Charlottes Diaries (Part 30 of 36)


Charlotte’s Diaries (Part 30 of 36)
Introduction to my sexy world
Hi my name is Charlotte, Charly to my friends. I am 36 years old I am married, I have two daughters and ever since my second daughter was born a couple of years ago I have turned into a bi-sexual nymphomaniac slut. I am always horny. I have over the past couple of years discovered that I’ll do just about anything sexual that a woman can do with men and other women and even animals! I just can’t help myself. These are my diaries, there are usually about two adventures a month for ease of continuity, but in reality they happened over the course of eight years so you’ll have to forgive how my husband has written them up from my hand written diaries. They cover three years so you’ll have to look for each months instalments although I’ll be posting them close together starting at Jan 2001. Love Charly xxx

August 2003
This adventure is more like a counselling session rather than an adventure, it’s something different, and because it is so long there is only one adventure this month!
August 2003 Adventure 1
Well here we are again, I hope that you have enjoyed the adventures so far? As you know I have started up my own Adult web site which will include all the Charlottes Diaries adventures, photo galleries and video clips as we up date the web site each month. The reason I am mentioning this is because we had our first Email to Charly & Dave to the web site but from the couple reading our Charlottes Diaries 2001 book! (We only included the Email contact address as an after thought in the two books so far!
Anyway I thought that I would publish this Email and the follow up emails as this months adventures, I must first say that I am not a sex councillor or therapist and neither is Dave, although he is a qualified crisis councillor! This first Email is from a very desperate couple and apart from either leaving out their names or changing them completely we have not altered anything that they have said to us in any way. I was nearly in tears when I read about the woman’s feelings and her sexual practices. But it was a very interesting enlightenment to how even in these modern times there are some couples that are still very Victorian in their sex habits! Here is their first Email to us:

Dear Charly and Dave,
My name is Anne, and I have just read Charlottes Diaries 2001. I thought that they were wonderful, I found them really stimulating. I am a housewife and mother just like you, for my own little bit of heaven I buy myself an adult paperback romance novel each month and read all about the heroine’s sexual pleasures and lock myself away in our bedroom to pleasure myself naughtily with my fingers imagining myself as her! The more books I read the more I know that my sex life is really none existent. Both my husband and I were brought up in strict religious families and were both virgins on our wedding night ten years ago! Sex for us is in the dark with me on my back, a few quick hurried thrusts and it’s all over bar the sticky messy bit! Its not Sam’s fault and I’m sure it’s not my fault either, but I think that we have both got into a very deep rut and don’t know what to do to get out of it. Neither of us talks about it and we are both very quiet shy people. I’m desperate to feel some of those dirty sounding pleasures that you both do and that the heroines in my other books do!
Please help!
Yours respectfully
Anne ********

I thought about how or whether to answer this email, but my curiosity got the better of me in the end and I did, they reminded me of how Dave and I were before our own real sexual awakening. This is my reply to her:

Dear Anne,
I can directly relate to how you feel as Dave and I were just like the two of you before our own sexual revolution.

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   It is very hard when everything else in your life is just right but your sex life doesn’t feel right. We found, and on some occasions still do find it very difficult to talk about our deepest sexual feelings and we tend to write each other rambling notes to get over the points that we want to talk about, then once they are in the open like that we can and do talk all about them in depth.
I am not qualified to tell you what you need to do; I can only suggest a course of action. My initial thoughts are:
1) In the back of the book you will find blank copies of the two questionnaires that Dave and I filled out for each other. Why don’t you fill out the female one first, it is very difficult to be truthful when you do so, but take your time and think long and hard about your answers before writing them down. Leave it for a day then go back and read it yourself, if you have filled it out properly you may well learn a few things about yourself that you didn’t realise!
2) Either go through Charlottes Diaries 2001 and bookmark your favourite adventures and ask Sam to read them or give him the book and ask him to read them all! Tell him openly (It is very hard to do and takes a lot of tact. ) that you feel that you (Initially that is) have a sex problem and that you would like him to try and help you get over it…. . It’s a subtle way of saying we’re crap in bed but we can fix it together!
3) Once he’s read some or all of the adventures (I’m sure that reading them will make him horny). Suggest to him that it may be fun to photocopy the male and female sex survey’s that are in the back of the book together and fill them in. Then when you have you should both swap and read each others answers.
There are no right or wrong answers, they are the answers that are right for the both of you. Don’t be ashamed of what you have both written, there is nothing wrong with expressing your deepest darkest sexual feelings and fantasies to each other. We found that once they were down on paper that we could start talking about them together and it made it easier to talk too! If you want to you could always suggest in a round-a-bout way that it may be fun to Email Charly & Dave and see what they suggest! You never know Sam may well be open to that, and I wouldn’t let on about our other previous contacts if you do contact us as a couple. I’m sure that Dave is more than willing to answer any of Sam’s questions from the male point of view too!



