Sexual Progression


"When will you be back?""Daddy gets me week after next. You know that. ""Are you going to come to class?""Probably. Not like anyone else would kick your ass in it. " We had met through our karate class at a local business college. "You only do because I let you. ""Do not. If you let me, then I wouldn't have broken your cup last time. " I smiled at him as he leaned in for a kiss. He rolled his eyes at the memory. I'm sure he really didn't want to think that he had been dumb enough to tell me to kick him as hard as I could to show off. He knew I always went for the balls. "When was your dad coming?" he asked, changing the subject. "6:30. We've still got time for me to play around if you want. " I answered coyly as I finished my eye liner and turned to face him.

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  We moved back to the bed and he undid his jeans and pulled his dick out. Back then, I thought his four inches was big. So sad, I know better now. I gently caressed his shaft and his balls as I kissd him gently on the lips and then worked my way down. He was already hard and waiting when I finally popped the head into my mouth and sucked it like a lollipop. He watched with his dark blue eyes locked on mine as I slowly sucked him in farther, inch by inch, until I broke the gaze and started deep throating him while building up speed. I went back to just sucking on the head and looking into his eyes. I loved pleasing my guy. His eyes turned black as he got even more turned on watching me suck him off. He wrapped his hands in my hair as he got closer to cumming and pushed my head back down so that my lips were touching is pubic hair. I felt his balls tense as he shot off in my mouth soon after. I tried not to gag as I swallowed all of it. I kept sucking him for a few minutes after and then went in the bathroom to rinse my mouth out and fix my hair again. He was stretched out on the bed when I came back and held out his arm to hold me. I laid my head on his chest and snuggled close.

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   I still had about twenty minutes before my dad showed up. "Honey, do you love me?" he asked after we'd been there for a few minutes. "Of course. Why?" I asked as I propped myself up on my elbow to look at him. "We've been together for six months now. We've played around, but we never fucked. Why not?""I'm just not ready for it yet. " I stammered, totally shocked that he'd brought this up. "Ready for what? You let me do everything else, why not just go for it?""Josh, I'm fifteen years old. I don't need to worry about getting pregnant or anything that goes with sex right now. I told you I wouldn't do it before we'd been together for a year anyway. ""You and that stupid rule you and Ash made up. We're in love, I wouldn't leave you if something did happen, and it's not like I wouldn't be using protection. ""No. Don't piss me off, Josh.

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   I'm not ready to have sex, I'm not dealing with it. I love you, but months later and I was now living with my dad. Mom had originally had custody over me, but soon after I became a teenager I suddenly became hard to deal with and a slut to her. A final fight where the cops came and told my dad to come pick me up and to get custody over me or I would end up in juvie was the clincher. I hadn't been back to see her for her visitation yet. Josh was happy that I was closer to him. We had some of the same classes together and were voted "cutest freshman couple" for the yearbook. Things had stayed the same between us, if anything we had gotten closer since we got to spend more time together, but I was still a virgin. And still naive. "Is my mom still picking you up after cheerleading?'' he asked as he sat down at my lunch table. One of the periods we didn't have together. I'd been here four weeks and he still visited me every day. "Yes. Dad said it was fine and she just called to tell me she'd be here at four. What are we going to do?" I asked as I opened my bottle of water.

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  "Do you remember that water fall I told you about before you moved here?" I nodded my head. "Well, I thought we might walk down to that so you could finally see it. Parker wanted to come, too. ""Oh, that's great! I can't wait, but you'd better get back to class. "I blushed as he kissed me right in front of our principal. The old goat just glared at me, so I knew I wouldn't get in trouble. "Oh, geez. The happy couple strikes again. " my friend Alex rolled her eyes as she slammed her tray down. "I swear, he gets more lovey dovey with you every day. Could your life be any more sickeningly perfect?"I just smiled sweetly. Josh and his best friends were the only ones who knew what had happened to make me move here. My dad had just bought the house we lived in the week before I moved here, so nobody really knew too much about us. Everyone just assumed I moved with him and I didn't exactly correct them. Cheerleaders aren't supposed to have police records.

