


Lilith By: Josie Q Lilith sighed as the bus hit another bump and joggled her again, thinking how much she hated riding to and from school. The girl behind her droned on about how ‘shit-faced’ she’d gotten the night before and how she’d thrown up twice as the people around listen attentively. The baton was passed and someone else added their own story, much the same. Was this all they have to talk about? Was this their entire character? Did they really think it was a status symbol to have gotten so drunk you hurled? She rolled her eyes, trying not to vomit herself. She momentarily found comfort in the mental image of gouging out the first girl’s eyes. The bus stopped to pick up more students, and she found her gaze wandering aimlessly. Her gaze settled on a nearby van, for lack of anything else to fixate on. The back doors opened, and no one but Lilith noticed when the two men leapt out, holding large guns and swinging them up to aim at the bus. It all seemed very unreal, but her body reacted and she slid to the floor as her fellow classmates blathered on and on, oblivious. Gunfire sounding like fireworks tore the morning along with screams that were quickly silenced. Broken glass and blood showered down on her and she huddled into a ball. She thought for a moment, perhaps inappropriately, that it was a good thing she wore pants today so the glass wouldn’t cut her up. In reality, she always wore pants. The shots still rang in her ears even after they’d stopped, and she glanced up to see the flimsy, hole-ridden tin of the bus. Sunlight streamed through in a very serene way, and she lifted her head a bit to catch sight of a bloody hand, lying limply from under the seat behind her. She realized that, amazingly, it was the well-manicured hand of the girl whose eyes she’d wanted to gouge out a mere few minutes before.

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   A sound interrupted her thoughts as the bus shifted a bit to take on new passengers. Someone was coming up the steps, and now the aisle. She lay still, hoping they’d take her for one of the dead, and a pair of black boots entered her vision. Stepping over her hands, the edge of the boot caught one of her fingers, and she twitched involuntarily, gasping. Immediately a gun was pressed to her head and harsh hands grabbed her hair, yanking her face up. She gritted her teeth as the assailant kneeled down, his face looming in front of her. She looked stoically at the cold blue eyes studying her. His hair was dark and neat and his gray shirt and black jeans were remarkably clean in the midst of such a blood-spattered mess. “Who are you?” he asked with an un-American accent as he continues gripping her hair. Her hands rose involuntarily to his clenched fist, attempting in vain to free her head. Her scalp was going numb, which was nice because the pain was really quite awful. Releasing her, he stood, still holding the machine gun on her. “Stand up,” he said, and she obeyed. It was quite uncomfortable lying in the glass. Absently, she brushed the bits of it off herself as she gazed around and grimaced at the strewn bodies.

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   Who’s gonna clean that up? “Who?” he repeated, and she looked back at him. His eyes glittered menacingly, cold under dark brows. “Freddie,” she said. His brow wrinkled, perhaps sensing her lie, and he glanced down, gesturing at her bag. “Is that yours?” he asked, and she realized that it was German, his accent. She pondered her answer, but her hesitation gave it away. He reached down to paw through it and she looked at his two companions, who were checking the rest for pulses. Pulling out her wallet, he flipped it open and she winced. “Lilith,” he said, looking at her with cold humor. “Is Freddie your middle name?” His calm voice sounded amused and quite pleasant, as though they were discussing politics on a nice, normal day. “No, but it should be…” she mumbled, shifting. The two thugs had stopped at one of the seats. “Hier ist er,” said one, leaning down to feel for a pulse on a boy’s body. Looking up, he grinned foolishly, his toothy mouth wide in his face. “Er ist tot.

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  ” The one holding the gun on her hadn’t even broken his gaze from her face when the other spoke, and she could feel his stare burning into her. “Prüfen Sie den Rest von ihnen,” he said, motioning her to the front of the bus. The other two glanced at her curiously as she stepped around them in the narrow aisle, then passed on to the back, looking for signs of life. A short burst of gunfire made her jump, but the man leading her didn’t glance back. Down the stairs and out onto the hard pavement, and she briefly considered running into the trees before deciding against it. The man was right behind her now, and she probably couldn’t get ten steps before he shot her in the back. She took a deep breath and looked down at her feet, seeing that they, and her clothes, were nearly drenched in blood. “The van,” he said, gesturing. She stepped over to it, aware of his close proximity to her back as she did. Stopping next to the dark vehicle, she turned to face him, wondering what was supposed to happen now. Why didn’t he just kill her like the rest of them? Or did something more horrible await her…? Leaning forward, he surprised her by licking her cheek, pausing with his face close to hers. “Not your blood,” he said, drawing back. She coughed, a bit nervously, and he smirked. She stubbornly met his eyes. The two acquaintances appeared behind him, having finished their business, and at last he broke his stare to look at them.

