Boarding School Fun


((This is my first story, hope you like it))

Rebecca gazed at Sarah from across the classroom and pondered the best tactic to take. To Rebecca, Sarah was the most beautiful creature she had ever laid eyes on, but she couldn’t think of how to get her. But that didn’t bother her. Rebecca is the kind of girl that is always able to get her way. She was confident and concrete, but could always put on the charm when necessary, as she knew how to use her looks to her full advantage. She was very fit and slender, but with curves in all the right places. Her legs were silky smooth with a round ass perched atop them; her breasts were very filling c-cups that drew all the stares from the boys. They were her favourite feature of her body as they were among the biggest in the class. She was a senior in an all girl boarding school which suited her, as she had an affection for the female species. She loved looking at the other girls in their school uniforms; watching them in their grey skirts and black knee length socks, and topped with their white button up blouses that where finished off with black ties and grey school blazers.
And of all the girls, she wanted Sarah the most. Sarah was beautiful with an ass that drove Rebecca mad. She had never seen any girl be able to fill out a skirt as well as Sarah could. She was slim with thick thighs and a stomach as toned as Rebecca’s, but with small B-cups (perfect handfuls Rebecca imagined) that where pert and firm. She was a drop-dead gorgeous blond beauty just like Rebecca but without the attitude. She was very shy and reserved and on the occasions Rebecca had tried to converse and seduce her, her answers where always short as she hurried away.

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Rebecca was awoken from her trance by the end of class and she got up and decided she was tired of Sarah denying her what she wanted, and that a more direct approach was needed. She followed her target out of the classroom and into the bathroom and waited at the sink for Sarah to come out of the stall she had entered. As Sarah approached the sink to wash her hands Rebecca spoke:
“So Sarah, how’s it going?”
“Fine. . . Rebecca. Thanks for asking. ”
“I’ve told you before to call me Alie. ”
“Sorry. ”
“You don’t have to apologize. ”
“Sorr-. . . erm, I mean okay. ”
“Sarah, tell me, why is it that you’re always so nervous around others?”
“I d-d-don’t know, I j-just am.

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“But you’re at an all girl school, and there aren’t any boys for you to be nervous around. ”
“Wh-wh-what are you saying?”
Rebecca moved close to Sarah and turned her so her back was facing the counter with the sinks. Sarah backed away slowly till she hit the counter and had nowhere else to go. Rebecca moved her face inches from Sarah’s and spoke slowly and with conviction: “I’m saying that maybe the reason your always nervous is that you don’t like the boys at all. ”
Sarah’s breath had become heavy and ragged as Rebecca reached behind Sarah’s head and pulled her hair sharply. With a quick intake of of breath her head bent back revealing the fullness of her neck. Rebecca lowered her head and put out her tongue and placed it at the bottom of Sarah’s neck, and she slowly licked a trail up the middle and over her chin until she reached the bottom lip. She gently bit it and pulled it away until it snapped back into place. Tears started to roll from Sarah’s eyes as she stuttered, “P-p-p-please st-stop. ”
“Let me see if you really mean that,” Rebecca whispered into Sarah’s ear. She took her left hand, while still holding the hair with her right, and placed it on Sarah’s thigh. She slowly slid her hand up and to the confines of her skirt until she reached her cotton panties. She held her hand on them and felt the wet spot that had soaked through Sarah’s panties and Rebecca grinned devilishly at Sarah and said, “You’re pussy seems to tell a different story. ”
Rebecca pulled the panties aside and felt the wildness of Sara’s unshaven muff. “You don’t trim I see.

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   That’s okay I prefer a little hair; let’s me know your a woman and not a girl. But trimming is nice,” Rebecca whispered slowly into Sarah’s ear. “I prefer a little, shall we say, ‘airstrip’ leading to the destination. You should try it, and then come to my room. . . let’s say 11 o’clock. And don’t worry I’ll be alone. ”
She released Sarah’s hair and used her finger to dry the tears from Sarah’s face, and removed her other hand from beneath the skirt.
“Don’t cry. I’m sorry I made you. Your much to beautiful to have to ever suffer. ” Rebecca stepped away and began walking out the door before she turned and said, “By the way, you really look good in your uniform, you should wear it tonight. ” And with that she exited.
Rebecca lay on her bed alone in her room, as her roommate as usual had snuck off school grounds for the night to look for a new boy-toy.

