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ID: 18062 Anaconda in Athens Fecha: 17-08-2020


Shemale Ebony Queen Panther original from Brasil spin town spend som quality time whit my a beautiful ts long hair. Beaut body like woman  silicons titis  always smiling  and good humor  elegant open cultivated. ..I hate  off vulgarity and desrespeito b block on moment ...mervelous always virile for passives whit geourgeous supper steep.  Proportional and GG and well backed for ative .i have very delicate face  perfect smile fleyshy lips  I'm feminine and natural  

contact only by call never sms our priver number what's up forget I not resent pics hall have at my add 

rates no negotiable and i am not at city and 10 kl close that also if u not in hotel u need sent my a car 

fRon 10am just 01am only by call not sms I not have what's up 
outcall is 350€

i as in greece now just callme too fixe a meeting okay 
only then take u apointament time. From now 

País:GreciaVistas totales57261
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