

My assistant manager, Jorge, buzzed again. “Hey, Matty! You busy?”I crumpled another failed effort and lobbed it at the waistbasket, then jabbed the intercom button with my pen. “No. No, I guess not. What’s up?”“There’s a young lady here to see you. She says you know her. . . ” Jorge’s voice lowered for a second, muffled, as he spoke with someone, then clearer again. “She says her name’s Shelly. Mind if I send her back?”Oh, God. The last fucking thing I needed today. I met Shelly, or rather, Shelly introduced herself to me, when she was fourteen. She used to hang out after school at the convenience store across the street from the strip mall where my main store was located. She and her friends would walk by on their way home, and Shelly would wave to me as she passed by. I guess she decided that I was cute.

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   And, one day, she popped inside to say hello. Unfortunately, I said hello back. Suddenly, Shelly stopped hanging out across the street, and pretty much everyday for the next year or so, I got to babysit a troubled teenager. Yay for me. Shelly managed to tell me everything about her troubled past during those months; about how she’d been abused at home, then was shipped off by her mom to live with her aunt and uncle, and how she’d run away and lived on the streets for a few months until she was caught trying to steal gum and sent back home for yet another round of abuse. She’d run away again, and finally ended up in a sort of foster home for troubled youth, located just a few blocks away from where I worked. Thinking about it now, I hadn’t seen her in a while. With all the weird stuff that’d happened over the last few months, I hadn’t even noticed that she wasn’t coming around. I stared at the intercom. If I’d been smart, I wouldn’t have answered. The intercom system didn’t have a phone, just a speaker, so Shelly had to have heard me talking to Jorge and I couldn’t tell him that I’d gone home for the night and then snuck out the back door. Oh, no. Wasn’t Jorge’s fault either, he was still pretty new at this location, so he hadn’t met Shelly yet. I punched the intercom again, annoyed. “Sure Jorge, send her on back.

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  ”I could hear Jorge laughing with another employee. “She’s already on her way, boss. Said she knew right where to go. ”Great. As soon as I clicked the intercom off, I heard footsteps on the stairs leading up to my office, and seconds later, her little heart-shaped face poked around the edge of my door. She knocked and smiled her big, toothy smile at me. “Hey, cutie!”I tried to smile. I think I managed something that looked like a grin and waved at her. “Hey Shel. Long time no see. ”She stepped into the office, and I actually did a double take. I was used to seeing Shelly in tight, cut-off Levi’s and t-shirts hacked off at her belly button. Today she wore a tan overcoat cinched tight at the waist, and her hair was a light brown instead of her usual badly dyed blonde, wrapped up and pinned to the top of her head with chopsticks. She shook a small umbrella, and drops of water dripped onto my floor. She glanced at one of the chairs facing my desk.

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   “Mind if I sit down?”I raised my eyebrows and shook my head. “Sure. Have a seat. ”She leaned the umbrella against the side of the chair and sat down. I watched the light overcoat slide up over her calves. She was wearing red pumps, and the coat hid red nylons that showed off her legs. She grinned at me with that shit-eating smile of hers, then settled back into the chair and got comfy. “Hi,” she said, grinning away at me. “Hi,” I said back. “Watcha doin’?” she glanced at the balls of paper lying around my desk. Things hadn’t changed too much. Shelly always liked to play stupid. Most of the people who met her couldn’t stand her. I could never get her to shut up, and our conversations usually went something like this. I spread my hands over my desk.

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   “Working, Shel. ” She pulled a pack of gum out of a pocket, picked out a piece and unwrapped it. “Really?”“Yep. I’m going to be leaving for a couple weeks, so I need to make sure everything’s covered here before I go. So I’ve been trying to finish the schedules for the folks who work here. ” I tapped my pen on the desk. “You know, working. ”Shelly laughed. She had a nice laugh, full and throaty. She threw her head back, and I could see a thin gold chain around her neck. “Looks like good timing. I haven’t seen ya in awhile. ” She wadded up the tinfoil in her fingers. “Mind if I use your garbage?”I sighed. “Sure,” I waved to the floor at the edge of my chair.

