Corrine --An Erotic and Lusting Woman----Chapter 2


Topic: Page title here Corrine -- A Very Erotic and Lusting Woman Chapter 2Corrine  -- A Very Erotic and Lusting Woman   Chapter  2 
The story here is essentially true with very minor embellishments. For those readers who have had the pleasure of visiting Yellowstone Park with its scenery and hot springs I hope it brings back memories.
Please comment on my writing style or content so that I can understand what readers enjoy to read.  
I awoke with a start. It took me a second to figure out where I was. I looked down and smiled, remembering who was here all cuddled up with me on the front seat of my truck. I also thought about what we had shared while we were parked here at this Yellowstone Lake over look.
Corrine was snoring quietly. Good grief!  She obviously was a deep sleeper since she never stirred to my erratic body movements as I awoke startled, not immediately understanding all of what was around me. We must have dozed off for a while at the culmination of her erotic seduction of me.
The large rain drops continued to still make tapping sounds on the truck roof.  The rain storm was encouraging the evening darkness to creep in and envelop us earlier than usual. I now could feel the dampness encroaching in on the truck cab. It was time to leave our little cocoon of happiness and return to the warm lodge.
We had been just holding each other close, enjoying all the emotions and feelings surrounding the intimate moments we had just shared a while ago. I knew that I wanted to just hold Corrine and be alone with my private thoughts and just snuggle.

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   We could just stay and enjoy the quiet for a few more minutes. There was a certain surging of feelings being shared between us. I’m sure that the premature separations from our previous long time partners contributed to our intensified feelings of wanting and needing each others companionship at the moment. Then I guess sleep just crept up and took hold of us.
I caressed Corrine’s head and temple to slowly awaken her to her new surroundings; but I was not successful. Suddenly her eyes opened and she jerked free of me and sat up straight with a mildly frightened look of “Where the hell am I?” in her eyes. I was giggling seeing her go through the little dilemma that I was now recovered from.
I held my arms in an upright position of “I surrender!” posture while she fully became awake and recognized who I was and where she was.
“Oooohhhh …I’m sorry…I’m sorry! I must have fallen asleep. I was dreaming about California and suddenly I was here in the truck and the rain!”
I put my arm around her and she was trembling. “Everything is alright Corrine. Everything is alright! We need to get back to the lodge. ” It was just that she woke in a strange place and it had startled her.      

I started the truck. It was getting cold in the cab and the rain was a still a steady down pour.

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   I rolled down the window a little to see if there was a place where I could get out of the truck and under a tree for shelter. Yup it was time again for me to find a good tree or a flat rock.
 Corinne kind of stretched her neck to look past me and ask “What’s out there? I don’t see anything but rain and wetness. ”
“Nothing, I was looking for a flat rock”
“Good grief Bobby!  Every time you look around you need to go and find a flat rock or a bush.   I once had a dog that just could not pass up a bush.  
“Really …your dog could not pass up a bush! Hmmmmm did he have any bad habits?”
I had to think for a moment. Did she call me Bobby? What happened to Robert, her brother’s name that she was so adamant about calling me?
“Corrine …you just called me Bobby and not Robert like you have been! How come?
 The look on her face said all there was to say but she clarified it for me anyway.
“You are definitely not a Robert!”
“Ooooooooh … Robert doesn’t look for a tree or a bush in the wilds?”
I could see from the look on Corrine’s face it was best to change subjects!
It now started to rain even harder as I drove around the loop to get out to the main road. Just before we were getting to the intersection with the main road, a herd of about 30 bison were bedded down right on the road. They were under some over hanging tree branches seeking a little relief from the down pour. They completely blocked the roadway and they were not going to get up. Corinne suggested that I blow the horn to get them out of the road.
“Ahhh …. that’s not the best of ideas honey. ”
Seductively she smiled with “Ooooohhh ….


