Corriere - Chapter I


Topic: Corriere-Chapter1 It's been just the two of us for 4 years now. It's hard for a little girl to lose her mother at 12 years old. Just when puberty is starting and she's beginning the journey into womanhood. But we've done alright, I've tried to be a kind, yet firm and understanding father. We regularly discuss things together and occasionally get involved in school or community events. She's almost a straight 'A' student, she serves on the student council, and competes in sports like Volleyball and Badminton. I guess we've done all right. I guess we really haven't been alone, we've had each other. Her long strawberry blond locks and blue eyes always reminded me of her Mother. Now, I have always tried to encourage her to be nice to others, but sometimes her kindness goes too far. The other day she came home from school with a close friend, Corriere. A nice girl who had a problem. Corriere's problem was she didn't have anywhere to live. Her mother threw her out of the house, she claimed Corriere was trying to seduce her boyfriend. Her father had passed away several years ago, and she claimed her mother has brought home loser after loser ever since. This latest guy moved in and has been living with them for a several months now.

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   Corriere claims he was coming on to her, without any encouragement from her "what-so-ever"! She doesn't even like the guy. I was thinking that this should probably be reported to the police since Corriere's a minor, throwing her out is against the law and the case should be handled by Family Social Services. Corriere pleaded with me not to call the police, she claimed her mother would come around. She said as soon as her mother realized what a loser this guy is she'd come begging her to come back home. She was afraid bringing the police into the matter would aggravate her mother even more. We do have a spare bedroom so I, very reluctantly, agreed to let her stay for a "little while". Little did I know what I was letting myself in for. First let me tell you a little bit about Corriere. She really is a sweet girl, the same age as my daughter, but looks more like 21. She's not a very tall girl, at about 5', she has silky black hair that is so long she has to be careful not to sit on it. She has full breasts and loves to show off a little cleavage when ever possible. Otherwise she wears loose fitting tops and shows off by bending over frequently. Short skirts are a staple in her wardrobe, and she has the long, lovely legs to support them. Most of her skirts are tight to show off another, shall we say, very fine ASSet. Her mysterious green eyes seem to radiate a warmth that could melt ice.

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   She has an adorable nose, and full pouting lips. Basically she had the face of an angel, the body of a stripper, and the mind of a High School teenager. A dangerous combination. The trouble started day-one, first thing in the morning. I opened my bedroom door and stepped out into the hall. The door to the hall bathroom opened and a naked figure backed out. Of course it was Corriere with her hair in a towel. She turned around and I got a free shot, she gasped and froze for a second. I closed my eyes, as she pulled the towel from her hair to cover herself. She apologized as she and told me I could open my eyes. I did and she shyly explained that she didn't know anybody else was awake yet. I told her I usually get up this early to go to work, and not to worry about it, everything was fine. She slipped by me and trotted off down the hall, not bothering to cover that perfect round butt as it bounced behind her. Hey, I know she was only 16, but I'm only human, besides I only watched for a few seconds. Things went down hill from there.

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   We often repeated the early morning hallway encounter, she seemed to have a bad memory, but claimed to be having trouble adjusting to living with a man in the house. (Didn't she say her mother's boyfriend had been living with them?) Other things happened as well, like flashing me a pantie shot when ever possible, and the loose fitting tops with the frequent bending over. In the days that followed I grew quite familiar with her taste in undergarments. Of course when I did my best to ignore that, she stopped wearing undergarments at home. She was now flashing me beaver shots when ever possible, and frequently bending over, bra-less. In addition when she wasn't wearing a loose fitting top, her nipples would poke through the tight fitting, cleavage revealing tops. Like I said earlier, I'm only human, and my love life has been a bit dry lately. Most single women my age fall into three categories: - Desperate - These women usually have kids and are hell bent on finding a father for them, and a Husband for themselves. They become dependent on your company almost instantly, and often call on you to help her with those, "man-type-jobs-around-the-house". The phone calls and demands on your time can be overwhelming, it's meant to be. She's testing you to see if your the kind of "family-oriented-man" she's looking for. - Forever Young - These woman are divorced and quite frequently have neglected, unruly, and disrespectful children. If old enough these kids are often in trouble with the law. This woman feels a 6 year old no longer requires a babysitter. She always wants to go out clubbing.

