Infatuated with my cousin!


Topic: Infatuated with my cousin!I'm finally glad that I found a site where I can share this story! I haven't been able to tell anyone, not even my best buddy's! And I've been wanting to tell this for a good while now! I don't know how many of these stories on here are true, but I swear this one is! Get a beer, it's a long one.
Anyhow, this is pretty much about how me and my cousin became intimate with each other. For the sake of privacy, we'll call her Lisa and I'll be Jeff.
First, I guess I could start off with a lit tle bit about our past. She and I have always been close. When we were little kids we were pretty much inseparable. We would always hang out after school and on the weekends, staying the night at each others houses. She only lived a quarter mile from me. We would always party together and when the night wound down, we could even pass out drunk with each other in the same bed and know that nothing would ever happen.   We even went to prom together our senior year, and didn't hear a single bad thing from anyone about cousins going as dates. That's how close we were. We'd also go to the mall together and shop around and just generally shoot the shit. She'd even ask me to follow her into the Victoria Secrets store and stand outside the dressing room while she tried something on, then have me come in and ask her how it looked. And let me tell you, she was a gorgeous girl. She stands right at five foot one, probably a buck fifteen and I have to say a lot of the weight is in her tits. 36DD's  to be precise.

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   Long blond hair that curled at the ends and pretty blue eyes. Even in high school, Lisa had an amazing set of lungs. It never occurred to me that I was having feelings for her. Maybe they were there, hidden somewhere in the back of head, and I just didn't know about them.
Anyway, after high school, she and I grew apart. I went off and joined the Marine Corps, and she went off to school to become a nurse. We didn't see each other for just over 6 years. I heard through my parents a couple of years after I had left that she got married to a guy she met in college, and then after that I heard she had a little boy, and then about a year and a half after that, she had a little girl. I always meant to call and tell her congrats on everything, but I  never did. I don't know why.
After I received my honorable discharge from the Corps and made my way back home, I spent a few days catching up with the family and friends I hadn't seen in so long. I mean, I made it home for a few Christmases and stuff, but I was never home more than a few days here and there. I was over at my aunt and uncle's one evening, chatting and having a beer with, when I asked about her. I was given a phone number and an address and was told I should go surprise her sometime, that she would be so happy to see me.
After a few days, I eventually made my way over there on a Saturday afternoon.

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   I found the house, and it was nice. Her and her husband seemed to be doing really well for themselves. I rang the doorbell and this dude, turned out to be her husband, answered the door and said to me "Hi, can I help. . . You must be Jeff!" he says. I said "Yeah, is Lisa here?" "Yeah, come on in, she's out back by the pool with the kids! Come in, man, I've heard a lot about you! My name is Chad (fake name). " I say to Chad "Lisa's parents tell you guys I might make it over?" Chad says to me that they didn't, had no idea I was even in town, but that he recognized me from the pictures he had seen. "Lisa has all these albums from back in the day that she keeps around, and she goes through them every once in a while and points out family members to the kids, trying to get them to say their names and all. She has a lot of pictures of you. " About that time he walks across the living room through a huge kitchen and opens a sliding glass door. I could kinda see Lisa out there, chasing the little boy around with a garden hose, spraying him, and him laughing about it. The little girl was sitting on the edge of the patio in a tiny swim suit laughing at her mom and brother. Chad leaned out the door and says "Lisa, come in for a minute, you have a visitor!"
Lisa looked up with a 'what the hell?' look. I finally got a good look at her.

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   She was even more beautiful than I imagine. Seems like the titty fairy visited with both pregnancies. She was wearing a blue bikini which in mu opinion was a little too small for her big tits, but I wasn't complaining. And when she saw me, she got a big ass smile across her face. She dropped the hose, scooped the kids up under her arms and came up by the door. She set the little boy down and told him to run to his bathroom and dry off and change, then handed the little girl to her father and asked him to go dry her up and change her. After passing the kids off, she threw her arms around my neck and gave me a big, soaking wet hug. I wrapped my arms around her chest and lifted her up off the ground, pressing her to my chest, all the while feeling her hard nipples poke into my ribs. And that was when I think I had my first flash of lust for my cousin. I'm talking actual lust. I've always thought she was gorgeous, but I had never thought of her this way before. I instantly wondered what her tits would feel like if I put my lips on them. That thought came and went real quick, and I was asking myself why I even let that cross my mind. We spent a few minutes there saying hi and how much we missed each other and blah, blah blah. You know the usual.