  Yoooouuuuu just called me honey!”
Now that was an oops on my part. I just continued on with explaining to Corrine that bison with calves don’t like to have truck horns blown at them. Mature bison do not consider cars and trucks to be a formidable foe. They look at colorful cars more like big cupcakes and will not think twice about coming over and caving in your car grill or door if you challenge them or get them excited. I got that little tidbit of information from the Park Rangers at a around the camp fire presentation that occur frequently in Yellowstone.
I had to back up and turn around to go back the way we had just come from. I could not however wait any longer to pee though. I stopped on the side of the road under a large pine tree for a little bit of shelter from the downpour as I announced I was making a “Cowboy stop”.
Corinne said “What’s a cowboy stop?” as I opened the truck door and slid to the ground and peed next to the truck with the door opened. Jeese was it raining! 
When I finally climbed back into the dry truck and was out of the downpour, I announced that was a Cowboy Stop. Corrine’s only comment was a sarcastic “You are just one surprise after another every minute I’m with you…. . Bobbeeee”
The additional emphasis on Bobby said all there was needed to be said also.
What the hell…. I liked being called Bobby anyway, instead of…… Robert!
Now I felt much better.

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   We finally were now off to the lodge and I could see the road again ……clearly! 
Arriving at the lodge we found that they had lit the fireplace at the lodge and it was the place to be on a night like we were experiencing. The chill and dampness of the wilderness air was very uncomfortable due to the change in the weather.
We found a big fluffy couch and snuggled up with our drinks. Other lodge visitors could see that this was going to be the place to be for the night and it was a good idea to get a place by the fire early. I was very content with the good feeling of the surroundings, this fine woman as a companion, the warmth of the Yellowstone Park lodge and a few good stiff drinks. I think Corrine was displaying the same feelings of contentment also. She scratched my back as I swayed in total bliss. I once turned to look at Corrine and she was swaying with me, her eyes closed …. She was off somewhere else in a world of her own also. I knew I had one too many drinks. Corrine, however, did not know that she had one too many drinks …… but her attempts at speaking sure did!
Now it was getting late and I mentioned we had forgotten to eat and I needed to get going back to my tent that was some distance from the lodge. I was also hungry and I could see they had essentially closed the dining places that I could from the lodge area. Corrine attempted to stand up but was a little unsteady on her feet.
 “Too much to drink with no food in my belly. ” was her comment.

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   “Let’s go back to my cabin; I have a cooler and some sandwich makings. I have two sleeping bags, a heater in the cabin and a double bed. ”
She looked up at me while I was steadying her on her feet. Now she began to whisper ever so softly in my ear. She now recognized that she had spoken a little loud in her vocalization. A few of the fireplace visitors were tuning in to what she had said and were summing up the situation.    She was displaying that she was a little bit embarrassed and did not want anyone close by to hear any more of her comments.
“I don’t want you to go and sleep in your tent tonight.   It’s too far for you to drive and you been drinking. …. I want you to stay with me tonight. I need you to keep me warm. I’m a little embarrassed with what I’m saying. I would not be saying this without the booze in me. ”
I smiled as I was thinking “ Right! I believe every word you are saying!”
We drove the short distance from the lodge to her cabin in the pouring rain.

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   The cabins were still the same as in years before when I stayed in them. They were still very rustic, frugal but dry. The cabin was definitely better than my tent; especially on a night like this. And then there was…… well Corrine!
I turned on the heater and the warming of the small cabin was just what was needed on a night like this. The dampness we brought in with us slowly dissipated as the cabin quickly warmed.   We put a little snack together to keep away the hunger pains until breakfast. Corrine brought out the extra sleeping bag and went in the bathroom to change. Surprisingly, Corrine navigated across the cabin floor without ricocheting off any objects and through the bathroom door without incident!
I could see that the two bags were the same and therefore could be zipped together to make one large sleeping bag. I completed my little effort quickly. I then stripped down completely placing my clothes at the foot of the bed in an attempt of concealment and zipped into one side of the dual sleeping bags……. and waited. Corrine came out with her flannel PJs on. I watched as her hidden scrumptious pointed boobs brushed against the soft flannel garment, gently swinging as she crossed the room to the bed.
I was already hard in anticipation and excited with the way things were going and what was coming. She turned off the tiny one light in the cabin, rustled about next to the bed for a few seconds and climbed into her side of the bag.