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   Romantic candlelight dinner, boring. Rent a video and spend a quiet evening at home, not for this girl. Dinner and a movie? No way! She wants to drink and party all night, then come home and have drunken sex until the sun comes up. These woman may, or may not, be alcoholics, and may also have one or more additional drug dependencies as well (marijuana, cocaine, Valium. . . . ). - Obsessive - These women can be dangerous, the kind you may need to get a restraining order against. This is the kind of woman who calls daily and if you don't answer, demands to know why you didn't, when she finally gets a hold of you. You can find this type of woman sitting on your porch waiting for you to come home, and demanding to know where you've been. To make matters worse, she may also be a Bible-thumper, hell bent on saving your soul. After dating one of these, in addition to the restraining order, you may need to get your phone number and locks changed (she may have borrowed your keys, and had copies made). All the good stable women, that are attractive, are also married, and their husbands aren't about to let them go. The outlook has been pretty bleak.

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   So, out of frustration, I've taken a short break from the dating scene, and haven't had sex in weeks. Now I have this lovely little hottie running around trying to turn me on every time I look at her. If this was how she acted at home, then I could see why her mother thought she was seducing her boyfriend. The last straw came Wednesday night when my daughter was at Student Council and Corriere and I were home alone. She started by flashing me all Wednesday afternoon, no panties, no bra, so I was seriously considering looking up a "Forever Young" girl I once dated. Sure she was an alcoholic with a Cocaine addiction, but I figured sex with a drunken, strung out, woman was better than going to jail for statutory rape, which I was on the verge of committing. No sooner had my daughter left when I heard Corriere coming downstairs. I was watching T. V. and didn't notice her until she went to sit down on the sofa. She was brushing her long hair as she sat down. She was barefoot, wearing only a short loosely tied robe. As she sat down, below the waist, the front of the robe parted giving me a clear shot of her dark bush. Above the waist the front fell open, clearly exposing one of those lovely mounds. It was too late to call "Ms.

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   Forever Young" I was loosing control. From the view I had of that lovely young body, the possibility of going to jail seemed perfectly reasonable. I shook my head when I noticed a smile curled her lips, clearly indicating to me that she was enjoying this! She was getting off on teasing me! I was upset to say the least. I stood up and said, "Young lady! That is NOT the way we dress in this house!" She calmly looked up at me then looked down at her robe, and said, "Oh, sorry. " She tugged on the bottom of her robe partially obscuring her bush, but doing nothing to close the top or cover her breast. She resumed brushing her hair, as the smile came back. I slowly and deliberately told her, "I'm afraid 'sorry' isn't going to cut it this time!" I had no idea where this was going, I was making this up as I went along. She looked up at me and the smile slowly faded from her lips as she replied, "Geez, don't blow a gasket. " I took a step towards her and grabbed her arm and pulled her to her feet. She cried "OW!" even though I know I didn't hurt her. Her robe was so loosely tied that it now fell open, completely exposing the left side of her gorgeous body. The right side was partially covered because her robe was hung up on the erect nipple of her right breast. My eyes strayed and she picked up on that and the smiled started to come back as she seductively asked, "What are you gonna do? Send me up to my room?" I was at a loss for words, they way she said that seemed almost like an invitation. I weakly said, "You need to be punished. " She saw she was in the driver seat so in a seductive, yet defiant tone she told me, "I don't want to go up to my room.

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   You'll have to take me up there. " I wasn't going to let her drive, I bent over and threw her, nearly naked body over my shoulder, which stunned her for a second. She soon recovered and kicked a little making a mock protest. If I took her up to her room now, I was gonna do it, there was no way to avoid it. Dammit, I was only human! I turned to head for the stairs, and fought for control of my libido, she was sure of herself, I had to get back in control. I stopped short at the basement door, my mind was racing, this would still probably land me in jail, but maybe not for as long. I opened the door and headed down the stairs. She paused her mock struggling and asked, "Wait, where are you taking me?" There was an uncertain quality to her voice, I was moving back into driver seat now. I replied in a self assured tone, "I don't have a woodshed to take you out to, so I'm taking you down to my wood shop. " She said, "Woodshed? Wood shop? What are you talking about?" her confusion apparent in her voice. I took her into my wood shop and set her down. It was kind of cool in the basement, she shivered and closed her robe around her. She looked at me like I was crazy. I locked the door then pulled up a bench and sat down. She looked at me and I patted my lap, she sort of gave a half smiled and asked, "You want me to sit on your lap?" I shook my head and said, "No I want you to lay across my lap.