PS good luck with trying the sex surveys together!

A week later I got a one line Email from Anne:
Dear Charly & Dave,
We cried together!
Anne xx

I never replied to it, as there was nothing that I could say! A few days later I received another Email from BOTH of them this time, asking if we would look at their sex survey answers and give our opinion on how they could progress. Also there was a note to Dave from Sam asking him if he could send him Emails with private things on for help with. Dave Emailed Sam straight back and told him that he could and that they would remain totally private between them, (We haven’t included them in this either, as Dave hasn’t let me read them anyway. ) So here are the two sex surveys filled out:

Female Sex Survey

Note: Question 10, only answer here the ones that you would like to happen that involve other people.
Question 13 only answer here the ones that you would like to happen that involve us only.

1) How do you like sex? (Tick all that apply):
a) Missionary position (man on top)  this is the only position I’ve tried!
b) Missionary position (woman on top)
c) Doggy fashion on all fours
d) Woman on knees with body upright
e) Woman on tummy
f) Woman on top ‘G’ spot facing man
g) Woman on top ‘G’ spot facing away from man
h) Woman on top legs held open and off the ground, being pulled down for maximum depth
i) Woman on back legs up quite high (deep penetration)
j) Other:

2)Do you masturbate when?
a)You are alone and horny
b)You are alone and want to relax
c) In front of your partner before you make love
d)In front of your partner while you are making love
e)In front of your partner after you have made love
f) Other:

3)Do you like giving blow jobs? (tick one)
a) Yes
b) No
c) Other:  Don’t know never done, and don’t know how too!

4)Do you like being forced to give blow jobs, perhaps whilst tied up and helpless?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Other ideas:  Don’t know, never done

5)Do you like to have your pussy licked (tick one)
a) Yes
b) No
c)Other ideas:  Don’t know, never had done!

6)When having your pussy licked do you like (tick all that apply):
a) Having your lips sucked and nibbled
b) Having your clit licked
c) Having your clit sucked
d) Having your clit nibbled
e) Having tongue pushed into your pussy
f) Having finger/s pushed into pussy whilst tongue licks other parts of pussy
g) Other: Don’t know, never had done!

7)When having sex do you like to be teased with a cock in any of the following
ways (tick all that apply):
a) Cock rubbing your cum up and down your pussy lips/clit
b) Just the tip pushing in and out of your pussy
c) Cock thrusting as deep and hard as possible
d) Long slow thrusts
e) Short quick thrusts
f) Angular thrusts to touch ‘G’ spot
g) Other combinations: Don’t know, never done any others apart from a few quick

8)Anal sex, once you are slippery and you have worked a cock into your bum hole
you appear to get very turned on and carried away. Usually you climax before
the man does, do you like this when (tick all that apply):
a) Feeling horny in pussy (not masturbating, but using cock in bum hole to make you climax)
b) Fucking self with a dildo or other phallic object in pussy, the extra stimulation of other hole makes you climax quicker / more forcefully
c) Fantasising that you’re being forced to service two cocks at once (the dildo being one cock in your pussy with either you or me fucking you with it and a cock in your other hole. )
d) Other please specify: Don’t know, never done

