep into my little sister.

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   Suddenly, I felt the orgasm coming on. . . it was building deep in me, and I knew that I was going to shoot a monstrous load. I toyed with the idea of shooting just a little in her, but she'd know I pulled out, and would be hurt that I wouldn't do what she wanted. So I figured, okay, you want my hot come in your pussy? HERE IT IS!! And then it happened. Wave after glorious wave of orgasmic energy pulsed through both of our beings, as I felt her pussy get even tighter and go into squeezing cramps around my cock as I squirted deep into my sister. She wrapped her legs around me so tight, I actually had trouble breathing, but I wasn't really worried about breathing at that point anyway. "MMMFFF. . . . Oh GOD!" she was screaming. She was loud and full of passion and incestous love for her brother, shooting and squirting bucket loads of big brother come into her welcoming womb. "FUCK ME!! OH GOD FUCK ME!! I WANT YOUR BABY, BIG BROTHER! FUCK ME!! SHOOT IN ME, BABY!! I WANT TO FEEL YOUR HOT COME SQUIRTING INSIDE ME!!" I had no idea where she'd heard all that before, until later when I realized that she had actually been READING the stories in the magazines, which up to that point, I didn't know existed.

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   I was too worried about the pictures. Go figure. Finally, spent after having the most *in-fucking-credible* orgasm I had (to this day, too), we collapsed into a post coital snuggle, my come slowly oozing out of her grasping little hole, we looked into each others' eyes and shared a moment so intense that words can't describe it. It was like the world HAD stopped and it was just her and me. Nothing else mattered. There was no before, there was no after, just RIGHT NOW. I gently kissed my sister, and with her responding in turn, I actually started to get hard again. That was new. Usually after a good session of jerking off I needed to sleep. For the moment, sleep was quite far from both of our minds. "That was really fun, big brother. Now, let's try some of the other things I saw in the pictures. " She had ideas that I had no clue about, not having seen the magazine in its entirety yet. My luscious baby sister rolled onto her knees, and then leaned forward onto her elbows. I could see her pussy lying invitingly right between her thighs, and her little brown ass hole just peeping out at me.

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   "Wanna try it like this?" she asked. Not entirely sure of what I was doing, I asked if I could see the picture she was talking about. She handed me the magazine and I made sure I was doing it right. I scooted up behind her, with the head of my cock just barely in the folds of her tight little pussy. She moaned a little, then pushed back against me. I stayed where I was, watching my cock disappear up to the hilt into my sister. Her little ass was firm and soft at the same time, and I grabbed her by the hips. This seemed to excite her even more, because she started moaning really loudly. "OhhhhhhhhAaaaaaaaaa. . . . . mmmmmmm, baby. I loooooooooooove the way this feels.


   We should do it like this all the time. I can feel every inch of you stretching me open, big brother. . . . Oooooooooo!" There was no stopping at that point. Once again my baby sister had me so worked up that all conscious thought had stopped, and it was all I could do to just keep pounding my cock into her pussy. Our bodies were making this luscious slapping sound from where my hips were smacking against her little ass, and that was what did it. This orgasm snuck up on me. I didn't feel any warning this time, only that I was coming again, and it was just as intense as the first time I had come in her mouth. I came shot after incestous shot into her tight little slit, until she slipped forward and then I shot all over her back. She moaned as I released rope after rope of sticky white gold down her back, into her hair, and all over her beautiful little ass. This was the first of many many adventures that my sister and I had together, after crossing that line. . .

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