Grandma's Shirttail


Topic: Grandma's ShirttailGrandma’s Shirttail  
A true story from the emails of a trusted chatter; Bea thank you for those enlightened words of faith in my writings (how did you put it “…wordy content that make me tingle and cream while feeling all hot and bothered”). I cherish that you picked me to unfold your tale from so many talented writers. I hope my words hold the character, mood and passion that you imparted to me, as I became your grandson to write this.
My name is Anthony however Grandma calls me Tony, but mostly “Shirttail”. I turned 14 yesterday.
I have lived with Grandma Bea (mom’s mother) for about 3-years since my parents were in a fatal car crash that also took my younger sister. When I first moved to grandma’s house I was, “…a sickly little twerp, no muscle and barely any bone” as Granddad always said; I wasn’t the rugged outdoorsman that he was … so most of my time was spent with Grandma I remember that first week when she tagged me with the “Shirttail” for following her everywhere and that included the bathroom; I was extremely shy that first intolerable year and in truth Granddad scared the hell out of me. So Grandma and I did almost everything together; baked, cooked, washed clothes all those things that a well-established matronly lady does to maintain a pristine house, yard and husband.
Well matronly is probably not the word to describe Grandma Bea; she’s 44-years-old (in 2-weeks), pageboy dark brown hair with a hint of grey, very firm 40-B bust and proportionately slender, long legs in her 5 foot 7 inch frame. Who always acts demure and sensual, even with dirt on her face from the garden, nothing seemed to rile her.
Midway through the 2nd year, Granddad had been out hunting and developed a cerebral bleed that apparently caused a stroke and before his buddies found him had spent best part of 2 days in the cold wet weather. So he was almost fully bed-ridden and he kept getting repeated bouts of pneumonia. Grandma Bea took it all in stride and reorganized the house to fit the situation.

First thing she did was moved out of the master bedroom, that was granddads’; she temporarily moved in with me (they had a old style 2-bedroom square wood framed 1½ - story house, located on a small acreage ½ mile from town) saying, “You and me Shirttail, I hope you don’t snore. ” I helped her move her dresser into the already small room and so began my enforced yet comforting extended stay and my road to discovery.
I’d get up with her in the morning, she’d go to the bathroom standing like a lost puppy, so most times she’d hold my hand as she did her thing, (after the first 6-months I stopped following her into the bathroom) and just standby the partially opened door, making eye contact with her.

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   Then we were off to the kitchen to start the coffee and she’d go to check on Granddad; if he was asleep she’d check his catheter, draining it if needed.
We’d then return to “our” room where grandma would layout her clothes of the day; then standing facing out into our tight room slip off her nightgown revealing all her womanly attributes to my pre-teen wide eyes. Every morning she’d give me her head-tilt sly smile and a “wink” as she slipped on a bra but not always, never any panties; mostly she wore tight fitting jeans in winter or shorts in summer both that displayed her incredible beaver budge unless she had an appointment in town then it was garter belt, nylons and a skirt or dress with sensible heels.
Grandma Bea had decided that we’d continue sharing the room till spring then we’d fix a bunkroom in the attic for me, “…till then Shirt-tail, we’ll have to shack-up together. ” On weekends, after taking care of Granddad, she would drag me up into the attic to sort things. How I loved those old creaky narrow stairs, she’d always go up first leaving me a fantastic view of her naked sash-swaying bottom either in blue jeans but often in an old work skirt.

We (she) decided I needed a window (small as it was) for sunlight and stacked out the area defined as my bunkhouse; slowly we moved boxes to under the light so she could sort through; Often she’d have me sit on her knee as she showed me pictures or read segments of a letter; it was not long before I viewed Grandma Bea as a attractive well sought after lass, who almost always stated, “the boys had the HOTS for your old Grandma…” and often came calling. Her breathing would become a little ragged or maybe a deep sigh of regret. After many months of weekends had passed we had swept, cleaned and now painting my soon too domain.
We’d work in the attic, did whatever housework was needed and take care of Granddad. At night it
was reverse of the morning dressing routine and I always waited patiently with great expectation for the “revealing” and thus my eventual but somewhat alarming “wet-dream” experience now entering my 3rd year with Grandma.
We had checked on Granddad, who was fast asleep and retired to our room; it had been a cold wet day and the room was slightly chilled; Grandma had cuddled me, her arm hanging over my waist and those firm breasts pressed against my back. The night passed and in the morning to my horror my pyjamas were a mass of sticky goo. Grandma Bea looked at me with surprise because for the first time since coming to live with her I was not attached to her, she slipped off to the bathroom and I lay there trying to figure out what happened and how to clean up.
Before I realized it Grandma was sitting down on my side of the bed, her hand to my forehead, “Not fever, what’s ailing you Shirttail?” she asked with tremendous motherly care.

