Coming Home


“Shaun!” she shouted as she ran towards me, “God, I missed you so much!” The tears ran freely down her face as she flung herself unashamedly into my arms, almost toppling us over. “How’s my Chubby-cheeks,” I greeted, calling her by the name I had given her the last time I saw her. Clicking her tongue with indignation, she pulled away and punched my shoulder playfully, “Hey, cheeky, I am not fat anymore!” “I can definitely see that,” I stepped away and scanned her slowly from top to bottom, “you sure have turned into a sexy little crumpet. Did you go on a hunger-strike?”“Yeah, something like that…where’s your luggage?” she asked quickly as her face turned crimson. “I don’t have any, no time to pack. I will have to use your toothbrush,” I said and headed for the exit with my arm around her shoulders. Stabbing my stomach with her finger, she said teasingly, “Don’t worry, I am sure I can find some of my stuff that’ll fit you just fine. ”During our fifteen-minute drive home, we spoke mainly of school, studies, and our future. On arrival, Ingrid fetched a couple of cold Bud’s and sat down next to me with her shapely legs stretching languidly out of a pair of yellow, tight-fitting shorts. ‘How she has shaped up,’ I thought silently. Her small, yet rounded breasts pushed angrily at the tight fitting shirt. I tried to ignore the heated pressure stirring somewhere in my nether regions. ‘If you weren’t my sister…’ “So,” she drew me back to reality, “how is your social life?”“Ha,” I croaked, “absolutely non-existent. I am too busy studying, I’m afraid. What about you?”“Nothing much, just fighting to maintain my maiden-hood. Too much testosterone floating around school,” she said with a wink, “Since I’ve lost weight, every prick-carrying pimpled-face idiot has been chasing after me.

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   I wasn’t good enough when I was overweight. Samantha warned me this will happen. “So the two of you get along?” I asked. “Yeah, sure we do. Obviously, I was jealous in the beginning and acted like a real bitch. She was patient and finally we clicked and became very good friend. Ingrid started to fill me in on how Samantha supported her, how she helped her cope with her weight problem, and most importantly, how to overcome it. She made her look inside herself, helping her to discover her inner beauty. For Ingrid it was great. She could share her thoughts and feeling with Samantha and get advice on just about anything. As far as Dad was concerned, he was ecstatic. No longer did he have to carry the burden of playing ‘mother’. Ingrid explained how lonely and scared she felt in the beginning. She lacked concentration in her schoolwork; she couldn’t sleep with the lights off and mostly cried herself to sleep. Dad tried to comfort her, even allowing her to sleep next to him in bed.

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   Often Ingrid will wake-up and find herself clinging to him, having her arms and legs wrapped so tightly around him, that she could feel herself covered with sweat, plagued by this strange feeling of dark desires flowing through her young awakening body. Once, during a very hot and humid summer night, she decided to sleep in just a pair of panties and a half cropped t-shirt. Nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary as it didn’t really matter whether dad saw her naked or not. She never thought anything sinister about seeing dad in only his boxer shorts. Later that night, she woke up and found herself with her arms across his chest and her one leg wrapped around his. The sensation brought forth of his muscular thigh pressing against her crotch, sent a tingling sensation through her body. She sensed her nipples were achingly hard and sensitive, somehow connected to the glowing sensation between her legs. At first, she couldn’t understand it, even though she felt mixed emotions ranging from fear, excitement and guilt. Still she did not want to let go. She felt the sensation increased whenever she pushed her crotch against his thigh. She hesitantly slid her one hand into her shirt and touched her erect nipple with the tip of her finger, pushing it from side to side. The more she did that, the more the heat she felt growing in her crotch. She wanted more, she wanted to rub herself against her dad’s muscular thigh, and she wanted to feel the friction of his flesh against her flesh. She felt him stir and heard a grumbling. Too nervous to continue, she turned onto her back, replacing dad’s thigh with her hand.

