The Devil His Due: Crossroads III, Chapter 1


“I know, but. . ” She responded, immediately trying to come up with an excuse. This was far from the first time that she’d done, this, and it was fairly obvious that it wouldn’t be her last time. After all, at fifteen years old, what else could be expected of her? She had school, and friends, and about a million other things she’d rather be doing than helping her father out in the family book store. Her long crimson hair caught the light as she sunk her head in defeat. It was her decision to sneak off and read a magazine instead of helping, and it had only gotten her in trouble. She knew that any argument she gave now would only upset her father even more. “Don’t get that look, Trish. ” Michael said, as he looked into his daughter’s melancholy eyes with empathy. A sigh left him, and finally, he gave in and reached into his pocket. Tricia gave him a slightly confused look, followed by one of surprise when he pulled a twenty-dollar bill from his pocket. “Here, go have fun. It’s fifteen minutes until five, I’ll finish up here and meet you at home in a few hours. It’s Friday night and you should enjoy yourself. ”Reluctantly, she took the money from her father, before hugging him.

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   “Thanks, but are you sure?” She asked. Silently, he nodded his answer and watched in pride as she smiled and trotted off, out of the store. Cheryl, his wife, had told him several times that Tricia just wasn’t the type to follow in family tradition. The book store may have meant a great deal to him, his father, and his grandfather, but Tricia just couldn’t bring herself to appreciate it in the same fashion. Besides, times had changed since he was a young man, and he had to learn to accept that. As he bent over and picked up the magazine that she’d dropped in the floor, the ache in his back reminded him of his need to take a break before continuing. He put the magazine up and walked over to the side wall of the store, before pouring himself a cup of coffee. Finishing off the pot, he went ahead and turned the coffee-maker off. Slowly, he took a sip of the warm beverage as he made his way to the ease of the stool, behind the cash register. Carefully, he took a seat and felt the pain in his back begin to subside. Tricia was the most precious thing in his life, and more beautiful than any young woman her age should be. But in the end, she was just that. A young woman. He had to learn to start letting go of her. But it just seemed like yesterday that she was only a toddler, bringing him freshly-picked flowers from their back yard.

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   To him, she’d always be that sweet little girl. His thoughts were broken by the sound of the bell on the door, telling him that someone had just entered the store. As he lifted his head to look, he was caught by complete surprise. “Hello?” A sweet female voice called into the store. “Hello, there!” He returned the call, finding it hard to ignore the beauty of the young twenty-something customer. “How are you doing, today?”“Oh, just fine, thanks. ” She smiled almost shyly, as she brushed the dark brown hair from her face and approached the counter. “I’m not sure if I’m really in the right place. ” She continued, before looking deep into his eyes. Her skin carried a fine tan to it, and looked flawless as it seemed to absorb and radiate the sunlight that shone down on it from the skylight, above. It was the kind of beauty that one didn’t see very often, anymore. Not the glamorous supermodel type of beauty, either. This kind couldn’t be manufactured, it had to come naturally. Michael found his conscience telling him to stop thinking such thoughts. He had a beautiful wife at home, and he was obviously twice this girl’s age.

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  “Well, if you’re looking for a book, then you are in the right place. ” He smiled, courteously. “It is a book you’re looking for, right?”“Oh, it is. It’s just that every place that I’ve gone, doesn’t seem to have the book that I’m looking for. I feel kind of silly asking anyone for it, really. People seem to look at me in disgust when I do. ” She explained, her blushing face giving away her obvious embarrassment. “Well, if you’ll tell me what book it is that you’re looking for, I’ll be more than happy to help you. ” Michael responded, careful to use the right tone of voice so as not to further embarrass the young girl. “Lolita, by Vladimir Nabokov. ” She said, almost in a whisper, as a small smile creased her lovely face. Michael was caught by surprise. “Controversial piece. ” He noted, aloud. “Written in 1965, wasn’t it?” He asked, trying to hide his own embarrassment of her request.