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   “Help yourself. ”She grinned, popped the gum in her mouth and walked around the desk. She dropped the tinfoil on the floor with the rest of the garbage, then plopped onto the corner of my desk so I had to look up at her. When I first met her, Shelly was pretty much a white-trash kid who chain smoked and talked a mile a minute. She was short as hell, maybe five foot nothing, and usually dressed like she was ready to get knocked up. She was actually rather pretty, and when she smiled, her whole face lit up. Most guys never made it that far though, because her tits were the size of cannonballs and she had hips to kill for. I think one of the reasons she had a crush on me was that I actually managed to look her in the eyes when I talked to her, and I didn’t treat her like either a whore or a kid. I always tried to treat her like a little sister. Looking at her now though, sort of dressed up, wearing makeup and her hair. . . she seemed older, and suddenly I felt a little twinge at the back of my scalp. I knew that feeling. It had caused me to do some strange things the past few months, and it was one reason I wanted to take a vacation.

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  Shelly was looking at me intently. “You look different. Have you been going to the gym?”I knew why she was wondering. Since the sensation first happened, I’d lost some weight, and my body had changed. I’d first had a little growth spurt. My body had started aching, just like in high school, and I’d shot up a few inches. Not the most normal thing to happen to a thirty year old. Then my jawline had sharpened a bit. My hair even seemed thicker than it had been in years. Right now I looked younger, and a little bit like the jock I’d always wanted to be. A couple other things had changed as well. “Whenever I find the time. ” I smiled up at her. “Well, you look great. ”“So do you, Shel.

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  ” I meant it. “What are you up to?”She grinned again, stood up and twirled around for me. “You like?”I leaned back in my chair, and the leather squeaked. “Well, yeah. You don’t look like you, though. ”“I took your advice and got a job. ”I was kind of shocked. For the first time since she’d popped in, I was almost interested in hearing what she had to say. “Really?” She nodded. “Are you old enough to get a job?” I really wasn’t sure. She laughed again. “Jeez Matt. I turned sixteen in September. I’m old enough to drive, even. ”Oh.

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   Great. Shelly on the road. “So, what’ve you been doing?”Shelly turned back into Shelly for a minute. The words came out in a rush. “I started working after school at this pizza place, bussing tables, and this guy would come in everyday for lunch, and one day he asked me if I’d maybe want to work at the office where he worked, so I asked him what he did, and. . . ”She babbled on for a few minutes. Turns out, the guy worked as a computer programmer for some company downtown, and he helped Shelly get a job as an intern. So everyday after school, she hopped on a bus and spent a few hours pouring coffee and delivering mail. “. . . And I had to go in for a few hours today, and I just got off and I knew you usually worked late on Friday so I thought I’d stop by and say Howdy. ”“So that’s why you’re all dressed up.

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  ”She grinned some more. “I remembered you told me you liked a woman who looked nice. ”Did I? Must’ve been a weak moment, to say something like that to a fourteen, err, sixteen year old. Even one with tits bigger than her head. I shrugged and glanced at the clock. I pushed my chair back and stood up. “Shel, it’s been good seeing you, but I should get going home. ”“Why? Your wife mad you’re still working late on weekends?”Jeez. She remembered more about what I said than I did. “I, uh, we got divorced a while back. ” I grabbed my laptop and shoved it in my shoulder case. I was definitely not comfortable talking about this. “Oh. ” Shelly looked surprised. “I’m sorry.

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  ”I shrugged into my beat up leather jacket and slung the strap over my shoulder. “Don’t be. I’m not. We were bad for each other, and she’s a lot happier now that she has the house. ” I nodded towards the door. “C’mon. Grab your umbrella. I’ll give you a ride home. ”Shelly grinned, picked up her umbrella. “Okey-doke. ”The rain had stopped, and I bent and unlocked the door to my BMW. I opened the door for Shelly, then walked around to the drivers side, tossed my bag into the back seat, and slid inside. She watched me, grinning, as I clicked my seatbelt into place. I turned the key in the ignition and backed out of my parking spot, turned out of the parking lot and headed the way I remembered her house to be. Shelly patted my hand.


   “I don’t live at the house anymore. I moved after I got my job. ”“Oh. ” I glanced over at her. “Okay. Where am I taking you?”She played with the snap on her umbrella. “I’m living out by Oatfield. ”“Oatfield? That’s almost twenty minutes into the sticks. What made you move all the way out there?”I was thinking that maybe she’d moved back in with her mom. I almost wrecked the car when she answered. “I moved in with the guy who got me my job,” she looked at me sheepishly. “I mean, he’s got this big old house, and I’ve got my own room upstairs, y’know? It’s not like I’m sleeping with him or anything. ”“Right. ” “Matt, really, I wouldn’t do that. ”“Is he married?”“No.

