E-Mail Sex Slave - Part 2

Cyber Sex


Perhaps you have read her earlier story.   If so you know that Nickie has, for a little less than a year, been trained via e-mail to be her Master’s sex slave.   Since all of the training has been done through the internet, she had never met him in person, however she did follow his instructions faithfully and has become much more aware of her sexuality, as have many others.   Nickie is Eurasian, born in the USA , the daughter of two foreign nationals, the father, a French citizen whose parents were Aisian , the mother from a prominent Swedish family.   They had met, fallen in love, married and worked as senior foreign correspondents for a large European news agency.    Shortly after their marriage they were transferred to the USA where their only child, Nickie, was born. They were killed in a freak traffic accident during Nickie’s Sophomore year at school, leaving her financially independent, in trust for her until her 21 st birthday.   From her mother she had acquired a fiercely competitive streak that required her to do her best at everything she attempted.   And her best was very, very good.   She was convinced that once she set her mind to a task, there was nothing that she could not conquer.   Now at 19 years of age, she is strikingly attractive, her Asian ancestry contributing to her olive complexion and almond shaped eyes, her Nordic ancestry her blond hair, blue green eyes, high cheekbones, full lips and perfect teeth below a small but authoritarian nose.   Her hair is worn long and straight, reaching below mid back.   She is naturally athletic and trim, but worked at staying in shape by a regular regime of jogging and workouts at a local gym.   She is a tall girl, 5’ 7”, and consistently weighs between 125 and 130 lbs.   Her measurements, 35-24-36, belie   her true appearance, for she is broad shouldered with average sized breasts.   The breasts are, however, perfectly shaped with just the slightest hint of sag, as to confirm the existence of gravity, small well defined areola with nipples that hardened to firm eraser like nubs when aroused.

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     Her buttocks are, in her mind, too large and she has tried various exercises to reduce their size, but managed only to make them extremely firm and all the more attractive in the eyes of others.   Men as well as women take notice when Nickie enters a room.   In spite of her beauty, obvious to others, as is the case with many beautiful women she does not consider herself beautiful.   Oh, she knows she is attractive enough, but thinks, no raving beauty.


Her submission to her e-mail master in no way diminished her self confidence or, in her own mind, her sense of independence.   She initially considered her submission an intriguing game to be played as long as it was fun.   She knew she didn’t have to do as told and what harm could come from someone who didn’t know her real identity and whom she would certainly never meet, or so she thought initially.   It would be fun to see what he envisioned for her.   So she started.   As time passed and she was rewarded with pleasure at performing each of the tasks he gave her, she began to consider each new instruction a challenge to see if she could perform it to his satisfaction.   Each time she completed a task, she felt such a sense of accomplishment and reward that she looked forward to either new challenges or to repeating others.   In this way, Nickie became his true submissive sex slave, either through his unique ability to read her true desires from her replies to him, or to pure dumb luck at finding one so completely receptive to his manipulation.  


Now to Nickie – in her own words:


I believe the greatest benefit to me in this relationship with my Master has been the realization that I can enjoy sex so much more if I know I am pleasing my partner, giving him or her pleasure thereby enhancing my own.   I still perform some version of my nightly routine of self stimulation on those nights that I am not otherwise occupied and I believe that this keeps me in a heightened state of arousal most of the time.   Through my contact with my Master I have come to realize that I simply love sex in all it’s forms and revel in the challenge of ensuring my partner loves sex with me.

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     As the chapter in my life that covered my years as a student, both at the university and possibly as a student of my Master’s, came to a close, I knew it was time for decisions.   But initially, I was just relieved that school was over and thought that I did not really have to make any big decisions right away.   I could just play for a while, mark time until I was ready to move on to that next chapter in my life, whatever it might be.   Well – that’s not exactly the way it turned out.


I had just graduated from the university that I have attended for three years.   I was looking forward to getting it over with and celebrating afterwards.   I got up that morning to get ready to go to graduation ceremonies, removed the large butt plug that I now insert each night after my routine and took my shower.   I took the small butt plug and slipped it into my ass.   I really like the feeling of being filled back there and usually have something in my ass most of the time.   I brushed my hair and applied a little minimal makeup.   Then tried to decide what to wear under my graduation gown.   The gown was black, made of relatively thin but not transparent material, floor length, and zipped up the front.  