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Fast forward a couple months, I was hanging out over at Lisa and Chad's place one afternoon after work, and we we're all sitting around the patio table watching the sun get ready to go down, drinking a few Bud's and just watching the kids play by their turtle shaped sand box. Lisa decides its time to get the kids ready for bed, so she runs them inside for a bath and all, leaving me Chad outside. That's when Chad says to me "Jeff, can I ask you a favor?"
"Sure, man. "
"I think Lisa might have told you I have to go out of town for a few days next week. "
"Yeah, I think she mentioned it. "
"You wouldn't mind stopping in in the evening would you, you know, just to make sure everything is okay and she's safe and all? She hates having to be here alone with the kids when I have to go on these trips. "
"No problem. I believe I can manage that. "
"You can even stay on the couch if you want. I know you only work about 6 miles from here, so you could even sleep in a little bit. Be almost a vacation for you. "
I told him I didn't mind staying the night once or twice, if it meant that Lisa and the kids would feel better. That next Sunday afternoon, he hopped on a plane and flew up into the Atlanta area to some real estate agent thing, (he sells houses) and I headed over to Lisa's after she got back from the airport.
We did the usual things that people do in the evening. Pretty much watched TV, I played with the kids on the floor, gave them "airplane" rides and stuff and then after Lisa got them into bed, we went onto the patio and started pounding back the beers.

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   Lisa didn't have to work the next day. She was on a 4 days on, 3 days off schedule at the hospital, and Sunday through Tuesday was her weekend. I did however, and after we were each about 6 beers into the evening I mentioned something about I had to be at work at 6:30 and needed to get some sleep. Lisa then convinced me that I should have one more beer with her and play a game of pool in the garage while we had that one last beer. I says ok.
We grabbed a couple more beers from the fridge and headed to the garage. I set up the table and she grabbed a stick from the corner. Remember, she's only 5 foot 1, so it was almost funny to stand back and watch her try and break as she had to kinda stand on her toes to do this. But the part that was sexy, was the fact that her big, sun tanned tits were  right out in front  of me. I had that flash of lust for my cousin again. I must be getting drunk, I thought. She got a good break and sank a couple of balls, then made her way around to my side of the table to set up for her next shot. I stood back and watched her bend over the table and I couldn't help but look down at her ass, and that's when I noticed she wasn't wearing any panties at all! I could see her right pussy lip hanging out of her shorts and I just stared at it, as she was obviously not aware of this (or if she was, she wasn't letting me know) and I started to feel my dick get hard in my jeans. There she was one foot on the floor, her right leg thrown out behind her, trying to make her shot, and this, beautiful, long pussy lip staring me in the face. Thats when I said to myself in my head 'I would totally fuck my cousin, Lisa, if I had the chance'.

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This time she missed her shot and it was my turn. The pool game was all downhill from here, because we both had a pretty good buzz going on and we were mostly laughing and joking the whole time, while I was trying to sneak looks at her pussy again, and trying to hide my erection at the same time. Also, that "last" beer turned into our third last beer, and after the worst 45 minute game of pool in history, Lisa was down to the 8 ball, I had three low balls left on the table. She lined up her shot, and right as she was about to take it, I decided I couldn't let her win. Just before she shoved the stick forward to the cue ball, I grabbed it and yanked it out of her hand and held it above my head, (I'm 6 foot 4) as she turned around with a smile on her face. "Give that back, asshole!" she said, laughing. Cue stick in my right hand, beer in my left I backed up on the table and held them both high in the air, laughing at her trying to reach and not being able to because of her height. During this campaign of hers to get the stick back, Lisa was jumping and trying to reach, and everytime, her big, beautiful tits were bouncing up and down and rubbing up against my stomach. I started getting a hard-on again. I don't know if she noticed it or not, but about that point, she had me backed up against the table, hands in the air, and she decided the best way to get her stick back was to get level with me. She grabbed me around the neck and pulled herself up, putting her knees on the pool table. Now she was straddling me. Thats when the 9 or 10 beers I had been drinking got to my head. 'Just go for it. ' I told myself.

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   Turns out, maybe I wasn't the only one thinking that. I was leaning back trying not to let her reach the stick and we were both laughing pretty good about the situation. She then had one arm around my neck, kinda holding me down and reaching up with the other one. Now that her tits were in my face I leaned in kissed her on the cleavage. Then I thought to myself 'What the fuck am I doing? She'll never go for this!' But as it turns out, thank God, she didn't stop me. She kept on laughing, reaching for the cue stick. I kissed her again in between the tits, this time letting a little bit of my tounge out. I could smell and taste her perfume. It was amazing.
Lisa brought her arm down, laughing a little less now, and put it around my neck with her other arm, and held my head there. I couldn't believe this was happening. I brought my hands down and put the stick and beer down on the table. I kissed her again in between the tits, licking a little again. She leaned her head back,  arching he back, shoving her tits harder into my face. I let go of the beer and the stick, the beer falling over on the table.