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   He’s only twenty. I don’t think he’s even ever had a girlfriend, ‘cause he’s kind of a dweeb. ”I frowned at her. “You paying rent?”She stared into her lap. “No. ”“So you’re telling me that this dweeby guy you met at some pizza place, he helped get you a job, then he let you move into his house and live there for free. ”She nodded. “And he doesn’t want to screw you?”Shelly grinned at me. “I didn’t say that. I just said I wasn’t sleeping with him. ”“Oh, so you’ve got a boyfriend, then. ”“I think you’re jealous. ”This time I stared at her with my mouth open. She laughed. “You are jealous!”My mouth snapped shut.

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   Jeez. “I am not. I’m concerned. ”Shelly popped her gum and leaned over and kissed my cheek. She smelled nice. I looked at her and she sat back and wiped some lipstick off my cheek. “You’re cute when you’re jealous. ”I gripped the steering wheel and squeezed. “I’m not jealous. ”She giggled. “How do I get there?”My car tires crunched through the Dweebs’ gravel driveway. He lived waaay the fuck outside the city. I peered through the gloom, trying to see his house through the trees surrounding it. It was a big old farmhouse, painted a dark brown, and I parked at the end of the driveway next to a beat up, old white Toyota. “Here we are.

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  ” Shelly looked at me expectantly. “Christ, Shel. How the hell do you get out here?”“Dan takes me into the city in the morning and drops me off downtown so I can catch a bus to school. Then I bus to work in the afternoon, and he drives me home. ”I wiggled my eyebrows at her. “Drives you home. Right. ”She laughed and bonked me with the umbrella. “Come in for a minute?’I shrugged. “Sure, okay. I’ve just gotta meet this ‘Dan’ guy. ”Shelly grinned and opened her door. The gravel crunched under her feet and I sighed again, then turned off the car and stepped out and stretched. It’d been a long drive, and I didn’t feel like just turning around and heading back. What the hell.

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   This might be fun. I followed her around the corner of the house, where the driveway turned into a little brick walk that led to the front door. Shelly pushed open the door and ushered me inside. “You guys don’t lock your door?”She grabbed my hand and pulled me down the hall, towards the sound of a television. “Why? There’s nobody around her for miles. ”“Haven’t you ever heard of escaped psycho-killers? This is the perfect spot for one to hide out. Hey, maybe this Dan guy’s really a crazy lunatic, and. . . ”The hallway opened up into a cramped living room and I drifted off as Shelly stopped. “Hey, Dan, this is my friend Matt. ”Dan was spread-eagled in a t-shirt and his boxer shorts across a beat up old couch, smoking the stub of a cigarette and watching a baseball game through a thick pair of glasses. A haze of smoke swirled through the room. Dan puffed out a lungfull of grey air, belched, and reached for a half-full bottle of beer on the table in front of him. His gut jiggled as her flopped over and stared Shelly, then at me.

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   He took a swig of beer, dripping it onto his stained t-shirt, and managed to grunt at me. Shelly waved at a chair. “Why don’t you sit down for a ‘sec while I go get us something to drink?” She bounded off to the kitchen, humming. Great. The whole place stank to high heaven, and the last thing I wanted to do was sit next to this guy. Dan kind of lurched up to a sitting position and glared at me. “So you’re Matt, huh?”I tried to give him a friendly smile. “Yep, that’s me. ”He looked around, I guess to make sure we were the only people in the room, and lowered his voice. “Y’know, you’re all that Shelly talks about, buddy. ‘Matt’ this an’ ‘Matt’ that. ” He leaned closer and put his hand next to his mouth, glanced towards the kitchen. “You ever fuck that little piece of ass, Dude?”“Ah, no. ”He leaned back and took a puff from his cigarette. “Seriously? Cause I’ve been trying, and I’m not getting any off her either.

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  ”“No kidding?”He shook his head. “Nope. Nothing. ” “Wow. That’s crazy. ”He leaned forward again. “I know. Idrive her all over the fucking place, get her a fucking job, buy her dinners, give her fucking money to buy clothes for work, nothing. Not a damn thing. She comes home and just watches movies, or sits on the phone all night. I dunno what to do, man. She’ll sit right there in her pajamas and won’t even look at me. ” Really? Can’t imagine why. I shrugged. “That’s rough.