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   It was possibly the first time he’d looked away from her, and she let out a breath. “Wir sind bereit zu gehen, Kasch” said the third one who’d not yet spoken, and her guy nodded. They opened the back of the van and the dark one said, “Sie treiben. ” Another asked, “Das Mädchen?” She wondered what the hell they were saying as the dark one glanced at her and replied, “Das Mädchen kommt mit uns. ” The two shrugged as one and went to the front of the van, climbing in. He gestured for her to get in the back, and she did. There was a mattress with pillows and blankets and a large box with an open padlock. Closing the door behind them, the machine gun-wielder turned and said, “You can sit down,” in his calm demon voice. She mumbled something about getting blood everywhere but he just smiled politely so she sat. He opened the metal chest, she could see that it was full of guns and ammunition, along with bullet-proof vests and an assortment of knives. He put the machine gun away and closed the lid, locking it. Then he casually stretched himself out on top of it, producing a small handgun from behind him and absently holding it, pointing it in her general direction. “Preparation is the key to success,” she said. The van lurched into motion and he raised an eyebrow at her, but said nothing. Lilith sighed, absently reaching up to smooth the hopeless mess of her hair, and then she leaned back against the wall, cross-legged.

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   Seemingly on a mission of imprinting her every feature into his brain, he stared at her yet more. Soon she grew used to it and closed her eyes to wait him out. They traveled in silence for a while, and finally he spoke. “What do you do?” She opened her eyes. “You mean like for a living?” He nodded. What an odd question. “Apparently I get kidnapped,” she replied. His smile was chilling, and with a voice that could charm the skin off a snake (or possibly the clothes off a woman) he said softly, “I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to mouth off like that, little darling. I would barely enjoy having to shatter your beautiful face. ” Beautiful? she thought. Sure, she wasn’t repulsive… but beautiful? And with all the blood on her face, too. His smile grew as though he’d read her mind. She closed her eyes again, and reached up to rub her throbbing temples, consciously pushing the nausea down. “I don’t really do anything, not like a job. I go to school.

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  ” Raising her head, she was surprised to see that he was for once not staring at her. Instead, he was looking intently at the gun he held, seemingly deep in thought. Cautiously she asked, “What should I call you, anyway?” His head jerked up, eyes narrowed. It was a new expression – different from his usual cold humor. She cleared her throat. “I mean… if I need to call you for some reason. ” His eyes bored into her, making her nervous. “Kasch,” he finally said. “Kasch…” it felt strange on her tongue. Harsh. “Interesting,” she said. He raised an eyebrow. “How old are you?” he asked. She considered flippancy, but decided against it. “I’m 16 now.


   I’ll be 17 in a few months. ” He looked thoughtful, slightly less dangerous than before. “Why?” she asked. “You have old eyes,” he said. “Ancient. ” What a strange thing to say. Lilith couldn’t find a reply to that before she felt the van stop, and he stood to move to the door. Sliding it open, he motioned for her to exit and she did. The other men were hopping out and walking up a driveway, which led to a two-story house with brown siding. She didn’t have much time to look around, but that didn’t much matter because she couldn’t see anything familiar and it looked like they were out in the sticks. Kasch ushered her into the house and up the stairs, motioning to a door on the left, which opened into a small bedroom. There was a small dresser and a chair by the bed, which had black sheets and pillows. It didn’t much fit in with the rest of the bare room. She stood in the middle while Kasch passed her, opening one of the two remaining doors. “This is the bathroom,” he said.

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   “If you want to wash up, there are towels. ” She poked her head in. The bathroom was as bland as the bedroom and, yes, there were towels stacked on the back of the toilet. She picked one up and smelled it. Clean, too. Then she caught sight of herself in the mirror. She gaped at herself. “I look like I just came out of ‘Carrie’,” she said. “Carrie?” he asked. She turned to see him gazing at her again. “Yeah, it’s, um…” she felt all unsure when he stared at her. “A movie. This girl Carrie, they drench her with pig blood. ” He smirked. “Sounds interesting.