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   I slid over to her and snuggled up to her back and put my hand around her to keep both of us warm. I could tell immediately Corrine was nude …. Her PJs had been removed. With my arm about Corrine and my stiff cock pressed against her butt, it dawned on her that the two bags were zipped together and I was with out any clothes on.
She whispered with a very slurred speech in the darkness “You’ve been scheming while I was in changing. ”
 “Corrine…. where are your PJs?”
“Ahhh I guess I lost them! Your badness is contagious. ”
I moved to come close and into contact with more of her body. I didn’t know what she looked like since I had never seen her undressed. I started to caress her back and was now seeing her for the first time with just my fingertips and the palms of my hand. I was at the base of her back and started to rub and caress the soft cheeks of her butt. As I explored the fullness of her hips, I now became aware of Corrine’s softness.
I ran my fingers along her spine just scratching tenderly and then massaging each and every place along the middle of her back. She just made little murmuring sounds of contentment as she wiggled her entire body around fully enjoying my caressing and attempts at her seduction.
I moved from her hips and ran my fingers up along her side, gently scratching as I went until I reached just below her arms.

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   I began to slide my hand under her arm so I could reach her breasts.
“Do I sense you are trying to take advantage of me Bobby?”
“Trying, but just getting started. ”
“Ahhhhh, …. Good. I need to be seduced tonight!”
A little too much booze made her some what of a comedian. She was out of character I thought! Boy was I wrong!
I cupped her left breast and held it …. Seeing it with only by touch. It was more than adequate in size and I visualized it to be shaped like an ice cream cone. Her breast came to a point with the tip being a small nipple that flowed along with the shape of her breast. I wondered what color they would be. I slowly began caressing one of Corinne’s nipples with my finger tip. It responded quickly to my attention that made it become stiff and erect. I then took hold of her nipple between two fingers and with tenderness squeezed just the tip.
Corrine made an “Mmmm” hum followed by “Touch them gently Bobby. My nipples are very sensitive tonight!”
“Would they feel better if I kissed and made love to them with my tongue?”
“Ooooohhh  please.

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Corrine rolled over onto her back in the sleeping bag as I pulled the top of the sleeping bag aside just enough to uncover her breasts in the darkness. Unseen, I sought her breasts and nipples with my mouth and tongue. I licked and sucked just on the tips of her breasts. What an extraordinary emotion of feeling a breast that was so pointed and got larger as I slid down from the tip towards the base. Her breasts were of a size that I could not take all of one into my mouth. I did however vigorously but tenderly suck and embrace each nipple in a tongue dance just as I was told to do.
Corrine was responding rapidly as usual to my fondling; her breathing quickened. She was caressing my head and back now digging her fingernails into my back when she felt a surge of pleasure due to my attention to her nipples. Soon I could sense her hands descending along the sides of her body caressing her body, then her hips, now helping me with her tits. Her fingers were then touching my lips that were encircled around a nipple, now touching and feeling my face. Corrine’s entire body was in now writhing in turmoil.
 She began repeatedly and softly calling out my name but more in a pleading sorrowful way. Maybe pleading for me to do something …. . May be insistently asking me to help her! 
“Bobbeeee, Bobbeeeeee, Bobbeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! 
     She did not know what to do with her hands.

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   She began sliding them forward and backwards along her sides in the sleeping bag. Her whole body was moving, her legs were being flexed and the straightened very rapidly, she was already breathing rapidly and moaning continuously and loudly. Corrine grabbed my hair with one hand as the other hand held her tit that I was caressing with my tongue. She moved her fingers up and into my mouth trying to caress the nipple with her fingers at the same time my tongue was rolling around and around licking feverishly at her nipple. Now I licked both her fingers and her nipple at the same time.  That was an erogenous trigger.
Corrine growled with a deep and uncharacteristically burly moan…
“Ooooohh honey …. Oooooooooooh  babeeeeeeeeee! Please don’t stop”
Suddenly Corrine’s body shuttered, her back arched as she called out several obscenities as she lifted her hips off the bed supporting her body with her legs and back. She continued with her thrusting against open air at the top of her arch or the possible feeling the touching sensation of the sleeping bag. She held that flexed body position for a second or two, purring deep in her throat and finally collapsing onto the bed while her hips still rhythmically moved gently against the sleeping bag. She had climaxed without any one touching her pussy area. All I had done was caress her breasts and suck on her nipples and fingers. I do not think that she used her fingers to play with her pussy in the darkness at any time… but I could have been mistaken. I however, strongly feel that both her hands were along the sides of her body rubbing and grasping the surrounding sleeping bag. She also had grabbed my hair and probed my mouth and lips with her fingers.


