Bay Pharmaceuticals: Ashley Collins


Bay Pharmaceuticals: Ashley Collinsby:SXCamaro “Come in Ms. Collins. We have been expecting you. ” Said Mr. Green chairman of Bay Pharmaceuticals. I glanced around nervously and addressed the men in the dark conference room. “Thank you for inviting me here today. I am a little confused as to what I will be doing but, I promise to do a thorough report on all activities. ” The chairman returned to his seat and spoke again, “Excellent Ms. Collins! We have invited you here today to lead an expedition in search of rare tropical plant found in a very remote part of South America. ”“Well that is certainly something I did not expect to hear. I majored in. . ” I started but was cut off by the chairman. “We are well aware that you majored in research of animals and mathematical theory but we believe you extensive experience in the lab could prove to be valuable,” said Mr. Green.

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   “We have been watching you and your research on molecular structure is very promising. If you were to bring this plant specimen back we could fund your ventures in research in the future more heavily. This plant would open up many doors in this company and would secure a place for you among the top funded research scientists in this company. ”I felt overjoyed but slightly suspicious. Why me for this expedition? Surely other people were more qualified to lead a group of scientists on an expensive excursion into a jungle. Maybe they thought I would make a good picture for a news story. I had been told my large D cup breasts an hour glass figure were attractive but, I never imagined they would get me this far. “Well” I started. “ I am honored that you would pick me to lead this team but it feels so sudden. ”“Nonsense! You are the perfect candidate for the job. You have an unparalleled I. Q. , your leadership is strong, you are athletic, and you have experience with research. You must come on this adventure. Bay needs you to lead the adventure and you will be rewarded when you succeed.

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  ” Mr. Green said with an eerie smile on his face. I pulled my chestnut brown hair back from my face. It had slipped out of my hair tie and had fallen on my eyes. I thought carefully about what they asked me trying not to seem too scared. I felt their eyes cutting through me. The pressure was so great that I blurted out“Okay! I’ll do it! I will lead the group and bring this rare plant back to Bay Pharmaceuticals” I said with confidence. Mr. Green stood up walking towards me. The other men in the room began whispering to one another and laughing in a disturbing way. “Ms. Collins, I am glad you have decided to join our venture and I am sure that you will find what we are looking for. Once the plant is found I’m sure we will be able to fund your research and maybe even fill you into a position with the plant. ” Mr. Green opened the door to the room and told me I would be filled in on the specifics and leaving within the next four days.

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  We arrived in an undisclosed location of thick jungle exactly four days later. The team assembled had been quite unusual. They had selected myself ,Ashley Collins, as head project leader. I was responsible for logging data, keeping force on task, finding our target, retrieving our target (unharmed), and personal safety of all other members. A video specialist Brennan , photographer Wilson, and pilot Lee were brought along. They did not seem friendly and I only knew their last names and they provided very little else in the way of details to me. As we setup our base camp I reviewed our plan. Set out into the jungle and make our way down the Inleugia River into the heart of Inglie. Along the way we have to make contact with a local tribe to help us in our quest. We had a strict time frame of  three days to make the trip, locate the specimen, and make our return. “Okay team I want everybody aware of the environment we are in. This may look like an innocent jungle but many dangers lay in wait for those who are unfamiliar with this surrounding. ” I stated trying to sound authoritative and in control. Brennan stood up and walked over to me and said, “Okay listen here. The guys really are not in the mood for your pep talk so I suggest you just shut up and do your work.

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   Just because you graduated from a fancy college doesn’t mean you are a god. All these guys are professionals and we have grown up doing this work. ”“Mr. Brennan” I began. “I realize that you and our fellow men are a professionals but, this is my expedition and I am responsible for everyone. So if you are done trying to intimidate me, we can begin our search. Now, we need to blaze a trail to the river so we can find one of the local tribes and ultimately the flower. ”The guys began to snicker Wilson chimed in with his immaturely, “Hey I don’t mind blazing a trail if it’s going to get me to her flower!” The guys all laughed at his comment. I felt my face turn red. These guys were so cocky and had no respect for me. I picked up a machete and began whacking at the foliage in front of me. The laughed died and they soon joined in giggling the whole way. I dropped back a little growing tired. They moved ahead steadily and began talking. “I told you to knock that off last time” Wilson said to Lee. moynakia live nadia cypriota lisa sparkle escort regina moon escort escortgay martina escort 