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  ” Lilith shrugged, looking anywhere but his intense eyes. “It’s not. I hate Stephen King. ” She stood quietly for a few moments, to see if he was going to go anywhere. Finally, she spoke. “I’d like to take a shower. ” He watched stoically. “So, uh…” she twiddled her thumbs. “Could you let me do it?” A slow smile spread across his face. He half-bowed and backed out of the room. Lilith sighed and shut the door, locking it after a moment’s hesitation. It probably didn’t matter, but still. She started the faucet in the tub and stripped down, leaving her bloody clothes in a pile on the toilet. Then she stepped into the hot jet with a sigh. It felt nice to wash the caked blood off herself, but she didn’t relish having to get back into those icky clothes.

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   Maybe she could just walk around in a towel…? But that would probably be worse. The hot water was starting to run out, and she sighed. Now or never, time to face the music. She turned off the faucet and opened the shower curtain. Toweling herself off, she froze as her eyes caught on the heap of clothes on the toilet. Those weren’t her clothes. Instead of her clothes, a plain black shirt and pair of pants was neatly folded there. Her eyes flicked to the door and she could see that it was still locked. Or re-locked. He’d been in here and she hadn’t even heard him? She stood for a moment, indecisive. It was either the clothes or the towel or naked. She dressed. Her underwear and bra were still there (he’d seen them) and they were fairly blood-clean. After dressing, she checked herself in the mirror. It was strange how ordinary she looked.


   After all that happened, it seemed like years should have gone by. But she looked like she always did. Same dark brown hair and eyes, same face. No blood. It was very surreal. At last, she exited the bathroom to find Kasch sitting on the edge of the bed. She ignored his stare and walked to the window. It was pretty far down, too far to jump. When she turned, she gasped. Somehow he’d managed to get up and silently cross the room. He was standing so close to her, his eyes taking in her newly cleaned face. He leaned over and inhaled deeply by her neck while she stood frozen. When he drew back he smirked at her. “If you’re a good girl, I might feed you. ” Impulsively, she stuck out her tongue.

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   He lunged forward as if to bite it. “Careful,” he said, winking. He bowed a bit from the waist and disappeared out the door, shutting it behind him. She could hear it being locked from outside. She checked the remaining door to find a closet, which was empty but for her bag. Her bag? She hadn’t even seen him take it with him from the bus. Or maybe one of the guys had done it. It would pass the time, luckily. She had paper in there and pens and a book, she could write or draw or something. A few hours passed while she sat at the bed, trying to read and making it through about three paragraphs. Then there was a noise at the door and it opened, admitting Kasch. He held a tray with food on it. She watched as he placed it on the chair next to the bed. “I don’t know what you eat,” he said. He made it sound like she was an alien who ate flesh or something.

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   There was a watermelon slice on the tray, a hamburger, a hot dog, some chips, and ice water. She’d eat all of that, which is lucky because at the sight of the food she realized how hungry she was. He did his little half-bow again and exited. Lilith ate all the food and drank most of the water, and he reappeared shortly after she finished. “What are you going to do with me, anyway?” she asked. He shrugged. “I haven’t decided yet. ” “Well,” she said, hesitating. She didn’t want to give him any ideas. “Why didn’t you kill me on the bus?” He glanced at her. “I didn’t feel like it. Maybe I’ll do it later, if you’re so eager. ” She crossed her arms, glaring at him. He glared back. Neither of them broke eye-contact for almost a minute.

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   Finally, he said, “There’s something wrong with you. ” She snorted. “Something wrong with me? You’re the sociopath. ” He smiled a chilling smile. “I’m not a sociopath. ” “I beg to differ,” she retorted. “You’re awfully cavalier for a prisoner,” he said, inspecting his nails coolly. “Go fuck yourself,” she said. His head jerked up. He narrowed his eyes. She was suddenly very afraid that she crossed a line. “You should watch your tone,” he said, his accent more pronounced. “Little girl. ” She grabbed the glass and threw the remaining water in his face, stopping just short of hitting him with the glass. She didn’t, after all, have a death wish.