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   First over her panty, she dipped her fingers between her legs, feeling the dampness, which she couldn’t understand where it came from. She slid her hand through her waistband and pried the silky cloth from her slit. At first, she hesitated, and then she started to explore herself, feeling her fluids spreading more and more around her lips. Her fingers worked by themselves, spreading her pussy lips apart, stroking herself gently. She started manipulating her stiff pebbles, rolling and squeezing them painfully. It wasn’t until her fingers found a tiny little nub, when she felt a thousand electrifying ripples shooting through her body. Her breathing was ragged; her hips were pushing upwards until her whole body shook uncontrollably. ‘Wow, this was her first ever orgasm!’ she thought proudly. She knew she had come across something new, a new discovery that she just had to explore further. Sleeping next to dad became less frequent, allowing her to indulge in her newfound pleasure. She didn’t care whether it was bad or not. What mattered was that it was her little secret. Ingrid decided to educate herself by surfing the websites. God, and was she surprised and shocked. She had so many questions to ask, but to whom, dad? Never, she didn’t have the guts to ask such intimate questions! How can she ask why a woman would want a penis in her vagina, her mouth, and even her bottom? Her solution came when dad introduced her to Samantha.

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   Samantha had been divorced for five years. She was very beautiful with her long, wild red hair and green eyes. At the age of 30, her body was strong, firm, and as supple as that of a young teenager. She had a great laugh and very warm personality. It only took Ingrid a couple of weeks to confide in her, to feel that she could trust her as she would a mother. Samantha explained it all to her and kept on reminding her that there is nothing wrong having these feelings. She made sure Ingrid understood that indulging in any form of sexual pleasure was accepted as long as it didn’t hurt anyone. She also told her that it would be better to wait for the right person of her choice, someone that she could trust and that that person will not use and abuse her later in life. The last thing that she would want, Ingrid, is getting a bad reputation by a bunch of idiots with little or no knowledge about sex or sexuality. Samantha helped her to understand her body; she helped her to loose weight by following a sensible diet regime. Once, they even got naked in the bathroom where they examined each other from a distance. Ingrid never followed up on it, but Samantha offered to ‘help’ her out if she needed something more than just her own hand. Ingrid now knew where she could find a vibrator if ever the need for one was demanded. “My goodness Ingrid, I never would have guessed that you became so…educated. This was far more details I expected, but thanks for trusting me.

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   It really means a lot to me. ” I caught Ingrid staring at my crotch and realized that I sat there with a huge hard-on. I quickly tried to cover it by resting my hands with the Bud on top of it. Ingrid scuffled her feet uncomfortably, “Well, I only told you because I trust you. I’ll run your bath water for you. You are probably dead tired by now. I have some stuff that might fit you. All your old stuff had been donated to charity, I’m afraid. ” Before I could comment, she stood up and made her way to the bathroom. I stared in awe as she skipped across the room towards the hall. “And don’t stare at my ass,” she shouted back. I felt my own face flushing bright red. ‘God, you have turned into a damn pervert’, I scolded myself. I downed the beer and fetched another one. After a couple of minutes, Ingrid returned with a toothbrush and large terrycloth towel in her hands.

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  “These are for you. I will put your clothes in the washing machine later. I also found one of your old football shirts, which should still fit you. I know you don’t sleep naked, so I have left you a pair of my old pants. Unfortunately, dad doesn’t have any clean boxers in his drawers. ” I am almost sure I saw a devilish glint in her eyes. I felt myself burning up all over again as a long-time-ago-incident flashed before my eyes. A couple of years ago, Ingrid caught me red-handed in the bathroom with one of her panties stuck to my face. As much as I pleaded with her not to tell anyone, she still ran her mouth off in the presence of both our parents. For that, I received a two-hour lecture about the birds and the bees as seen through the eyes of an adult. Ingrid taunted me about that for years to come and always tried to find out why we find the smell of a woman so appealing. “Come on Shaun, your bath is ready,” she interrupted me. “Thanks Sis, I’ve been looking forward to it,” I stood up and made my way to the bathroom. I quickly got undressed and sank into the steaming hot water. I noted there was enough foam to extinguish a house-fire.