Now I became very aroused thinking about her very hot and erotic performance in the darkness of the cabin. Everything that I was an unseeing spectator too was a completely new experience for me.   I could not separate if this was a normal behavior for Corrine or a consequence of two many drinks? If it just was the number of drinks it would be nice to know how many drinks were needed. What a woman!
“Are you alright honey?”
I did not hear a verbal reply, just a tight grasping on my hand and a deep sigh. Corrine turned on her side and snuggled up to me sniffling quietly. After a few minutes, she almost inaudibly spoke… “I love you!” I wasn’t going to comment to that statement or go there.
She displayed what appeared to have been an exhausting experience and she needed to relax. I was excited for her and myself in that I had helped her experience what to me was a truly exciting climax. I was satisfied and could wait for the morning. I now sighed and started to relax.
I guess I was dozing. I know I had not been sleeping. I was listening to the rain hitting the cabin roof again. Corinne started kissing my face and lips. There was no doubt that she was displaying she was horny and sexually aroused again.

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   She was not satisfied!
I found myself holding one of her tits and my lips against the other one. I let go of her tit as Corrine’s hand took hold of my hand. Before I could understand the whole situation that was developing next to me in the darkness, she had my hand in hers and was directing my hand to her pussy and her clit with another “I love you!” whisper.   Well, maybe with a great amount of slurring of her speech.
I did not need further encouragement to slide my hand down between her legs. I separated her pussy lips that were protected in a natural growth of what at first felt like silky soft fuzz. When I touched her more closely her pussy area was entirely wet including the insides of her legs. I could also tell the sleeping bag beneath her hips was sopping wet. I knew instinctively she had to have squirted for that level of wetness to have occurred. Now I was really keyed up and wanted to play.
“Please touch me there and play with me …. please!”
  Corinne instinctively spread her legs to allow me full access to her wanting pussy.   I inserted two fingers deep into her pussy and curled them up and behind her clit while placing my thumb on her clit. Corinne moaned immediately to the insertion of my fingers. Both of her hands were also caressing her own pussy region along with helping me insert my fingers.

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   She was already playing with her own clit vying with my thumb for space to caress her clit. I went to attempting to reach and caress her “G” spot to see if I could stimulate her to quickly reach another climax. I moved my fingers in a rocking motion in an attempt to stimulate her every where at once. She reacted strongly to my incursion and my attempts to insert more fingers.
I had to speak… I had to know if this was all she wanted me to do. I was hard and ready to just slide my cock into her after all this teasing of my senses.
 When I asked “What do you want me to do?” Corrine moaned for me to use my fingers just like I was doing.
 I could get three fingers in her pussy with ease and rub her “G” spot. Four fingers were uncomfortable for me and restricted my resolve to do her good.  I was torn between caressing deep inside her pussy and rapidly sliding my fingers in and out of her pussy. Each attempt at pleasuring her was obviously bringing her to another elevated level of ecstasy. My own sensors were in an overload from maintaining Corrine’s satisfaction without being able to reach the same level of satisfaction for my self. Corrine was self absorbed in her muti-orgasmic emotional state coupled with a little too much to drink.     
Once again her body just began to tremble. Her body shook from her head to toe while pumping against my hand.


   It was now obvious to me she most likely was multi-orgasmic.  It was difficult to keep sucking on her breast and sliding my fingers into her tunnel as she pumped vigorously with complete abandonment of restricting her emotions or movements.
 I moved away from her breast and caressing her nipples with my tongue. I felt that I could have hurt her or myself with her extreme body movements. I was just caressing her pussy for a minute or so when it became apparent to me that she was just about ready to explode. Corrine could not control her longing to climax any longer. I felt her stomach muscles starting to convulse as the sensations of her orgasmic splendor surged through her body unabated. Now there were the sounds of delight emanating from deep within body just as I experienced her squirting love juices from her pussy onto my fingers and the palm of my hand. Once again Corrine collapsed with long verbalization as to her internal emotional feelings and of course her love of me.
Two of her hands now covered my hand and fingers, restricting any attempt at any movement of my fingers that were still imbedded in her love box. I thought that she was now possibly seeking some relief from her somewhat over indulgence in sex activities. In the longer term of many minutes, I was wrong again. But for the immediate moments…. . well….