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   He stood, looming over her, his face a mask of repressed rage. His hands were fisted at his sides and for a moment she felt sure he was going to batter her to death with them. But instead, a sick smile slowly crept across his wet face. He grabbed her wrist, twisting and squeezing it until she dropped the glass with a yelp. Yanking her to her feet, he pulled her into the bathroom and grabbed one of the towels. Thrusting it at her, he said in an even tone, “Dry me. ” Lilith took the towel and looked at it, then his face. For a moment she almost raised her hand and did it. She didn’t want to die. She didn’t want to be beaten into a pulp. She was terrified. But she was also a stubborn girl, and she couldn’t bring herself to do it. She dropped it, crossing her arms. “Bite me. ” He looked almost pleased by her decision, while a part of him was still incredibly angry.

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   Grabbing her wrist, the one that hadn’t been grabbed before, he pulled her back into the bedroom and shoved her down onto the bed. “Stay here,” he said, and stalked out. Apparently he didn’t even consider that she’d disobey. Soon he was back, and with rope. She didn’t fight as he forced her arms behind her back, tying her hands together. He seemed to be at the breaking point, and she didn’t want to push him further than she already had. Meekly, she allowed her ankles to be bound, also. She ended up lying on her side, and roughly he pushed her onto her back. His breathing was rough and heavy from his work. In one fluid motion he tore her shirt (his shirt) open, baring her bra. “Ich werde Sie beißen,” he murmured, his breath hot on her skin. He leaned down and bit her breast through her bra. Hard, but not so hard that it really hurt. When he drew back, her nipple was erect through the fabric. He snickered condescendingly, rolling on top of her.

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   His face, dry now, was inches from hers. “When you comply with my orders, you will be untied. ” He lingered on top of her for a moment, and then withdrew. He paused at the door. “Auf weidersehen,” he said. “Lilith. ” Time passed. She dozed off and on, and woke when it was dark. Her neck was stiff from lying in such an awkward position, she rarely slept on her back. Lilith turned her head to either side, grimacing. She sighed and then froze when she noticed a dark shape on the chair near the bed. The moonlight was streaming in the window behind him, so he was just a black silhouette, but she knew who it was. He didn’t say anything. She could feel his eyes on her. Stubbornly, she refused to speak first.


   So she lay there on the bed, staring at the ceiling while she felt him stare at her. He stood, and she heard a soft click that sounded suspiciously like a switchblade. He loomed over her for a moment, and then leaned down. Gently, he cut the ropes binding her ankles, and nudged her so that she rolled onto her side. Then he cut the ropes on her wrists, too. Lilith stayed on her side, rubbing her wrists. He reached for her, and she recoiled. Quickly, he snatched her hands. His hands were soft and nice. He leaned over and kissed each of her wrists where they were chafed. She couldn’t understand him. So gentle, you’d think he was her rescuer, not the one who’d done it to her. His kindness made her eyes burn with held-back emotion. She didn’t know what to expect from him. Any moment he could just snap and kill her.

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   She blinked rapidly, trying to keep the wetness from falling. He slid into bed next to her and wrapped his arms around her back, pulling her up against his chest. She didn’t resist, for fear that it might break his kind mood. And… she kind of liked it. Lilith could hear his heart beating rapidly in his chest. His pulse was so fast, she wondered if he’d run up the stairs or something. He was stroking her back gently, his fingers running tenderly through her hair. She sighed, closing her eyes. It felt nice. Then he was kissing her eyebrows and eyelids, and she let him because it was nice, too. When his lips met hers, she was surprised, as if somehow she didn’t expect him to get this far. He was urgent and hot, his tongue probing her lips, wanting in. She couldn’t resist, she opened her mouth and returned his kiss as deeply as he gave it. It was only when they drew apart to breathe that she actually thought about what she was doing, and she didn’t care. He was stroking her shoulders and her chest now, kneading her soft breasts in his hands.

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   She surprised him by taking the initiative, reaching down to rub her palm over his crotch, where she could feel his erection pressing through his pants. He froze as she slid her hand past the waistband of his pants and boxers, groping him. It was so hot and hard. She stroked it up and down, watching his face. He was so gorgeous like this, eyes half-closed, breathing shallow, wrapped around her thumb. She sucked his lip into her mouth, nibbling on it. He came out of his trance and began moving again, reaching around her to undo her bra. Her shirt was still ripped, so once the bra was off her chest was naked to him. He licked his lips as his eyes devoured her smallish breasts. “Solche netten Brüste,” he murmured. She didn’t know what that meant, but it sounded good. And it felt good when he wiggled down a bit and kissed the soft mounds. She forgot to keep stroking his cock as he took her nipple into his mouth, sucking it. Lilith gasped for air as he sucked harder, his hands caressing her. Her cunt was on fire, she wanted so much for him to touch her, stroke her, lick her between her legs.