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  ”He belched again. “So why haven’t you screwed her? She says she’s liked you forever. ”“Uh, maybe because she’s only sixteen?”“Shit dude, that’s pretty much legal, isn’t it?”“Is it?”“Hell, yeah. And I think she’s almost seventeen, buddy. ”“Oh, well then. Maybe I should be trying harder. ”Dan shrugged and looked towards the kitchen. “Seriously man, you’re all she talks about. When she’s on the phone with her friends, they’re always making up some crazy plans to get you alone. I swear to God. If you go up to her room, she’s gonna jump you. ”I laughed. “You think so?”“Hell yeah. ” He leaned back as we heard the clank of glass coming our way. “You just tell me how good she is, okay?”I raised my eyebrows at him as Shelly rounded the doorway, two beers in hand.

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   She looked from Dan to me, and grinned. “You two buddies now?”Just like meeeting the folks. I stood up and she handed me a beer. “Umm, should you be drinking that, Shel?”She grinned and slugged half the beer. Dan laughed. “She can drink me under the table, buddy. Believe me. ”Shelly grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me back into the hall. “C’mon, let me show you my bedroom. ”And the sensation at the back of my skull went off like a warning bell. Shelly’s room was at the top of the stairs, next to the bathroom. She opened the door and shoved me in, then followed me inside, shutting the door behind us. I stopped and looked around. The room was actually pretty big and didn’t smell nearly as bad as the rest of the house. There were two windows, both open and letting in a nice cool breeze, and there was a large, built in bed and an old dresser that was as beat-up as everything else in the house.

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   A suitcase lay open on the floor next to the dresser. Probably everything Shelly owned fit in that suitcase. I turned around to find her smiling up at me, a mischievious twinkle in her eye. My neck was burning now, sending warm tendrils running down my body. Looked like Dan might be right. Shelly gave me a little push, and I plopped onto the bed. She set her beer on the dresser, and did another little twirl for me. “Well, what d’you think?”“About Dan?”She shrugged. “I think you should sleep with a knife under your pillow. ”She laughed. “He can’t get in here. I put a lock on the door. See?”She stepped to the door and swung a little latch into a hook set into the wall. Like that’d stop drunk boy downstairs from sneaking in during the night. “Good thinking, Shel.

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  ”“Thanks. ” “You’re welcome. ”Shelly unbuckled the belt for her coat and made a show of doing a little striptease for me. Underneath, she was wearing a dark red satin blouse tucked into a short skirt. She let the coat slide to the floor, then she drank the rest of her beer and plopped onto the bed beside me. She patted my knee and took my bottle away from me. “Guess what?” she had that look in her eye again. My dick slowly slid up my stomach as her hand slid up my leg. “What?” I vaguely heard my voice. “You know I’ve always liked you. ”“Umm. ” I said. She cupped my crotch and rolled over me, straddling my legs. She leaned backwards and set the bottle on the floor, then rested her hands on my stomach. “I can’t believe I’m going to do this,” she said.


  “Umm. ” I managed again, as she went to work on my belt. I watched as she unbuttoned my jeans and tried to yank them down, when they stuck around my hips she shoved me back into her pillows and kissed me hard, pressing herself against me. I felt her tongue slip into my mouth, felt her hands pulling my shirt up. She finally managed to pull it over my head just enough so my arms were tangled in the sleeves, then she went back to work on my pants. She scooted off the bed, grabbed my underwear and pulled my pants and underwear down around my ankles. I heard her gasp, then she hopped back on top of me. As I struggled with my shirt, she wrapped her little hands around my dick, one tight at the base right next to my balls, the other on top of that. A good three inches of my dick still popped out over the top of her fists. “It’s so big, I can’t believe it’s so big. . . ” She was running her hands over it now, feeling my balls, running them over my legs and stomach. I managed to shrug out of my shirt, and found her sitting on my legs, leaning over me, staring at my cock. As I mentioned before, my body had changed over the past few months.