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   Nicely folded on the toilet seat, was an old college shirt. On top of it, laid what seemed to be a pair of red silk panties. A knock on the door alerted me to Ingrid’s presence, “Cover up, Shaun- mind if I come in? I want your clothes. ”“Sure Ingrid, just remove my wallet. Thanks very much, I owe you. ”“Anything for my brother,” she said coyly and picked up my clothes. Her next action almost caused my eyes to pop out as she took hold of my bikini-type underwear and held them over her nose. “Ah,” she said with a deep breath, “now we are even. ” She started to laugh uncontrollably at my bemused expression, holding her stomach and sliding to the floor. “Your face…you should see your face! Shaun, you look so funny!”“It’s okay, make fun of a man which is incapacitated,” I scowled and sunk sulkily deeper into the water. “I’m…teasing you, she continued giggling. “I know, and when I get out of here, it will be the end of you,” I warned and splashed her with water. “Okay, stop it. I’m sorry, I couldn’t resist. Here, let me wash your back.

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  ” I sat forward, ensuring that enough foam was covering my slow expanding member, “That’ll be great, Ingrid. Just maybe I will forgive you. ”She picked up a sponge and coated it with some shower gel. “Oh-no, please, I was almost looking forward to it,” she said teasingly as she started to scrub from the neck down to my butt, “I really missed you over the last year. I miss the fun we used to have. ” Ingrid washed gently across my back and under my arms and gently, sending a light shiver through my body. “I know, me too sis, I often used to think about it. ”She pushed lightly against my shoulder, motioning me to lay back. Applying more soapy liquid to the sponge, she carefully washed my face and neck. For some reason, it became quiet, only the gentle sound of dripping water was audible. I battled to keep my eyes opened because of the soap, but managed to peak towards my crotch. The amount of foam had dispersed quite rapidly and a faint hint of swollen flesh was visible. Before I could do anything, I felt Ingrid’s hand moving in light circles across my chest, eliciting further excited signals to my crotch. Was she deliberately playing with me?Slowly and in light circles, she brushed the sponge across my nipples. I felt a familiar stirring between my legs.

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   I prayed silently that there was enough foam to keep me covered. “Even as your sister I must admit, you really have such a nice body,” her voice sounded unevenly while she continued to slide the sponge lower and lower. “Thanks Ingrid, I try to work-out as much as possible,” I croaked. Her hand inched closer and closer towards my crotch, each time, stopping just short of a full-blown erection lying snugly against my stomach. I sighed with relieve when she took hold of one of my arms, continuing her task. This never happened before. In the past, we might have caught a glimpse every so often, wearing either only our underwear or a flash of naked flesh when one of us were in the bathroom, but it never mattered that much. Never had we ever been so close, so intimate with each other. Somehow, it felt so normal, although, I felt mixed feelings of guilt and perverted pleasure, enjoying every second of this situation. I managed to open my eyes slowly. Ingrid had to bend down quite low from where she was standing which caused her breasts to dangle freely. I caught a glimpse of her rounded, milky-white breasts, straining against the thin material. The unmistaken sign of two little peaks were fully visible through her shirt. “Stop staring at my tits,” she scolded without stopping. “There is nothing wrong in admiring you, Ingrid.

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   You really have developed into a beautiful woman. ” “You are doing more than just ‘admiring’ me,” she said and motioned with her head towards my crotch. “Oops, sorry, I didn’t realize,” I quickly covered my erection with both hands. Her flushed face was so close to mine. I could smell the shampoo in her hair as she busied herself with my other arm. The tip of her pink tongue ran nervously across her dry lips, “No hassle ‘bro’, it is not the first time I’ve seen one. They all look the same anyway. Yours is just…,” she stood back slightly and removed my hands, “slightly bigger,” and continued washing. “What!” I almost shouted, “Are you trying to tell me that you’ve had sex before?”“No, that’s not what I am saying,” she answered indignantly. “I have seen some in books and once in a video. Oh, and I have seen dad’s. ”“When…what?” I stuttered. “Relax, just something that happened sometime ago. I’ll tell you later, but it might be too shocking for you. Anyway, I am finished now.