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  “1955, actually. ” She smiled. Well, I sincerely apologize, but I’m certain we don’t carry it. ” He told her, with a slight frown. “Could you check and make absolutely sure? I really want the book, and I’ll pay whatever I need to for it. ” She asked him, her determination apparent through her eyes. Silently, he nodded and sat a large notebook on the counter, and started thumbing through it’s pages. He was impressed with her knowledge of the book, but was slightly concerned with the fact that she was reading such deviant material. The book was indeed controversial, having been classified as child pornography from the start, and although he knew he wouldn’t have ever allowed such garbage into his store, he felt that he could at least humor her. To his surprise, though, when he flipped to the appropriate section, the book was listed as being in stock. He didn’t understand. “Is something wrong?” Her sweet voice called to him, from the other side of the counter. His confusion must have been obvious. “Well, it seems like I’m a liar. We do have it.

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  ” He said, the look of surprise still evident on his face. The girl flashed a bright smile, almost a silent cheer of victory, as he looked in the notebook to find the appropriate location of the subject in question. “Aisle three, shelf five. ” He said, before leaving his stool. The two walked through the store, until reaching the location that had been dictated to them, and in the center of the shelf, there it was, just like the notebook had said. Silently, he picked it up and looked at it. Inside the hardback cover, he saw the store’s stamp, telling him that he had definitely ordered it. The price on the book was over thirty dollars, but he didn’t care. The girl had already said that she’d pay whatever the cost. “Wonderful!” She exclaimed, gleefully beside him. “You don’t know what I’ve gone through to find a copy of this book. ”“Well, here it is. ” He told her, before handing it to her with a smile. “If you don’t mind my asking, though, is this for a college assignment or something?” He asked, curiously. With an obvious blush and a moment of silence, she smiled and answered.

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  “No. Actually, it’s something of a security blanket for me. ” She smirked, holding the book to her chest. “You see, I acquired a copy of the book when I was fifteen. I’d never even heard the term ‘lolita’ before then, and laid down on bed one night to read it. That was also the first night I’d ever touched myself. ”Her words shocked Michael beyond belief. He wanted to respond, and knew that he needed to, but couldn’t think of a thing to say. Instead, he listened on. “The first time I read it, I fell in love. ” She smiled, brushing the dark hair from her face once more, but allowing her hand to remain by her face, her fingertips barely grazing the skin along her jaw. “The whole concept of an older man with a younger woman aroused me more than I thought it could. Eventually, it led me to want to explore that type of relationship for myself. ”Michael couldn’t help but feel himself stir within his jeans. He listened to the soft, wanton words of the young beauty in front of him, and watched as her fingers trailed down her soft skin, eventually making their way to her neck.

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   As she continued talking, he couldn’t help but watch her soft lips move, and her fingers, as they slowly continued to trail downward. “It wasn’t but maybe a week later when I’d come up with an idea, a way that I could experience something like that for myself. I spent two hours searching through my closet, until I found the shortest sun dress I owned. I took a long, hot bath, and shaved my pubic area completely clean of hair, then put it on without any panties and left the house. ” She told him, her voice growing softer, and more luxurious. Her fingers were now at the base of her neck, carefully fondling the edges of the cotton dress that she wore. Her eyes were almost hypnotic, as she stared at him. Her tan skin seemed to be calling to him as it trailed on and disappeared beneath the covering of the dress, almost as if it was inviting him to follow it. “I went to school like that, and was asked to stay after class by my teacher. After the rest of the kids left, he started mauling hungrily at my body, before ravaging me in every way I could’ve possibly imagined. ” She continued, as she stared deep into Michael’s eyes. Abruptly, and before she could say another word, he took a single step forward and pressed his lips to hers. The book dropped from her hands to the floor, and she wrapped her arms around him, holding him in place as they kissed. The flesh of their lips pressed against one another, and almost seemed to dance with each other, as his tongue darted deep into her mouth. She’d teased him with her sheer presence, not counting the enticing affect her words had on him.