‘You know,’ I thought, ‘I don’t have to wear anything at all underneath. ’  


I mean – the gown certainly covered me and the day promised to be warm.   I might have to be a little careful when sitting since the zipper only started just above my knees, but sitting I would be able to show a bit of leg and thigh.

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     This appealed to me and my exhibitionist tendencies so I put the robe on and zipped up the front.   My nipples were erect from my thoughts of going to graduation this way and were quite apparent through the thin fabric.   I practiced sitting in front of my mirror.   I unzipped the top of the gown a bit to show just a bit of cleavage and looked at myself.   Satisfied, I put on my shoes, relatively modest heels, and put   the mortar board on and pinned it to my hair.   We were expected to be at the arena by 9:00 AM and it was 8:30, so I left the apartment and walked the short distance to campus.  


I arrived, found my place in line, and waited for the march into the arena.   I was graduating, Summa Cum Laude, with a 3. 98 GPR and so was in with the group of honor graduates positioned between two guys that I knew.   We had been in a couple of the same classes together this last semester.   I had spent the night with both of them a few weeks earlier and we had gotten to know each other really well.   They were well aware of my reputation, as were many others in the arena that day.   As I arrived and took my place between them, they each gave me a hug and a kiss.   Chuck is an anachronism, a very smart guy who played on the football team.   As he hugged me, his hand went to my ass and squeezed it playfully.

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     I grinned and stuck my tongue out at him.  


“Just cool it, Chuck,” I said. “This isn’t the time or place.   Maybe later. K?”


“You name the time and place and I’ll be there,” he replied.   As I talked with him I felt another hand on my ass, turned and to find James, a big grin on his face.  


“You feel fine this morning, sugar,” he said.   “In fact, feels like I’m feeling the real you underneath that robe.   Don’t tell me that’s all you have on,” he added in a whisper.   James is another football player, big, black, and smart as a whip.   And did I mention big.   Six feet nine inches tall, 250 lbs. , about 9 inches long and very thick.


“Of course it isn’t the only thing I have on.   See.

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  â€ I pulled up the hem of the robe and looked down to display my feet. “I also have shoes on. ” I smiled shyly at him from under the edge of the mortar board.


“My mistake, sugar.   You certainly do have shoes on.   I just hope you don’t have to stand in front of any really bright lights.   That robe’s pretty thin. ”   He said, grinning more broadly


“Thanks for the warning, but I think I’ll be OK.   At least I shouldn’t get too warm,” I said, smiling back at him.  


Grinning even more broadly, he said, “Wouldn’t count on that. ”


The music started for our processional and we began to shuffle forward to the entrance to the arena.   Chuck behind me and James in front.   As we moved forward, stopped, and moved forward repeatedly, I could feel Chucks erection press against my back.   As I bumped into James in front of me, I felt his hands cup my pussy and rub it up and down a few times.   He had his hands innocently clasped behind his back at just the right level.

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     By the time we entered the arena and the march to our seats picked up, I was really warm.


As I sat down I pulled the robe up so that it fell on either sid of my legs.   I crossed my legs loosely, as always, conscious of my Master’s instructions to never let my thighs touch when sitting.    In this way anyone sitting across from me could look up my skirt or dress, or in this case, my robe.   Of course there was no one across from me now but sitting this way has become, as I am sure my Master intended, second nature to me now.


As the ceremony started, both James and Chuck reached over and each one put a hand in my lap.   I uncrossed my legs and spread them a little.   I covered both of their hands with mine and it looked like we were just holding hands, but beneath my hands, theirs were busy, stroking me.   I adjusted my position to allow them better access and tried to keep from squirming around too much.   But eventually, as we waited, I WAS squirming all around on that chair.   I let out a low moan and pushed both of their hands away.  


“Sorry, guys. ” I whispered,   “But you were going to cause me to make a scene.   You already have me so hot I’ll be lucky to be able to walk when its time to get my diploma, not to mention the wet spot that’s now on my robe. ”


“You think you’ll have trouble walking?   Try it with the boner that I have right now,” James whispered back.

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     Knowing James’ size in that area, I could imagine, but just grinned at him as Chuck chuckled quietly.


Before I knew it we were standing in line waiting for our name to be called for us to climb to the stage and receive our diplomas.   Chucks name was called.   Then I heard “Nicole Renee Schau, Summa Cum Laude”.   I climbed to the stage and walked to shake the hand of the President of the university and receive my diploma.   He smiled and shook my hand as he handed me the orange case containing my diploma.