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“Bobby …. Bobby  please stop!” followed by another yielding comment of “Oh Bobby!”  I knew to stop and not even make the slightest movement with my fingers. All was now very quiet in the cabin and in the sleep bag.
In a few minutes, I felt her hands releasing the pressure on my hand. Now an attempt was being made to very, very slowly have me withdraw my fingers that were still deep in sacred territory. There was an apparent tightness to her muscles that were holding my fingers somewhat firmly.  
 “Easy Bobby, go slow, easy,…. Easy…. . Easy. ”   There was an inhaling air between clenched teeth and then a relieved “ah-huh” followed by an exhaling of air as she slowly allowed my fingers to be released from the very wet confines of her love box. Now she just settled down in the sleeping bag with a great sigh.
 What a second intense climax from my unseen viewpoint. I could only imagine what she had experienced once again.

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   Corinne sure did not seem to require much of a stimulus to climax and so far she did not seem to be at the end of her capabilities to climax again.
At this point, I became aware that my cock was completely soft; I was not horny and not sexually stimulated to any significant degree. I certainly was not ready for action. I was however, emotionally high with what I had been an unseen partner too in the almost complete darkness of the cabin with only my ears and hands to ‘see’. Truly what a tremendous emotional rush for me and I could only imaging what had happen to Corrine.
I felt her hand moving along my side and I took hold of it. She held on tight. We lay there side by side, very still and quiet. A few minutes later, she mentioned that I had not been taken care of.   I turned to her in the darkness and could sense she was looking at me. I told her to not worry about me. What she had done to me in the afternoon and again that night was just beautiful and so emotional satisfying for me.
Corrine replied that “My X would not be satisfied with me. ”  I whispered “I’m not your X. Turn on your side and I’ll snuggle up to your back.

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I snuggled up against her hips and back for a while. I had her flex her knees so I could get very close in contact with her body as we snuggled blissfully in the warmness of the sleeping bags.
I thought that she was asleep when I felt her hand slowly moving along side of my body. She found what she was seeking, held it and squeezed it gently to see if I was awake. I didn’t move but it was growing and swelling rapidly to the attention it was receiving.
 “Are you asleep?” I answered “Yes. ”
 “Just what I expected you to answer!”
Corrine began to gently squeeze and massage my cock until it was at maximum hardness. I took the cheek of her ass and spread it slightly as Corinne also lifted her leg and placed it over mine. She was essentially spread wide open and I could only imagine her pussy lips slightly opened in the darkness with all the pinkness and wetness waiting for some loving attention.

I took hold of my cock and placed it accidentally close to the other more restricted accessed entrance to her body from behind. Corrine recoiled to my touching her there so close with a definite “No. ”.
As I moved and probed to replace my cock against her body, she reached between her legs and placed my stiff cock at the entrance to her pussy while lifting her leg and replacing it over my legs once my cock was in place. Corrine flexed her hips and I pushed ever so lightly and it slid into a nice small, wet and tight tunnel. Her tightness caught me by surprise.

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 She began to move and push back against me … I pressed against her for maximum depth. She was pressing against me while I continued my gentle pushing. Her hand was now on the cheek of my butt, trying to get me in deeper. She apparently grabbed our pillow from me as my half was pulled from under my head and face. Her body English was signaling she was cuddling amorously with the pillow as we picked up our rhythm of strongly thrusting back against each other.
 Corrine was breathing heavy already when she called out “Bobby!” The voice inflection was one of excitement. Again my name was called but with a higher pitch of excitement as she went to a softly panting. I began to pump fast as I could, my hips slapping against the cheeks of her butt. Every time she called my name with that voice inflection, it only signaled one thing, even if we had just started to play. I felt she was going to climax very soon …. she was just about there. She called my name once more with emotion and went silent and very still for a second or two. She erupted with a loud moan and long drawn out “Ooooohhhhh” …. . pushing against me while telling me she was cuming now.