   You can do the rest. ” Ingrid hurriedly scurried out of the bathroom. ‘Fuck! What’s been going on here while I’ve been gone?’ I quickly completed my bath and pulled the plug. Once I dried off, I pulled the shirt over my head and was glad it reached at least mid-thigh. Habitually, I sniffed Ingrid’s panty and pulled them on. ‘Mm, not a bad fit, she has lost a lot of weight. ’ I found Ingrid in the kitchen busy to make a light meal. The washing machine hummed rhythmically in the background. “Can you tell me now what happened, Ingrid?” I prodded. Ingrid avoided eye contact at first, and then she started speaking softly, “Shaun, it’s not what you think it is. Dad doesn’t even know. I told you it was by pure accident only, so don’t worry. If you eat up, I will tell you the full story later. Come-on, sit down. ”“Why not now,” I kept prodding.

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  “I’m too shy and you might think I am a sick bitch. ”“Now that sounds interesting. Okay, I’ll let it go, but you promise to tell me later?”I promise,” she made a cross on her chest. I was so tired I could barely keep my eyes open. Ingrid was still busy in the bathroom when I made my way to my old room and flopped on the bed. It felt as if I have just dozed off when I heard my name called in the distant. “Shaun, are you sleeping?” Ingrid asked softly. I opened my eyes slightly, keeping them screwed to avoid the bright glow of the bedside lamp. “No, not yet,” I lied, “but almost. ” My eyes adjusted to the light and I looked over towards Ingrid approaching the bed. I stared in wonder at her shapely figure, covered by a powder-blue night-slip. Two thin shoulder straps held the slip up, clinging sensuously against her body and hung halfway to her thighs. With each stride, I could see the outline of her panty and the prominent bulge of her mound. The gentle sway of her firm apple-sized breasts with their pee-sized nipples was not to be missed either. “I’m sorry if I woke you up.

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   I know you’re tired, but I am so happy you’re back. I couldn’t sleep. ” I shifted so that Ingrid could sit next to me. “I understand, sis, I am not that tired, besides, I still want to hear about your previous escapades. ”She laughed, “Oh yes, but how does my panty fit you?”“Fine thanks,” I said. “May I take a look?” A smile spread across her face. “Sure, if you want to so badly,” I tried to sound nonchalantly. She suddenly straddled my thighs and drew the hem of my shirt up to my waist. “Mm, it fits you better than me. You look a lot sexier in it. ” Absentmindedly, she touched the material stretched across my pelvis. Her eyes were fixated on the shape of my penis etched clearly underneath the shiny material. Still, she kept on stroking, licking her dry lips rapidly. A voice screamed loudly in my ears. She acted so differently since the last time I came home.

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   One part of me said no, the other, yelled ‘excitement and danger’. Deep inside I knew everything that have happened so far, had been beyond normal. I knew it would be a waste of time to debate whether I should ride it out or not. I knew which alley I wanted to choose. “So, are you going to tell me now?” I asked trying hard to ignore the effect her fingertips has on my body. “Yeah,” she said distantly, “but, promise me you won’t think badly of me?”“Hell no, I promise,” I crossed my chest. Still she kept on stroking, dragging her nails lightly across the softness next to my pelvic bone. I felt a surge of electricity flowing through me. My heart pounded, as she got closer to my slow expanding cock, barely a hairbreadth away. “Well, it was another one of those nights I found difficulty in sleeping. I needed to feel warm and safe. I felt scared and alone, so I crept into bed with dad again. Anyway, I wore almost exactly, what I have on now. Dad wore his normal boxers. He said he enjoyed the freedom they gave him…”“Can I see what you’ve got on?” I asked softly.