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   Rebecca was waiting for Sarah and was confident she would show, and at 10:58 she answered the knock on her door. She opened it and let Sarah in quickly as it was after hours and all girls were not suppose to leave their rooms.
“So Sarah, what made you decide to come?”
Sarah smoothed the sides of her skirt nervously as she spoke, “You told me too. ”
“You came because you were told and not because you wanted?”
“W-w-well, maybe I want to be told what to do. ”
Rebecca moved close to Sarah and smiled and reached out and began to slowly unbutton her blouse. “So, it seems there’s more to you than meets the eye. Is there anything else I might find interesting?”
Sarah was breathing hard and she felt her pussy quiver in anticipation, “I think that I may need to be punished. ”
Rebecca removed Sarah’s blouse leaving her in her shoes, knee socks, skirt, panties, bra, and tie. “Take off your shoes and lay on my bed,” Rebecca ordered. Sarah obeyed as Rebecca removed her pjs leaving her in only her black satin bra and matching boy shorts. She climbed on top of Sarah and straddled her and leaned into her face and pressed her lips against Sarah’s. She parted them with her tongue and found Sarah’s and swirled them together. She glided her hand down Sarah’s body to her thigh and then back up under her skirt to the waistband of her panties. Rebecca’s hand went in, her finger tracing the thin trail of freshly shaven pubic hair. She inserted two fingers and lifted from her kiss: “Talk to me baby.

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   Tell me how it feels. Tell me how close you are to cumming; there’s no reason to be afraid. ” Rebecca used her free hand to unclasp Sarah’s bra as she pumped her fingers slowly in and out.
As the bra snapped open Sarah felt her pert tits release her now hard nipples to breathe fresh air. She moaned as Rebecca pinched her left nipple between her fingers as she bent down to suck the right. Sarah’s pussy felt great, and her pleasure was enhanced by the attention paid to her breasts. She felt the fingers quicken inside her and Rebecca’s thumb start to rub her clit in circles as her fingers continued in and out. Sarah’s hands grabbed the sheets and her eyes clamped shut as she let Rebecca know how she felt: “Oh fuck! That feels so good I think I’m gonna cum!” Her breath became ragged and she felt her pussy clinch around Rebecca’s fingers. She felt something build in the bottom of her stomach about to burst, and then it stopped. Rebecca had stopped. The feeling slowly left Sarah as she opened her disappointed eyes and directed them at Rebecca, who let out a small laugh.
“Don’t look so sad; I’ll give you what you want, but I have to make you work for it. You need to learn to appreciate a good orgasm. You haven’t had one before have you?” Sarah shook her head no and Rebecca replied, “Great! I’ll be you’re first. Now completely remove that bra and get on all fours and stare at that wall while while I get something off my desk.

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Sarah did as she was told and Rebecca retrieved shat she wanted and returned to the bed.
“Bend your arms so you’re on your elbows. Good girl, now your ass is bursting towards me!”
Rebecca flipped up Sarah’s skirt on her back to reveal her white cotton panties. She then reached forward and grabbed Sarah’s tie and spun it around to face her. She pulled it taut, using it as if the reigns of a horse, and Sarah’s head snapped up to be parallel with the wall in front of her. Rebecca reached out and slowly peeled Sarah’s panties down to the bend in her knees, and then completely removed her own. She wadded them up and reached forward and placed them in Sarah’s mouth: “You’ll probably need to use those to keep quiet. ” Rebecca took her free hand and ran it from the small of Sarah’s back and down to her cheek, squeezing it, feeling the soft flesh in her hand and fingers. She reached beside her for the item, a ruler, that she had gotten from her desk and began to rub the flat side smoothly against Sarah’s ass. She then moved her leg so that her thigh was pressed against Sarah’s pussy so she could grind on it.
Sarah felt the ruler against her bare ass and Rebecca’s leg on her pussy, all the while her tie still digging into her neck. Then suddenly she felt the ruler snap back and slap hard against her as as she bit into Rebecca’s panties to stifle her yelp. The ruler went back to smoothly running over her flesh only to spank her again. Again and again the ruler would tease her only to crash against her hide again. The pain was pulsing and Sarah rotated her hips against Rebecca’s thigh and tried to concentrate on what pleasure she could give to her pussy.