9)Does wearing sexy underwear (tick all that apply):
a) Help you fantasise during sex
b) Make you feel sexier and more turned on
c) Other: Don’t know, never done

10)Your sexual fantasies, what are they? (Please indicate which you like and also fill in others that aren’t on the list below, tick all that apply):
a) Making love with another woman Don’t know, never done, I’m not sure that I could
b) Making love with a prostitute (Female)
c) Making love with another man Don’t know, never done
d) Making love with a prostitute (male) Don’t know, never done
e) Threesome, you, your partner & another woman Don’t know, never done, possibly
f) Threesome youanother woman and her partner Don’t know, never done, possibly
g) Threesome you and two other men Don’t know, never done, possibly
h) Threesome, you, your partner & another man (Him fucking you, you sucking him etc. ) Don’t know, never done, possibly.
i) Orgy, you and lots of other men Don’t know, never done
j) Orgy you and lots of other women Don’t know, never done
k) Orgy you and lots of other men and women Don’t know, never done
l) Being forced to have sex in a sex game (Mock rape) 
m) Bondage and forced to have sex 
n) Bondage and forced to give oral sex (blow job) 
o) Bondage and forced to give oral sex (lick pussy) 
p) Bondage and forced to have anal sex 
q) Bondage and forced to receive oral sex (lick pussy) 
r) Being forced to perform sexual acts ofany type (may be specified later) 
s) Acting out or being a prostitute for a night 
t) Acting like a porn star and making a porn movie
u) Being a stripper at a stag party, then fucking some or all of the audience 
v) Being fucked by a man wearing women’s underwear Don’t know, never done
w) Being fucked by a She-male while your partner sucks her/his tits Don’t know, never done
x)Having sex with strangers Don’t know, never done
y) Others (please specify giving each a consecutive letter as above):z)  I want to feel dirty inside

11) Of the above which would you TRUEFULLY like to happen, (List all letters that apply):
Right now I’m so desperate that I want to do them all!

12) If you were to fuck several other men one night would you want the pleasure of feeling your pussy full and heavy with the weight of their cum, with it running down your thighs or would you make them all use condoms? (Tick one)
a) I would want my pussy filled with their cum
b) I would make them use condoms
c)It would depend on what I wanted at the time
d) Other:  I just don’t know

13) Sex aids, do you like using them? (Tick one)
a) Yes
b) No
c) Other: I don’t know, because I have never tried one

14) Sex aids, do you like using (covered with a condom where applicable, tick all that apply):
a) Vibrators / Dildos 7” – 10”
b) Vibrators / Dildos 11” upwards
c) Courgette
d) Medium cucumber
e) Large cucumber
f) Candles
g) Hand fuck, 1 finger
h) Hand fuck, 2 fingers
i) Hand fuck, 3 fingers
j) Hand fuck, 4 fingers
k) Hand fuck, whole hand
l) Hand fuck with slippery rubber glove on, 1 finger
m) Hand fuck with slippery rubber glove on, 2 finger
n) Hand fuck with slippery rubber glove on, 3 finger
o) Hand fuck with slippery rubber glove on, 4 finger
p) Hand fuck with slippery rubber glove on, whole hand
q) Hair brush
r) Double ended Dildo’s
s) Strap-on dildo’s
Others please specify: I don’t know, because I have never tried any of these things.

15) Other sexual fantasies that you would like to do just involving the two of you (letters from Q10 and others please specify): ALL OF THEM, I WANT TO FEEL DIRTY & USED!

16) Other sexual preferences (Please specify):
I don’t know, but I do know that I want to feel very dirty, naughty and used! I want to feel how I imagine you feel after some of your sex adventures.

17) When you play with yourself, do you ever:
a) Imagine that it is another man doing to you 
b) Imagine its another woman doing it to you
c) That more than one person is fingering/caressing you 
Also please give some details of what you imagine they are doing to you when you do it: I imagine them holding me down and raping me, using me for their own pleasure, leaving me used but full filled!