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   When I went through my little growth spurt, my dick and my balls had, well, grown, too. As Shelly gently ran her fingers up and down my shaft, it came to life and stood at attention, easily as long and thick as Shelly’s forearm. I watched it twitch as she grabbed the tip and slid her had down so it stood straight up, pointing at her face. Shelly looked up at me and grinned. As she went down on me, I saw her door open, just a crack, and I could see Dan’s reflection in the mirror over the dresser. I grabbed Shelly’s head with both hands and wiggled my hips, pulling her face down. She moaned and wrapped her arms under my ass, hugging me. She closed her eyes as my dick stretched out her mouth, and I watched Dan in the mirror, licking his lips. The boy was staring right at the ass that he’d been trying to get for months now. He licked his lips again, and whipped out his dick. Oh yeah, Shel, that lock does wonders. And you started this, you fucking little cock-tease. So much for that big brother shit. Just to be fair, I decided to give Dan a nice little show. I pulled Shelly’s mouth off my dick by yanking her hair, then I pulled her face up to mine and kissed her hard.

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   Her body was nice and stretched out, her ass jutting up into the air, both her legs wrapped around mine, spread out as far as her skirt would allow. I held her head with one hand and ran the other down her back. feeling her bra straps through her thin blouse, then I cupped her ass, running my hand over her butt, squeezing just a little. Her little hands cupped my cheeks as she kissed me. I guess she thought she was being sweet, as she rubbed her body along mine, but all I wanted to do now was fuck her until she screamed. I grabbed her shoulders with both hands and shoved her away, and she looked at me like she’d done something wrong. I grinned up at her and ran my hands down her chest, cupping her breasts. God they were big. I squeezed gently and Shelly braced her hands on my chest, bucking her hips so her back arched, pushing her tits hard into my hands. I slid my fingers between the buttons of her blouse, and pulled. She gasped as the material split open and her tits popped out of her blouse. I ran my hands back up to her shoulders and yanked the straps of her bra down, pulling her blouse down around her arms, pinning them to her sides. Then I cupped her tits again, slid the tips of my fingers under the top of her bra, and yanked it down until it wedged under her breasts. Her tits looked even bigger jutting out of her bra, with big, brown nipples. I watched them for a second as they slowly hardened, and rubbed them lightly with my thumbs.

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   Shelly gave a little gasp as I grabbed her around the arms and pulled her a little further up my body, then slid my hands down over her ass again. Hers eyes were shut tight and she was gasping for breath, making her tits jiggle. I let my hands slide down her legs to the hem of her skirt, until I found the slit running up the back. I rolled the edge of her skirt in my hands and found a nice silky slip underneath. Her eyes flew open as I ripped her skirt up to the waistband, and she wiggled against me, making my dick throb. In the mirror, Dan watched us, his eyes wide, slowly jacking off. I grinned at Shelly. “I’m not gonna wait for you to take your clothes off, Shelly. ” I whispered. “Besides, you bought them for me anyway, because I like women who dress like this, Right?”She smiled down at me and nodded, rubbing her crotch on my leg. I could feel the warm wetness seeping through her panties, soaking her pantyhose. “And I think you look really sexy like this. ”She moaned a little. “You-you do?”I paused a second to take her in. Her hair was falling out of the bun, down around her flushed face.

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   I ran my hands back up her ass to her waist and squeezed her tits again. I let one hand slide up to her mouth and slipped a couple of fingers my inside. Shelly sucked on them like a lollipop, then I pulled her tight against me and buried my face in her chest. I slid my hands back and grabbed a handfull of pantyhose and ripped away, then her panties went next, until I had to shove a bunch of torn material away from her crotch as I sucked on her tits. She pressed her wet pussy along my cock, rubbing it up and down. Her little fingers clutched at my head, and she held me close and buried her face in my hair as she ground herself against me. I lifted her up until her ass was almost a foot in the air, and I felt the tip of my dick press into her pussy lips. She clutched me harder to her chest, and slowly slid herself down over my dick. “Omigod. . . Ohh. . . ” She made it about halfway down and stopped, her body quivering.

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   “I can’t, I can’t. . . it’s too big. ”I grinned and squeezed her ass with both my hands. Dan watched us, stroking himself. He had a great view. I winked at Dan in the mirror, and saw him jump a little. He didn’t think that I knew he was there. Well, this one’s for you, buddy. I bit down on Shelly’s tit and shoved my hips up as high as I could while pulling down hard on her ass. Shelly let out a scream as my dick rammed almost all the way into her pussy, and I held it there, wiggling my hips, not letting go. Her pussy slowly slid the last couple inches down my dick. Shelly’s head was bent back and her back arched as her body struggled to take me. I laughed and pulled her against me harder.