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   She desperately tried to hump Rebecca’s leg to allow the pleasure to her labia to override the pain of the spanking. Sarah lost count at around twenty and thought she could bare no more, then with one last hard spank Rebecca was done.
In a swift move Rebecca turned Sarah’s body over so she was on her back. She then undid her bra and leaned in to allow her breasts to cover Sarah’s face. Sarah took her hands and squeezed them at the sides to make the nipples protrude as far as she could, as she took turns sucking on each one she delicately licked around them and then sucked hard to make them hard. Rebecca then slowly slid down so her face was in front of Sarah’s privates and she began to kiss them gently.
Sarah felt Rebecca’s mouth on her love button as she instinctively rested a hand on the back of Rebecca’s head and closed her eyes to focus on the feeling. She felt Rebecca’s tongue split her lips licking up and down, and in and out of her pinkness. She felt Rebecca’s hand move to her clit and begin to rub it. She felt Rebecca’s saliva making her pussy sloppy as she felt herself build up. The build was slower than when Rebecca had used her fingers, it was teasingly slow, and she wanted, no needed to cum now. She started to feel clinching in her vaginal, legs, and lower stomach muscles, she could hardly catch her breath as she let out a semi-scream/croak: “Fuckkkk! Make me cum!”
And then with one last flick of the tongue she was over the edge. Her back arched and pussy pushed forward. Rebecca opened her mouth wide eating as much of Sarah’s pussy as she could as she rubbed Sarah’s clit to a fever pitch.
Sarah felt her muscles spasm, she squeezed Rebecca’s head with her legs as her pussy clinched hard and then released over and over again.

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   It moved out to her legs and stomach pulsing through her body; her nipples were as hard as they had ever been to the point where she though they would burst. Her elbows drove into the bed arching her body until they gave out and she collapsed on her back. She was still shaking slightly and her pussy felt like it was vibrating, and she opened her eyes and looked to Rebecca to see her grinning from ear to ear; sexual juices glistening on her face. Sarah reached down to feel her pussy and found it, her thighs, and the sheets completely soaked.
“I told you I’d give you a orgasm, but even I didn’t know it would be that hot. You’re body was incredible. And it gives me and idea for a game we can play in the morning, and if you do well I’ll let you eat me out. ” All Sarah could do was flash a weary smile, and Rebecca crawled level to her and took her in her arms. Rebecca kissed Sarah and then smiled and said, “You’re sleeping in my bed tonight, but get some rest because were going to have fun in the morning. ”
Sarah lay in the bed happily wondering what the morning would bring until finally her body physically gave out and she succumb to sleep.
Sarah sat in the front row of her math class staring determinedly at a blank spot on the blackboard in the front of the room with her legs crossed tightly as her mind raced. She couldn’t believe what she was doing, after awakening in Rebecca’s arms after the most amazing night of her life. She had just gotten dressed when Rebecca handed her what looked like a purple egg.
“What is it?”
“A vibrator, now put it in your panties and make sure it’s right up against your clit. ”
“How do I turn it on?”
“I’ll worry about that, just do it.

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  . . . . . . . good, it’s snug right. . . . good. Now, you’ll be wearing that to class this morning and you’ll be siting on the front row so everybody can see you. ”
“But how-”
“It’s remote controlled and I have it, do you understand. ”
She did understand and as she sat there now she thought she must have been insane to agree to it.

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   The waiting was killing her; the class was half way through and nothing had happened yet.
Then she felt the buzz, it was faint and teasing, but there all the same. She squirmed slightly cursing the fact the she had set the devise at such a pleasurable spot. She felt the vibrations increase and heard the buzzing of the toy faintly and wondered if anyone else could hear it. She clinched her legs tightly together and dung her nails under the edge of her desk, as she tried to think of anything but the feeling between her thighs. Her breath was becoming thick as she squirmed uncomfortably in her seat. The feeling was becoming so hard to deny that she just wanted to scream. Her legs were rubbing together as hard as she could and as she tried not to make too much of a seen, until finally she did it and the egg slid from her clit to vibrate against the side of her leg. Sarah slumped in her chair and for the first time she realized she was drenched in sweat. She collected herself and waited for the bell to ring and when it did she headed straight for the bathroom, where she began to wash her face. She looked up to see Rebecca smiling behind her in the mirror.
“What was that?”
“Are you out of your mind? I was lucky to dislodge it, what if I came right there in class. ”
“Well, the point was to see how long you would go through with it. You lasted longer than I thought you would, for minute I thought you were going to have to reach in and take it out. ”
“So what now?”
“Tonight be in my room again and I’ll teach you a lesson.


