Danny's Dream - Chapter 07

Erotic Poetry

Chapter Seven
            “I don’t know about you guys but I could use a little attention here,” Nels commented as he opened his pants and slid them down his legs. He kicked off his loafers and stepped out of his pants. His briefs quickly followed, revealing his massive hard on. He quickly stripped off his shirt as well then wandered around the room gathering supplies.
Danny and Kade followed Nels’ lead and were both soon naked as well. Nels quickly returned and fastened a posture collar around Sam’s neck. He then used cuffs to fastened the boy’s hands behind his back, locking his wrists together. Nels then tied soft rope around Sam’s elbows and drew them together, tying off the rope then dropping it between the boy’s arms so he could tie Sam’s knees together as well. He finished Sam’s bondage off with ankle cuffs. Then he resumed his seat on the bed, a broad smile on his face.
“Okay, I’m ready for your little show now. ”
“Wait a minute,” Kade interjected. “Let’s make this interesting. ”
Danny stared at him curiously.
“You said your boy was being punished for trying to warn them away from you?”
“Yeah. ”
“Why not bring him in and let him watch you pop her cherry?”
Danny smiled broadly as he got to his feet.

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   He handed Amanda’s lead chain to Kade and headed for the door.
“Don’t start without me. ”
Danny hurried down the hall to the kennels and quickly grabbed a few necessary supplies from the closet as he entered the room. He went straight to Matt without even glancing at the girls in their cages. Without so much as a word he shoved an inflatable gag into Matt’s mouth and fastened it behind the young man’s head. Next, he fastened a posture collar tightly around Matt’s neck, forcing him to stare straight ahead. Danny then bent down and fastened a pair of ankle cuffs on Matt’s spread legs. He put the cuffs on Matt’s left ankle and spread the connecting chain as far as it would go then release Matt’s right foot from it’s restraint on the wall and fastened it in the other cuff. He stood up and released Matt’s right arm from the wall. Twisting it and pulling it over the young man’s head he cuffed it and held it behind Matt’s back while he released the other arm from the wall and twisted it behind Matt’s back in the opposite direction then cuffed it as well. He then fastened a lead chain to the posture collar and yanked on it, pulling Matt forward. Matt grunted wildly as he tried to keep pace with Danny.
“You get a special treat tonight, boy. You’ve been invited to our little party. You get to watch me pop a cherry.

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   Kade too. We both get to pop cherries tonight and you get to watch. Ain’t that gonna be a hoot?” Danny asked as he glanced back over his shoulder at Matt. He laughed at the shocked look on the younger man’s face.
When they finally reached the party room Danny pulled Matt inside, toward the wall opposite the bed Nels and Kade sat on. While Kade ignored them and Sam couldn’t see what was happening since he faced the bed instead of the opposite wall, only the two girls stared in shock as Danny connected Matt’s posture collar to the wall then knelt down and connected each ankle cuff to wall as well. As he stood up he reached out to cup Matt’s trapped prick and balls in his hand, tugging lightly.
“Still doing okay with the weights and bindings?” he asked with a laugh, dropping his prize and turning away.
Nels kept his eyes glued to Matt’s bound form, his dick standing straight up, almost as if at attention. Danny made his way back to the bed and retrieved Amanda’s lead chain from Kade. He wrapped the end around his hand several times, drawing her near to him then led her toward the wall where Matt stood trapped. He stopped only inches from the bound man, pulling Amanda close to both of them.
“Look at him, Amanda,” he whispered to her, his right arm around her shoulders. He reached out to again grasp Matt’s bound meat. “He’s being punished for trying to warn you.