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   He’d fought it until he couldn’t, any longer. He had to have her. With a single motion, she bounced upward, wrapping her legs around his waist as he held her a good four feet off of the ground. Her fingers roamed through his hair, as her other hand clawed at his back. She could feel the bulge in his pants, pushed against her sex. The only thing that separated their aching genitals were the fabric of her panties, and his jeans… the skirt of her dress had managed to get pushed up when she locked her legs around him. --“Matthew!” Tricia squealed in excitement, as she wrapped her arms around her boyfriend’s neck. She hadn’t expected to run into him when she’d decided to come to the music store, but found it a pleasant surprise. “Hey, Trish. How’d you escape your Dad?” He asked, before kissing the center of her forehead, softly. “Way too easily. It was almost weird. ” She answered, displaying a hint of suspicion in her voice. “Must be that old Bridges charm, huh?” He said, kiddingly, as he took her hand in his and strolled down an aisle packed with compact discs. She giggled slightly, and felt herself blush at the touch of his hand to hers.

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  Matthew and Tricia had been dating for three months, now, behind her father’s back. There was a significant age difference between the two of them, Matthew being four years older than her. She’d told herself a number of times that love doesn’t recognize age, but she knew that her father would see it differently. Her father’s opinion was that younger women had no business with older men, and that by putting herself in that kind of situation, she’d only find herself being used by whatever guy that thought he could get a chance with her. Matthew was different, though. Sure, they’d fooled around some, but nothing that she’d consider serious. They’d never had intercourse, or even participated in oral sex, but she did enjoy when they used their hands to explore. She could remember the first time she let him slide his hand down the front of her panties, and how his fingers made her feel. Of course, at nineteen years old, she could help but feel that he’d done this kind of thing a number of times in the past, but if he had, he’d denied it. “Listen, you want to go grab a bite to eat with me? I’ll buy. ” He asked her, as they browsed through the store. She knew that her parents would be expecting her to eat dinner with them, but didn’t want to reject Matthew’s offer. “Sure, but I’m not that hungry. I’ll probably just have some fries, or something. ” She answered.

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  --The heat between her legs was intense, as it pressed against his bulge. That, in combination with her wanton lips only fueled his desire more. Within seconds, both of them were on the floor, between the stacks. Her skirt had been pushed up, bunching around her waist to reveal the tight panties that fit snug to her figure. His need for her was almost maddening, as he quickly hooked his fingers inside the edge of the thin fabric. With a swift motion, he’d pulled her panties free of her ass and sex, and worked fast to slide them down her long legs. Her eyes seemed to bore into him, a glare that didn’t show anger or disgust, but one that was silently ordering him to take her. The touch of her panties only continued to fuel the fire within, as the feel and smell of her damp arousal grazed through his senses like an addict using a razor blade to cut a line of cocaine. After a final tug, she was free of the soft white bindings. He tossed them down and they landed, little more than a wadded bunch on the floor, almost as to signal their defeat in hindering the actions of the two lust-filled people. She spread her tanned legs wide, revealing to him her shaven sex. Silk-like in it’s texture, it glistened with the perspiration that has accumulated. Michael couldn’t take it anymore, plunging face-first between her legs with his tongue fully extended, and with an excited gasp from her small body, it had officially begun. Her fingers danced through his hair, as she bit her lip and tilted her head. Moans escaped her lips, followed by gasps, as her legs rested themselves on his shoulders.


   His tongue and fingers taunted her, sending chills up her spine with their touch. Whatever logic and reason Michael ever had was gone, replaced only by animalistic lust and crazed need. Her fluids tasted sweet to him, and the heat coming off of her aching sex could be felt from inches away. The silken feel of the inside of her thighs, brushing against his cheeks and the high heels digging into the flesh of his back. It all began to mix together, almost like food in a blender. The result was an overwhelming medley of flesh and need. Suddenly, her muscles constricted against his mouth. Her nether lips almost threatened to inhale the tongue and pull it right from his mouth. She was experiencing an orgasm, and her moans were louder than even he could’ve expected. Her hips bucked beneath him, and her hands clasped around his head, holding him in place while she fucked his mouth for her own pleasure. Her legs grew taut around him, almost as if they were trying to squeeze the life out of him. And despite the difference in their age, he found himself surprised when he wasn’t strong enough to remove her legs from him. She convulsed violently several times, allowing small squeals and gasps to escape her gaping mouth, before freeing him. When she did, she slid her body away from him and sat up in one quick motion. Her hands pressed against his chest, pushing him backwards and off of his knees.