   “You freakin’ cut George doing that. Chop diagonally so you don’t get your machete caught in the vines. ”“Hey shut it! We aren’t here to reminisce about our last trip here! Now you are going to make her think something’s up” Brennan said glancing back at me. I felt slightly anxious. What were they talking about “last trip”? Had the company sent people who knew the area because they didn’t trust me? The conversation changed to the usual of sports and girls back home in the states. I kept my distance and tried to think about the context of what I had heard. We soon reached the river and boarded a boat that the Bay Pharm. had provided for us. The guys boarded and I took my seat in the back. The boat was only about eight feet long and five feet wide. Perfectly shaped for navigating the backwaters of the tight river. It smelled horribly and looked like it had been through a monsoon. Covered in vines and rust we set out on the river. Lee seemed oddly at home at the wheel. He never once asked for directions from the map and steered down the river. shemale germany rendez vous escort sweetest pussies escots ascort dubai shemale escorts 

   I thought back to the earlier conversation and just felt strange. “Lee it’s up here on the left” said Wilson“I fuckin’ know. You think I’d forget so easily. ” Lee replied angrily. “Hey just shut up. Remember that what we agreed. Okay now we need some direction. Excuse me Ms. Collins, but where would you like to land. Our stubborn pilot, Lee, decided to follow the smoke he saw to a village. It seems to have worked in finding the village but, we need your decision making skills on the landing spot. ” Brennan stated with a anxious sound in his voice. I pretended to be oblivious what had been said and pointed my finger towards the shore. The men stood there waiting for words. “Just put it over there.

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   I’m just a helpless little girl who is in an unfamiliar place” I said sternly. “Alright, over there Lee” Brennan said. “Now come on sweet thing don’t be like that. We were just joking around. Come on it was a little funny joke. Can’t we just kiss and make up?” He said smugly. The guys jeered and laughed at the little joke he made. I looked him squarely in the eyes and said, “Oh you are so funny!” I said sarcastically. “Well that may have been a little funny joke but, the only little and funny thing around here is your dick. ”“Ohhhhhh!” Lee and Wilson chimed in. “Yeah real fuckin’ funny. Lets go get the flower. I’ve had enough of all of you. ” Brennan said angrily as he stepped off the boat. We had traveled inland about a quarter mile through a small path in the jungle, without uttering a single word.

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   I couldn’t help and wonder why Wilson and Brennan brought along their video and photography equipment with them? I asked why and I was told harshly that, “It might get stolen. ” It seemed odd to me that we were bringing our equipment with us when we didn’t even know if the flower would be in the direction of the village. I shrugged it off as nerves. If they want to break their backs lugging around their precious equipment then they better not complain about it. We walked for a little while longer and then the huts came into view. Brennan said something to the other two and they nodded their heads. We walked up into the village and looked around. These stick houses with cloth flaps seemed to be encircling something. It was hard to see what was in the middle but it appeared to be a big open space. The huts maybe six feet tall and twice the height wide sat in a circle staggered around a pit. We made our way in-between the houses slowly. Brennan led the way with his hand held up for signaling silence. We walked to the center and could see nothing in the gigantic pit. Brennan then entered a hut and the others joined in searching for any locals. They returned shortly after and could not find any inhabitants.

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  “Nobody home. ” Said Lee. “I know. It looks like this place has been abandoned for years. Houses have held up but that pit in the middle was probably part of the village that sunk in. ” Brennan said. “Keep up your guard those people could be waiting to attack us. Saw that shit on the Discovery Channel one night. ” Wilson added. “Shut the hell up Wilson. You don’t know shit about the jungle. ” Brennan said. “You wouldn’t know an angry villager if you saw one. ”I felt strange again. Didn’t Lee say he saw smoke from the river? I was about to ask them about this discrepancy when I noticed a small carving in the dirt.