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When he saw her squeeze her eyes shut he let Matt’s flaccid prick fall and grabbed her chin in his hand.
“Look at him, Amanda. This is what happens when my slaves disobey me. They are punished. ”
He released his hold on her chin and her eyes slid up Matt’s body. They grew wide when she saw the red slash marks across his abdomen, stomach and chest. Her right hand slowly slid up toward the ugly welts, her eyes going to Matt’s.
“No,” she whispered.
Danny grabbed her hand just before she touched Matt’s bare skin, drawing her startled gaze.
“My slaves never speak unless I give them permission and they never, ever touch each other unless I tell them to. Understand?” When she didn’t answer, only stared in horror at him, he slammed his fist into Matt’s exposed stomach. The bound man jerked and grunted painfully as the air rushed from his lungs. “I expect an immediate response from my slaves. Now, do you understand?”
“Y-yes, Master,” she replied, turning tear-filled eyes toward Matt.
“Boy, you’re here because of Master Kade’s kindness.

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   He invited you. You will not embarrass me by ignoring the party. You will honor Master Kade by watching us educate our newest acquisitions. If any of us catch you closing your eyes,” Danny paused to draw Amanda closer to him as he leaned in toward Matt’s face. “It will be Amanda who pays for your insolence. Do you understand me?”
Matt tried to give the required answer but only unintelligible grunts came from around the inflated gag. Understanding dawned in Amanda’s eyes as she was led away from Matt, back toward the waiting group. Matt had tried to help her and now, as part of his punishment, he would be forced to watch them rape her. Danny reached back and absently patted Matt on the stomach.
“Good boy. ”
He led Amanda back to the center of the room, cuffed her wrists behind her back and let the chain play out as he returned to his place on the bed between Nels and Kade.
“Okay, girls, it’s time to give us a little performance,” Kade announced. “Here’s how it’s going to work. Amanda, you will undress Beth. ” At the confused look on her face he added, “You will do it using only your mouth since your.

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“Yes, Master,” Amanda replied softly, staring at the floor.
“You can start after Beth has finished her first task. ”
 He smiled evilly as he tugged on Beth’s chain, pulling her forward, toward him. When she stood directly in front of him he pulled down on the chain so she had to either bend over or get down on her knees. As he pulled harder she moved to her knees.
“Good choice,” Kade finally said. “Now, you’re going to go down the line and use your hands to get each of us ready for Sammy. Keep working until we tell you to stop. Then kiss the end of the prick you’re working on and say thank you master. Do you understand?”
“Yes, Master,” Beth whispered.
Kade grabbed her hair at the back of her head and jerked back.
“I didn’t hear you,” he growled.
“Yes, Master. ”
“Good. Now get on with it.

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She tentatively reached out and took his cock in her tiny hands and started to tug. He slapped her open-handed then grabbed her hands in his.
“Like this, you idiot. ”
He showed her how to gently work his balls and dick, sliding her hands up and down and around his stiffening member. Finally, he grew tired of her inexperienced hands and shoved her away.
“Go on, I’m tired of you. ”
She leaned forward and gingerly kissed the tip of his prick as he had instructed then whispered, “Thank you, Master. ”
She moved on her knees so she was directly in front of Danny and started to work on his semi-flaccid member. He leaned back on his elbows on the bed and let her hands move over him, enjoying the timid touch. When he caught Kade glaring at him he finally sent her on her way. She kissed the tip of his dick and again whispered, “Thank you, Master. ”
When she started working on Nels she was startled by his hands running through her hair. She glanced up through her lashes to see him smiling down at her. His gentle smile and soft caresses encouraged her and made her brave. She worked a little harder than before and suddenly found his fingers curled around her wrists.

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   She looked up and saw him still smiling down at her.
“You’re trying to hard, sweetie. I don’t want to cum yet. ” He pulled her hands away, leaned down and pressed his lips against hers. He forced her mouth open and slid his tongue into her mouth. When he finally pulled away, she was breathless. “That’s all for now. ”
She leaned down and kissed the tip of his erect penis then looked up at him.
“Thank you, Master. ”
When she rose and turned away from him to walk back to Kade he reached out and swatted her ass. He turned to Sam as Kade pulled down on Beth’s leash, forcing her to her knees again.
“Sam, it’s your job to take over for Beth now. You’ll use your mouth since your hands aren’t available. ”
The boy looked at Nels with horror-filled eyes. Then slowly shuffled forward on his knees, slowing moving between Nels’ legs.