18) When you are sucking your partner off do you fantasise that you are sucking another mans cock, please give details of what you imagine your doing, what he tastes like, what he looks like etc……. Have never done

19) When you are fucking do you ever imagine that it is someone else fucking you, please give details of what you imagine he looks like and what it feels like etc………. I imagine that I am the lady of the house and that I’m being fucked by our black servant.

20) Do you ever think about trying any pervy sexual things???, it doesn’t matter what they are just write anything that your mind may have touched upon during sexual encounters or anything that you have already tried with me that you would like to try again???
I think about doing all those naughty things that Charly has done in her sex adventures.

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   I would also like to play at being the rich lady and truly fuck a black man.

21) Finally any other naughty sexy things that you want to write down?

Male Sex Survey

1) How do you like sex? i. e. What is your favourite position? If there are lots explain in detail.
I have only ever had it laying on top of my wife, don’t know any others.

2) How do you most like to be made to orgasm? (Just say your favourite technique. )
I like to cum in her when we make love.

3) Do you masturbate?
a) Often
b) Moderately
c) Never, I have someone to do it for me
d) Other: she has never touched my cock, not even to put it inside her, I always have too!

4) When masturbating, wanking, do you think of other……
a) Women
b) Men
c) Groups of both
d) Other: watching Anne having sex with others

5. Do you fantasize about men?
a) Yes
b) No

6. Would you wear women’s underwear?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Other:

7) Do you like pain, i. e. to be done to you, whipping etc?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Other: Don’t know

8. Would you like to be blindfolded and made to take what you were given?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Other:

9. Do you use sex toys on yourself?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Other: Never used one

10. Do or would you enjoy anal sex, with either a sex toy or another man?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Other:


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   What is/are your favourite sex fantasy/s?
I would like to fuck my wife after I have watched her fucking other men.

12. During oral sex, i. e. you receiving it, do you enjoy the head of your cock
a) Licked
b) Sucked
c) Kissed
d) Other: Never had a blowjob

13. When you are about to cum into someone’s mouth, do you enjoy pushing
their heads down in a dominant manner?
a) Always
b) Sometimes
c) Never
d) Other: never done

14. Do you like women to be feminine, i. e. in what they wear and how they
a) Yes 
b) No
c) Other:

15. Do you like giving anal sex and what does it feel like?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Other: never done, might like to try giving it to Anne

16. Would you like to take pictures of two women having sex together?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Other: Don’t know

17. Would you like to film two women having sex together?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Other: Don’t know

18. Do you enjoy being dominant or submissive the most?
a) Dominant
b) Submissive
c) Other:

19. Do you like your women to behave slutty and like prostitutes during sex?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Other: I would love Anne to be a real slut in bed but I don’t think she would.


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   Would you like to mock rape a woman? (Remember to tell the truth).
a) Yes
b) No
c) Other:

21. Would you like to force a woman to suck your cock, i. e. during role play sex
a) Yes
b) No
c) Other:

22. Do you like seeing your partner/wife having sex with other people?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Other: I have never done this but would like to try it.

23. Do you use sex toys on your partner?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Other:  Never used one, but after reading Charlottes Diaries 2001, I would like to try.

Tacked on the end of this was: We filled these out together but we are not sure that we did it right, I think that some of the things that I said did surprise Sam, as did a couple of his answers. I’m afraid he was absolutely correct when he stated that I have never touched his private parts! Please help us understand these answers a bit better!
Anne & Sam.