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   If he didn’t, she was sure she’d die. She was thrusting her hips, grinding her crotch against his, and he reached between them to rub her. It felt so good, even over the jeans she wore. She was so gone to passion that when he pulled off her pants and her panties, when he inhaled the scent of her pussy laid bare before him, when he shed his own clothes and kneeled between her legs, she didn’t stop him. She didn’t care anymore. She didn’t care if he was a murderer, she didn’t care if she was a virgin, she just wanted to be fucked. He could even kill her after and she couldn’t see herself caring. She just had to get off. He was kissing her again, his mouth was on hers and then on her throat. He squeezed her breasts and gently twisted her nipples, driving her wild. He rubbed his cock in between the folds of her cunt, and she lifted her hips, groaning with frustration. Then he reached between them and she felt him position the head at her entrance. She spread her legs wider to admit him, wanting it. He pushed, and slid in a few inches. Slowly, he began to stroke in and out, and she moved with his shallow thrusts.


   Then, suddenly, he pushed forward viciously, ripping his way through her hymen. She could feel it go, and it hurt, but not as much as she’d thought it would. She was so wet she barely noticed, and he didn’t have a hard time sliding into her tight box. Then he was impaling her on his cock, fucking her so roughly that the bed banged against the wall with each thrust. It chafed inside her deliciously, and she thrust up to meet him. She was gasping for air and her nails dug into his back, but he didn’t seem to mind. In fact, he looked pleased by it. She gazed into his icy eyes, and he stared down at her as he reached down to take her ass in his hands, pulling her up to meet his movements. His expression was the same, calm and sure, but his mouth was slightly open as he panted between parted lips. Then his eyes glazed over and she knew he was cumming when he stiffened and his cock seemed to swell inside her. He pulled her even harder on his shaft, thrusting a few more times. Then he gently let go of her, laying her back down. He breathed heavily above her, held up by his palms. His eyes never left her face as he pulled out and moved down her body. Not until he was between her legs, then he looked away to take in the sight of her pussy, the lips swollen and wet with arousal.

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   He licked his own lips, and her vision blurred when he lowered his head to tease her clit with his tongue. She’d never been eaten out before, and it felt heavenly. Her cunt was burning hot and his tongue was cool, licking the hard nub, driving her crazy. Then she felt a tickling, tingling sensation, and she realized his finger was gently swirling around her hole. She gasped. She tensed up, waiting for it to enter her, but it didn’t. He was teasing her. He wanted her to beg. She groaned. “Please,” she whimpered. He rewarded her by pushing it in an inch. She shuddered. “Please,” she said again, after waiting did no good. “Finger-fuck me, eat my pussy. ” He obliged her immediately, gently pushing his finger in to the knuckle, withdrawing it, and pushing it in again.

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   All the while he sucked on her clit, and soon enough she was gasping and shaking violently. “Oh god,” she moaned. “Yessss!” Her body stiffened and it wasn’t long before she came hard, the muscles of her vagina clamping tightly down on his finger. He didn’t stop sucking until her shaking subsided, and then he withdrew, pulling his finger out as well. He kissed her stomach and she could hear his smile as he spoke. “I knew such a passionate girl would be a passionate fuck. ” She was too drained to respond or to object when he stood and left the room. She heard him lock the door once more from the other side, and she slid under the blankets. * * * Lilith woke the next morning to find a tray with breakfast for her on the table next to the bed, but she didn’t see Kasch until lunchtime. His presence was preceded by the sound of the door unlocking, and she gripped the blankets over her chest. The door open and he gazed at her for a few moments, then tossed her a new shirt. “You can join us downstairs for lunch,” he said, and turned to leave. “What if I want to eat up here?” she called after him. He stopped, but didn’t turn. “Then you won’t eat at all, precious.