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   Nels reached down ruffled his hand through Sam’s dark hair, drawing the boy’s attention.
“No biting, Sam. Only licking and sucking. Understand?”
“Y-yes, M-Master. ”
Nels gently caressed the boy’s cheek as he stared into his eyes.
“Good boy. ” He slid his hand back around to the back of Sam’s head and applied gentle pressure, forcing the boy’s head down. He looked up at Kade and Beth as Sam’s lips closed over his swollen prick.
Kade pulled on Beth’s lead chain forcing her to lean toward him. He leaned down and pressed his lips possessively against hers, forcing her mouth open with his demanding pressure. He slid his tongue into her mouth and explored the area fully before withdrawing and pulling away.
“Amanda’s waiting for you. She needs a playmate,” he said as he pushed her away.
Beth got to her feet and slowly trod back to where Amanda waited. Amanda stared at her friend in silence for several minutes, not moving.

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“Amanda, the punishment works both ways,” Danny finally stated. “If you don’t cooperate someone else gets punished. It’s your choice. ”
She turned back to Beth. She moved to stand behind Beth and slowly lowered her lips to the straps tied at the top of Beth’s shirt. Tears slowly crawled from Amanda’s eyes when she squeezed them shut. She struggled with the straps but eventually managed to get the knots loose and let the straps fall. She then moved to the bottom strap, grasped it between her teeth and pulled up. Slowly, she lifted the tiny top over Beth’s head and off the other girl. She opened her mouth and let the flimsy material fall to the floor.
Amanda knelt behind Beth and nudged her friend’s left foot with her nose. Beth lifted her foot and Amanda knocked her shoe off with her tongue and teeth. She quickly did the same with the right shoe. She raised her head and started working on the zipper of Beth’s skirt. She slowly managed to lower the zipper and the skirt fell to the floor.

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   Amanda then sniffled loudly and, using her teeth, gripped the garter belt Beth wore and edged it down the girl’s leg, finally managing to tug it off over her foot. She then started working on the hosiery. She shivered and sniffled again as she leaned forward to grip the top of Beth’s panties between her teeth. She pulled down and ever so slowly, inch by inch, pulled the underwear from her young friend. When Beth was finally naked again Amanda climbed shakily to her feet and stood staring at the floor.
Sam had worked his way along the line of men and now knelt between Kade’s legs. Kade yanked on Beth’s lead chain forcing her to stumble toward him. When she was within reach he cuffed her hands behind her back and fastened a blind fold over her eyes then shoved her away. Danny pulled on Amanda’s lead chain, pulling her toward him. He released her hands from the cuffs behind her and gagged her before shoving her back to the center of the room.
“Your turn, slut,” Kade announced, running his hands over Beth’s young, supple body, causing her to squirm. “Get Amanda’s clothes off of her. ”
Kade suddenly shoved Beth away from him, toward Amanda. She stumbled and almost fell into Amanda. Amanda automatically reached out to catch her friend.


   The men all laughed at the helpless girls, tangled in each other’s arms. Sam tried to turn to see what was happening but Danny grabbed the chain attached to his collar and pulled him back.
“And no helping, Amanda,” Danny warned then glanced down at Sam. “You keep sucking. ”
Sam quickly slid his lips back over Danny’s erect prick as his eyes dropped to the floor. Beth was back on her feet and started to work on Amanda’s clothing. She had more trouble with Amanda’s clothes and it took her longer but Amanda eventually stood before the men as nude as Beth. Sam was back to Nels as Danny slowly reeled Amanda’s chain in, drawing her to him.
“Come here, pet. Come to me,” he said softly as he pulled her toward him.
Kade silently wrapped Beth’s lead chain around his hand, pulling her inevitably forward, into his waiting arms. She reached Kade before Amanda made it to Danny. Kade slid his hands over her body, feeling his way, making sure he touched all of her most sensitive spots. She sobbed and tried to pull away as he pulled her against his erection and wrapped his legs around her butt.
Danny pulled Amanda to him and slowly ran his left hand up her leg, across her hips, up her back then over her shoulder and down her breast, stopping briefly to squeeze her nipple.