Dave told me that he would really love to help this couple to find themselves sexually as judging by the Emails that he received from Sam he said that he was really struggling with these new revelations! We decided to ask them if they would like to meet up one weekend somewhere halfway between where we all lived and see if we could help them talk things through together and separately too! We arranged to meet in a Holiday inn near Chelmsford in Essex. Obviously they new what we looked like as they had now visited our web site and looked through some of the galleries on there! We on the other hand didn’t know what they looked like, but we both picked them out at the same moment when we entered the bar area. They were the only couple that looked really uncomfortable and out of place. When we went over to them I thought that they were both going to get up and run away from us! After a few drinks they both seemed to loosen up and relax a bit and after polite chit chat we suggested going back to our room and get down to talking about helping them. After a few minutes it was obvious that neither of them was going to talk openly in front of the other yet, and it was Dave that suggested that Sam and he went to their room to talk first and then Anne and I could talk in private for a while too! I will say this now Dave still hasn’t told me what Sam and him talked about for a couple of hours in the other room and I respect that Sam doesn’t want other people knowing what he said! On the other hand Anne just burst into tears as soon as they had left the room and she just sobbed for about ten minutes without actually saying anything.

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   All I could do was to cuddle her and let her get it out of her system, after she calmed down, and still through the occasional sob she explained how much they both really wanted to improve things but they still were finding communication the stumbling point! Mmmmmm I remember thinking to myself, this is going to be more difficult than I thought! “Tell me everything in all its gory detail, use what ever words you want to, nothing will shock me Anne”. I still remember saying that sentence because in the end that was what opened the flood gates of her sexual emotions and all the pent up frustration that she felt inside. I know that I’m a cock happy slut, but this woman was much, much worse she was a totally frustrated sex slut who wasn’t getting all the things that she wanted to get, but she was also scared to let herself ask for them (in case her husband didn’t like them) or try them either! How screwed up is that?
After hearing all the things that she wanted to try, but was too scared to ask Sam for, I made a decision and rang Dave on his mobile and asked him to meet me in the corridor for a brief conference. I gave him a brief outline of what Anne had told me, this is when he told me that Sam had asked him not to discuss what they were talking about with anyone else! I suggested that we should rewrite the sex surveys with each of them, rewording them where necessary to reflect each of their true wishes, feelings and thoughts. Dave as usual agreed that it would probably make it a lot easier to help them, given the fact that Sam didn’t want things discussed with others at this time! That way we wouldn’t be discussing those detailed things, but they would be out in the open as answers in the sex survey! Dave looked at his watch and said
“Why don’t we break for dinner, get them to have a few more drinks and loosen them up a bit more and go back to it afterwards. ”
“Sounds like a plan. ”
I said. Both of them jumped at the chance to be away from that for a little while and soon we were all chatting away happily in a pub having a meal together.
Back in separate rooms again afterwards we got down to the business of re-writing the sex surveys for them. I have reproduced them for you here so that you can see the progress and differences in their answers too!

Female Sex Survey

Note: Question 10, only answer here the ones that you would like to happen that involve other people.
Question 13 only answer here the ones that you would like to happen that involve us only.

1) How I imagine I would like to have sex (with the lights on from now on):
a) Missionary position (man on top) 
b) Missionary position (woman on top) 
c) Doggy fashion on all fours 
d) Woman on knees with body upright 
e) Woman on tummy 
f) Woman on top ‘G’ spot facing man
g) Woman on top ‘G’ spot facing away from man 
h) Woman on top legs held open and off the ground, being pulled down for maximum depth
i) Woman on back legs up quite high (deep penetration) 
j) Other: Spoons

2)I want to masturbate when I’m
a)alone and horny
b)alone and want to relax 
c) In front of you before we make love 
d) In front of you while we are making love 
e) In front of you after we have made love
f) Other: in front of other people, and any other time that I want to

3)I want to learn how to give blow jobs:
I want to be able to suck you off and give you lots of pleasure, I want to taste your cum and lots of
other peoples cum too! I don’t want to be proper any more!

4)I want to be forced to give blow jobs to you and who ever else you want me too, perhaps even
whilst I’m tied up and helpless.

5)I want you to lick my pussy, I want you to make me cum with your tongue, I want you to taste my love juice too!