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  Ingrid hesitated for a moment, but continued to lift the hem of her slip up to her waist. She resumed her feather-light stroking around my hardened cock. I stared with excitement across my bulging manhood at her matching powder-blue panties. As if it was the most natural thing to do, I reached out and touched her, feeling the smoothness of the material. Just how far we were prepared to go, I didn’t know. I saw her shiver slightly and noticed the goose bumps that formed on her thighs. “Carry on,” I offered. “On this night dad had too much to drink and passed out on the bed. He still had his clothes on, which I helped him to remove. He kept on calling Mom’s name, but finally he fell asleep. Somehow, during the night I found him spooning very close to me. I mean closer than usual. It was quite hot and I tried to move away from him. He was in a very deep sleep and snoring like a bear. ”“Yeah, I’ve heard him before,” The idea of spooning with my sister, my cock resting between her soft cheeks caused my cock to swell to its limit.

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   I sensed that the head was peaking inquisitively through the waistband. Ingrid was unperturbed by this and just continued her caresses, sometimes, brushing briefly along my shaft. “The fact is, he had his hand stuck inside my panty with his fingers over my…um,” she started to stammer. “Pussy…?” I helped her out. Ingrid sighed and shifted her crotch closer to my own, “Yeah, he had his fingers lying over my pussy. I was nervous at first, but they were just resting there. It felt so strange, but I must admit, the longer they remained there, the more comforting it felt. After all, he probably had no idea what he was doing; he really was out of it. ”“I can see why. He probably thought that you were mom, but by saying comforting, do you mean exciting?” I traced my fingers along the elastic band in the crease of her thigh, feeling the fine pubic hair of her overgrown bush. “Yes,” she sighed again, wetting her lips with her tongue. “I started to feel a really warm sensation spreading to the centre of my stomach. I felt so hot, yet guilty. It was as if every nerve in my body was on fire. I was starting to get…you know, moist.

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  ”“You mean, horny and wet?” I ran my fingers slowly back and forth along the top of her. Surreptitiously, Ingrid opened her leg wider, brushing her crotch against my balls. “Yes! I was horny as hell and became sopping wet. I could smell the scent of my juices filling the room. ” Ingrid ran her fingers along my shaft to my balls. “Were you as wet as you are now,” I asked unsteadily and brushed my fingers against her weeping crotch. “Yes, as wet as I am now,” She pushed her hips forward searching for my hand. “That’s nothing yet. I felt his hard cock pressed between my cheeks. I knew it was wrong, but I reached behind my back and unbuttoned his fly. ”“You didn’t!” I said with mocked exasperation. Ingrid placed her small hand firmly over my cock and squeezed hard, “Yes I did and I slid my hand inside and took his length in my hand. He was so big, just like yours. He stirred slightly, but didn’t wake up. While I continued stroking him, I manipulated his fingers across my sensitive clit.

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  ”“You mean, you were stroking dad’s cock and masturbating yourself with his fingers without him waking up?” I slid my fingers of one hand inside the waistband of her panty and caressed her bushy mound above her slit. Her hips jutted forward as I trailed a finger across her swollen clit. “Yes!” she gasped again and stretched the waistband downwards, grabbing hold of my throbbing cock. “I stroked him like this and used his fingers the way you are using yours. I felt so damned horny, but I wanted to feel his cock! I wanted to feel his cock against my pussy!”“You mean you…,” I trembled as she rotated her thumb over my head. “No, not completely, it wasn’t enough. I wanted to see more. I wanted to see his big fat cock and feel it against my lips. I released him and removed his hand, and then I slid my panties down and straddled him just as I am sitting right now. ”“Do you want to take…them off. I mean…to get naked now?” Her hand never seized stoking my cock. “Yes…I would like to. If you’re okay with it,” she whispered softly and gave a final squeeze around my solid cock before dismounting me. Ingrid took hold of my pants and dragged them slowly across my legs, and flung them across the room. She stared at me briefly and reached for the hem of her slip, which she pulled up slowly until she was free.