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  ” He continued on. She sighed and took off the old ripped shirt, replacing it with the new one. It was exactly the same as the first, short-sleeved and black. She took her time getting down to the dining room, stubbornly, wanting to cling to any small bit of freedom she could. When she finally wandered in, she saw that lunch was only just being laid out, and Kasch glanced up at her only to smirk as though he’d known exactly how long she’d take and why. The four of them sat down and ate in a silence punctuated only with a few short bursts of German conversation. In her head she named the two nameless ones Toothy and Blonde. Toothy spoke more than Blonde, and Blonde didn’t seem to like her much. Occasionally she’d look up to find him glaring at her, and when she’d meet his eyes he’d leer suggestively. During one of these leers, Kasch said something to Blonde, and they seemed to stare each other down for a few seconds. It ended when Blonde stood, violently knocking his chair to the floor, and tromped angrily out of the room. Toothy snickered and righted the chair, and Kasch went back to his food. “I don’t suppose there’s a chance you’ll tell me what that was all about?” Lilith finally ventured. Kasch looked at her, chewing thoughtfully. “He was being rude,” he said finally.

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   She pictured the three of them shooting up the school bus with machine guns. “How unlike him,” she mumbled. Kasch grinned. Soon enough she was back in her room with only her book to entertain her, and of course she couldn’t pay attention to it. She paced, and the day dragged on. Toothy delivered her dinner with a grunt and a slammed door, and then it was night and she lay down to try and sleep. She was only just starting to doze off when she heard a click as the door to her room opened. She remained still, her eyes closed, as the bed shifted and he climbed on top of her. He reached under the blanket for her breasts, and her eyes popped open when she realized he didn’t smell at all like Kasch. Lilith turned as much as she could under his weight, and stared up at the leering face of Blonde. “Jetzt ich wirst nehmen ein Stück,” he sneered, and pulled the blankets off her. Screaming in a place like this probably wouldn’t have occurred to her, because what would be the point? But he covered her mouth anyway, and his weight bore down on her as he reached down to free his erection. She did try to put up a struggle but it was useless against such a muscular guy. He had pushed her panties aside and she could feel his head pressing against her, probing for the hole, when suddenly there was a new weight on the bed. Blonde yelped as he was jerked back by his hair, and in the moonlight Lilith could see the glint of a knife pressed to his throat.

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   “Kasch,” Blonde choked. “Was bist du tuend?” Kasch didn’t respond and dragged the blade across his neck, cutting his throat. Lilith flinched as the blood sprayed out and onto her newest shirt. He pushed Blonde off the bed, where he lay on the ground twitching and spluttering, and it wasn’t long before he was dead. She stared up at Kasch, unable to speak. He was gripping the knife and glaring down at her with eyes that were eerily visible in the dark. His expression was inscrutable. She couldn’t tell if he was thinking of stabbing her or making popcorn. Finally he released her from his stare. He reached out and gently pulled her underwear back to cover her crotch. He then stood and leaned down to wipe the knife off on Blonde’s shirt, and folded it up and put it in his pocket. He turned to her, and she was once again treated to his insane, handsome face. Only this time he was definitely amused. “I never thought I’d see you at a loss for words,” he said. He left, and for several excruciating minutes she thought she’d have to sleep with the body in the same room.

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   But then he was back with Toothy, who looked none too pleased, and they removed it. As they carried Blonde out, her eyes caught on his crotch. His cock was still out and, amazingly, it was still erect. She found that kind of sad. When they were gone Lilith took a shower and brushed her hair, and lay in bed for hours trying to sleep. She was very confused. It seemed that Kasch had killed Blonde because he’d been trying to rape her. That was something you did if you liked someone, right? Did he feel affection for her? Was he capable of feeling affection? It was dangerous to think of him as not being dangerous. She couldn’t just believe that he was a nice guy who wanted a happy relationship with her. He was crazy, that much was certain. As strangely charming as he was, she couldn’t let her guard down. Not that she’d have a chance in hell if he wanted to kill her. * * * Lilith was allowed to eat lunch and dinner with the two from then on. Toothy wasn’t as toothy as usual, he seemed wary of both her and Kasch. Kasch was even more silent and unreadable than ever.