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“I think I need a doctor Grandma … I’m leaking …” I intoned with great concern.
“Leaking? Whatever are you talking about child?” questioned Grandma with exasperation.
I indicated by pointing down there between my legs.
Grandma scooted back the blankets stopping with a smile on her face, “Oh Shirttail, that’s normal … let me check on Granddad and we’ll take care of this … ok?” Off she went and I lay there somewhat shaken but reassured by grandma’s calm.
“Now … I guess grandma has to check you …” she said as she lifted the blankets motioning me to scoot over in bed. “Trust old grandma…” as she slipped off my pyjama bottoms, “Ohhhh, you done grow'd up on me Shirttail! Now how old you getting to be …?”
“I'll be 14 end of next month Grandma …” I said shyly.
“My My My … you are nearly a man … hmm … guess we better see if you’re still … leaking …
(as her hand slowly picked up my offending penis between her middle finger and thumb) … it appears to be sleeping (her index finger began tapping and stroking it) … wake up there!” she stated with a straight-faced tone.
To my surprise, my penis began to twitch, small dribbles ebbing from the opening.
“I better taste this … ummm slightly salty only a hint of sweetness … kind of watery … we’ll have to do something about that …” grandma was whispering aloud, then she looked up winking at me “need to clean this up now …” and leaned down, her tongue licking and suddenly her mouth slipped over the head of my penis engulfing it as she hummed to herself. My penis began to swell and I lay back onto grandmas’ pillow enjoying the wet sensation of grandmas’ mouth. Her mouth came off … “definitely your first wet one … don’t think it will be long …” returning to her mouthy efforts, her tongue never still and soon her hand was doing a slow pump to my swollen penis. I began breathing quickly, my stomach felt weird like tiny electrical bolts that suddenly released their energy in my groin, my hips began pumping and strange garble came from my mouth, “Ahhhhh, Uumm … ohhhhhh…. AAAHHHHhhhh” when with the suddenness of a lightening bolt over the prairies creamy boiling hot stuff spurted into grandma’s busy mouth; she gagged several times with white stuff dribbling from the corners of her mouth. When I was done, she licked my penis clean and taking my hand pulled me up from the bed and into the bathroom. She slipped out of her dressing gown and we had a quick shower together as we had often done.

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My eyes were lowered but still feasted as grandma dressed in her old skirt, no bra and a simple old shirt. She remained smiling and giving me a lot of winks this morning. She stripped the bed sheets for the wash. Granddad was awake so Grandma was talking with him, she removed the blankets and gave him a bath (to me, seeming to spend along time washing his penis) then gave him his medication, turned on the TV and we retired to the attic.
We began setting up an old wrought-iron bed frame, struggled while lifting the old wire spring mattress in to place. As I wiggled and dragged an old dresser into place grandma slipped downstairs to get linen to make the bed. I helped her make up my new bed, then we nailed into place an old grey blanket as a door. Grandma stepped back into the room looking about, “It looks good … do you like it?” she asked.
I was in heaven, my own space … I nodded yes, too afraid to talk that my emotion may show. Grandma held out her arms for a hug and I quickly came to her. While in her embrace she slowly sat down on the old creaky bed drawing me with her. She ruffled my hair as she said, “My little Shirttail, nearly a man now … your own room, your surprise this morning … I think grandma needs to have a special birds and bees talk with you … ”
“You know it’s just been you and me for quite awhile now, I’ve become very fond of you since you came to live with us and well the last … well since granddad got sick, we spent nights together … I was wondering if you had any questions about sex that grandma needs to answer…?”
“Well … probably hundreds – especially about women … but I been wondering what happened to me this morning … it never done that before …” I pondered out loud.
“Good question to start with … lets see … what you experienced Shirttail was a wet dream, its natures way of telling you when you have matured and that your body is thinking of the opposite sex (you know girls or women) … your penis was dreaming of going home …” Grandma Bea spoke in an even voice while holding my hand.
“Going home? I was at home Grandma … I think I have wires crossed …” I replied quite surprised and confused.
“Not house home Tony, your penis wants to go to its natural home …” stated grandma in her smooth soft demur voice, “You been seeing it since you came to live here and every day for nearly 7-months now …”
“I have? When?” I asked quite shocked. 