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   I started fucking her, pounding my dick deep into her and not letting her raise her hips more than a couple inches. She was shaking against me now, her breath coming in harsh little explosions. “You wanted to be my little pussy, Shel? You wanted to sneak me up into your bedroom and make love to me, like they do it in the movies? Huh?” I watched her face contort as I fucked her. The tingling sensation was roaring through my entire body now, and I could feel the room spin and suddenly I was in Shelly’s head watching me laugh at her. I could feel my hands tearing at her back, feel the pain of my dick ripping up through her pussy, deep into her body. The pain was intense, and she - I - could barely breathe. She was scared, and I was about to make it worse. “You wanted to fuck me, Shelly? Okay, you little fucking bitch, fuck me!” I slapped her ass, hard. She whimpered, and her butt bounced up and down on my legs. Then I grabbed her ass cheeks and spread them as wide as I could. I could see Dan jerking off furiously, and I caught his eye again. I pointed at Shelly’s ass and gave him a look like, ‘you want some of this, then come and get it’, and waved him into the bedroom. He licked his lips, stopped jerking off and stuck his fingers through the door, and lifted Shelly’s hook out of the ‘lock’. “You get it now Shelly? You little fucking cocktease? You answer me when I’m talking to you, you fucking little bitch!” I gave her face a little slap, not too hard, just enough to shock her into looking at me. “I said, do you understand”She was crying now, but she managed to nod, her tits still bouncing up and down.

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   “Good, because there’s someone else here who wants a piece of your ass. ”Dan laughed, and Shelly stared behind her in terror. Her door was wide open, and Dan was standing at the edge of the bed, right behind her. He’d taken off his shirt and boxers and was stroking his cock again. It was a long, thin, milky white thing, and it bent sideways like a banana. “Oh God, nuh-nuh-nooo. ” Shelly tried to raise her hands to keep him away, but her arms were still pinned to her sides by her blouse and her bra. Dan climbed onto the bed and I watched his hands run over her ass. The he grabbed a fistfull of her hair and slapped her face, hard. “You little fucking twat!”Slap! “I’ve been trying to get you into bed for months!”Slap!He grabbed her under her chin, forced her head back against his shoulder. “And I think I wanna fuck your ass!” he hissed. Dan shoved her back on top of me, and he pressed the tip of his dick into Shelly’s asshole. He pushed her face hard into the pillow, and she screamed and thrashed as he grabbed by her waist and pushed his cock in with a few, quick thrusts. Then he sat there for a second, his beer belly hanging over her ass, holding her by the waist with his eyes closed and a smile on his face. Then he looked at me and grinned.

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  “Lets rip this little bitch apart. ” He grabbed Shelly by the tits and leaned over her back, pressing his face into her hair. He pumped her with the same quick thrusts he used to rip his way into her ass, and I kept her hands pinned to the bed as I pounded my dick into her pussy. Shelly screamed and cried out with each thrust, until she could just barely manage little short gasps. Her eyes had rolled back into her head and her mouth was slack. I pulled the chopsticks out of her hair and threw them across the room, letting the rest of her hair unravel and fall into my face. No need for her to get any crazy ideas. Dan was grunting away when he suddenly stopped and his entire body clenched. “Fuuuuck. . . ” He jerked a couple times, and then shoved Shelly back onto me and almost fell off the bed. A long, thin sliver of moisture hung between them for a moment, still connecting his dick to her ass. Shelly fell against me and buried her face in my neck, under my chin. She shuddered against me and warm tears ran down my chest, and I wrapped her tight in my arms.