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   Her hands immediately went for his jeans, not fumbling once as she quickly unbuckled his belt and pulled it from it’s loops. Once it was free, she folded it to half-length and handed it to him. Her eyes never left his, as she got up on her hands and knees in front of him. She faced him and arched her back, shoving her naked ass into the air, where it could be seen clearly from his location. She pulled him upright, before pulling his stiff rod from his pants. Instantly, she had impaled her mouth on his pole. “Oh, God!” He exclaimed, unaware that he’d just thought that aloud. Her lips slid forward quickly, before tightening at the base of his cock. She’d deep-throated him instantly, and was now convulsing her throat around the tip of his dick. The feeling was amazing, and within seconds she released, before taking it all in once more, faster than before, to do it all over again. She was using her throat to fuck him! It felt incredible, too. He looked down at her face, impaling itself repeatedly on his aching staff. Her dark hair bounced around the edges of her face, as she gyrated her ass further into the air. It was then that he realized what she wanted. She’d given him the belt, and her eyes were begging him to spank her.

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   Carefully, he extended his arm down the length of her back, and swatted at her heart-shaped ass. She whimpered in disappointment. He hadn’t hit her hard enough. More determined, he tried again. The belt cracked loudly against her ass, and her hips bucked wildly. Her voice squealed from her mouth, followed by a small giggle. This was what she wanted. He repeated the action. With a swift jerk, the belt slapped across the tender flesh of her ass, and once more, she bucked her hips passionately. The speed of her actions on his dick increased, too. Michael watched her, as one hand left the floor below them and pressed against her skin. She clawed at her dress, until the button on the back of it popped off. The fabric fell forward, and her tits sprang forth, bouncing wildly under her frame. Her hand immediately cupped her perfect breast, squeezing and pawing at it. Her fingers clasped around the erect nipple, and began to twist and tug.

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   Michael was astonished at how much she was getting off of this. He continued to spank her gorgeous ass, as he face-fucked her. --Impatiently, Paris sipped at her cup of tea. As calm as an ocean in appearance, she was raging with fury on the inside. She’d had enough waiting. The trip back home to California had been an exhausting one, but she still had much do to before she could accomplish her task. It had been a solid week since that night in the bathtub, the night that everything clicked. Her fight with him had gone on for too long, and had ultimately cost her way too much. She had lost Holly to his deceptions. She had lost memories, friends, her dignity and possibly even her soul to him. And now, her freedom was also in jeopardy. Her mother had seen the bags that she had packed, that night. The fight that ensued was outrageous, but how could Paris have explained what was happening to her mother? How could she tell her, that she had to return to California to fight the ruler of Hell?She’d have been locked up! Her mother had threatened her not to leave, that if she did, she’d have the police looking for her. Paris felt as though she didn’t have a choice. After all, what we’re talking about is the apocalypse!She turned her head, to look in the direction of the approaching footsteps.

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   It was Father Grant, the first person that she had called upon her return home. He’d agreed to meet with her, even without being told why. She silently greeted him with a smile, and motioned to the seat on the other side of the table. They were at a small coffee shop that Paris had known since she was little. It had been bought out, recently, and the new company had chosen to place tables just outside the front door. She had decided that this would be the best place to meet with Father Grant, due to the ability to see anyone walking up, and hence avoid any eavesdropping by those that would think her insane. “Paris Kline, I’m surprised to see that you’ve moved back to California so soon. ” Father Grant smiled, as he took a seat at the table. Paris smiled slightly, and struggled within herself to decide how to approach him about the situation. “You sounded desperate to speak to me. Is everything okay?”“Define ‘okay. ’” Paris retorted, smiling politely. --The sensation was incredible. Michael couldn’t believe how soft this girl’s skin was, to the touch. His hands slid across the length of her back, his fingers occasionally running through her silken dark hair, as her warm mouth enveloped his pulsating tool.