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   Her pinkie-thick nipples made her breasts look much larger against the shadowy light. My eyes followed the path from her firm mounds, past her now flat stomach, down to her thighs. Even though her feet were together, I could probably fit at least four fingers below her hanging mound. She licked her lips erotically as she started to pull her panties past her hips. She stopped for a brief moment, allowing me to see how they clung to her lubricated lips, and then pulled them completely free. Once naked, she stepped back onto the bed and straddled my waist so that her blonde hairy mound floated a couple of inches above my excited cock. I slid my hands up her thighs towards her mound. Before I can reach it, she stopped me. “Let’s take it slow, Shaun. I don’t want to rush it. I want it to be special. Please, let me control it. I am a little nervous, but I promise you, giving me time, you won’t be disappointed. ” Her eyes were almost begging, and then a glint of lust and passion filled them, “We have the whole weekend, let’s take our time. ” Before I could respond, Ingrid leant forward, scouring her nipples against my hairless chest, keeping her eyes locked to mine, searching, and dissecting what’s hidden deeply within them.

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   She opened her mouth slightly and brushed them lightly against mine. “Oh Shaun, I want you so badly, I dreamt about this every day,” she moaned before pushing her tongue between my lips. I groaned and pulled her hard to my chest, sucking lightly on her snaking tongue, exploring hers with mine. My cock jumped as a cool drop of her moisture dripped on my balls. I felt her lowering her hips, getting closer to my lurching shaft. The unmistaken caress of her long moist bush caused my hips to thrust upwards, begging to feel her heated flesh. I felt my mind go numb as she sank down slowly, feeling her puffy lips engulfing my solid rod. “Don’t move, brother! Please don’t move!” Ingrid gasped, “Let’s stay like this for just a while. It feels so good. ”“God, you’re killing me, my horny virgin sister,” I wailed. “Is this what you’ve done to dad?” “Yes, I did,” she rasped, “Once I lowered myself on top of him, I pressed his cock against my pussy-lips and onto my clit. He still didn’t wake up and I started to ride against his big cock! It felt so good when it slid across my clit, but I couldn’t kiss him!” Ingrid started to kiss me warmly, her body crushed tightly against mine. I ran my hands down her back and pulled against her bottom cheeks. She ground her cunt rhythmically against my cock, enjoying the friction of my shaft sliding back and forth between her lubricated lips. She shook briefly when I traced a finger past her anus.

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   This encouraged her to quicken her rhythm, crushing her sensitive clit against my cock. I felt her juices running over my balls and anus. Faster we drove against each other, sucking the air greedily from each other. A deep guttural moan burst from within her as a powerful orgasm engulfed of her body. “I’m coming Shaun…I’m…coming!” she grunted. She rocked back so hard, the bed started banging loudly against the wall. The sight of her orgasm pushed me to the edge. I felt the pressure building up inside my balls. “I’m coming too sis, me too! Oh Ingrid…!” Another loud grunt filled the room as grabbed hold of her flesh and forcefully rocked her against my cock. A string of semen spewed warmly between our torsos, mixing with our sweat. For a while, none of us dared to move. We just laid there, our bodies trembling, each of us busy with our own thoughts. “Oh my god, that felt so good,” Ingrid said finally, “I am glad you’re not drunk or asleep. ” She kissed me deeply and wriggled her hips. “Don’t you worry, I am glad as well,” I hugged her closer; “This has been a very new experience to me.


   Sex without penetration isn’t that bad after all. ” Ingrid lifted her head and look into my eyes, “Well, I wouldn’t know, yet. I do hope not for long though. ” She bent down and kissed me again, “Better go to sleep, Shaun. ” She slid over to her side and switched the bedside light off. Her arms and legs snaked around my body and soon we drifted off to darkness, satisfied. Sometime during the night, I found us lying in a spoon position with my cock nestled warmly between her thighs. I dreamily cupped her breast and kissed her neck softly before drifting back to sleep. * * *Part 2It was quite late in the morning when I woke up to a gentle kiss. When I opened my eyes, I saw Ingrid hovering above me with a towel wrapped around her head and body. “Morning sleepy-head, time to rise and shine,” she said cheerfully, “Have a shower and come down for breakfast. ” Ingrid pinched my nose and walked towards the door, “Oh,” she hesitated, “and don’t get rid of that monster. ”I stared at my waist and saw my hard cock covered in a flaky residue, evidence that last night really happened. I jumped up and went to the bathroom. The shower still ran and the mirrors were all misted up.