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   We didn't care. I threw my arms around her and brought my hands under her ass, squeezing it a little, and she started running her fingers through my hair. I kept thinking to myself that this was wrong, but I couldn't stop myself. I ran my fingers under her thighs and then pulled her knees up off the table and put her legs around my waist. I leaned forward, pressed into her chest, and I felt her squeeze around me with her legs. There was no way she could not know how hard I was at this point.
I started rubbing her ass through her shorts again, and she leaned in and kissed me by the ear. I could honestly feel my dick jump when she did this. When that happened I would squeeze her ass hard, and she would press tighter against me. My hands were shaking a little. For some reason, I felt like I was about to lose my virginity all over again. Lisa started kissing me on the neck, and slowly worked her way up to my mouth. It was amazing. I have never been kissed like that before. We were pushing each others tongues around in our mouths.

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   I started to move my hands toward her pussy, feeling with my fingers for that pussy lip. Once I found it, started to rub it, Lisa smiled and bit my lip gently. I slipped a finger through the crotch of her shorts, found the other lip, and pushed it out. This one was wet. I let my fingers slide over her labia and feel the wetness, the whole time, Lisa was breathing heavy into my ear, and kissing me every few seconds. My hands were still shaking, and that was about when she noticed. She leaned into my ear and whispered for me to take her to the bedroom.
I picked her up where she was, and with her legs still around me, I toted her to the bedroom, making sure to try and not be noisy so we wouldn't wake up the kids. I wasn't about to have anything fuck this up. We got to the bed room and I laid her down on the bed. I turned around to lock the door and when I turned back, she was already getting undressed. I just stood there, I didn't know what hell I was doing. This was my cousin, and started to have thoughts at that time to just stop the situation. But those thoughts only lasted a second. As soon as Lisa got her shirt off and I saw her big tits, with their perfect tan lines, and her nipples, as hard as my dick and almost as big around as a nickel, those thoughts went away.

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   Then she pulled her knees up to her chest and pulled her shorts off, and I got my first good look at her pussy. It was beautiful. She has the meatiest lips I had ever seen. She slid off the bed onto her knees and grabbed me by the belt loop, pulled me toward her. I of course was still standing there like a dumb ass, in disbelief. She looked me in the eye and said "Do you not want this?" I didn't even answer. I pulled my shirt over my head, and she took that as the signal to remove my jeans from me. I kicked off my sandals and she was doing this, and my boxers went down with my jeans, leaving my hard dick right in front of her face. She grabbed it and immediately put it in her mouth.
Her mouth felt amazing. I still haven't had gotten head from anyone like I get from Lisa. This went on for a few minutes, all the while I was thinking to myself that I was glad I had quite a few beers in me, or else it would have been all over before it even got started. After about 9 or 10 minutes, I could feel myself about to cum. I didn't want to do this yet, so I pulled out of her mouth, and as she looked up at me, I leaned down, put my hands under her arms, picked her up, and put her on the bed. I knelt down by the bed and then threw her legs over my shoulders.


   She grabbed me by the hair, as she obviously knew I was about to reciprocate. I looked at her pussy. Like I said, it was beautiful. I licked it at first, feeling her scratching my head through my hair when I did this. I sucked her lips into my mouth and rubbed my tongue over them. I pulled my head back a little, letting the full length of her pussy lips slide out of my mouth. They had to be damn close to 2 inches long. I didn't know I had a long labia fetish before then, I do now. After sucking her lips for a couple more minutes, I started pushing my tongue into her pussy, licking up and down, in and out, back and forth over her clit. She was shaved perfectly, and the Corps had taught me to always keep a clean face, so all we could feel was wet skin on wet skin.
Amazing. I sucked on her clit for a little bit more, then I thought I would make my way down south. I licked in between her holes. It tasted a little salty, but sweet at the same time, probably from her girly body wash. I licked her asshole, felt it tighten up a little when my tongue touched it.