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   It was unbelievable. Without warning, she pulled back and turned 180 degrees. With an arch of her back, her nude buttocks were eased into the air with a more than inviting look to them. Silently, her head turned, until she was staring at him in lust from over her shoulder. Words were unneeded, he knew exactly what she wanted, and the lust within him urged him to oblige her. He lined up with her, wrapped his hands around her waist, and plummeted slowly into the depth of her aching sex. To describe the sensations that he felt would like trying to convey the sound of the rain to a person who was born deaf. Immersed in her damp warmth, it felt almost as if an eternity had passed before his attention broke from the feel of her glove-like tunnel, fitting tight around his swollen prick. Feeling weak in the knees at such overwhelming pleasure, Michael slowly shifted his hips backward, his attention focused on the soft moan of the temptress before him. “Oooh…” She said, before fading to silence, as if to silently invite him to move again. He pushed forward gently, and felt his member push in to the hilt. She responded to the action by pushing her hips back toward him, and gyrating slowly. A slight hiss of pleasure was the only noise he heard as he relished in the feel. It was amazing, that what seemed like only moments before, this young girl had entered his store for the seemingly innocent purpose of buying a book. Yet, like a dream, the situation shifted so rapidly that even now, Michael couldn’t begin to conceive what had happened to put them both in such a position.

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  Slowly, she leaned forward, and forced his swollen cock out of herself… then, with brutal force, she slammed backward, ramming the full length of the stiff shaft back into her. Michael was racked with pleasure, astonished at the detailed feeling of her tight sex wrapped around his erection like a sheath. “Fuck me… please. ” She moaned to him, the lust in her voice almost bringing him to orgasm immediately. “Please… fuck me hard. I need it so bad. ”Michael had no problem obliging her. He picked up the pace and began rapidly thrusting into her. With renewed passion, his only endeavor was to make this sweet girl climax. --Her thoughts dwelling on the events surrounding her impromptu dinner with Matthew, Trish barely noticed the young girl that was leaving the bookstore. Dismissed as just another customer, Trish crossed the street, smiling at her own thoughts. Entering the bookstore, Trish immediately noticed the mess between the first two stacks, which left her with a curious feeling, but also a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach. It looked as though someone had set fire to the carpet, leaving a perfect outline of a human body. “Dad?” She called, only to feel herself become overwhelmed with fear when no response came. Taking off, she bolted through the store at lightening speed, desperately in search of her father.

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   Tears streamed down her face when she failed to find him. --A block down the street, the lovely young brunette smiled softly as she approached the dark-haired man that awaited her. “Did we have fun?” He asked, his tone implying the amusement he felt. “Of course. Adultery is a nasty sin, and even as righteous as Mr. Bridges is, he is not above his punishment. You taught me that, Cody. ” She said, her soft smile creeping into a full grin. “Wonderful. Come, let’s prepare for this evening. I’m sure young Tricia will need some consoling from her lover. Perhaps the book you purchased will help to direct her thoughts in the proper area. ” He said, taking her hand. The two strolled down the sidewalk, their aura emitting the feel of royalty. It was at that moment that Cody’s eyes fixated on the coffee shop across the street, and a frown covered his face.

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  “What is it?” Jessy asked him, her hand still embraced within his own. “Paris is here. ” He replied, watching the young brunette from across the street, her attention focused on the conversation she was in. “And it looks as though she’s seeking help from the Catholic church. ”Jessy looked on in silence, the immensity of the problem becoming obvious to her. Paris had nearly succeeded in keeping her from her destiny, and if given the chance, she would undo everything she and Cody had prepared for. “Come on. You can pay her a visit, later. We didn’t come back to California to be stopped. Not this late in our plan. ” She told him, before kissing him softly. His eyes locked on hers, before a smile crept onto his face. What could he say? She was right. (Chapter 2 coming in May).
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