A Wet Affair


"Bye, Can. "That was it. No I love you too, just bye and click. That's how it always was when Jimmy showed up. Candice couldn't possibly know for sure, but she suspected that this Jimmy was really a Jenny. He had never been shy about showing his feelings for her in the past, no matter who was around. But now there were just too many little things out of place. His reasons for staying at the construction site on the weekends never really seemed all that important to her. It didn't matter that the site was four hours away; he should come home, like the other guys did. Only the single guys stayed at the site on the weekends. Candice thought about how there always seemed to be a wall between her and the other men's wives. Since there were company parties every month, she had gotten to know some of them, but they never seemed comfortable talking to her. Candice wasn't stupid. And she wasn't given to jumping to conclusions easily. Candice decided right then and there that she couldn't deny the truth any longer. Jeff was cheating on her.

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   He had to be. Why else would he become so distant suddenly? She couldn't help the tears and sobbing that came, then. After all she had put into their marriage, how could he?A thought struck her then and her tears and sobs subsided. She was a strong woman; always had been. She wasn't going to let this ruin her life. But she wasn't going to let Jeff get away with it either. If he wouldn't give her what she needed, then she would just have to find it elsewhere. How could she do it though? Her tears came again. She would feel too guilty, even though Jeff could do it. She wasn't a vengeful person. But maybe he wasn't really. . . Well, one easy way to find out, she thought, finally resolving to do what she had been too afraid to do before. She dug out her company registry and called the one woman she knew who would tell her the truth.

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   Leslie and Candice never got along well. Leslie always seemed to be laughing at her whenever they made eye contact. Yes, Leslie would tell her the truth. Leslie answered her phone cheerily. "Hi, Leslie. . . This is Candice Wellington. If I ask you a question, will you give me an honest answer? This is really important. ""Oh. Candice. Hi. What would your question be, then?" Leslie said with that snobby tone she always seemed to use with Candice. "I need to know if my husband is cheating on me. " Candice blurted.

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   No use stalling. Yet, she couldn't stifle the choking sob that slipped out. There was silence on the phone. Then Candice was surprised to hear a sincere voice on the line. "Candice, I. . . Well, the guys talk and. . . Yeah, Candice. He's been cheating on you since December, maybe sooner. He wasn't real obvious about it, but one of the guys saw a woman in his room one night and-""I don't want to hear any more!" Candice shouted. "Why didn't anyone tell me? It's been six months! You all just thought I new and didn't care?""We didn't know how to tell you. We-""Never mind, Leslie.

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  " Candice took a deep breath. "Thank you for your honesty. Goodbye. "Candice hung up the phone feeling more angry than hurt. So many thoughts were coursing through her head. That night she couldn't sleep. All she could think about was Jeff and the other woman. She wondered what she lacked that this other woman seemed to have in abundance. She was only 35 and Candice Wellington considered herself a moderately good-looking woman. Not gorgeous, maybe, but pretty to say the least. Well, she had been called gorgeous on occasion, but she thought those people were just trying to be nice. All of the past men in her life had loved her tall 5' 10" frame. And Candice had always been proud of her body. It had a certain sleekness to it that she worked hard for. Jeff used to give her many compliments on her long, shapely legs.


   She had nice sized breasts at a 36 C. Those, at times, had men staring as a matter of fact. None of the men from her past had complained! And with her long honey-brown hair and matching eyes, she had turned a few heads. Another thing was that she always kept her pussy shaved. Jeff had told her he liked it, so she did it for him, but apparently that wasn't enough! She wouldn’t have thought for a second that sex was the problem. Candice knew that she drove Jeff crazy with the way she sucked his cock. It had always been a big thing in their relationship, oral sex. All of his past partners had never wanted to do it for him, but Candice was only too happy, since it just happened to be one of her favorite things to do to her husband, even though he usually didn‘t bother to return the favor. So why wasn't Jeff interested anymore? When she decided that she would drive herself crazy with all the why's and how's if she didn‘t try to push it out of her mind for a while, she finally fell asleep. It was a sleep filled with nightmares of her husband and the other woman laughing at her from their hotel bed. The next morning she awoke early feeling a whole lot better than she thought she should feel. Something nagging at the back of her mind just wouldn't let her focus completely on Jeff. She tried to ignore it and started her normal daily routine on the hot June day. Later that afternoon, when she couldn't stand the heat or thoughts of Jeff, her mind turned to their aboveground pool out back. It hadn't been cleaned for the summer yet and was looking pretty bad, so she decided to call a pool cleaning company.