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   I stepped under the water and started to soap my body. I jumped as I felt Ingrid’s arms circling me from behind. “I thought, just maybe you need some help,” she giggled and took hold of my cock. “You bet,” I said excitedly and rested my hands against the tiled wall. She released me briefly to pour some liquid gel into her hand and wrapped her hand around my cock. Slowly she started stroking her hand over my shaft. I groaned again, when I felt her other hand slipping between my thighs to cradle my balls. Slowly and gently, she massaged my rod while squeezing my balls. Without loosing a stroke, she knelt down and ran her tongue across my clenching cheeks. “God- Ingrid, what are you doing to me,” I moaned. “Something I wanted to do to you a long time ago. I dreamt about this everyday, you know?” She released my balls and ran a finger across my anus, testing, probing gently. “Turn around, Shaun. ”I turned around as she asked with my cock still in her hand, and leaned against the slippery tiles. “You have such a big cock; I want to suck it until you can’t stand it no more,” she hissed.

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   Her other hand snaked back between my legs to massage my sack. “Do you want me to suck you?” she prompted as she inched a fingertip into anus. “Yes! Yes, suck me, please!” I gasped. While she kept her fingertip working in my anus, she licked my swollen head, swirling her tongue rapidly around the edge. I felt so close to coming, I had to bang my head against the wall to keep control. Slowly she took me into her mouth, sucking gently as her tongue wriggled back and forth. My hips jerked forward out of its own, forcing her to take more of me. Rhythmically, she started to bob her head up and down, together with the stroking of her hand. Each time she came up, her finger would dip deeper into my anus, bringing forth unbearable pleasure. Soon she took me deep into her mouth, sucking harder and faster. I knew it was futile to try to hold back. Before I knew, my cock ruptured explosively inside her mouth. She kept on swallowing; some ran out of the corners of her mouth where it collected on her chin. My legs trembled weakly as she sucked the last drop from my cock. “Wow, that was so tasty,” she grinned and wiped the cloudy liquid of her chin, “I never knew a person can cum so much.

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  ”I pulled her up and kissed her hard, tasting the saltiness of my semen inside her mouth. “That was so good, my little cock-sucking sister. Now I am going to do what I fantasized all along. ” I pushed her facing against the tiles. Ingrid squirmed against the wall when I sucked the back of her neck, pushing her buttocks out against my hips. “What are you going to do to me?” she asked excitedly. Cupping her breasts firmly, I whispered, “My little darling sister today is the day that you will realize what real pleasure is. Today you will become a woman” I sucked softly on her earlobe and squeezed her breasts. Ingrid squealed loudly when I squeezed her nipples. I licked and sucked the flesh along her spine, sinking lower and lower to my knees until I reached her firm white cheeks. “Spread your legs, baby. Let your brother see what you have to offer. ” Ingrid trembled violently and spread her legs wider; her knuckles were white as she held on to the wall-mounted soap-dish and the faucet for support, jutting her arse out lewdly. “Oh my god!” she cried as I nibbled the slippery flesh of her cheeks. Her pouted hairy-lips hung proudly between her widened thighs.

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   My cock rose instantly as I inhaled the distinctive, sweet, muskiness of her expelled womanly-juices. Her head swung uncontrollably when I cupped her hairy-mound. She bucked erratically as I ran my tongue along the cleft of her arse, teasing the rim lightly around her puckered anus. Her buttocks clenched and unclenched in confusion by this unknown sensation she’d never experienced before. She felt a tight throbbing deep inside her pussy, begging for release. “What are you doing to me, Shaun!” she wailed again as I probed her anus with my tongue. Her hips rocked back and forth, try to force her virgin lips against my palm. Gently, I circled her swollen clit with my fingers, pushing my tongue deeper and deeper into her anus. “Oh, god yes! Faster please, faster!” she moaned. She held on with one hand while she squeezed her nipples with the other. I worked my tongue faster inside her anus as I increased the speed against her clit. Ingrid stiffened briefly when I probed the entrance to her vagina. I continued my onslaught inside her anus and against her throbbing clit. Deeper my thumb went, until it could go no more. She bucked desperately, feeling the unbearable invasion in both orifices, igniting every pleasurable nerve throughout her taught body.