“Congratulations, Nickie,” he said as he held my hand.   To my surprise, he continued, “I hope you realize that you are a special young lady, a pearl as it were, and the world really can be your oyster. ”   He continued to hold my hand, expecting some comment from me I suppose.   I was so surprised that he seemed to know me that I really didn’t know what to say.


“Thank you, sir,” I managed, “I appreciate that a lot. ”   I tried to disengage my hand from his but he held it a moment longer.  


“I know that class rankings have not been made public yet but wanted to tell you personally that you are ranked number one in the class of 975 students.   Again, congratulations and best wishes, Nickie. ”   He released my hand.

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     I stood somewhat dumbfounded.  


“Wow!” I said somewhat breathlessly.   It was all I could say.


“Yeah, WOW is right,” he said.


I turned and left the stage.   I didn’t want to stay for the rest of the ceremony.   I had some big celebrating to do.   I turned right at the exit and walked out of the arena and went straight to Dave’s.





Zantha had arrived in the little college town that morning, driving up from Atlanta .   She was looking for Nickie but all she had to go on was the fact that she frequented a bar where the owner’s name was Dave.   She had a room reserved at a local motel but didn’t intend to use it unless she couldn’t find Nickie.   She drove through the small downtown, passing several bars, obviously catering to the college crowd.   She parked and entered one of the smaller taverns, reasoning that Nickie wouldn’t choose a big place.   She walked to the bar and took a vacant seat at the end.  


Zantha was a striking brunette.

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     She was about 5’4” tall, her dark hair was glossy and straight, cut to the shape of her face, parted in the middle and curving in softly at the nape of her neck.   Her eyes were pale, lined with black, her mouth wide and sensual.   Men noticed her.  


The men in the tavern noticed her as she entered and walked purposefully to her seat.   The bartender came over and asked, “what can I get you, ma’am?”  


“A glass of Chardonnay, please,” she answered.   He served her the glass of wine and returned to the other end of the bar where he was watching a television with several other men.   Apparently they were watching the graduation carried on one of the local cable stations.  


“Hot damn, it is her.   It was Nickie.   You see how long he’s taking with her,” one of them said.   Zantha was immediately interested in the conversation.   She glanced up at the TV to see a tall blonde girl leaving the stage.   Of course.   Nickie was graduating this semester.   That must be her


“Yeah,” the bartender replied, “she’s supposed to be some sort of brainy bitch and I guess she must be.


     I don’t understand why she is so wild, or how she does so well in school all things considered. ”


Zantha quickly finished her wine and signaled the bartender for another glass.   As he delivered it she said “What was that about the girl who just got her diploma?   I assume you guys know her and, as it happens, I’m looking for a girl named Nickie regarding a legal matter.   Can you tell me where I could find her?”


“Yeah, sure.   My name’s Jimmy by the way and, yes, we do know Nickie around here.   She just graduated in the current senior class with all sorts of honors.   That’s what we were talking about.   So she will probably be looking to celebrate a bit .   You can probably find her at Dave’s later. ”


“Well Jimmy – I’m Zantha, and yes, I understand she frequents Dave’s quite often.   Can you tell me how to find it?” Zantha asked.


“Well, you are almost there,” answered Jimmy.   “Dave’s place is just around the corner, off the main drag.   Take a left out the door here, then left at the next street and go about two blocks.   Dave’s is in the middle of the next block on the left.


     Can’t miss it. ”


“Thanks a lot, Jimmy,” said Zantha as she smiled inwardly.   This was going to be easier than she had thought.


In her own words:

My hurried walk to Dave’s took only a few minutes and as I entered Dave spotted me, jumped the bar and grabbed me in a bear hug, lifted me off the ground and slung me around.   “Damn woman, graduating with honors.   You are something else gal – you must be about to bust with pride!” Dave shouted.   Others at the bar were clapping and cheering.


“Jeeze, thanks Dave – and all you guys.   Yeah, I am pretty happy about things right now.   I can’t stay though.   Gotta go get outta this robe.   Just wanted to stop by and show you my diploma and what a real graduate looks like,”   I gushed.


“Well they coulda given you a prize for being the prettiest too.   Thanks for coming by and showing us your all dressed up self. .

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     You be back later I hope?” Dave asked.