   She didn’t bother him with lip or questions of what he planned to do with her. She felt he was on the edge, and didn’t want to push him. She did wonder what was going on in the real world, though. Having no access to television, she wondered what the news was saying about the bus shoot-up and if the police had any leads. That line of thinking led to the question of why they’d shot the bus up in the first place. They’d seemed interested particularly in one of the riders, a kid she didn’t really know all that well. She decided to ask Kasch the next time they were alone. Her chance came a day later when he brought her yet another pair of fresh clothes, black shirt and jeans. He was turning to leave when she chanced it. “Kasch?” He froze, his back towards her. “Yes?” “Why did you kill everyone on my bus?” she asked. He turned to face her. “Retribution,” he said calmly, as if that explained everything. “What?” she asked, confused. What had a load school kids done to them? “The father of the boy we were after, we owed him one from awhile back.

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  ” Kasch leaned against the door jamb, his arms crossed over his chest. His mouth was half-quirked in an amused smile. He seemed to find her questions entertaining. She worked it over in her mind. “That’s it? You were after one kid and you slaughtered a whole bus-load?” He snickered. “In this business it’s best to tie up loose ends,” he said. “Well, what about me? I’m still alive. ” His eyes slid over her lasciviously. “I haven’t tied you yet. ” She was angry. “Why couldn’t you have gone to his house and shot him or something? Why’d you have to shoot up the whole fucking bus?” He raised an eyebrow. “What do you care? Did I off some of your little friends?” Lilith snorted. “No. I hated them all anyway. I just don’t like it that I could have died!” He seemed incredulous.

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   “You mean it doesn’t bother you at all that we killed 20 of your schoolmates?” She laughed. “Oh, what, just because I saw them every day I should be sad when they die horribly? Please. You didn’t spend any time with these cunts. The ones I knew all deserved to get killed and the rest probably weren’t any better. ” For once the unflappable look that always graced his pleasing features was missing. He looked decidedly flapped. He re-entered the room and shut the door behind himself. “I’d been wondering about that, you know,” he said. “It seemed like you didn’t really care what we’d done, but I thought you were just in shock. ” He was pacing now. She watched him worriedly. He seemed to be on edge and she didn’t want to fuck with him. “I thought in a day or so you’d show some reaction, some kind of fucking reaction to the whole thing! But you showed nothing!” She sat on the edge of the bed. “So what? You’re the one who did it and you don’t care. Why is it so surprising that I don’t either?” He stopped pacing and stood in front of her.

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   “Because I’m a monster!” he exclaimed, his eyes on fire. “I do this for a living! You’re a 16-year-old girl, and you feel nothing!” She stood angrily, her face inches from his. “I feel plenty of things! I’m full of fucking rage, rage is a feeling!” He grabbed her shoulders, gripping them hard. “What is wrong with you?” He was practically shaking her now. “What’s wrong with me?” she yelled back, incredulous. What gall for a man like him to ask a question like that! “You’re more of a psycho than I could ever dream of being!” His face was a mask of rage, and with an animal-like snarl he spun her and slammed her against the wall. She gritted her teeth against the pain in her shoulders, glaring at him. “You don’t know who you’re fucking with,” he said, his voice low and menacing. “I eat children like you for breakfast. ” Her loins were burning, just like in romance novels. “Fuck you,” she said, gasping when he slammed her against the wall once more. Impulsively she wrapped her arms around his neck and yanked him close, kissing him hard on the lips. He kissed her back, desperately, clinging to her like a man gone wild. His hands were moving down her back and to her ass, caressing and groping it roughly. He ground his crotch against hers as he nipped at her bottom lip.


   His mouth was at her neck now, sucking and biting at the flesh there. “I was worried,” he said between his bites. “I thought I’d broken you when I killed Karl. ” Karl, so that had been Blonde’s name. She kissed his cheeks and neck, running her fingers through his hair. “You were so quiet,” he continued, his fingers working at the button of her pants. In a second he had them undone, and they slid to the floor with no objection from her. “You stopped being the contrary little crazy girl I’d come to expect. ” She smirked, reaching for the hem of his shirt and pulling it up off his torso. “You seemed on edge, I just didn’t want to push you and drive you to kill me. ” Kasch kissed her again as he tore her shirt off, ruining a third. His fingers undid the clasp of her bra and when that was off he tossed it to the floor. He withdrew from the kiss long enough to remove his pants and their underwear, and then he lifted her thighs and wrapped them around his hips. He pressed her against the wall with his chest, and she felt his cock sandwiched between her pussy lips, waiting. “You push me,” he said.