“Every morning and every night as you stare at me as we dress. Oh yes, grandma has noticed your interest or when we climb the stairs and he (her hand touching my groin) is well aware of where he needs to go to be home … don’t you boy (patting my groin) … but are you Tony?” she wink at me.
Maturity struggled to the front of my brain (I nodded yes) and reached my hand to her lap, “I think it wants to go there Grandma …but I’m sure it doesn’t know how to …” I replied in full honesty.

“That Shirttail is what Grandma has to teach you before you grow up and leave me. ” She said with a tear slipping down her cheek.
“I’d never leave you Grandma Bea …” I reached over and hugged her tightly.
“I think we should begin with your lessons soon, Grandma is not getting any younger … where should I begin … Come stand before me (which I hurried to do), now what you are going to learn you may never tell anyone or grandma will get in big trouble with the law, is that understood? She spoke firmly.
I crossed my heart “Never tell”
“So Shirttail, give me a kiss …” I gave her a peek on the cheek as I have always done. “No, give me a warm soft kiss like a man gives to his wife…” I put my lips together and leaned forward placing my locked lips onto hers and having held it there for mere seconds pulled away.
Grandma shook her head sadly, “Like this, follow my lead now …” Grandma gave me a very sensual, soft kiss with her mouth while it slowly opened and to my surprise her tongue was slipping into my barely opened mouth, my eyes budged open. Grandma stopped. “Guess we need a lot of practice … we’ll leave that till later” she smiled at me, “Ok…touch grandma’s breasts … here let me show you (taking my hand and cupping it over her breast, she squeezed our hands together and drew my hand up to the nipple where she pressed my fingers hard on the nipple) … ummm, nice, now you do it all by yourself”
I stood in front of grandma as she sat on the bed and I squeezed and pulled alternating between both her lovely breasts. Grandma had her eyes closed and her breathing was faster and heavier. “Come lay on the bed with me! (I climbed on the bed as it squeaked till I lay beside her) … Now undo the buttons … play all you want now and when you want – you can suck on them too” Well! I was certainly having an enjoyable time, I pulled, squeezed and tugged and her nipples grew bigger so I began sucking and before long Grandma was moaning and biting her lip. “Am I hurting you grandma?” I asked in great concern but apparently my hands were enjoying themselves too much to stop.

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“OHHHhhhhh Ohhhh no no child, your doing it just right, do it till your penis tells you it wants to go home … Ummmm OHHh AAHhhhhhh … umm such tingling … Ohhhh”
“Grandma …” I whispered not wanting to disturb her apparent time of pleasure, “I think he wants to go home …”
Grandma’s hand cupped my now hardened penis, “I think we both better stop there for now. I have to go check on granddad. Off she went and I didn’t see her again till lunchtime.
As I sat in my place, Grandma brought my soup and sandwich. But before I could eat she had me practice several times giving her a kiss. “Some improvement but we’ll work on it…”
That afternoon, we carried boxes of clothes from my dresser and closet to the attic. Each time we entered “our” room or “my attic bunkhouse” Grandma had me kiss her, my technique was improving as I open-mouthed her (now after the 20th time I no longer was slobbering) and she especially liked my tongue work. Then she had me “feel her up” as we kissed which I apparently learnt very well as her breathing changed quickly often breaking our contact saying, “Ohhhh you had Grandma sizzling with that one” and we leave one of the rooms with another shirt button undone and nipples very hard. Each trip took longer in one of the rooms as I got the idea and practiced longer each time. Grandma would moan while biting her lower lip or cry “Ummmm ohhhh cummming” and we’d carry something or descend the stairs with very weak shaky legs. Her teaching when on for several days as she had me practising relentlessly before I went to school and when I got home; we became inseparable during those moments and often I had her hips moving especially when I suckled her hard nipples.
Then one afternoon I came home from school, no one was there – not even granddad. It was hours later when she came home crying – it was her sad news to tell me that Granddad had another massive stroke and had not survived. I held her whispering soft words of compassion throughout the night. The next several days were pretty sad with the funeral and all the visitors.