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   I was amazed at how many times she had now climaxed since I was with her and with so little stimulus and so quickly once I initiated any touching or caressing.
 I stayed against her as she began to roll onto her belly as I pumped hard. I tried to stay inside her as we rolled over within the sleeping bag. She spread her legs as she got on to her belly. I came almost as soon as she was on her belly. It was not as intense as some climaxes but the amount love juice I was squirting and the release of tension that I was feeling as I was cuming was so enjoyable after my long wait. I continued my climaxing while she was whispering “Ooooh I can feel you cuming in me. ” I stayed on top of her back for a short time. I felt I was too heavy on her.
 I finally rolled on to my side as Corrine rolled with me without having my cock slip out from her pussy. She commented that we make a good couple with not having us come apart in that maneuver. We lay wedged together for a while until I got soft and my cock slipped out of Corrine and on to the side of her leg. It stayed between us as we lay there dozing in the darkness.
Corrine and I had been dozing. I was brought back to reality by her whispering that her sleeping bag felt very wet.

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   I correctly assumed that was my queue that she was finally satisfied and done fucking. I now was supposed to do something about the little fish pond we had created in the sleeping bag. I unzipped my bag and stumbled across to the bathroom. From there, I knew where I could find the light switch for the one light hanging from the ceiling. I got some towels from the bathroom and returned to the bed saying “Close your eyes I’m putting on the light in here. ”
 She had already moved to my side of the sleeping bag and was sound asleep …. snuggled up to my pillow and snoring. I unzipped her side of the bag, amazed at how big a wet spot was in the bag.   She must have flowed heavily or experienced multiple squirting ejaculations. Coupled with my more meager efforts resulted in the very large wet spot.
 I cleaned the spot as best as I could and placed two folded towels over the spot. I climbed back in and listened to the rain on the roof. I loved the noise of the rain hitting the roof …. With a sigh of contentment and the warmth of Corrine next to me I snuggled up to my pillow. Why did I always get stuck with the wet side?
 The next thing I knew it was morning and Corinne was sitting next to me beaming.

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   I got a good morning kiss.  She had her PJs on and I commented
“Looks like you found them! How do you feel?”
Corrine shrugged her shoulders with I’m just OK but I would like some breakfast! I was sure she would have a head ache after what I sensed was too much to drink.
She asked how I got on her side of the sleeping bag. It was easier to say I didn’t know than to get into it. I stood up nude and put out my arms for her to come to me. She looked down at my tired, shriveled and lost little cock and commented that he looks content. She came to me and she felt so warm and lovable. This was one exciting woman and should make someone a good wife.
I held her close and said “You know that I just had a most beautiful and erotic experience with the most lovable woman in my life last night.   But I do not know what she looks like! If you were to remove your PJs would you be embarrassed to show me in the daylight?”
 Corrine back away from me and began to slowly unbutton the top of her PJs while telling me that she could not do this with just any man. She did not understand why she could do it with me without hesitation. When she reached the last button, the top was slowly opened to expose a body that was only ‘seen’ by my hands and fingers in complete darkness.
She completed the opening without taking her eyes from mine. Her breasts were extraordinary and I told her so. They were just as I imagined from seeing her with my hands.


   So long and thin near the tips with a light tan nipple that finished out her breast to a point. She then placed her thumbs into the top of her bottoms and slowly slid them down over her hips exposing her love nest that was covered in fine light blond hair. She straightened up and they fell to her ankles without further effort on her part.
“I’m a natural blond with just a high light in my hair as you can see. Well, what do you think?”
Grinning I commented “Things look delicious from over here!”
She was a gem of a woman and that was very evident in all she did since we were together. She came to me and put her head on my chest and held me for a minute before she commented
 “I’m just wondering how many times you have used this act in seducing a woman!” 
It seems to me she was probing me in a somewhat less than a vague way about previous encounters. I did not like her questioning but I remained silent. She then requested that we get dressed. I said not yet as I pulled her in close to me and just stood with her in a warm embraced. Both of our eyes were closed.
Now she recognized our state of undress and she stirred to being embarrassed with our daylight encounter. It was time to get dressed. She quickly made her way to the bathroom to make herself decent. I quickly got dressed and put on my jacket. I called out to her through the bathroom door that I needed a coffee and I’ll be back in a minute.