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  I waved goodbye to the other cheerleaders as I walked towards Josh's mom's car. She smiled at me as I got in and gave me a hug. "How are you doing, sweetie?" she asked. This was the first time I'd seen her since I'd moved down. "I'm fine. The school's crazy, but Josh has helped a lot and so have the other kids. ""You know, Josh was really worried about you when you first came home. I think the first two weeks you were here, it was "Heather this, and Heather that. I was starting to get worried about how you were holding up when your dad wouldn't let you come over. ""He just wanted to make sure I was okay first. I don't know why everyone's so worried. It's a relief to get away from Mom. You know what she was like. ""Yeah. So sad that things had to come down to what they did, but we're glad you're going to be okay.

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   I don't think I would have dealt as well coming from that situation and even with the bigger school. ""I know. I think Mathews only had five hundred in the entire place and this one has to have over a thousand. The schedules were confusing at first, too. " She smiled and we went the rest of the way mostly in silence. Josh was waiting for me when we pulled in their driveway. He ran to the car and swung me up into a big hug, not letting me down until I kissed him. "You know, you've got to stop kissing me in front of people like this. Mr. Grot was ready to have a cow at lunch. " I chided. "What's he going to do? We're the most popular freshman couple. If he tried to do anything, the student body would be in an uproar. "' he laughed. I rolled my eyes.

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   "Where's Parker?"""He'll be here in a little bit. Do you want to change? The footing can be a little slippery when you go down there. ""You still have my jeans?""Yep. They're in the top drawer. There's a little present in the front pocket. You can just grab one of my t-shirts. "I gave him a kiss and went inside while he waited for Parker to drive up. The jeans were right where he said they'd be, so I quickly stripped and shoved them on. I grabbed one of his t-shirts and threw it over my head before I even thought of checking the pockets. I had to laugh. Two pairs of see through mesh underwear were in my hand. I'd never worn anything like that before. Hell, I rarely wear underwear unless I'm dealing with "female problems". I took the jeans off and tried the white pair. The were too big, but the hot pink pair fit perfectly.

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  I smiled at him as I walked back outside. "Thanks for the gift. " I whispered in his ear as I leaned in for another kiss. "Wish I hadn't thought of letting you change. You're so cute in your cheerleader outfit. ""Okay you two, break it up. I want to get to the falls. " Parker called as he pulled up. I laughed and grabbed Josh's hand as we started off. Both boys were carrying ther bookbags, so I figured we were going to eat down there. Josh had been right. The trail to the falls was incredibly slippery. The sneakers I'd borrowed off of him were covered in mud by the time we reached the ledge where the water ran down. Parker went down first to show me where to step and to grab me if I fell while Josh carefully climbed down, ready to grab me at a second's notice to pull me back up. It was about a hundred feet to climb down and I really wasn't too thrilled about climbing back up.

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  Parker took a blanket out of his bag and spread it out on a relatively dry piece of ground where we could still see the falls. Josh sat down and pulled me down until I was laying with my head in his lap. Parker had his back to us when Josh asked me if he could see me wearing his gift. I giggled softly and pulled the jeans down until he could see them clearly. I pulled the jeans back up, but he slid his hand under the waist band and started rubbing his fingers against my clit. I looked over nervously at Parker, who still had his back to us while he looked for something in the rocks. "Don't worry, babe. He won't see anything. " Josh whispered in my ear when he noticed where I was looking. He pulled part of the blanket around my waist to cover me and I relaxed. And enjoyed. "Here it is. " Parker said when he found what he was looking for. He had a little baggy in his hands with weed in it. He rolled a joint and we all smoked it while Josh kept rubbing my clit with his free hand.

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  "I'm going to walk a little more down the trail. You guys want to come?" Parker asked when they were done. "No, we'll stay here. " Josh said back. I giggled when Parker said "come". I wanted to, but not how he meant it. As soon as he was around a bend, Josh rolled his shirt up over my breasts and latched on to my nipple. I moaned softly as he grazed it with his teeth. "Like that?""Mmm-hmm. " I agreed. I was getting wetter by the second, and I noticed his other hand going for my jean's zipper. "I want to see you totally naked right here. " he murmured. I was feeling very amiable, so I helped him take off my clothes. He let out a sigh of appreciation when I was finally naked in front of him.