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   It was about a foot from me and was placed near the pit. As the guys argued about the village I knelt down and examined it. I swept at the dirt and uncovered a tile roughly four feet wide and equally long. The title had  a picture of a man standing near the pit holding a giant flower. I felt a rush of joy. “Hey guys! I think I found something!” I exclaimed joyfully. “What the hell are you talking about?” Wilson asked. “Down here in the dirt! Look a picture. It’s a man maybe someone from the village standing near this pit with a flower. ” I said. “Let me see that,” Wilson said pushing me aside. “Well whoop dee doo. A picture is worth a thousand words but, who says it has anything to do with what we are looking for. ” “Lets keep looking around the edge of this pit and see if we can find more. This might tell us where to find the flower or the villagers.


   I suggest you start looking unless you have a better suggestion Nancy. ” I said. “Ha! You hear that Nancy, you better start looking!” Lee added. Grumbling Wilson and Lee began helping me uncover the picture surrounding the giant pit. Brennan took out his camera and began snapping shots of the stones. The vines and leaves made the pit look small but once cleared away we could see the pit was easily fifty feet wide and once we dropped a flare down the pit we could see it dropped down for twenty feet. After we had cleaned the stones the pictures revealed a story. We found a total of ten around the pit. It showed the progression of a man and woman near the pit. The woman walks to a tree at the bottom and then a flower appears. The man picks up the flower and the woman then disappeared from the tiles. The remaining tiles show the man climbing out of the pit and gaining an aura around him and muscle mass. He, in the last title, has a crown atop his head. “I think this is what we are looking for! Look this is telling the story of how the flower in this pit can be used to change a human. The man in the pictures gains power and became leader of the village.

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   Fascinating!” I said deeply intrigued by the story. “Alright then. Lets not waste time. Let’s get some light in here and get our asses into the pit and get what we came for. ” Brennan stated. The men set about setting up some artificial lighting. A few multi-purpose flood light were placed around the wall and turned on. The lights came on and showed the pit. The pit was covered in vines. The walls and floor were completely covered in foliage and their were torches in holders along the bottom. In the middle of this was a gigantic tree. The tree was a dark green color and was covered in white flowers. The pit looked promising so we began our descent and lit the torches surrounding the tree. Sunset was coming and the pit glowed from the torch light. I walked towards the tree noting the vine growth extending from the base.

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   The flowers while appearing small from above were the size of watermelons. The tree was extremely thick and covered in vines. I took out my tape measure and measured it at five and a half feet in diameter and twelve feet tall. The tree was truly amazing. As the sun set Lee pitched tents and made room for us to sleep. We figured the safest place to stay would be in the pit if the natives decided to return or any jaguars or pythons happened by. Brennan and Wilson documented the aspects of the pit and the tree. They did not seem as thrilled as I was to be examining the flower that we had been searching for. I had removed a flower from the tree and took it into my tent to examine. I set up a small area and cut a sample of the flower off. I examined it under the microscope and found a world teaming with life. The flowers appeared to be still but under the microscope tiny little pieces moved around on the edges. Under more examination these appeared to be some type of super protein. They were replicating and building upon themselves. The pieces were attempting to build back where the cut had been made.

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   The reaction soon slowed down to a halt and the replication stopped. Had their limit been reached? I began to wonder if this was a time based reaction and the plant could only temporarily do these things?“Come on lets move in closer and see what’s going on” I said adjusting the slide and scope. “Ouch! God dammit!” I shouted. The slide had slipped and sliced open the tip of my finger. I reached behind me feeling for a towel and accidentally grabbed the flower. My finger began tingling and I felt like I had just downed an energy drink. I whirled around looking at my finger and saw the skin had been stretched back together with a small white piece of flower attached to it. I peeled at the bit of flower and saw the cut had disappeared. The flower now had a small red streak on it that was diffusing into the flower. The flower was using my drop of blood as nourishment and the white flower soon took on a faint pink color. Small buds appeared on the flower and formed what appeared to be new flowers. Could this be its reproduction cycle? I turned back to the slide and saw the reaction had resumed and sped up. The flower fragment had grown off the slide and sprouted a small bud. Amazing! I rushed outside to tell the men of my discovery. “The flower repairs itself with a food source and it can replicate this is other bodies.