6)I want you to lick my pussy in the following ways:
a)lips sucked and nibbled 
b) clit licked 
c) clit sucked 
d) clit nibbled
e)tongue pushed into my pussy
f) Having finger/s pushed into my pussy whilst your tongue licks other parts of my pussy
g) Other: whatever ways I’ve missed out too

7)During sex I would like to be teased in the following ways by you or others:
a) Cock rubbing my cum up and down over my pussy lips/clit 
b) Just the tip pushing in and out of my pussy
c) Cock thrusting as deep and hard as possible
d) Long slow thrusts
e) Short quick thrusts
f) Angular thrusts to touch ‘G’ spot 
g) Other combinations: 

8)I want you to fuck me up my bum sometimes when I’m:
a) Feeling horny in pussy (not masturbating, but you using your cock in my bum hole to make us both
b) Fucking myself with a dildo or other phallic object inmy pussy, and having the extra stimulation
of your cock in other hole make me climax quicker / more forcefully
c) Fantasising or actually being forced to service two cocks at once (the dildo being one cock in my
pussy with either you or me fucking me with it and your cock or someone else’s in my bum other
hole. )
d) Other please specify:  three cocks at once, one in mouth, one in bum & one in pussy.

9)I don’t know if wearing sexy underwear will make me feel any different during sex but I would like to buy some and try it and see if it helps me (and you):
a)Fantasise during sex
b)Make me feel sexier and more turned on 
c) Other: 

10)My sexual fantasies are as follows:
a) Making love with another woman 
b) Making love with a prostitute (Female)
c) Making love with another man 
d) Making love with a prostitute (male)
e) Threesome, me, you & another woman 
f) Threesome me, another woman and her partner 
g) Threesome me and two other men 
h) Threesome, me, you & another man (Him fucking me, me sucking you etc.

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  ) .
i) Orgy, me and lots of other men 
j) Orgy me and lots of other women 
k) Orgy me and lots of other men and women 
l) Being forced to have sex in a sex game (Mock rape) 
m) Bondage and forced to have sex 
n) Bondage and forced to give oral sex (blow job) 
o) Bondage and forced to give oral sex (lick pussy) 
p) Bondage and forced to have anal sex 
q) Bondage and forced to receive oral sex (lick pussy) 
r) Being forced to perform sexual acts of any type (may be specified later) (surprise sex acts
s) Acting out or being a prostitute for a night  (Dirty money Mmmm)
t) Acting like a porn star and making a porn movie
u) Being a stripper at a stag party, then fucking some or all of the audience 
v) Being fucked by a man wearing women’s underwear
w) Being fucked by a She-male while your partner sucks her/his tits  (Mmm kinky)
x) Having sex with strangers 
y) Others (please specify giving each a consecutive letter as above):z)  I want to feel dirty

11) Of the above which would you TRUEFULLY like to happen, (List all letters that apply):

12) If I was to fuck several other men one night would I don’t know whether I would want the
pleasure of feeling my pussy full and heavy with the weight of their cum, with it running down
my thighs or if I would make them all use condoms so this is how I’m answering this one:
a) I would want my pussy filled with their cum
b) I would make them use condoms
c)It would depend on what I wanted at the time
d) Other:  I just don’t know, but it would be whatever I wanted!

13) I want to buy lots of different sex toys and I would like you and me to use them on each other
and have others use them on me too!

14)There are so many different Sex aids available, I would like to try all sorts of things so heres a
list that I’ve come up with, if you think of anything else just tell me!
a) Vibrators / Dildos 7” – 10” 
b) Vibrators / Dildos 11” upwards
c) Courgette 
d) Medium cucumber Salad will never seem boring anymore!
e) Large cucumber 
f) Candles 
g) Hand fuck, 1 finger
h) Hand fuck, 2 fingers 
i) Hand fuck, 3 fingers 
j) Hand fuck, 4 fingers 
k) Hand fuck, whole hand 
l) Hand fuck with slippery rubber glove on, 1 finger 
m) Hand fuck with slippery rubber glove on, 2 fingers
n) Hand fuck with slippery rubber glove on, 3 fingers
o) Hand fuck with slippery rubber glove on, 4 fingers
p) Hand fuck with slippery rubber glove on, whole hand 
q) Hair brush
r) Double ended Dildo’s
s) Strap-on dildo’s
t) Others please specify:  Bananas! I’ll try everything and anything!