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   I returned to my shell and hung about close to Grandma throughout the whole ordeal. Often I heard her say, “I’d be lost without Shirttail…”
About a month later, Grandma awoke me for school, my old wind-up clock showed she was 2-hours early for a Friday. She sat on my old creaky bed kinda wondering to her self “…if you remember how to kiss?” To which I very tenderly but very hotly passionately kissed her, my tongue wildly searching the recesses of her mouth, to which she would break away – out of breath panting “Ohhh my … Ohhh lord … ” to be willingly pulled back onto the bed smothered in kisses and a tentative exploratory of her heaving mammary glands that escalated to a seductive mauling causing numerous old buttons to fly wildly onto the floor. “Shirttail – you keep this up and Grandma can’t be responsible … Ohhhh my head is just a swooning … ” as I sucked furiously on her exposed breasts (her nipples larger than I had ever seen them) as I felt and mauled them relentlessly. Somewhere from the depths of her soul a primal sort of growl escaped her lips quickly followed by “OOOooooAAHHhhhhEEEEiiii oohh cummming” as she trashed wildly on the old squeaky bed, as repeated “OOOooooAAHHhhhhEEEEiiii oohh cummming” followed till we lay spent on the bed as the sunrays broke through my tiny window.
“I think Shirttail that someone wants to go home after all this … don’t you (she patted my hard penis)?” and she slowly stripped off her old shirt and skirt (winking at me) she slipped under the sheets
“He’s almost ready to go home, you do this now (taking my hand and guiding it up and down her extremely wet slit and showing me how to insert several fingers) … when he wants to go home real bad you’ll know what to do” she whispered to me very hotly between gasps.
I played a very long time with that wonderful hairy slippery hole, soon learning that I could tease Grandma into making all sorts of whimpering sounds every time I touched certain areas or dug several fingers into her furry patch.
All too soon my hips started moving, a sort of rocking motion and I stopped what I was doing and crawled in between grandma’s spread legs and thrusting hips. I knew where my very swollen penis needed to go and I leaned forward till it touched her slippery patch of hair. Grandma helped me get into the right spot and slowly I sank into her slipperiness as she waited with welcoming arms as my penis pushed in to be welcomed by a incredible warmth and many “ohhh and ahhhh’s from her. Her legs opened more and her hips thrust upwards slowly creating a truly wondrous feeling so I tried to do the same thing, soon we established a great rhythm to the accompaniment of a very squeaky bed. Grandma brought her long legs around my hips locking me in. Then she began to whisper very softly in my ear, “Ummm – Grandma likes this, reminds me of when I was a girl not much older than you … the boys loved to touch my boobies and I liked them when they touched them … (she continued whispering between moans and she sure was having a lot of breathing problems) … I liked it when they’d touch my hot cunt just like you did … then they too needed to visit home. Ohhhhhhh umm aahhhhh ohhh fuckkkkk …”
And the old bed creaked and squeaked as grandma’s hands now held the thin bars behind her head
As Grandma whispered, I thrust into her over and over; she told me how my mom was created right where I was now fucking her … ohhh how her sensual voice drove me on, the more she spoke of Granddad shooting his seed into her … that funny feeling crept into my stomach and before I could say anything an intense heat of her wetness washed my penis causing spasms that would not stop; I just white-washed the insides of Grandma as her head tossed side to side moaning and pleading with god. “Ohh yes Cum in Grandma … Grandma will teach you … Grandma needs your seed in her …”
I lay on top of her as she continued to whisper tales of her conquests; all the while she tightened and loosened what I now know as her cunt … my home.