“Sure – soon as I get changed I’ll be back. ”   I told him as I gave him a kiss and turned and left for my apartment.



Nickie rushed to her apartment and changed.   She took off the robe and chose a mini skirt that barely covered her ass.   No panties.   An almost sheer blouse that buttoned up the front with no bra.   She left the top three buttons undone.   She applied minimal makeup as was her habit and left for Dave’s


As soon as she arrived she could see Dave at the bar.   He looked at her with a serious expression.   She could tell he was concerned about something.


“What? What’s wrong?” she asked as she sat at the bar.


“See that gal in the booth over there?” He said.   “She is here to see you.   She said she was here to meet you at a ‘Kim’s’ request.

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     Isn’t that the name of the guy you’ve been e-mailing with?”


Nickie was surprised.   She looked over and saw a beautiful brunette sitting in the booth.   “Kim? Yeah, sure, that’s him.   You sure she said ‘Kim’?” I asked.   “I don’t know what this is about but I better find out. ”   She said as she turned to go to the booth.


“Take care, girl. ”   Dave said as she left the bar.


Nickie walked to the booth and stood beside the woman.   “I understand you are looking for me – and that you are here at Kim’s request?   Are you really from Kim?,” she asked.


“Ahhh, Nickie.   Sooooo nice to meet you at last. ” The brunette said.   “Yes, I’m here at Master Kim’s instructions.   Have a seat and I’ll tell you all about it.

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  â€ She said.


Nickie took a seat opposite her.   Smiling she said, “You are as beautiful as your pictures.   Master wanted me to see if I could find you and verify the things you have told him.   From what I have found out, it seems, so far at least, that you have been truthful.   Relax, Nickie, I’m a friend.   My name is Zantha.   I don’t want to do anything you don’t want to do but we do need to talk. ”


Nickie didn’t know how to respond.   Here was a personal contact with her e-mail master.   Something she had not planned on.   But she was intrigued with the idea of finding out more.   “OK,” she replied, “I don’t know you or how you found me – but I’m willing to listen. ”


“Oh Niickie, it was pretty easy to find you.   There isn’t but one large university in this part of the state and we knew you frequented ‘Dave’s’, sooo ----.

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     Anyway, whatever happens from here on out will be up to you.   Now do not interrupt.   We DO have things to discuss.   Speak only in response to a question, understood?”


“Ohhh Kayyyy,” said Nickie, hesitantly.


“Alright,” began Zantha, “Our Master thinks it is time for you to experience hands on training.   I have been in Atlanta on a business trip for him and since I was going to be so close, he thought this would be a good time to start, especially since you have just finished school.   Now let me outline the proposal for you.   You do not have to agree but if you do not, all contact with him or me will cease.   You may agree initially and then at anytime during the course of your hands on training you may decide to quit, but again, all contact will then cease.  


“Now, your training.   It will begin with me, starting here and now.   I will stay here with you for one week giving you an idea of what your training will be like.   Then, assuming you continue, we will visit Master Kim himself.   He plans to be in the Atlanta area starting a week from tomorrow.   Your training will not include any serious physical harm but may involve minor punishment, at my or our Master’s discretion, from time to time if warranted.

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     You must obey all instructions without question or hesitation.   You will inform Dave that you are under my care from now on and unless you tell him differently at some future date, he is not to expect to see you for a while.   You may tell him you will contact him once per week, if you so desire, to ease his mind about your well being.   Do you understand all that I have said so far?”


“I think so,” said Nickie, “but will any of this be in writing?”


“The contract you have already signed is all that we need.

  You have already agreed to this.   Even though this is the first hands on contact you have had, the contract remains in force and applies to in person contact as well as e-mail contact.   Any more questions?   -   No?   Well, what is your answer. ”


Surprised at the abrupt tone, Nickie says, “Now – you want my answer right now?   Can’t I have a little while to think about it?”


“Nickie, I asked if you had more questions and you did not respond.   Now you ask another question.   Not good, Nickie.   But yes, you can have a little time to think about your answer.   Sit here and think while I go to the ladies room.   I will tell you this.   If you do not accept this proposal, you will, in my opinion, be missing a wonderful life experience, one I truly believe you will enjoy.   I will expect your answer when I return.

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  â€   With that, Zantha leaves the booth.  