15) Other sexual fantasies that you would like to do just involving us (letters from Q10 and others
please specify): ALL OF THEM, I WANT TO FEEL DIRTY & USED!

16) Other sexual preferences (Please specify):
I don’t know, but I do know that I want to feel very dirty, naughty and used! I want to feel how I
imagine Charly feels during and after some of her sex adventures.

17) When I play with myself, I sometimes:
a)Imagine that it is another man doing to me 
b) Imagine its another woman doing it to me
c) That more than one person is fingering/caressing me 
d) Also please give some details of what you imagine they are doing to you when you do it: I imagine
them holding me down and raping me, using me for their own pleasure, leaving me used but full

18) When I suck you off, sometimes I’m going to fantasise that I am sucking another mans cock. It’s
not that I don’t love you or anything, but its just escapism and fantasy!

19) When you are fucking me, sometimes: I imagine that I am the lady of the house and that I’m being
fucked by our black servant.

20) Do I ever think about trying any pervy sexual things???
I think about doing all those naughty things that Charly has done in her sex adventures. But mostly I
think about just being used for sexual pleasure by others!

21) Finally any other naughty sexy things that I can think to write down: Darling Sam, I hope you can
forgive and accept me for all the dirty feelings that are inside me, I promise that I will do anything
sexually that you ask of me at least once, more if we both like it, but I hope you will try things for me
too! Oh and I want to use rude words during sex like Cunt, and tits, cock, fuck etc. and I also want to
use them when we talk about sex too!

Male Sex Survey

1. I like sex? i. e. my favourite position/s:
I have only ever had it laying on top of my wife, don’t know any others but one lunch time at work I saw a blue movie and in it the men and women fucked in loads of different ways, I’d like to try all different ways of fucking with Anne, but I think that perhaps she may be a little reluctant to try them with me!
2. How I most like to be made to orgasm
I like to cum in Anne when we make love, but I would like to cum in her mouth or bum if she’d let me!
3) Do you masturbate?
a) Often we don’t have sex together enough, there’s never enough time!
b) Moderately
c) Never, I have someone to do it for me
d) Other: Anne has never touched my cock, not even to put it inside her, I always have too but I would love for her to take hold of my cock and wank me off, perhaps even over her pussy or tits! I’d like to finger her too, but I’m not sure how too, but I’d love for her to teach me how to touch her.

2. When masturbating, wanking, do I sometimes think of other……
a) Women
b) Men
c) Groups of both fucking together
d) Other: watching Anne having sex with others (please don’t be upset that I’d like to share you
with other men and women. )

5. Do I fantasize about other men?
a) Yes I think about them fucking Anne.

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b) No

6. Would I wear women’s underwear?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Other:

7. Do I like pain during kinky sex, i. e. to be done to me, whipping etc?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Other: Don’t know, but Id try for Anne if that’s what she wanted to try too.

8. Would you like to be blindfolded and made to take what you were given?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Other:

9. Do you use sex toys on yourself?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Other: Never used one or seen one, but again if Anne wanted to try them, then I would too!

10. Do I or would I enjoy anal sex, with either a sex toy or another man?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Other:  I don’t know, I know that I don’t fancy other men, but sex with a strap-on, I’m not

11. What is/are my favourite sex fantasy/s?
I would like to fuck my Anne after I have watched her fucking other men.
I would like to have sex with Anne and another woman and watch them having sex together

12. I have never had a blow job and I often fantasise about Anne giving me one, but I don’t
know how to teach her to do it! I would really love to feel her try though!