  He kissed the flat of my stomach as knelt back down. I was getting cold and wanted the blanket and him to keep me warm. I laid back down next to him while he playfully kissed me all over my body. He slipped his finger up my already wet cunt while massaging my clit with his thumb. I was in heaven while I just enjoyed the warmth spreading throughout my body. He quickly replaced his thumb with his tongue and kept shoving his finger in and out of my slick pussy. I tensed up as I quickly orgasmed, gasping in surprise at how quickly it had come. Josh continued what he was doing, making me orgasm again and again. I was exhausted when he finally stopped and I curled into a little ball full of pleasure. "So, she is easy to get off. "I heard Parker's voice tell Josh. I rolled over quickly to look in his face and he grinned wolfishly at me. "Not bad to look at either. "Josh just laughed softly. I started to get up to cover myself, but Josh grabbed my wrists and held me firmly where I was.

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  "Nice shaved pussy, big firm tits, good ass, nice legs. . . those'll feel good wrapped around you when you fuck her. " Parker continued. I glared at him with outrage, feeling like a horse that was being appraised. "Parker get out of here. Josh would wait until I'm ready to fuck him and I'm sure he doesn't appreciate you seeing the goods. " I said snobbily, it wasn't registering that it was Josh that was holding me firmly where I was. Parker laughed this time. "Quite the opposite, hun. I'm done waiting. I told you once before that I wanted you, and I mean to have you. Now it's up to you whether it'll be easy or hard. "My mouth gaped open.

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   It finally registered that my loving boyfriend was going to rape me. I blinked back tears of rage and frustration and just glared at him. "It looks like she's got it. " Parker laughed and sat down with another joint in his hand. He meant to watch!Josh pushed me back down on the blanket and laid on top of me. I panicked when I felt his knee trying to pry my legs apart, clawing at his face until he rolled off me. I scrambled up and tried to run toward the falls, but as soon as I'd pulled myself up onto the rock face, Parker had hold of my leg and yanked sharply, causing me to fall roughly. "Little bitch has spunk in her, don't she?" Parker snarled at Josh. Josh was washing his bloodied face off in the water. "Guess you'll have to help me hold her down. " Josh shrugged as they forced me back over to the blanket. Parker pulled my arms up over my head and clamped down on my wrists with his hands. Josh hurriedly pulled off his pants and got back on top of me. "Josh, you don't have to do this. If you would just give me a little more time, you won't have to force me.

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  " I pleaded. "How much longer would I have to wait, Heather? Three months? Do you realize how many sluts I could have fucked while I was waiting for you?" he growled as he bit down hard on my nipple. "So why don't you? I never told you not to. ""I'm a one woman man. . . ""Get yourself a new woman then. " I gasped out, begging him to stop the only way I knew how. "No, I loved you. I wanted you. Now I'm going to have you. " he told me right before thrusting his knee between my legs again. "Josh, please no. You promised me you'd use protection, and I don't want it to be like this. ""Parker, gag her.

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  "Parker let go of my wrists, but Josh had me pinned down. I struggled as much as I could, but he was holding me so tightly now that any movement brought pain to my arms. I could feel the warmth and hardness of his cock pressing between my thighs while Parker tied a white bandana around my head over my mouth. "You know, I'd really hoped that I'd be hearing you scream "yes", but I guess that can't be. At least I'll still get to see your pretty eyes. " Josh murmured. Parker grabbed my wrists again and Josh brushed his hands over my breasts. I was so disgusted and frightened by this point that I shrunk back. "I should've left her in her cheerleading skirt, Park. Would've been hot to shove it in her with all her clothes on. ""Maybe next time. "I widened my eyes. They were already planning a next time and the first time had just started. Josh fingered me once again, figured I was still wet enough and shoved his cock in. I screamed as I felt him tear through my hymen.