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   After all, she had no idea how to handle a pool. Jeff had always taken care of that stuff. Before he got called to the hospital site, anyway. She was lucky enough to get an appointment for the next morning. One of the "pool techs," as the woman on the phone called them, would be coming out to test the pool and vacuum it. The company told her how to get a few chemicals into the pool and run it all night so it would be ready. Then the guy they were sending out would come back again later that day to take care of more chemicals to get the process started. Feeling like crap, Candice went to the kitchen and filled a bowl with chocolate ice cream and took it to the living room to watch TV. She did more thinking than watching, though, especially with that nagging thought suddenly pushing itself to the front of her mind. She got up to take care of the pool feeling better than she had all day. As Ben pulled up into Candice Wellington’s driveway, he couldn’t help feeling excited. He had been with Murray the day the Wellington’s had their pool set up a few years back when he was just a teenager. He instantly saw why all the men at the bar called her the most gorgeous woman in town. She was the one every single guy, and even some of the married men, fantasized about while jacking off. He doubted, though, that she would remember him.

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   Since then he had filled out into a pretty impressive and manly figure, if he did say so himself. He tried to remember that she was married as he gathered his “equipment” and made for the door. When she answered the door, the only thing that came to his mind was, “whoa. ” She looked, well honestly, pretty distressed. She looked like she’d been crying, but the visage looked somehow worse with the look of resolute determination she wore, as if she’d come to terms with something. “Um, hi, I’m Ben Walker. I’m here to take care of your pool… Is everything okay, Mrs. Wellington?” Ben asked cautiously. “Yes, hi, Ben. Please, do call me Candice, and don’t worry about me. Come on in… Have we met before?” Candice inquired. “Actually yeah, we have. I helped Murray set up your pool, what was it, four years ago? You have a good memory. ” Ben gave her his most winning smile. He always drove the girls crazy with that smirk.

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   They couldn’t resist him. He’d often won girls to his bed on that smile alone. Of course, after they’d seen what he had to offer in bed, they’d forgotten about his smile entirely. “Well, you certainly have changed… And for the better I might add. ” Candice said with a smirk of her own while looking him up and down. “You certainly are a handsome young man. ” She didn’t mention how sexy she thought he was. “Oh, Mrs. Wellington, don’t embarrass me now. ” Ben wasn’t at all embarrassed, but he didn’t want her to think he was hitting on her even though he really wanted to tear off her clothes and throw her onto the closest bed and fuck her like mad. No, couldn’t let her suspect that. He didn’t know what kind of man her husband was. “Well, Ben, let me show you to the pool, then. Would you like something to drink? I don’t know what you’re allowed to drink, but I have Coors Light in the fridge. ” Candice offered, questioningly.

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  “No beer for now since I‘m on the job. I’ll take an ice water, please. But later when I come back for the rest of the job, it will be the end of my day, so maybe then?” Ben knew he was taking a risk, but it WAS worth a try. “That sounds good to me, Ben. Just take that door there out to the back and I’ll be right there with your water. There‘s a switch to get the pool running on the electrical box on the side of the house. ” Candice pointed him in the right direction. She couldn’t help watching him walk towards the side of the house as an idea formed in her mind. Ben couldn’t believe his luck as he walked out back. She was actually going to have a drink with him. He thought about what Murray had told him one night at the bar. Rumors traveled fast in this small town, so he didn’t know if it was true, but some people seemed to think that Jeff Wellington was cheating on his wife. Ben didn’t believe it, himself. Why would any man want more than Candice Wellington? She was so hot, with those tits and-“Here you go Ben. ” Candice cut his thoughts short when she came outside.