Nickie isn’t sure what to do.   The thought of actually having a Master, or in this case, a Mistress, direct her actions is titillating.   She really does not have any definite plans for the immediate future, and, she thinks, she can always quit if things get too kinky.   OK. She decides to do it just as Zantha returns.


“Your answer,” Zantha says as she resumes her seat.


“”Ok, I’ll do it,” says Nickie.   “Should I go tell Dave now?”


“You will tell Dave when I tell you to tell Dave.   You will not do anything at all this week unless directed by me, and that includes speaking unless I ask a question or give permission.   Is that understood?”


Nickie nods mutely.  


“Now, stand here in front of me. ”   Nickie gets up and stands in front of Zantha.   Zantha reaches over and lifts Nickie’s skirt.   “Good.

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     No panties.   Just as I expected from what you have told our Master.   You are a slut, Nickie. ”   Leaving the skirt raised, Zantha grips the front of Nickie’s blouse and pulls her forward making her bend at the waist.   She unbuttons all of the buttons on the blouse and then ties the front together, folding the collar and sides of front of the blouse under to expose most of her chest.   Nickie’s nipples are just covered, the sides of each breast exposed, straining against the tight material.  


“Remain in this position. ” Zantha says as she releases her hold on the blouse.   She reaches into her briefcase, pulls out a red nylon dog collar and fastens it around Nickie’s neck.   “I see you wear our Master’s onchk.   Good.   He will be pleased.   Now   you will also wear his collar.   Now one more thing. ” She says as she retrieves a slender gold colored chain from the briefcase.

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     It is light in weight, about 5 feet long with delicate links, but quite strong.   She attaches this to the collar.   “Stand. ” She says.


Neckie   stands, the chain looping down, its end in Zantha’s hand.   “Pull your skirt down you little tramp.   You want to get arrested?” Zantha hisses.   Nickie does as instructed.   “Now let’s go see Dave. ”


Zantha rises and leads Nickie to the bar. “Tell him. ” She says to Nickie.


Dave sees them and comes over to them at the bar.   “Need something, ladies?” he asks, his expression one of concern.


Nickie tells him that she is going to be with Zantha for a while and unless she tells him differently at some future date, he is not to expect to see her for a while.

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     She does tell him that she will contact him once per week to let him know she is ok.


With that, Zantha pulls on the chain and they head for the door of the bar.



In her own words:


We arrived at my apartment in our separate cars, she following me.   As I got out of my car she opened her trunk.   “Get the bags and carry them for me,” She said.  


I did as I was told.   There were two bags, one obviously her suitcase, the other like a tool satchel.   As we approached the steps, me struggling under the weight of the two bags, she told me to stop.   I stopped and turned toward her.   She looked at me appraisingly and then reached down and pulled up my skirt and tucked into the waistband, exposing everything below my waist   My ass and pussy were now on display.


“Much better,” she said.   “Now onward and upward. ”


I climbed the stairs in front of her as she looked at my bare ass wiggling up the stairs.


“OK, open the door. ” she said as I set the bags down and got my key.


     I opened the door, picked up the bags and we went inside.   As I placed the bags on the floor of the living room she said, “Where is your computer?”


“In the extra bedroom.   I use it as sort of my study area. ” I replied.  


“Show me. ” She said.   We walked to the extra bedroom and Zantha sat at the desk in front of the computer.


“OK, take the suitcase and satchel and put them in your bedroom.   Then come back here. ”   I did as I was told.  


When I returned, she looked at me with a smile on her face. “Now let’s see whether you remember one of the easy commands.   Strip, Nicole. ”  


For some reason I was nervous.   Don’t know if I was afraid she wouldn’t like what she saw or if I was just embarrassed.


     I have undressed before so many others that I should not have minded at all, but this was the first time I was doing it as the result of a direct command from someone else.   It didn’t take me long to remove the few pieces of clothing I had on – my top, skirt, and my shoes and socks.   Nervous, I did it as slowly and sexy as I could, mindful of the instructions relating to this command. Then I stood in front of her.   She looked at me appraisingly.


“Not bad, Nickie.   You are quite pretty.   But your striping technique can use some work.   Remember, it should be a strip tease, sensual, intended to arouse the watcher. ”   She continued, “Now, while you are in this apartment, you will wear nothing, except,” she paused, smiling at me, “shoes.   I understand you do own a pair of heels? Get them. ”


I went to my closet and carried the 3 inch heels I had purchased at my Master’s instruction back to her.   Though I had bought them some time ago, I rarely wore them and was not particularly comfortable in them.