“A lesson. ”
“Yeah, for not leaving the vibrator alone. ”
“I thought you said you expected what I did. ”
“It doesn’t mean you still didn’t break the rules; you’’ll learn to my perfect little soldier. Off to class for now, and I’ll see you tonight. ”
Rebecca again lay waiting for Sarah’s knock, and when it came she answered to let Sarah in. Sarah again stood in her uniform ready for her “lesson” to begin.
“I’ve done some handy-work in my room,” Rebecca spoke and gestured to a lone, small hook high on her wall. “Now, take off your panties and put your hands through the leg holes. . . . . . .

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  . . good girl. Come here. ” Rebecca took the panties and twisted them tightly around Sarah’s wrists and lifted her hands above her head and let the fabric of the panties catch onto the hook. Sarah now stood facing the blank wall with her hands tied above her head as Rebecca removed Sarah’s shoes. She peered over her shoulder to see Rebecca stripping down to her thong, and then reach into her drawer and pull out a large pink dildo and a ball gag. Sarah gasp as Rebecca turned around and walked back towards her.
Rebecca smiled and said, “So I take it you’ve never seen a dildo before. ” Sarah shook her head and Rebecca laughed. “What’s the most you’ve ever had inside you? My fingers?”
“Yes. ”
“Well then this should come as quite a surprise,” Rebecca said as she eyed the dildo in her hands.
Sarah faced the wall as Rebecca placed the ball gag in her mouth and tightened it in the back. She breathed heavily waiting. From behind her Rebecca spoke, “Your punishment will be first and then your pleasure.

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   Keep looking at the wall, and don’t turn around to look at me for anything. Do you understand?” Sarah nodded as she couldn’t speak and waited with baited breath. She felt her skirt flip up and the rubber dildo caress her bare ass and then it’s swift spank. Unlike the ruler from the night before the dildo lacked the initial sting, but the smack drove deeper. Again and again the dildo spanked her ass as her breath became more ragged; she soon was letting out cries of pain being stifled into the ball in her mouth. The lack of sound she was making due to the gag was being compensated by the amount of saliva she was producing. Sarah’s eyes began to well and her tears mixed with the spit running from the ball in her mouth down her neck and onto her tits. With each strike to her cheeks her pussy ached for pleasure; the pain glorified the fact she desperately needed to go over the edge. Sarah was almost to the point of trying to free her hands to pleasure herself before her whole body exploded, when the final hit of her aching ass came. Sarah blinked away her remaining tears and looked down to see the wet and sticky mess that was her chest, and felt what seemed like a vibration coming from her pussy lips as if the egg vibrator was still being used on her.
Rebecca took the dildo and felt the rubber as she rubbed her hand down the 8-inch shaft onto the base where balls had been molded onto. She put it to her mouth and began sucking on it, getting sloppy with it, making it as wet as she could for lubrication. “This will probably hurt at first, but you can do it,” Rebecca spoke as she placed the pink rubber to Sarah’s lips.
Sarah felt her labia part to allow entrance to her hole and had an intake of breath as she began to be filled. The dildo passed further and further into her, and Sarah felt that if it went much further it would split her open.

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   She wanted to know how much she had taken, but continued to stare at the wall as she had been told. Sarah tried to clench her teeth through the ball gag as more tears began to flow until she felt the balls of the dildo hit her ass.
“Good girl! You took all of it, and now it’s time to fuck it. ”
Sarah felt the dildo begin to slowly slide back out her pussy and the back in again. As it moved in and out of her pussy she felt it begin to cling tightly to the dick as it moved in and out of her instead of obstructing it. The pleasure she desperately wanted was finally being given to her, and as she was beginning to truly enjoy the dildo she felt Rebecca’s finger teasing around the rim of her ass to which she instinctively tried to avoid.
Rebecca stopped and used her hand to reach around and grab Sarah’s neck and she leaned into Sarah’s ear to whisper, “You need to trust me; be still. ”
She then began teasing her ass again and Sarah nervously allowed it to continue, until final she felt the finger penetrate. She felt her asshole fight against the entry until she felt Rebecca’s knuckle. As Rebecca began to pull out her finger she felt her asshole cling tightly and suck on Rebecca’s finger as it slowly exited. As the fucking of her pussy and the fingering of her ass continued Sarah found the two sensations created quite the pleasurable experience. The pleasure was over taking her as her hips involuntarily began to gyrate. She closed her eyes to allow herself to fall off the edge into pleasure as her knees began to weaken, and then it stopped. She slumped against the wall and let out a soft cry. Rebecca took the gag from Sarah’s mouth and let it dangle around her neck, and she had taken off her panties and reached around to place them in Sarah’s mouth.