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   Her body was about to explode, but she wanted more; she craved for more. Whatever it is, she wanted it strong and hard. She didn’t care if it was painful; she wanted pain!“Shaun…fuck me! I want you to…fuck me! Now…please…I want to feel your cock inside of me!” I stood up and positioned myself behind her jutted hips. Grabbing my cock, I ran it between her soaking lips. With slight pressure, I placed my swollen head against the entrance of her vagina. Ingrid pushed back carefully, feeling her lips stretching against my thick head. Gently, I pushed forward. She gasped as my mushroomed head slid past the narrow entrance. Slowly and gently, she started to rotate her hips, pushing back more and more. She felt so completely filled up. Her thoughts ran wild with the visions of her brother’s big fat cock inside of her, stretching the walls of her cunt to the limit. She felt his head pushing against her hymen. “Oh, my dearest brothers, almost there, just wait a second…almost there,” she gasped. “Take me Shaun! Take me now!” she demanded. With a controlled lunge, I slid into her, tearing the thin membrane within her hot contracting tunnel.

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   Ingrid cried out loudly, clamping the walls of her cunt against my shaft. A trickle of blood ran down her thighs, mixing with the shower water. The brief searing pain was rapidly replaced by another sensation, an emotion she’d never experienced before. The knowledge of her brother’s big cock inside her cunt made her feel delirious. Slowly, she started to rotate her hips, feeling the electrifying friction running amok deep inside her womb. I pulled my cock out slowly with my head barely inside her. My own body shook uncontrollably as I slid into her tight cunt. The walls of her cunt gripped against my shaft, sucking against it as I pulled back again. In a slow rhythm, I reamed my rod inside of her, making circular motions with my hips to get her accustomed to thick cock. Every fifth time, I would pull out and plunge into her, making her squeal above the sound of the cascading water. I felt my head spin as I tried to keep myself from blowing my load. “Don’t wait, Shaun! You can fuck me now! Fuck your little sister’s tight cunt! Come-on, fuck me harder!” she shouted excitedly. I started ramming her with increased force, plunging my cock up to the hilt against her, my balls slapping audibly against her clit. I felt an impending pressure surging from my cock to my arse and grabbed onto the flesh of her hips, pulling her with force against me, impaling her on my shaft. “Yes! Fuck me Shaun, fuck me good!” Ingrid found her clit and rubbed it feverishly.

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   Her legs shook uncontrollably at the force of being fucked. She could barely stay standing from the sensation it brought forth within her core. She felt a raging storm building up from deep inside her womb, growing strongly as it reached saturation point. Her head flung back when she felt a finger slipping into her anus, causing her to erupt explosively. She heard a scream, long and unnaturally; her body shook as waves of muscle seizures rendered her paralyzed, leaving her unable to move or breathe. I felt Ingrid’s cunt walls gripping me like a vice. She arched her back, lifting her waist higher in the air with her shoulders lowered. I pumped into her rapidly and eased my thumb into her anus. She started to scream. I knew my cock was sliding over her g-spot. The feeling of her tightness engulfing my cock brought me to the peak of my own climax. I felt my cock pulsate, once, twice, and then a volcanic eruption took over my body, spewing forth my hot lava into the depths of her tunnel. It took all my will to keep on pumping. Ingrid, unable to hold herself up, had placed her hands on the ground to support her weakened body. Another orgasm shook her as she felt a warm liquid coating the inside of her cunt.

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   Finally, we sank to our knees and for a long time, we remained where we were, both resting and trembling sporadically while the water washed over our spent bodies. “What the fuck is going on here!” I jerked my head to the side and felt my heart skip a couple of beats. With her hands on her hips, I stared at the shocked face of the most beautiful redhead I’ve ever seen. “Oh shit…Samantha!” I heard Ingrid’s surprised voice. To be continued…More Taboo Incest Hardcore AtREAL INCEST&INCEST CARTOONS&INCEST THEATER.
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