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   The picture on the rim of the pit is support of this! I cut my finger and the plant completely fixed my cut! If the flower was turned into a serum it might be able to help people who have serious injuries. It may even regenerate lost limbs, reverse diseases, or help restore youth! I can’t wait to test this out in the lab back at Bay Pharm!” I exclaimed happily. Brennan glanced up at me from his camera and said, “Look. Congratulations on finding the flower and discovering the fountain of youth but I don’t care. I want to take my pictures and get my ass back to America. The only other thing I care about is that I get my pay. So please Ms. Collins, save your talk for the egg heads back at Bay Pharm. ”I felt slightly angry. These men did not understand the true impact of what was happening. We could eliminate disease and suffering from the world with this flower and all they could think about was money and themselves I settled back into my tent and felt tired. It was late and I needed to rest so I could spend tomorrow taking samples and gathering information on the genetic makeup of the tree and flowers. I took off my jeans and long sleeve shirt. I was sweaty from the humid air of the jungle and I took a damp cloth and rubbed it over my neck and chest. The cool water made me feel more relaxed. moynakia live nadia cypriota lisa sparkle escort regina moon escort escortgay martina escort 

   I clicked off my lantern and lay on my cot. The water had soaked into the white beater I had on and had made my nipples hard. They showed through the thin cloth and I felt trickles of the water run down past my bikini line. I wiped it away with the edge of my white thong and went to sleep. I awoke a few hours later with moonlight cascading down over my tent. It had been pitch black hours ago but the light now illuminated the entire pit area. I felt sweat running down my back as I sat up and was unusually aroused. The air smelled sweet and my heart was pounding. I got up and walked to the table and grabbed a my canteen. I took a long drink and put it down. I could not figure out what was happening but my groin was burning with desire. The smell in the air was causing me to ache all over for sexual pleasure. I plopped down next to the table and breathed in deeply. As I did I noticed the smell was permeating from the flower. I leaned in closer and smelled it. shemale germany rendez vous escort sweetest pussies escots ascort dubai shemale escorts 

   A rush came over me. I felt energized again and I became extremely wet between my legs. The flower must be filled with some type of pheromone to attract creatures I thought. I wondered if the rest of the flowers exhibited this curious behavior. I got up and unzipped my tent entrance and was immediately hit with a smell twice as intense. The air was filled with the pheromones coming from the trees flowers. I walked out of my tent and to the tree. It was beautiful in the night sky. It cast an enormous shadow across the side of the pit and seemed to be even bigger than earlier. I walked closer to the tree and it appeared the flowers were now pulsating. “What in the world could this be?” I questioned. I thought briefly but another wave of pheromone can to me so strong I nearly fell over. They were so powerful my legs were drenched in my juices. My nipples and vagina ached for attention. I was busy trying to keep my senses and figure out why the pheromones were coming out at this point and what their purpose was.

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   “This is certainly some potent stuff. I can barely keep my thoughts straight. What are the flowers doing though? Maybe they are attempting to attract mates to spread their pollen. Some species of flower will produce potent pheromones to attract animals to do their bidding. This tree is probably one of the only of its kind left and its developing strong pheromones to help its survival. ” I thought to myself while fighting off my sexual urges. I felt compelled to walk closer. The tree was now only two feet away and pulsating. I stared in amazement as the vines around the tree surged around it. The smell was so intoxicating I had to touch the flower and the tree. As I did I felt electric waves go through my body and into my crotch. I had no control left in my body. I was soon pressing myself into the tree and my head deep inside the white flower in front of me. The smell was driving me crazy and the roots were rubbing my lustful body parts. It seemed like they began shifting their attention specifically to my breasts and vagina.

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   They began rubbing earnestly and I could not help but grind against them. In a matter of minutes I felt an orgasm building. “Ohhhh…mmmm. You feel so good. Please let me cum. ” I shouted almost uncontrollably. The plant picked up tempo as if it could sense my body and quickly made me orgasm. The orgasm was so strong and intense I could not move. As I lay against the tree I noticed that my legs were entirely covered in the vines that surrounded the tree. My ankles all the ways to my thighs were thickly entwined with the foliage. I pulled my legs back and  met strong resistance. “What the heck is going on?” I asked myself. “Ms. Ashley Collins. ” I heard from behind me.