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   She tasted them with her left cheek resting against the wall for support. The fabric was wet and she tried to suck the juices from them. They tasted sweet; it was the best thing she had tasted in her whole life.
Rebecca leaned into her ear, “You made me that wet, and you didn’t even have to touch me. Now, I’m going to unhook you and you’ll get on your knees and pleasure me. Then I’ll finish you, not that that’ll take long. ”
Sarah felt her tied wrists unhook, and with her weight unsupported she slumped to the ground. She slowly got to her knees and faced Rebecca’s pussy as Rebecca reached down to her to take her thong from her mouth. This was the first time she had clearly seen it. Rebecca’s lips were slightly larger than hers and her hair was limited to a small triangle above it; the only description of it she could think of was beautiful. Her hands were still tied, but were resting between her knees with access to her pussy. Rebecca seemed to read her mind as she reached down and grabbed her hands and removed the panties from them, and placed them on her chest. She felt Rebecca’s soft breasts between her fingers and her nipple poking the palms of her hands.
Rebecca looked down at Sarah and spoke gently to her, “You keep hold of these so you want be tempted to pleasure yourself. Eat me out to make me cum, and then it’s your turn.

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Sarah leaned in and let Rebecca’s lovely musk fill her nostrils as she opened her mouth for her first taste of a woman. Her mouth closed around Rebecca’s clitoris as she flicked it gently with her tongue. She moved lower to part the the labia with her tongue and lick the pinkness within. She felt the soft wetness with her tongue delving her face as far in as she could. Rebecca had begun to moan and Sarah felt her grinding her clit on her nose as she continued to lick her. The pleasure she was giving her partner was driving her to please her on lovehole she could almost here it crying out to her to be pleasured. She dug her fingers into the softness of Rebecca’s tits to stop herself from using them on herself.
Rebecca felt the fingers dig into her boobs as she was being pleased by Sarah. She felt herself nearing the edge, and she grabbed the back of Sarah’s head to force her deeper in her pussy. She grinded her clit on her face as the tongue probed deeper. Her ecstasy was deepened by the sound of Sarah trying to catch her breath after being consumed with her vulva, while at the same time eating her out harder with every passing second. She felt her muscles clinching in her thighs and her vaginal muscles tighten around Sarah’s tongue clinging to it as if it was a dick, and with one last grind of her clit she was done. She felt her pussy spasm and her muscles loose control. She was pushing into Sarah’s mouth with her body, releasing into it. Her stomach was aflutter, her legs were made of jello, and her pussy was in heaven.

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   Her scream was stifled into the fist of her free hand until she came back down to earth, where slightly twitching she let Sarah come back up for air. She felt the sweat running between the fingers clinched tighter than ever over her breasts, felt the final ebb of her pleasure float from her pussy and surrounding muscles, and felt her soaking juices slide down her thighs making them wet and sticky. She was coated in the sweat and lubrication of her ecstasy, she was weak and tired, and she treasured that feeling. She let her eyes drop to the girl on her knees in front of her as her fingers still gripped her reddening boobs. She saw the glisten of her cum smeared over her eager face as Rebecca placed her hand under Sarah’s chin and pulled her face even with hers. She took her tongue and licked the sweet juices from her face savoring it on her tongue. Until she reached her mouth and she kissed her, where she sucked on Sarah’s tongue as if trying to taste all the juices she hand released onto it. When she had taken enough of her own cum and Sarah’s saliva she broke free leaving Sarah grasping for more. Rebecca smiled and said, “Your turn. ”
Rebecca moved slowly removing Sarah’s blouse, tie, bra, and finally skirt. Moving slowly as to make Sarah wait even longer. Rebecca looked Sarah over who stood in front of her in nothing but her school knee socks. She took her hand and led her over to the bed where she leaned her over it. Rebecca had picked Sarah’s cotton undies from the floor and fitted them again around her wrists, and let her hands rest on her back. Sarah’s ass was presented to her fully and she parted her cheeks to see her tight hole again.