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   Before long I was hard again and driven to madness with grandma’s constant hot whispers I (in the words of Grandma “FUCK ME HARD”) did just that. She praised the size of my penis (now known as her C-O-C-K) and the morning slipped by into afternoon and we fucked. And the old bed creaked and squeaked as Grandma screeched “I’m Cummming” so many times I lost count.
Eventually I could not get hard again no matter what she did and smiling she slipped from the bed getting dressed and I slept with the dreams of “HOME”.
That night, Grandma did not sleep in her small room, I could hear the old stairs creak as soft steps came across the attic floor. The blankets slip back as Grandma slipped next to me, “Thought you might want to practice kissing or something. ” It was 9 PM.
“Shirttail – love your grandmother!” she whispered. “He wants to sleep at home tonight. ” She giggled.
And love we did, I learnt how to “eat” a woman out and I re-experienced numerous “blow-jobs” that Grandma claims gave her such nice boobies. I fucked and fucked her sweet creamy cunt as she begged for me to seed her belly. And the old bed creaked and squeaked throughout the nights that followed.
Well, I’m fourteen yesterday and been having daily sex with Grandma who cannot get enough. Her whispers in the dark drive me so wild that she just holds on to the creaky old bed spindles whiles she screams as I blow many “creamy loads of cum” into her hot steamy cunt.

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   We began having sex openly anywhere in the house but when she wants me to seed her belly well, she leads me to our attic bed.
I walked home slowly from the last day of school, report card said “passed”. Grandma was waiting on the back porch as I walked into the kitchen, she closed the door softly saying in her sensual voice, “Holidays for 3 months … just you and me Shirttail … better go change. ” As I climbed the stairs to my attic room, I again heard soft steps on the stairs, the blanket slipped open and summer began …”
Through my tiny window the fading light of the sunset cast its last glow across the old creaky squeaky bed on my first day of summer. I lay buried between Grandma’s legs that are again locked around my waist, I was in shocked amazement. Grandma Bea had just whispered, “Your going to be a daddy, its well on the way Shirttail … ” shortly thereafter she began screaming wildly and continuously as I once again pounded into burning hot cunt Cumming to my hearts content. Later in her arms we lay panting in the afterglow she again whispers, “And I’ve told this sweet man our story he’s going to tell the world!”
Bea and Anthony I hope I did your story well. If others think I did too please email me at opbone11@yahoo. ca.
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Πέρα από τις κορυφαίας ποιότητας υπηρεσίες συνοδού κατά τη διάρκειας της ημέρας, οι σέξι συνοδοί μας μπορούν σίγουρα να σας προσφέρουν εκπληκτικές υπηρεσίες συνοδού τη νύχτα, όταν είστε οι δυο σας.
Οι γοητευτικές καυτές γκόμενες από την Ιωάννινα συνοδοι προέρχονται από διαφορετικές τοποθεσίες. Επομένως, θα είστε σε θέση να επιλέξετε μωρά όπως παθιασμένες Λατίνες, σέξι Ασιάτισσες, βιτσιόζες Αμερικάνες, ερωτικές Ευρωπαίες, καυλιάρες Αφρικάνες, και πολλές περισσότερες που ανυπομονούν να σας δείξουν τα ταλέντα τους. Απλά πείτε μας τι ακριβώς προτιμάτε, όπως την ηλικία, τον σωματότυπο, την εθνικότητα, και εμείς θα αναλάβουμε όλα τα υπόλοιπα.
Γραφτείτε και συμπεριλάβετε τις λεπτομέρειες σας στη φόρμα εγγραφής και θα σας δοθεί απευθείας πρόσβαση στον κατάλογο συνοδών μας που είναι γεμάτος με καυτές γκόμενες συνοδούς. Μπορείτε να προσαρμόσετε την αναζήτηση σας επιλέγοντας διαφορετικές κατηγορίες. Νιώστε ελεύθερα και ανακαλύψτε ανάμεσα στην Κανονική, στη VIP, στη Διαμαντένια κατηγορία και άλλες κατηγορίες υπηρεσιών συνοδών όπως τσιμπούκια, ερωτικό μασάζ, παιχνίδια ρόλων, ερωτικά παιχνίδια, πρωκτικό, μαλακία, ποδομαλακία, ΣΔΜΧ, κατούρημα, ομαδικό σεξ, ανάλογα το πορτοφόλι σας.