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   I got her pussy and ass soaking wet and then started working on her clit again. I spent a few more minutes on her clit, and at the same time, started working a finger into her ass. I guess she liked this, cause she started breathing harder. The farther into her ass I got, the harder I sucked her clit. Right about the time i got to the top knuckle, her pussy exploded in my mouth. Her juices tasted so good. She raised her hips up as she came. I pressed down on her waist to keep her clit my mouth and pressed my finger harder into her ass. I could feel her asshole get tighter around my finger. Finally, I guess she could take no more and gave my head one last shove and parted my lips from her pussy, and I slipped my finger from her ass.
I stood up, and looked at her laying there, spasming. After she had cought her breath, she looked at me and said "Come here. " I laid on top of her, pressing my cock against her pussy. I went to give her a kiss and she grabbed my by my chin, and licked her juices from my face and lips, then let me kiss her. Lisa reached down, took my cock, and worked it into her hole.

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   I couldn't believe how soft and tight her pussy was. I slid in and out of Lisa, slow at first, enjoying every bit of it. I hadn't had sex since before I left Lejeune, and I wanted to take it all in. Not to mention that this beautiful woman under me is my cousin!
We stayed that way for a while, sometimes she would reach down and squeeze my balls, mostly she just kept her arms around my neck. And we kissed, like lovers. At that moment, we were making love, not fucking. Sounds cheesy, but it is what it is. After doing that for a little while, I flipped over on to my back and brought her down on top of me. It was awesome to see Lisa bounce up and down on my cock the way she was, with my fingers gripping her ass. I would reach down and touch her pussy with my finger tips and feel my cock as it slid in and out of her. And the whole time, thinking to myself that it was my cock, my cock inside my blood relative, and even though I know we both knew it was wrong, we didn't stop it.
I would reach up and grab the back of her neck sometime and pull her towards me, so I could have her nipple in my mouth. I was officially in Heaven. I had never felt that with any other girl before. I was getting close to cumming.

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   I guess she could tell, cause I started moving my hips with her.   That's when she told me she wanted me to cum inside her. "Are you serious, what about. . . " She cut me off and told me she was on the pill because her and Chad didn't want anymore kids at the moment.
Not too long after that, I wrapped my arms around her waist, and held her tight against my body, not allowing her to mover her hips anymore, I was the one taking over now. I started thowing my hips up and down as fast as I could. I could feel my balls slapping against her asshole, and right about the middle of her orgasm, with her biting my shoulder, I started mine. It felt like no orgasm I've ever had. I was doing this thing where I was cumming in her pussy, and doing this half-thrust thing, holding onto Lisa as tight as I could. I could actually feel the cum coming out of my cock.
Afterward, we lay there for a few minutes, Lisa on top of me, my cock still inside her. We kissed and ran our fingers through each others hair. We didn't say a word.

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   She closed her eyes, and dozed off, breathing a little heavy, my cock started going soft. I lay there with her still on top of me. My cock finally went all the way limp and slid out of her slippery pussy. When it did, it unblocked the way for my cum that was sitting inside her and I could feel it leak out of her pussy and down onto my cock and balls and down my ass crack to the sheets. I fell asleep that way too.
I woke up the next morning, late for work, called in sick and went back to sleep. I woke up a bit later to her stroking my cock, smiling at me. She said that she had been wanting to fuck me since high school, but always felt guilty about having the thoughts. She asked me if I felt bad about it. I told her no. That I would do it again if I had a chance to. We made love again right then. I stayed the night again every night that week while Chad was gone. And ever time Chad goes out of town, he always asks me to check in on Lisa and the kids. And I do, without hesitation.

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   And have the best sex of my life. Chad doesn't question me being eager to stay the night. Neither does my current girlfriend now. Who in their right mind would fuck their cousin anyway? I used to think the same thing. Now we fuck each other whenever we have the chance. Besides, I was always taught that no one will ever love you like your family.
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Every time you visit to The Netherlands, and you come to this beautiful city called, Amsterdam, keep in mind that you can improve your time spent by browsing the escort girls amsterdam services. It’s easy and highly reliable, intimate and most advanced for any sort of sexual desire. Your hidden dreams can become reality with the help of these ladies. Feel free to browse the category and see the lady you like. Experience the finest levels of satisfaction with some truly sexy models. Fresh, older ones, skinny, fat, BBW, with large boobies, with thick asses, dark haired, blondes, ebony, Asian, you name it. The selection is vast and the options are numerous. All you need to do is browse the escort Amsterdam category and see for yourself. Such wonderful women are impossible to find on other sites, and their level of skill will amaze even the most demanding of dude.
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Among the best Riyadh Eacort women you can think of!

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