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  “That’s my good little bitch. Now I want you to cum with me Shelly. ” I cupped the back of her head with my hand and rolled her over until I was on top of her, pushing my legs under hers so they had to wrap around my back. I hooked them with my arms and slid them around my neck, and pushed my cock deep into her pussy, until I felt my balls slap against her ass. I sighed with pleasure and watched her stomach muscles twitch as her pussy spasmed around my dick. She ground her head back into the pillow and gasped, her eyes going wide again. Her face had turned a deep purple where Dan had slapped her, and was already swelling. I started fucking her slowly, pulling out until the tip of my dick was just almost out, then shoving myself back in until my stomach smacked against her belly. She moaned with each thrust, until they turned into little soft cries. Her hands clutched at me, and her legs squeezed tighter around my neck. She closed her eyes and I felt her pussy clench around me, then a little flood of warmth oozed out around my cock, and I felt moisture dripping down my balls. She bucked hard against me, and suddenly my dick was spurting cum into her pussy. I pulled my throbbing cock out and sent a thick stream of cum onto her stomach, then another, and another. I kissed her bruised cheek, then rolled off the bed, pulled up my pants and walked to her suitcase. Dan was sitting next to the door, his dick soft and shriveled, grinning at the bed where Shelly still twitched.

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  “The little bitch just fucking came for you, buddy!” he laughed. “Damn she was tight! I’m gonna get me some of that every night, now that I know what I’ve been missing. ”I rustled around in Shelly’ suitcase, came up with a couple pairs of panties, some more pantyhose and another bra. I wiped my dick off with a pair of the panties and walked back over to the bed. “Hey, what’re you doing? You gonna fuck her some more?”I’d lifted Shelly up into a sitting position. She was barely conscious, so I leaned her against me and shoved the pair of panties I’d used to clean up into her mouth, followed by the clean pair. She coughed and sputtered, and her eyes fluttered open. I wrapped the soft, lacy bra around her head, making a makeshift gag. I looked down at Dan. “Nope, not tonight. And you’re not either. ”“What? What are you talking about? Shit dude, nobody even knows where she is, we can just keep her here and fuck her whenever we want. ” He stared at me as I pulled her blouse back around her shoulders. “I mean, I’ll give you a key, so you can come and fuck her when you want, too. ”Shelly’s eyes were wide with fear again, staring at Dan.


   I grabbed her hands and pulled them behind her back, then wound the nylons tightly around her wrists. She stared at me as I pulled her off the bed, and I grabbed my shirt and pushed her towards the door. She still had her heels on and wobbled for a second, so I grabbed her arm to steady her, then marched her right by Dan. His mouth shot open, and he scrambled up as Shelly and I headed down the stairs. Dan leaned over the railing. “Hey, wait! What are you doing, man? She lives here with me!”I stopped, held Shelly with one hand around her arm and looked up. “No, she’s going to live with me. I know you’ve done a lot for her, and she probably owed you something for finding her the job and all of that, so tonight was like a gift. From us to you. ” I looked back to Shelly, staring at me. “But she’s mine, and she’s coming home with me. ” I started her back down the steps, looked back up at the flabbergasted Dan. “Hope you had fun. Buddy. ”I eased Shelly into the back seat of my car and made her lie down.

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   I put my shirt back on, slid into the front seat and locked the doors, then turned the key in the ignition and turned around. She fit perfectly back there, her arms tied, her legs bent slightly. Her ripped blouse couldn’t cover her huge tits anymore, and they hung out, pressed together. She stared up at me, scared. I smiled. “See, Shelly, I meant it when I said you were mine. I’m going to take you home with me, and you’re going to meet a friend of mine. Her name’s Julie, and she’s going to train you for me while I’m on vacation. It didn’t look like you had any other clothes that I want you to keep, except for what you have on. So before I take you home, we’re going to run a quick errand and visit somebody I know and get you some new stuff. That sound okay to you?”Shelly nodded, tried to mumble something through her gag. “I’ll take that off later, maybe. Right now though, I kind of like the way it looks on you. ” I reached back and pushed her blouse away from her breasts, and adjusted what was left of her skirt so I could see her dark, curly pubic hair. “There, that looks nice.

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  ”I looked up to see Dan shuffling into his driveway. “We’ll play some more later too. Right now, lets leave Dan alone with what’s left of your clothes. Whaddaya say?”Shelly nodded vigorously. I slammed the car into reverse, and roared out of Dan’s driveway, my tires spitting chunks of gravel and dirt at him. I pulled back out onto the road and waved. It was getting late, but Angela’s place was open 24-7, and I thought I should buy Shelly a nice present for holding up pretty well tonight. I chuckled a little and reached behind me, found a nice warm leg, and ran my hand gently up and down. I heard Shelly groan softly behind me, and I wondered what nifty stuff Angela would come up with for us. .
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