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  " She stared at me in confusion for a second them a light slowly came on in her head as she realized what I was planning on doing. She cried "Oh no, not that!" and tried to back away, but I took hold of her wrist and I pulled her down across my lap. The light fabric of the robe was no problem, that fell away sliding up her back as that part of her body was currently inverted. She put her hands on the floor and tried to get a footing so she could get away, but I held her hips firmly with my left hand. I wasted no time and spanked that lovely round ass with my right hand, leaving a bright pink hand print on her creamy white bottom. She cried, "Stop that!" I continued to spank her as she struggled, her butt felt so firm. A few spanks later it became apparent to her she wasn't going to get away, she stopped struggling and tried to cover her bottom with her hands, and the brush she was still holding. I grabbed her slender feminine wrists and pinned them behind her back. She whined, whimpered and and kicked her long, sexy legs as I continued to spank her with my hand, quietly counting to myself. At 25 her bottom was just starting to get pink, but my hand was getting sore. I wasn't done. I twisted the hairbrush out of her hand and continued spanking her with that. She screamed as the brush must've stung a bit more than my hand did. She cried and begged me to stop, but at one time she paused took a deep breath and sighed between spankings. I gave her 25 more with the brush then stood her up.

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   Her robe was wide open for my viewing pleasure as she rubbed her bottom. Her lower lip was pushed out in a pout as she said in a little girl voice, "That wasn't very nice. "I stood up and went to my workbench, she watched as I pulled out a drawer with these long thin leather straps. They were pretty thick, I used them as a way to stop doors and lids from opening too far and damaging their hinges. I pulled out a long one, She seemed a little scared as she asked, "Now what?" I replied, "You don't seem to bee showing any remorse for your actions, so I think you need some more convincing. " She repeated the words, "Remorse? Convincing?" I replied, "Your not sorry for what you did yet, so I'm going to punish you until you are!" She backed away and said, "I'm sorry. Really I am, I'll be good. " I walked toward her and said, "I'm doing this for your own good. " which was a lie, I was doing it for my own good. I pushed the robe from her shoulders, she let it fall to the floor and I told her, "Now give me your hands. " She timidly held out her hands, nervously eying the strap. She seemed relieved when I turned her hands face down, crossed them at the wrist and started wrapping the leather strap around them. I wound the leather around each wrist and both wrists together to evenly distribute her weight, and not leave any permanent marks. She was unsuccessfully attempting to hide that smug smile from me as she asked, "What are you going to do to me?" I didn't reply as I walked her over underneath my chin-up bar. I lifted her arms up, she tried to put them around me, but I blocked that attempt brought them straight up.

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   I threw the free end of the leather strap over the chin-up bar, and pulled it until she was up on her toes, she let out a sexy little squeal that almost made me come. The smile disappeared from her face and was replaced by a look of concern. I tied off the strap with a quick knot and stepped back. My what a lovely sight. Her hair was hanging down her back as she tilted her head up looking at the strap holding her in that position. Her back was slightly arched, her pink bottom sticking out a little, and her firm teenage breast still jutted out proudly. And those long lovely legs, one slightly bent and the other one straight with just her toes touching the ground as she studied her predicament. I took another leather strap and used it to tie her legs together at the ankles. She looked down at me and asked, "Would it do any good to say I'm sorry?" As I stood up, I replied, "You don't sound very contrite. " She asked, "How long are you going to leave me hanging here?" I replied, "Oh. not long. " as I parted her hair and ran it over her shoulders, down the front. It softly cascaded down over those beautiful breasts. I continued, "Just until I feel that you are truely sorry, and that you are going to behave from now on. " She giggled and asked, "And how long do you think that will take?" I walked back to my scrap barrel as I told her, "Oh, not long.


  . . . " I selected a 3 foot long furring strip, left over from installing the ceiling in the game room, and continued, ". . . not long at all. " I took a two handed baseball bat swing at her exposed bottom with the rough, wooden stick. She screamed in surprise, then howled in pain. I didn't let her recover before I hit her again. I noticed both her feet were off the ground as her bound legs kicked helplessly and started swinging. She gasped and wailed as I hit her again as she swung backwards. She doubled up her legs, pulling them up to her chest, trying to hide her bottom as she wailed, "Oooowww!" She looked so sexy with her legs doubled up like that, while they were tied together. I adjusted my angle a little bit and took another swing, making a loud crack. She wailed and let her legs drop in defeat.