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   She got down on her knees in front of it as she kept the checks firmly spread in her hands. She examined the pussy below the was now red and swollen begging to be burst of it’s orgasm. Rebecca smiled thinking of the control she had; Sarah was at her mercy to when she could cum. She looked at Sarah’s body at such a close distance and appreciated the cleanliness of every part of her body, as every part of her seemed to exemplify the naivety and pureness of her. Her swollen and sweaty pussy somehow still seemed that of a virgin’s, and her asshole seemed void of any imperfections. She kissed the cheeks she had in her hands working slowly towards her asshole. She had decided to make Sarah wait as long as she could, because she knew barely a touch of her clitoris was send her into pleasure. She used her tongue around the edges of the forbidden hole as she worked her way to it. She spit on it and watch her saliva run down Sarah’s crease and into her other opening. She took one hand and used it to tease the edges of her asshole. She pushed her finger against it and felt it fight to stop entry, and felt the sudden plunge as she entered. She enjoyed the tightness of the suction around her finger as she pushed in deeper, and then as she pulled out the clinging as it slid back to her. Sarah enjoyed the sensation even more, but at the same time it tormented her. The feeling in her ass teased her pussy, even though the pleasure was there it wasn’t to her pussy. She tried to will herself into making the sexual arousal pass the couple of inches to her pussy but she couldn’t.

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   It was as if her pussy was crying out to her for not pleasing it to. Then her now overly sensitive pussy felt breathe upon it. She bit into the covers in front of her as she felt Rebecca’s mouth inclose her clitoris. She felt the pull of the suction in Rebecca’s mouth as well as her tongue beginning to flick it feverishly. It was only seconds until it happened. Her clit released the built up pleasure it had been holding and it burst through her body. She felt the waves crash through her making her muscles spasm and her nipples ache with her pleasure. It was as if it was trying to escape from every orifice of her body: her eyes were blurred with tears, her mouth open releasing as silent scream, and her pussy was flowing uncontrollably into Rebecca’s mouth and across her face and back onto her own legs. Her knees buckled and Rebecca support her weight as tremors still pulsed through her. As her fleeting pulses of ecstasy ebbed away she was slowly lowered to the ground as Rebecca knew she couldn’t support her own weight. She saw Rebecca lie next her, and then felt her body against her, cuddling her. She felt her body warmth and was happy as Rebecca smiled at her and said, “I think we’ll have to this again tomorrow night too, if you don’t mind?”
Sarah let her exhausted smile do the answering, as the words escaped her as to how she wanted nothing more in the world than to be with Rebecca every night of her life. .
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In Azerbaijan, escorts provide everything from simple company to full-blown adult entertainment. There is no shortage of escort services, whether you're searching for a one-night affair or something more passionate and long-lasting. You may locate a mate that suits your every want, whether you want a girlfriend or something more adventurous. in touch with a beautiful escort lady in Azerbaijan is easy. One of the most common is online. There is a vast variety of ladies available online, from sweet-faced college students to sultry foreigners. Before committing to a meeting, customers may peruse the ladies' profiles, read their bios, and even communicate with them through instant chat. In order to make scheduling meetings easier for their clients, several escort services have developed mobile applications or websites.Here at Escort Azerbaijan, we pride ourselves on having the finest escorts in the nation. Our escorts are well-trained experts that can cater to your every want. You may be certain that we have a service that will meet your every demand. All of our escorts are kind, competent, and eager to assist you. We take pleasure in delivering first-rate service and will work hard to exceed your expectations. Our escorts are guaranteed a risk-free workplace and our company is committed to giving excellent service to all of our clients. Companionship, overnight stays, and travel buddies are just some of the many options available via our company. Escort Azerbaijan can find you the appropriate escort for every occasion, whether it's a quiet dinner for two or a wild night on the town. Looking forward to seeing you soon., as well as men and couples, may employ escort ladies in Azerbaijan for the purpose of having fun and getting some much-needed TLC. As these ladies tend to be young, attractive, and educated, they are able to provide superior service compared to those in other nations. They are very desirable because of their reputation for offering unparalleled sex pleasure.Posting an ad in the newspaper or online classifieds is another option for finding a suitable escort. You may find advertising like this in print media and the web. Those that publish them are often lone escorts or tiny companies without a robust web presence. Reservations may be made by calling or texting the numbers listed. Although these services might be convenient, they are not without their risks, as users could be subjected to police entrapment or other forms of fraud.The escorts in Azerbaijan have the right amount of beauty and charm to make your trip memorable. You may discover anything that fits your every want, from the most conventional to the most outlandish. Whatever your preference, whether it be a short-term hookup or a serious commitment, you may find something that works for you. In such case, don't be shy about investigating the many options Azerbaijan provides.