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   “I put a slice of lemon in the ice. It makes the water so refreshing. ”“Thanks, Candice. Looking pretty green in here. ” Ben said about her pool, in no way missing that she had taken off the button up shirt she had been wearing over this other shirt. It was cut low with no back other than a few straps. It showed off her beautiful tits perfectly. “What? Oh, yeah, I know. With Jeff gone all the time, it’s been neglected. I just never learned how to take care of it. Maybe if he’d come home more than twice a month. . . ” the last she mumbled almost inaudibly. Almost.


  Ben was shocked. “Is it true then, Candice?” He asked her softly. Candice wrinkled her eyebrows. “Hmm? Oh, Ben. How did you know? How many people know? I would have to be the last one to find out wouldn’t I? The price of living in a small town, isn’t it?” Candice looked away. “Well, not the thing to talk about now, anyway. ”“If it helps, Candice, I think he’s the biggest fool on the planet. No good man could want any more than you. ” Ben wanted to help console her. Yeah, from behind, he thought wickedly. He felt guilty immediately. Even with all the fun he had on his own, he’d never cheat on the woman he would marry. Candice must be feeling like such crap. “That’s sweet of you Ben. While I can’t understand it myself, I’ve already come to terms with it and I know how I’m going to deal with it.

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   Anyway, what do you think about this pool. Can we clear it up quickly? How long will it take to get back to normal?”Ben turned back to the pool before she could see his questioning look. He didn‘t want to pry, after all. She should take her own time sorting things out. If only she wasn‘t so damn sexy. “Well, although it’s green, most of it is on the bottom, so the water is still pretty clear. After a good vacuum, it should be crystal clear and ready for a swim, if you put the other chemicals in it yesterday. I’ll show you how to add certain chemicals from time to time so that you can take care of that part. ” He finished setting up the vacuum and hopped up onto the ledge of the pool. “It would be a good idea to vacuum it regularly, so you can call us or buy your own stuff. Hey, could you flip the switch for me?”Candice laughed as she walked over to the switch. “Yeah, that’ll be the day. I’d fall in for sure. I think I’ll just call you from now on. Hey, Ben?”“Yeah?” Ben answered as he started sucking up the junk on the bottom of the pool.

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  “What time do you think you’ll be back tonight? I have some errands to run and I want to be sure to be home. ” Well, the truth of that depended on his answer, really. Tonight? She must know that none of the pool techs worked past 4:30. He decided to see where this would go. “Well, I think I should have all my work done by 6:00. You should have plenty of time. ” His eyes were on her as she answered. “Oh wow, 6:00? That’s pretty late. It sure cuts into your night. ”Ben shrugged. “Not much of a problem for a single guy, Candice. ”Candice couldn’t help getting butterflies at the way he said her name. It had been driving her crazy since he showed up when she had instantly picked up how he was trying hard to be polite and not oogle her. And she knew full well he’d finish with his work well before six. She had been right about him after all.

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   She dove in for the kill. “Well, you’ll be starving by then! Hey, no excuses now. You must stay for dinner tonight. And there’s still that drink we talked about earlier. ” Yes, her inhibitions were definitely dead and gone. Ben grinned. “No complaints here, Candice. I’d love to experience anything other than my own cooking. ”“Great, I’ll see you tonight, then. I’m going to go shopping now. You can leave by the side gate over by the electrical box. You can put the glass by the door before you go. See you later. ” Candice waved to him on her way into the house. “See you!” Ben called.

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   He couldn’t help grinning to himself. Part 2Candice couldn’t believe she’d actually done it, but now that she had, she felt fine with it. She wondered if Ben knew what was in store for him tonight. He seemed the kind of guy that might know, or at least have high hopes. Before she went to the grocery store, she took a little side trip to the mall. She needed something “pretty” to wear after all. And there was no way she was going to use anything Jeff had used her in. Today she was a new woman. On Jeff’s money, of course, she thought with a wicked grin. At Victoria’s Secret, she found the perfect get up almost immediately. It was actually made of leather. She had never bought anything quite this sexy. She knew Ben would drool over it. At home that night, Candice was just putting the finishing touches on an elegant dinner while Ben sat on a stool at the counter drinking a beer. She had on her sexiest dress and she knew he couldn’t keep his eyes off her.