Αξιοπιστία εσκορτ Ιωάννινα συνοδοι

Όλες οι προσωπικές εγγραφές τις διαχειριζόμαστε με τη μέγιστη προσοχή και ασφάλεια για να διασφαλίσουμε ότι θα παραμείνουν πλήρως ασφαλείς ότι και να γίνει. Οπότε, μην χάνετε άλλο χρόνο και βιώστε αξέχαστες εμπειρίες Συνοδών στην Ιωάννινα πουτανες ανακαλύπτοντας τις πρόστυχες γκόμενες, επειδή χωρίς αμφιβολία θα τις λατρέψετε!

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Escort Tennessee - USA escorts, how to find them

Either you are into making a journey to the USA or you already live there, enjoying the best escort services in your town, or state, should be a great activity, spiced with a lot of lust. Specially crafted for men who are aiming to spend moments in a glamorous environment, the escort service is now a international niche for millions and thousands of guys. In the States only, there are over than one million models on duty to see and date with you, and you only need a simple click on the following post to better understand how it works and where can you find Tennessee escorts.

Free hook ups or paid ones

No matter the motive, either you are on a business trip or in vacation, searching for someone to stay with you and offer you pleasant intimate moments should be your primary aim, if you feel alone or bored. USA call girls Tennessee are very spread and very well-known. They offer vast options and come with a big number of escorts. From teenagers willing to have fun with you, to wives searching somebody to make them feel fine and have fun with. If you plan to use the escorts Tennessee, make sure you select your model in accordance to your wishes. There are free offers and paid ones. You must fix which model of Tennessee call girls you will enjoy. Depending on that, the payment will be marginal or costly.

What type of services do these escorts in Tennessee offer?

From romantic dinner dates to adult activities, these girls can offer you almost any type of satisfaction you desire. Either you are somebody who likes chatting with ladies and spending time with them, or you are the type of man who likes to get right to the action, escorts Tennessee can give you anything you crave as long as you are elegant with them. Improve your business journey or even your city break together with these elegant girls. They come from all over the globe, and they can definitely keep you on all night with their passion and lust. Seek for the hottest babe and you will be granted with the most sexy and addictive experience in your life. Not to mention that all girls at Tennessee escorts are skilled ones. That means they know how to dazzle you and how to please you, no matter your craves or desires.

Reasons to choose the escort Tennessee

1. These models are skilled ones. They know how this business is functioning, and they sure know how to keep you excited.
2. Protection and hygiene are the most valuable things at escort Tennessee. These models will always look to you will feel comfortable in their company. They will do everything it takes to make you feel good and feel fulfilled.
3. Affinity is also a top point at Tennessee escort. Your private details, your desires, your kinks and practically everything associated to you and your adventure with the models, all these will always be secured and out of the reach of other entities. You can relax that accessing Tennessee escorts will be the best option, and no matter what, your own information will be locked in place.


When it comes to models in Tennessee, our service is the hottest choice. You have all the motives to come here and meet our girls. They are charming, well educated, of various ages and races, highly into having a awesome time and most of all, very experienced. Check them out and date the one you adore the most, to make your trip or your office trip a truly unforgettable experience.
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How To Simply Meet Babes From Escort Herakleion?

Whether you are seeking a meeting from Escort Girls Thessaloniki or Greek Escort, which are the most well known ones in this country, or a date in any of the other important cities that have this platform working, you will surerly want to know the most important tips on how to get the best intimate moments and the best deals.
Greekescorts is here to offer ultra-quality dating services to any type of user. Whether you visit for business purposes, or simply for a vacation, you will more than surely need the best relaxation and pleasure. Therefore, using this service for a steamy hookup is most recommended, especially if you are a single man craving for have some fun in the area.
In order to date the sexiest broads and be sure you will receive the best service, our escort app will allow you tons of filtering features and personalization features so that you can navigate for your favorite babe with ease. That way, you will have bigger odds of enjoying the right type of girl that can fulfill your naughty thoughts, without having to browse for her and lose priceless time doing that. Keep in mind, any of the listed babes at Escort News Thessaloniki will be here to fulfill your whishes no matter what. In fact, these beauties are excited and always hot, always set to offer the best quantity of desire and intimacy so that you can feel amazing.

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