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   She groaned, "Your hurting me. . . " I replied, "It's for your own good, it's the only way you'll ever learn your lesson. " I spanked her again, noticing the red marks the furring strip was leaving on her bottom. She moaned, "I'm sorry. I learned my lesson. I'll be good. I'll behave!" I replied, "I wish I could believe that. " as I spanked her again. She yelped and moaned, "You can believe me, really! I'll be good!" I continued to spank her with that strip for a total of 25 times, A couple of times she seemed to hold her breath and tense up, then relax after the next swat. It was kind of strange. I went and put the furring strip away, she cried, "I'm so, so, sorry. Please stop spanking me. .

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  . " I told her, "Well, all together, you've only been spanked 75 times. I think you need more than that to really learn your lesson. " She wailed, "Noooo! No more! I learned my lesson. I'll be good, I'll be an angel. Just please stop. " I looked around to see what I should finish off the last 25 with. My tool belt caught my eye, but it was to thick and had all those rivets, loops, and pockets. Then I got another idea, I pulled my belt off and wrapped it around my hand until I had about a foot to a foot and a half sticking out. I walked up behind her she tilted her head back and asked, "Please?" Then screamed as she saw me swing my arm, the belt made a whooshing sound as it cut through the air. She tensed up and yelped when the belt hit her red ass. It left an even darker red stripe. She almost whispered, "Please,,, no. . .

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  " I continued to spank her with my belt, making dark red stripes, criss-crossing that lovely ass. She just cried and barley whimpered as I continued to spank her, but that curious tensing up and relaxing seemed to happen more often this time. I stopped after I gave her 25 with the belt and noticed a few tears had dripped down to the floor. I slipped my belt back on as I walked around in front of her. She sniffed and in a voice barley over a whisper, she pleaded, "No more, please. I'll be so good, I'll be a perfect angel. I'll do anything you ask, ANYTHING! I really am so, so sorry. Please, PLEASE believe me!" I brushed her hair back from her tear streaked face, the tears on the floor had dripped down from her breasts that were wet from her tears. I kissed her cheek and told her, "Okay, I believe you, I won't spank you anymore. " She smiled and started crying again as she said, "Thank you, thank you so much. " I added, "But, I'm going to let you hang there for a few minutes and contemplate your punishment. " She nodded and asked, "But no more spanking?" I repeated, "No more spanking. " The reason I wanted her to hang there was more for me than for her. My balls were about to explode, I needed some release, any release. I went back around behind her and grabbed a shop towel off the work bench.

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   She was a lovely sight, those long sexy legs topped with a beautiful, bright red ass. Her waist was so narrow above her flared hips. I pulled out my rock hard penis and started stroking it. It took about 30 seconds, and an involuntary groan slipped out, as I blew my load into the shop towel. If she didn't know what I was doing back here before, she probably did now. I went to throw the shop towel in my laundry box, then gave it a second thought and tossed it in the waste basket. I came up behind her and touched her red bottom. She flinched as I touched it. It felt very warm, almost hot. I walked around to the front of her, as she sweetly told me, "I'll be your perfect little angel. I'll do anything you say, anything you want, anything at all. " I smiled at her and wiped away the tears, and replied, "I know. " I knelt down and untied her strap binding her ankles, then reached up and untied the knot that held her up. Her arms came down, around me. She tightened them up and whispered, "I'll do anything you ask me to, ANYTHING!" She was almost begging me, and it's not hard to guess what a naked young woman means when she says 'anything'.

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   I turned around and started to untie her hands. She pressed her breast against my back and laid her head between my shoulder blades and whispered, "Anything, anything you want. Anything at all. " I untied her hands and turned around, her arms went around my neck as she pulled her firm naked body close to mine, her firm breasts pressed against my chest as she pulled herself up, her lips just inches from mine she sweetly asked, "What would you like your angel to do?" I was getting excited again, but I wasn't going to let her take over. I calmly replied, "First, you discuss your punishment with no one. " she nodded and said, "No! Of course not. " I continued, "Second, let's go upstairs. " She nodded and replied, "Okay!" She had a little trouble walking at first, as she rubbed her sore bottom. She picked up her brush, but intentionally left her robe, she obviously wanted to remain naked to tease me some more. She bounce off to the stairs as I picked up her robe. She waited at the base of the stairs until I was right behind her. She bounced up the stairs, as I watched that beautiful red bottom. About halfway up she paused with one leg on a higher step, her slightly legs spread apart. She asked, "When does Stephanie get home?" I looked up at her glistening pussy and saw slick wetness extending down her thighs for about 3 inches. She got off on me spanking her! She was so wet it was practically running down her thighs! She wanted me as badly as I wanted her, of course that didn't matter she was still only 16 and my daughters best friend.