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   “It appears you have discovered the flower and the secret power. ”“What are you talking about?! Who are you and what do you want?!” I questioned of the voice. “Why Ashley you forget quickly of your friends. It is I, Brennan. ” He said from the tent area. “Well help me. I’m stuck in these vines and I can’t get out! They are squeezing me tightly and it’s starting to hurt. ” I said to Brennan. “Ashley, Ashley, Ashley. I can’t do something like that. You are part of the show now and you are going to participate in some important research. ” Brennan said. “Research?” I asked with a curious but frightened tone. “Yes my dear. Wilson, Lee, and I are doing a research experiment with this specimen and you are going to help us.

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   You see we were sent along on this trip to document and research this particular plant and find a bring our findings back to Bay Pharm. ” He said. I was slightly taken back and said, “I thought I was supposed to be doing the research. You guys are here to document and get me to the plant safely. I was not told that you would…” “Now Ashley. Do you think Bay Pharm would trust this experiment to a rookie lab scientist? You are simply a side project to help us understand this plant better. You see we already have been documenting and studying this plant for two years. We come here five times a year when this plant is awakened by the lunar rotation. We then need someone of the female persuasion to help us get the specimen to produce the flowers. You see we need you to perform a special function to continue our research and development of the plants chemicals. ” Brennan said walking towards me. “But…I just was supposed to…what do you mean special function?” I asked feeling terrified. “Oh Ms. Collins. If I tell you where would the fun be.


   Why not let me show? Yes? Okay lets start the show. ” Brennan said motioning to Lee and Wilson. “Start recording again guys. This is the real deal. Oh and here’s a little help for you. ” Brennan grabbed the flower in front of my face and rubbed it over my face and body. Then he ripped my beater and thong off me leaving me naked and burning with sexual desire. “Make this a good show. You are the tree’s now. ” Brennan said giving my ass a hard smack as he walked away. The flower again pumped it pheromones into me and my exposed crotch gushed my juices onto the roots. I was again drawn up to the tree and began to be caressed by the vines. I tried to fight but I could not find the words. I ached for tree to sexually relieve me so I could go but I also wanted to discard the vines that bind my legs to the tree. The flower sensing how turned on I was becoming spray my face with even more pheromones.

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   The ecstasy of the feeling made my vagina gush my wetness down my legs over my vines. The vines moved in response and I felt them move up my thighs towards my burning pussy. They cruelly teased me for what seemed like forever. Smashing against my clitoris as I arched my back approving of this. I squeezed my aching breasts as a large vine penetrated me and began pounding inside of me. I felt as if I was rising up but I didn’t care the feeling was so intense I could barely breathe. An orgasm built and exploded and the vine withdrew quickly. I leaned forward against the tree and my hands were bound with small vines from the top of the tree. I  was soon pulled till I was completely stretched out and my legs were spread apart as the sexual assault by the tree continued. This time I felt a new type of vine. I glanced down to see a thicker vine snaking towards me. It crawled up my legs and began forcing its way into my still throbbing vagina. It was probably three inches thick and had a bulb shape on the end. As it pushed forward I felt an extreme pain in my loin. It was stretching me wider than I had ever been stretched.

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   I began to squirm trying to get away from the root. Sensing my movement I was sprayed with more pheromones and a thick vine wiggled into my mouth. The thick brown vine pushed firmly against my opening and with a plop noise entered me. I tried to moan but my mouth was full as was my vagina. The vine pumped up and down in me vigorously and I rocked back and forth trying to push it deeper. The feeling was so intense I barely noticed as a third vine slid into my anus. I was now being fucked by a giant flowering tree in all three of my orifices. I felt orgasmic bliss that I had never imagined possible I came several times and could not stop. The vine in my mouth was first to start spurting fluid. It began to secrete a sweet tasting nectar that I greedily swallowed. The fluid caused my body to tingle and gave me a rush that is indescribable. The ones in my anus and vagina followed suit and caused me to orgasm harder than any of the previous. I felt the vine hit my g-spot and I squirted g-spot fluid all over the root as it squirted its sweet nectar deep inside me. The vines finished their job and pulled out of me. The vines retracted to my wrists and ankles.