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   I had my camping box with my coffee and extra items in the back of the truck which I retrieved into the cabin. Sure enough the extra items that I needed to make coffee were in the box. The Y socket for the light socket was there from the last time I stayed in similar cabins.
 I had Corrine put the coffee grounds and water in the pot. I pulled the table over until it was under the light socket and the put the extra chair on the table. I placed my box on the chair and stood on the only other chair in the cabin and replaced the light bulb with my Y socket. Corrine handed me the coffee pot with the very short electrical cord that I plugged in to the light fixture and put the pot on the top most box. I threw the light switch and announced with confidence that coffee will be served shortly.
There was only one chair left to sit on …. All other furniture in the cabin was being used to perk coffee. Until that moment, she did not know that I had stayed in these cabins before. Corrine was laughing as I pulled her to the bed and lay down along side of her. She looked at the randomly stacked table and chairs with the coffee pot on top. She laughed saying being with me was just one crazy event after another. I didn’t bother to tell her that I had done this exact coffee making furniture stack several in the past when I had stayed in these cabins.

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   I never have remembered to bring a longer cord with me any time I came back to Yellowstone.
We just lay there looking into each others eyes and not saying anything. I had deep stirrings inside of me and it wasn’t sexual stirrings. Corrine could see that I was deep in thought as we lay there.
 She caressed my face and whispered, “Don’t you dare say anything!”
Now she was into more revisiting what had happened last night than continuing with her reflective thoughts. . .
“Bobby! I think I had a little too much to drink last night. Did I say or talk about any body? Did I talk too much?”
We were almost nose to nose with our heads on the pillow. Now with a little grin on my face.
 “Ahhh. Nope! I would have to say that talking is not what you did the most of last night. Noooooooo, what we did last night together was not talk! You were something special last night!”
Corrine started to just tickle me easily here and there and then stopped suddenly! I kept looking at her face on the pillow and she went from smiling to her eyes filling with tears. Corrine began to cry with deep sobbing and I had to pull her in close to me before she could stop.
 Soon she quieted down and said “I think the coffee is done perking.


  ” I lifted my head to listen but all I could hear was the pouring rain on the roof of the cabin.   The coffee pot had gone quiet. The coffee was ready.
We sat and had coffee and hoped the rain would stop for a while but the forecast on the small radio was rain for the day. Corrine never brought up her crying spell and I let the situation pass. I suggested we go into West Yellowstone for the ride, get a bite to eat and see the town that she was not familiar with. It would be something to do in the rain and a woman can always find something to shop for.   We brought the wet sleeping bag to put in a clothes dryer in town. Corrine thought it was unusual that the bag was so wet. I made no comment except to say she could bring it too a cleaners to be professionally washed and dried when she returned home!
As drove along in the rain, she started to talk about herself and her family … just this and that …. a conversation to fill the time …. nothing serious. She finally came around to the wet sleeping bag and just mentioned it out of context to what she was talking about.   She said that she could hear her mother and father making love one night when she was young. She was snickering as she said they were having a good time because she could hear her mother being very vocal as the bed squeaked to the cadence of continuous sensual sex.

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As she came down the stairs to the kitchen in the morning, her parents were in the kitchen laughing quietly. They were not aware that she was on the stairs listening. She heard her mother say to her father “You certainly buttered my muffin last night!”
I smiled at the statement and felt Corrine moving up on my neck as I drove. I thought that she was going to begin her ear nibbling act again.
 “No tongues in the ear while I drive!” 
Corrine told me to be quiet. She got close to my ear and whispered seductively “You certainly buttered my muffin last night didn’t you! I can tell you did. I remember some of the things we did together. That’s why the sleeping bag is so wet. Right?”
 I just shrugged my shoulders and just grinned.
 “You bring that muffin around any time and I’ll bring the butter. ” Corrine liked my comment and just went back to snuggling against me as I drove.
Every time I had a quiet moment to think about Corrine all I could say to my self was
“What a woman!”