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   He drew back and pushed himself, then, entering her. She moaned. “It’s what I love about you. ” He began to move in and out, gently at first, and then roughly as she tightened her thighs around him. She fucked him back with equal intensity as he nailed her to the wall, gasping for breath in between his fervent kisses. He leaned down to lift one of her breasts, taking her nipple into his mouth and sucking it hard. She panted as he nibbled on the hard nub, tangling her fingers tightly in his hair. “Kasch,” she moaned, and he tensed at the sound. “Oh, yesss,” she hissed, leaning over to whimper into his shoulder as she came. His thrusts got even harder and she felt his breath by her ear. “Lilith,” he groaned, his voice ragged. “I’m cumming!” He swelled in her, driving himself in to the hilt, and moaned deliciously into her neck as he blew. Then he staggered against her, squashing her into the wall, seeming almost unable to hold himself up. She sighed happily, hugging him tight against her chest. She would have been happy to stay there all day, pressed between him and the plaster.

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   But gently he withdrew, lowering her legs to the floor so she could stand on her own shaky legs. He took her again in his arms and held her tightly against his hot torso, where she could feel his heart beating mightily in his muscular chest. He kissed the top of her head and laid his cheek on her hair. “I would never kill what I love,” he said. “And I love you. ” Her breath caught. She was frozen. He released her and his eyes searched her face. “You don’t believe me,” he said, his voice cold. “I…” she stopped. She wanted to believe him. With quick, harsh movements he leaned down snatched up his pants, pulling them on. “Get dressed,” he said. “I’ll show you. ” Haltingly she put on her own pants, hesitating at her torn shirt.

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   He was about to pull his own over his head, but he saw the state of hers and handed it over to her instead. When she was dressed, he took her wrist and pulled her out of the room and down the hall. They took a detour into a room that she thought must be his. He went to a set of drawers and yanked one open, pulling out a gun. She fidgeted nervously, looking around. His room was as bare as hers, with the same black sheets and pillows. He popped the clip out and checked it, then slapped it back in and yanked the slide back. Then he had her wrist again and was pulling her further along the corridor. They stopped in front of a closed door. She touched his shoulder as he reached for the handle. “What are you going to do?” she asked nervously. He glanced back at her, smiling. “I’m going to prove it. ” He turned the knob and then added, almost as an afterthought, “Cover your ears. ” “You don’t…” she trailed off as he flung the door open to reveal Toothy lying in bed, watching TV.

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   Toothy sat up in surprise, his mouth opening to speak. Before he could, Kasch raised the gun and fired 4 shots into his chest. Lilith winced and covered her ears, it was loud. Toothy died quicker than Blonde – Karl – had, and Kasch turned to her. He watched her expectantly, waiting. She looked back at the body, all slumped over and blood-spattered. Then she looked at Kasch. He seemed really agitated; his eyes were a turmoil of emotion. She thought if she didn’t believe him he might just shoot someone else. Maybe he’d shoot her, or himself. It didn’t matter, though. She’d made her decision. “You know,” she said calmly. “That doesn’t really prove anything. ” He blinked slowly.

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   “It just shows that you’re really quite crazy and unpredictable. ” His eyes narrowed. Lilith smiled coyly. “Was that your room back there?” He nodded. She turned and went back to it, hoping he’d follow. He did. Once they were there she shut the door behind them, not that it mattered, and pulled off her shirt. He watched as she stripped completely, and didn’t protest when she shoved him onto the bed. Then she pulled off his pants and kneeled between his legs. His cock was hard, she was pleased to note, and she took it into her mouth. She sucked his knob and lifted his balls, loving the way he squirmed under her touch. He was short of breath, thrusting into her mouth as she slid her tongue all over him. Lilith continued until it seemed he was about to shoot, then let him go. She moved up so she was straddling his hips and carefully she lowered her wet cunt onto his erection. He watched as she moved slowly, riding his shaft, and he reached out to fondle her tits.

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   His hands then slid around to cup her ass cheeks, gently helping her move up and down on his dick. She reached down to stroke her clit as they slowly fucked, and she began to shudder with the first tremors of her orgasm. She moaned his name and collapsed against his chest as he continued to gently stroke into her. She kissed him and caressed his hair, then put her lips by his ear. “I love you, too,” she whispered, and he came. .
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