“Let me see them. ”   I handed them to her.

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     “Well, these will have to do for the time being.   I’ll get you a new pair.   In fact I will need to do some shopping for you later as well.   For now – put these on. ”   I took the shoes and started to sit down beside her on the sofa.   “No.   Either stand   or sit on the floor. ”   I sat on the floor and put on the shoes.   “Now stand. ” I did.   “We are going to have a lot of rules while I am here with you this week.   That’s the first.   You are not allowed to sit on any piece of furniture.   You will either stand or sit or crawl on the floor.   A few others.

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     You will be nude at all times while in the apartment unless I direct otherwise.   You will speak only when spoken to and then only to answer a direct question.   During the day you will at all times wear those shoes until I can get you another pair.   At night you will wear a special shoe that I have brought for you.   You will keep your gaze directed at the floor unless otherwise instructed.   Understood?” she said.


I nodded my understanding.   Zantha moved the chair to the side of the desk and motioned for me to stand beside her.   We were both facing the computer and she put her arm around my waist.   “Show me how you connect to the internet,” she said as she stroked the side of my hip.   Her hand dropped to my ass and then to the inside of my thigh, lightly running her hand up and down from my knee to just below my pussy.   Such a light touch.   It felt wonderful


As she continued to stroke me, I leaned over and clicked on the browser icon calling up the connection screen, then clicked the connect button.   My home page came up.   “OK , now to your e-mail program,” she said.

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     I called up my e-mail.   “Alright, now just stand there. ”


I stood back as she typed in a message to Master Kim.   I could read over her shoulder.   She let him know that she had arrived and that things were ‘going according to plan’. She signed off and turned to me.  


“Now, let’s see how well you are doing with your commands.   Inspection back,” she ordered.


I got on the floor beside her and lay on my back with my legs spread wide and   used my hands to pull my cunt open.   It was very obvious that I was quite wet, a result of her touching me earlier combined with the experience of having her there and actually giving me orders.   I was surprised at how turned on I had gotten just from having this stranger in charge of me.  


“Very nice,” she said.   She bent over me and touched me on the knee, then slowly with a light touch, very slowly and with a very light touch, trailed her finger tips up my thigh, trailing over my hands as I held myself open for her view, then on up over my rib cage to my right breast.   Slowly and ever so lightly she traced a circle around my nipple.   I didn’t think it could have gotten any more errect, but at that touch, it did.

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     Her fingers were like sources of electric current activating my senses, I uttered a low moan and my hips involuntarily moved up, my fingers wanting to rub my clit.  


“Now just hold that position and stop your squirming. ” She said as she continued to stimulate my nipple.   She moved her hand to the left breast and circled that nipple.   Both nipples were as hard and erect as they had ever been.   “Not bad, but we do need to do a little maintenance here.   Master likes very prominent nipples. ”


With that she got up and moved to the satchel, opened it and retrieved a small container.   She opened the container and extracted what appeared to be two small rubber tubes, each about a half inch long.   Additionally from the satchel she removed a small tool which looked like a slender metal tube with a small claw on one end and a button on the other end.   She took one of the rubber tubes and threaded it over the claw end of the metal tube, then, returned to me.   I watched as she put the claw end of the tube over my right nipple and, pressing the button to open the claw, grabbed my nipple with the claw and pulled it away from my chest, elongating it.   The claw had a non slip coating covering it that grabbed without piercing the skin but held very tight, pinching the end of my nipple somewhat painfully as she pulled on it.   She then rolled the rubber tube off the metal tube onto my nipple.   The rubber tube was now encasing my nipple and a portion of the areola.

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     The end of my nipple protruded slightly from the end of the rubber tube.   She repeated the process on my left nipple.  


“These are special nipple clamps designed by our Master,” she said.   “They are am improved version of what are sometimes called sweater bumpers.   I have a few other pieces of special equipment which he has designed as well.   Now lets run through the rest of the commands”   She proceeded to list each command that I had been given to memorize and as she stated each command I assumed the appropriate position, ending with the Display command.   I stood in front of her with my feet spread shoulder width apart, my hands behind my head, fingers interlaced and eyes downcast.  


“Not bad, Nicole,” she said.   ”Now a few more instructions.   You will address me as Ma’am.   I’m not your Master, j.