   They were soon at the table drinking wine and digging into the food. “Candice… This is sooo good! This is the best steak I’ve ever had, seriously. ” Ben said between bites. “Thanks, Ben. I’ve perfected my grilling. ” Candice said with a slight blush and a giggle. Then she added, “Wait until you see what’s for dessert. ”Ben looked up wide-eyed. “You’re making it sound better than this steak. It must be pretty good; what is it?”“Oh no, it’s a surprise. You’ll just have to wait and see. ” Candice said mysteriously. “Ooohhh can’t wait. ” Ben said. During dinner Candice was surprised to find that her pussy was getting wet just thinking about the ensemble she had on under her dress and what was to become of that night.

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   Through the whole conversation both of their minds were on the events to come. Soon, dinner was finished and Candice led Ben outside, noticing the telltale bulge in the front of pants. She sat him on a comfortable chair and went to the stereo they had outside and turned on some really sexy music. Then she walked out to the middle of the patio and turned to face him. Ben raised an eyebrow at her. “Now, remember that dessert I was telling you about?” Candice asked Ben softly. “Yeah…” Ben said carefully, eyeing her up and down. “Well, it just happens to be under this here dress. Now, you do like your desserts hot, don’t you?”“Oh yes. But I also like ice cream on top, you know. ” Ben said jokingly. “Oh, don’t worry. The cooling off part comes later. ” Candice took a few steps closer to Ben as she began undoing the buttons on the low back of her dress. She watched his eyes follow it as it slipped to the floor, and as they quickly came back up to see what had been hidden beneath it.

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  Ben couldn’t hold in the gasp that escaped his throat. “You look… so hot, Candice. ” Ben said almost breathlessly. And she did. In a black leather top connected in the middle by only a few thin crisscrossing straps and a matching thong with black lace topped thigh high stockings and black heels, she was absolutely stunning. He couldn’t take his eyes off of her beautiful tits, perfectly cradled in the cups of her split-front leather camisole. Soon his hands would be the only things holding those perfect mounds up. Only until he could get to what that thong was currently hiding, though. “Don’t burn your tongue now, Babe. ” Candice continued to walk towards Ben with a lustful look in her eye. She stood Ben up only long enough to get his pants down far enough for her purposes and to unbutton his shirt. His cock was rock hard and she gasped as it sprang out in front of her. About 8 inched long and thick, it was a nice tool. “Hmm, I guess I better be the one to worry about burning my tongue. ”Ben smiled at her, glad he would be able to satisfy her where a certain someone obviously couldn’t.

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   He sat back, ready to enjoy himself until he could please her. He watched as Candice went to work on his cock. She started by grabbing it and licking the shaft from bottom to top, sliding her tongue around each side, and then the head. When she took him into her mouth, he moaned and closed his eyes. She started taking him deep into her mouth and then out, adding a slight suction. She brought her other hand up to play with his balls and also reached up to rub his chest. Ben let out another moan of pleasure. When she started to move her mouth faster, she made two fingers of the hand holding him into a ring around is shaft. When she started moving that ring up and down along with her mouth, Ben groaned. A few more minutes of this and he’d be cumming hard. Candice sensed Ben was getting close, so she came to a slow stop and stood up pulling Ben with her. She removed his clothes and brought him over to a lounge chair. Before she could tell him to sit, he pulled her down instead. “Now it’s my turn,” he said with a wink. Candice smiled and reclined back onto the chair.

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   Ben started kissing her legs from her knees up to her thighs. He ran his hands up the length of her and finally brought them to her breasts. Candice moaned as Ben started to unhook the clasps to the straps crisscrossing her front while massaging her beautiful tits through the leather. As the last clasp popped open, the camisole snapped open to reveal the two precious mounds Ben had had his mind on. He kissed up her stomach and ran his tongue around her right breast in an ever-narrowing spiral until he came to her large nipple. He tentatively took her already hard nipple into his mouth and began to tongue is lightly. With Candice’s sighs of pleasure, Ben started to suck on her nipple until it was sticking straight out. He then moved to her other side starting again with the spiral. By now Candice was already starting to get lost in the erotic pleasure she was experiencing. Being with Ben felt so good and knowing that it was wrong only made it better for her. When she unexpectedly felt Ben’s finger slide along her pussy against her thong, she drew in a sharp breath, followed by a moan. “Mmmmm, Ben. You’re making me feel so good. ” Candice whispered. “Oh, but the pleasure is mine,” Ben told her as he brought his hands down to her hips.

