saratbugra reviews


Lid sinds: 04-12-2015Land: TurkijeStad: Bursa Verstuur PM


  • Angela reviews 27-04-2024
    Afspraak DatumLengteStadUiterlijkDienstenCommunicatie
    2024-03-29 2 hours Istanbul
    : 10.0
    : 10.0
    : 10.0
    Klaarkomen in mond
    Meerdere keren klaarkomen
    Met tong
    Zonder condoom
    Natuurlijke borsten
    Weet het niet
    Echte foto
    Angela - escort review from Turkey Ga naar profiel
    I know Angela for a few years now. We have met numerous times. She's funny, kind, smart, beautiful... She is all the adjectives my vocabulary runs short for. I don't see her as someone who provides a service for me, she is a rare person who can make me truly happy and give me joy. I feel lucky to have met her and I wish I could see her a lot more. I will meet her as much as I possibly can in my life and remember all the moments she gave me for the rest of my life.
  • Angel reviews 01-01-2022
    Afspraak DatumLengteStadUiterlijkDienstenCommunicatie
    2021-11-01 60 min Istanbul
    : 10.0
    : 10.0
    : 10.0
    Klaarkomen in mond
    Meerdere keren klaarkomen
    Zonder tong
    Zonder condoom
    Natuurlijke borsten
    Weet het niet
    Is haar niet
    Angel - escort review from Turkey Ga naar profiel
    I met her twice so far. She is a beautiful, kind, elegant, honest and humorous girl. The last two reviews are true about her not being the girl in the pictures, but it's ok with me because I think she is more beautiful than the girl in her profile. The first time we met was really special and intimate for me. I used to think that "sex is overrated". She changed my mind. The only good thing about her was not just her "services". She hugged, she laughed, she joked and she talked about herself. It was all beautiful. For a long time after sex, I couldn't even speak and went in a dissociative mode because it was shocking for me as I never thought I can enjoy someone's company this much.

    The second time we met she was not in her mood and wanted me gone for quick. It was still special for me because I saw the woman I kept thinking about, the second time.

    Angelina(wish I could call you by your real name, but I don't know it recourse ),
    I don't like this reviewing thing because I don't think people are things to be "reviewed". I just write this to; (1) balance the latest negative reviews wink , (2) remind you how amazing you are, (3) put a smile on your face as my intuition tells me this might be a hard time in your life ​emotionally.

    ~~With love, ~~
    ~~the shy guy with glasses~