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   I panted. “Well done Ashley! Now finish the job! Join the tree and fulfill your purpose!” Called Brennan. I was lost in sexual satisfaction and so tired I could not move. The plant raised me up by the feet till I dangled over top of the tree. I stared in amazement. The top of the tree had a gigantic pink slit that was giving off the same pheromone as the flowers. I felt my self being pulled down arms over my head into the slit. My hands touched the sides of the pink slit. Warm, slippery, and slightly prickly. I was lowered more and my arms were pulled up to my elbows into the maw. “Mmmmm. ” I let out feeling excitement grow in my crotch. “I think I understand what you are going to do to me you naughty little tree. You are going to eat me so you can produce more of these delicious little flowers. ” I said admiring the brilliance of the tree.

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  “Well Ashley, it seems like you have figured out the trees intentions. Now you will descend into the tree and become part of the flowers as many have before you. Bay Pharm appreciates your loyalty and help. Enjoy your trip!” Brennan shouted. I heard his voice and then it cut out as the plant lowered me in to my head. The plant gripped me in a peristaltic action similar to the muscles in the human throat. Squeeze then pull over and over again. I noticed as I slid down the tiny hair that were prickly entered my skin and inserted a small amount of fluid. I tasted it as it ran down my chin. Just like nectar it had squirted in me. Probably an acid or digestive enzyme to break down my body faster. I quivered as my giant D cup breasts came up to the slit. They squeezed against the side and with a plop entered the maw. With another tug I was buried in the tree up to my stomach. My hands were released and they shot up towards my aching pussy. moynakia live nadia cypriota lisa sparkle escort regina moon escort escortgay martina escort 

   I rubbed with as much strength as I could muster and squeezed my breast in the other hand. The fluid being pumped into me by the hairs was turning me on even more. My hips came to the slit and rested momentarily. The vines attached to my feet suddenly dropped me and my body weight and gravity pulled my hips and legs into the maw. Only my poor feet were left unexposed. I pulled my feet in and the slit sealed behind my feet. I was then pushed down till I felt a hard ring at the bottom. The plant then paused and squeezed me so hard I thought my ribs were going to break and the tiny hairs inserted the digestive fluid into my skin one last time and I rubbed as the squeeze lasted for several seconds and orgasmed one last time as the walls retracted. The ring opened and I squeeze into the stomach. The chamber was warm and filled with a foot of fluid. I splashed down into the fluid feeling exhausted and fulfilled. This chamber was roughly five feet wide and four feet tall. It must have been below the surface level due to it size. I thought of my trip and how I would soon be part of the plant and its wonderful flowers. The plant stirred a little and I felt several small appendages rise from the walls. shemale germany rendez vous escort sweetest pussies escots ascort dubai shemale escorts 

   They extended outwards with small suction cups on them. They wrapped around my body and began sucking at my skin. Like leeches they tore began drawing blood and fluid from my body. The digestion was well underway and I could feel my organs breaking down. The suckers drew blood and digested bits of my body into the plant. I began losing consciousness as the tingling on my body turned into a burning sensation. I quietly curled up into a ball and fell asleep. I felt happy to know that soon I will be part of this magnificent plant and my one true love. Above ground Brennan, Wilson, and Lee began to pack up their equipment. “More footage we can sell to our buyers. ” Lee said. “Yeah, that one was so hot. I wish I could have gotten some of that for me. Too bad thought she was the best yet. Going to make a fortune off the flowers and video.

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  ” Said Wilson. “Now we have to report back to Bay Pharm. They will be thrilled to hear about Ms. Collins and her discovery just like all the ones before her. Alright, lets collect the flowers and head on back. ” Brennan said. The men collected the flowers in a duffle bag and picked up Ms. Collins’s ripped clothes. They climbed out of the pit and covered up the picture tiles and left the one Ms. Collins uncovered first partially covered for the next trip. As they left the village area Brennan turned around and looked over the area. “Goodbye Ms. Collins. Bay Pharm thanks you again. We’ll see you in a few short months once you have bloomed.

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   Don’t worry we’ll bring you a snack if you are good and grow nice and big. ” Brennan said to the tree, Ashley, and his ingenious trap. The men boarded their boat and were on their way back to Bay Pharm. .