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   He slowly slid her thong down off her body and removed it to the side. He sat her up and finished removing her camisole and set it next to the former on the floor next to their chair. Candice could see the hunger in Ben’s eyes as they took in the length of her nakedness. He ran his hands up and down her body, reveling in the feel of her soft skin. When Candice laid her head back and closed her eyes, Ben spread her legs to each side of their lounge chair and leaned down, running his tongue along each of her inner thighs and then up along the outer lips of her pussy. He knew Candice was aching for him to put his tongue inside her by now. As his tongue finally slipped inside of her pussy, Candice couldn’t keep the words from her lips, “Oh yeah, Ben. That’s so nice. ” His tongue doing a slow up and down motion momentarily brushing against her clit was driving her crazy. She writhed with pleasure on the chair. Ben slipped his tongue in and out of her wet hole until she was moving to meet his tongue. Then he licked up again to her clit and started circling it, sending waves of ecstasy through Candice’s body. He nibbled and sucked on her button until he could tell that she was ready for his cock. He met her eyes as he brought his hips close to hers. The longing in her eyes almost caused him to ram her deeply, but he forced himself to take it slow.


   Taking it slow always built the wonderful feelings up to such a greater climax than when rushing it did. As he slowly slid his throbbing dick inside her hot pussy, Candice moaned loudly and brought her hands up to caress his legs, hips, and stomach. She couldn’t believe how nice Ben’s cock felt inside of her. So much better than her husband’s she thought with a small giggle to herself. “What’s funny?” Ben asked with a smile as he began to slowly move in and out inside of her. “Mmmmm, I was just thinking about how you’re such a better lover than my husband. He never took the time to enjoy it, or make sure I enjoyed it, for that matter. But you, Ben, ummmmm, you are so wonderful. I can’t believe how good you’re making me feel, fucking me so slow like that. I’ve never felt anything like this before. ”“Well, Candice, I’m glad I can make you feel so good where no one else can,” Ben said, sincerely. After a few more long strokes, he picked up his speed just a little until they were both panting for the need of release. He slowly pulled out and told her to flip over onto her hands and knees. When she did, he took a moment to savor the vision of her perfect ass there in front of him. He couldn’t take his hands off of her.

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   “Candice, you have just the most perfect body. Your ass is so beautiful. I can’t keep my hands off of you!” Ben said as he positioned himself behind her and slowly entered her shining pussy again. “And just think, Ben. It’s all yours for the taking, tonight. You can have whatever you want. ” Candice replied quietly. Ben indulged in the feelings he was getting from Candice. As he began picking up his speed again, this time from behind, he reached around and took one of her tits in his hand, pinching and rolling her nipple between his finger and thumb. When Candice’s moans became louder and closer together, he knew she was about to cum. He started pumping into and out her pussy faster and harder, sending her over the edge. Her body trembled as she cried out in the ecstasy of her orgasm. The way her pussy tightened up around his cock was quickly taking him over the edge as well. “Candice, I’m going to cum,” he told her as he forced himself to hold back just a little bit longer. She quickly pulled herself off of him and offered her mouth to his pulsing member.

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   He came almost immediately, covering her lips and tits with his cum. As he came down from his orgasm, Candice ran her tongue around his cock to lick clean the few droplets that had run down it, then licked the rest of the cum off her lips. “Now it’s time for cooling off, just like you wanted,” she said furtively, rising to take him to the pool. “Oh, great idea!” Ben said excitedly, following her into the pool. They swam together for a while, holding each other more often than not with Ben still wanting to have his hands all over Candice’s body. After a little while, Ben asked, “Ready for some more fun?”Candice winked at him as she swam over. “You bet. ” she said. They would have a great deal more fun before this night was over. .
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