13. In my fantasies when I am about to cum into Anne’s mouth, I do enjoy the thought of
pushing her head/mouth further down my cock in a dominant manner?
a) Always
b) Sometimes
c) Never
d) Other:

14. Do I like women to be feminine, i. e.

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   in what they wear and how they
a) Yes 
b) No
c) Other:  Normally during every day life I love women to be sexy and feminine

15. I have never had Anal sex with anyone, giving or receiving, but if Anne would like to try it I
would too.

16. Would I like to take pictures of two women having sex together?
a) Yes what red blooded male wouldn’t? (especially if it was Anne & her best friend)
b) No
c) Other:

17. Would I like to film two women having sex together?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Other:

18. Do I enjoy being dominant or submissive the most?
a) Dominant
b) Submissive
c) Other:

19. Do I like my women to behave slutty and like prostitutes during sex?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Other: I would love Anne to be a real slut in bed but I don’t think she would.

20. Would you like to mock rape a woman? (Remember to tell the truth).
a) Yes
b) No
c) Other:  ONLY If it was during a prearranged sex game

21. Would you like to force a woman to suck your cock, i. e. during role play sex
a) Yes
b) No
c) Other:

22. Do I like seeing Anne having sex with other people?
a) Yes it’s my number one fantasy
b) No
c) Other: I have never done this but would like to try it.


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   Do you use sex toys on your partner?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Other:  Never used one, but after reading Charlottes Diaries 2001, I would like to try, but I think perhaps Anne is a little too straight laced to try!

When you compare their answers you can see just how much they want to try the same things but just haven’t been able to communicate them to each other. I’m afraid that I helped Anne answer one of the questions on her sex survey by kissing her mouth and cupping one of her breasts, she gasped almost silently, then I whispered in her ear the question, how does that make you feel? She didn’t answer me she just ticked the fantasy about making love with another woman! By the time we got back together and finished comparing the sex survey answers it was close to midnight and we were all feeling tired. We left them both to think about what they had just discovered and we all went to bed after arranging to meet up again early next morning in their room after breakfast. The only thing that Dave did tell me about Sam was that he thought that Sam was afraid to really let himself go and talk to Anne about what he’d really like to try, and that some of the answers that he’d put down, still didn’t really reflect his true thoughts on some things!
That was one really short seeming nights sleep we had and all too soon we were sitting with our new friends again, Dave and I had spoken over breakfast on what we were going to do and we came up with a truth game where each of them in turn would get to ask a question about any of their partners sexual thoughts and the other one would have to answer it truthfully, no lies. Dave and I would be the judges as we both knew one of the two of them and their true thoughts and if they lied we’d call them liars and ease the truth from them, getting them to vocalise what they were thinking. We knew this could go two ways, but our impressions of this couple were such that we were confident of a positive outcome. Anne went first:
“Sam I want to use dirty words when we talk about and are having sex, what do you think about that?”
Sam replied very quickly with
“I often fantasise when I am making love to you that you are saying all sorts of naughty things to me, I really would love it if you did it for real. ”
Then it was Sam’s turn and he said
“Anne, I would like to finger fuck you and rub your pussy until you climax, but I’m afraid to as I don’t know how to and I don’t want to hurt you, will you teach me?
Anne replied
“Please Sam call it my CUNT, I have prayed that one day you would just finger me until I cum, you would never hurt me on purpose, I know that and I would love to teach you to touch me there. ”
This went on for several questions each, they explored things that they both wanted to do to each other until Anne looked straight into Sam’s eyes and dropped the big one
“I want to be fucked senseless by lots of men one after the other, I want to be used, but most of all I want to be made to feel dirty inside, will you make this happen for me. ? I will fuck who ever you tell me too!”
There was a deathly silence for a long few seconds while Sam absorbed what his straight laced wife had just said to him. Then he seemed to snap out of it realising that she wanted to do what he wanted her to do!
“Anne, I… Anne, I have often dreamed of watching you fuck several men one after the other and when you’d finished doing that I would want to fuck you too!”
Then the flood gates opened and they started talking excitedly to each other forgetting all about us. We quietly slipped from their room and left the hotel.
About a month later we received an Email which had a photo attached with one line under it. The picture showed Anne on her knees on a bed with a cock buried in her pussy and one in her mouth with at least three other men standing close to her with hard-ons. Underneath it just said ‘THANKS.


   Love from Anne & Sam. XX