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   I couldn't fuck her. She turned around which snapped me out of my trance and asked again, "When does Stephanie usually get back?" I glanced at my watch and said, "About 15-20 minutes. " She sighed and continued up the stairs, saying, "Not much time. " I stared at that adorable red butt and briefly fantasized holding it in my hands, while making love to this young beautiful woman. I quickly shook my head to clear that fantasy, I knew I'd gone too far already, I had to get a hold of myself. At the top of the stairs she turned to the right to go upstairs, a said, "Here, take this. " as I handed her the robe. She looked, "Aren't you coming with me? We haven't got much time. " I replied, "I know, so your going to be a good little angel and get ready for bed. " She stood there with her mouth hanging open as she took the robe. I kissed her forehead and hugged her, then asked, "You know why I spanked you?" she slowly shook her head no, then stopped and, looking down at the floor, said, "Well, I guess I know. I've been pretty bad. I haven't been wearing panties or a bra for days, and tonight, with the robe. . .

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   well. . . " I said "No, I spanked you because I care about you. " She looked up at me, and I gently touched her cheek and continued, "You are a beautiful young lady, and I think you should start acting more like one. Now hurry up, I think you could use a shower before bed. " She looked a little stunned as she looked at me, then with a bewildered smiled, said, "Okay. " as she turned and headed up the stairs. I sat down in my recliner and breathed a sigh of relief. Of course if anybody found out about what just happened downstairs, I'd be on my way to jail, but I didn't screw her. I allowed myself to consider that at least a small victory. Fifteen minutes later my daughter came home. We talked for a few minutes, I let her vent about how stupid some of the boys on the council are. She went up to her bedroom to finish her homework and I followed a few minutes later. I checked with her to see if she needed any help, then I checked on Corriere, who was sleeping.

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   I won't lie about it. I masturbated again, not once, but twice. Thinking about that beautiful young angel and what I did with her earlier that evening. .
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Μην ξεχνάτε ποτέ ότι η πόλη Αθήνα είναι μια πόλη που μπορεί να κάνει όλες τις βρώμικες ιδέες σας πραγματικότητα. Έτσι, αν ψάχνετε για λίγη διεστραμμένη δράση, αυτό το μέρος έχει όλα όσα θέλετε. Για αυτό, μόλις φτάσετε σε αυτήν την απίστευτη Ελληνική πόλη, μην χάσετε την ευκαιρία να ελέγξετε τηνΠιστέψτε με, δεν έχετε δει ποτέ άλλη πόλη σαν αυτή που θα ανακαλύψετε ότι η δημιουργήθηκε κυρίως για όλους τους ακόλαστους και αχόρταγους άντρες που αναζητούν πάντα το σεξ. Διαθέτουμε μια ευρεία συλλογή από διαφορετικές κυρίες οι οποίες είναι πολύ ανοιχτόμυαλες για πρόστυχη δράση. Οι κυρίες στην μπορούν να κάνουν σεξ όλη νύχτα και να προσφέρουν την υψηλότερη ικανοποίηση στον πλανήτη.

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Δεν μπορείτε να αποφασίσετε από πού να αρχίσετε; Ποια γκόμενα να επιλέξετε πρώτα; Μην ανησυχείτε, η σας παρέχει τα χρήσιμα εργαλεία για να κάνετε περιήγηση σε έναν τεράστιο κατάλογο με καυτές κυρίες - διαβάστε τα προφίλ τους, ρίξτε μια ματιά στα γεμάτα καμπύλες σώματα τους και ανακαλύψτε τα ταλέντα τους στο σεξ. Καυτές ξανθές, βρώμικες μελαχρινές, καυτές κοκκινομάλλες - τις έχουμε όλες, οπότε μην διστάσετε να εντοπίσετε αυτήν που ικανοποιεί τα γούστα σας και σας γοητεύει περισσότερο. Ονειρεύεστε ένα τρίο ή ομαδικό όργιο; Κανένα πρόβλημα, οι έμπειρες γκόμενες θα σας φροντίσουν για τα καλά και θα σας εντυπωσιάσουν με τους συναρπαστικούς οργασμούς τους και την φανταστική δράση. Στοματικό σεξ, πρωκτικό σεξ, μαλακία με το χέρι, πρόστυχο μασάζ, παιχνίδια με κουστούμια - όλα αυτά και πολλά άλλα σας περιμένουν στην, οπότε ελέγξτε την.
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