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   He stopped, deadly still, his eyes wide in surprise. "Holy shit. ""What?''"She wasn't lying, she was a virgin! I'm so sorry, babe. "I just glared at him, hurting inside and out. He waited for a few minutes until he was sure the pain had faded and then started moving on me again. Some sorry!But I couldn't stay still. All the months of denying him and myself were coming back to me as I felt him thrusting in and out of my slick hole. "She's so tight. I've never felt anything like this!" Josh commented as he kept pumping away. I squirmed underneath him, trying to take more in, and trying to get him out of me at the same time. I didn't want to be doing this, but he was and we were. I felt like he was swelling within me as he pumped into me harder and harder. I had started lifting my hips to match his rhythm without even noticing what I was doing. He pulled out and shot his load all over my stomach with a groan. I thought my ordeal was over with when I noticed Parker starting to get undressed.

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   I looked questioningly at Josh. "I promised him if he helped, he'd get a turn. "I started to struggle again. I could deal with having sex with my boyfriend, but not someone I hardly knew. I'd only seen Parker once or twice the entire time I'd been with Josh. "Please don't, Heather. You'll just make it worse. He doesn't care about you like I do. He will hurt you if you give him a reason to. " Josh pleaded. I looked up at him in anger again. Not only had he taken my virginity against my will, but now his friend was going to fuck me, too?Parker was seriously good looking, I'll give him that. Light brown hair, green eyes, killer smile. He exercised racehorses at the track and had a good jockey's build. But he had the biggest dick I'd ever seen.

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   Josh's being the only one. I felt Parker lifting my hips as he knelt down and spread my legs with his. He stayed kneeling while he pushed into me. I felt my battered hole closing around him, almost welcoming him into me. "Damn, she is tight. We need more wherever she came from. " he remarked as he slowly inched forward. With Josh's warning, I had expected him to just go Road Runner on me and get it over with as fast and hard as he could. "Just get on with it, Parker. " Josh mumbled. He was still glancing at me apologetically every once in a while, when he could tear his eyes away from his friend's cock going in and out of my pussy. "She didn't enjoy the first time, I'm going to make her enjoy me. " he growled out as he continued pistoning in and out of me. I moved my hips in time with his, pretending I WAS enjoying it to see what Josh's reaction was going to be. I had Parker's cock all the way in me now.

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   He was probably seven inches long and, when I saw Josh's face, I didn't have to pretend I liked it anymore. They weren't going to hurt me, they just wanted to have sex with me. I ground hard into Parker, trying to tell him to go harder. Josh let go of my wrists and Parker rolled me over so that I was riding him. I tightened my pussy around him as he moaned in appreciation. I continued bouncing up and down on his cock until I felt something cold pressing up against my ass. I turned around and saw Josh trying to shove his dick up my butt! Cocks don't go there! I started fighting again. Parker grabbed my hair and pulled me down until I had my head under his chin. "Do that again, and I'll slap you so hard, you'll black out. " he growled, "We are going to fuck you any way we want and you are going to accept it. "I felt Josh push the head of his dick into my asshole. The sphincter stretched painfully as the head slowly entered and then popped in. He added all of his inches slowly and then they both resumed fucking me. I didn't even try to fight them anymore. I had thought Josh loved me, maybe he did at some point.

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   When Parker had said he wanted me to enjoy it, I thought he meant to get me off. Now I knew that he'd just wanted me to relax. When Josh started going seriously at my ass, Parker did what I originally thought he was going to do. Josh's thrusts were pushing me hard down onto Parker and he was slamming as hard as he possibly could into me. My pussy and butt were screaming in pain and I just wanted this over with. I felt Parker tighten as he got ready to cum, but he didn't pull out. I felt his hot jizz shoot into me and it caused me to orgasm. I was still shuddering hard when Josh shot off in my ass. They threw me a wash cloth that they had brought in Josh's bag. Now I knew what they had brought them for. I washed off in the water from the falls while the boys washed downstream. Josh had insisted that they give me my privacy. I was dressed and waiting when they came back. Josh carefully helped me up the waterfall and we walked back to his house. I was probably walking funny as I walked up to my dad's car and he drove us home.

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