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   He slowly pulled her down onto his lap and laid her back so she reclined across his knee with her head and shoulders on Nels’ lap. Nels leaned down to suck on her tits as Danny kissed and licked his way down the rest of her body.
Kade suddenly shoved Beth to the floor and pressed her arms above her head, sliding between her legs as she struggled. He ignored her screams as he chewed on her nipples, his weight pressing her down against the carpet. Danny shifted his position on the bed, drawing Amanda with him so that they were lying on their sides facing each other. He still held her lead chain, pulling her tight against him with it. He wrapped one of his legs around both of hers, pinning her to the bed as he glanced up at Nels.
“Nels, there’s a pair of cuffs in the bed stand over there. Could you hand them to me? And grab the lube that’s there too. You might want it for her ass. ”
Nels grinned broadly.
“Sure. ”
He rose from his seat and quickly fastened Sam’s lead chain to the metal footboard of the bed. The cuffs and lube were easy to find and he quickly returned to the bed. He helped Danny put the cuffs on Amanda’s wrists then fastened her hands around a metal post of the headboard.

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   Danny released the lead chain from her collar and tossed it away. His hands immediately began to wander all over her body as Nels settled on the bed behind her.
Danny worked magic with his hands. Amanda was terrified and horrified at what was happening but his skill and experience soon brought a strange warmth to her loins. She wasn’t sure what was happening but she didn’t think she should like what he was doing to her but it felt so good. Then she felt Nels’ hands sliding up and down her body as well. This isn’t right, she thought. But the heat kept rising and she couldn’t hold back the moan that escaped from her throat. As Amanda started to respond, Danny slid her legs apart and started to work his tool into her wet hole. He pushed in as far as her barrier and stopped.
“Please,” she whimpered.
“Oh, God, pet. You’re so fucking tight,” he whispered to her.
She felt something cool and wet touch her ass then slide up her butt hole. She tried to pull away but there was no escape.

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   God, what are they doing to me? she wondered. Then she felt the probing fingers in her asshole.
“No, please,” she whimpered.
“It’ll be good, pet. I promise,” Danny replied, working his hands over her tits and clit again as Nels continued to work on her from behind.
She heard Beth’s high pitched screams as Kade invaded her roughly. Amanda was terrified. It sounded like he was killing Beth. What are they going to do to me? she wondered again. She didn’t have time to focus on Beth. Her friend’s screams soon faded as Danny’s and Nels’ ministrations became more than a distraction and Amanda neared her first orgasm.
When she lifted her hips and began to shake with the raw emotion of the sex, Danny plunged through her barrier as she screamed over the edge into the first orgasm she had ever had in her young life. He held his position for a moment, feeling Nels enter her from the rear. They gave her a moment to adjust before they started to pump in and out. Quickly working out a rhythm, the men ignored her pleas to stop and enjoyed their own releases soon after hers.

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Amanda didn’t know how long she lay between the two men before she finally regained her breath and her senses but she suddenly realized she was hopelessly tangled in their arms. She could hear Beth crying on the floor somewhere below her. Then she heard Kade’s voice and shivered.
“Turn over, bitch. I’m not finished yet. ”
How could this have happened? Amanda wondered. Why didn’t I listen to Matt when I had the chance? She sniffled and turned her face against the mattress in a vain attempt to dry her tears. She jumped when she felt a hand squeeze her tit. She heard Danny laugh softly.
“You’re enough to keep me hard for a long time to come, pet. ”
He turned her head so she had to face him then pressed his lips against hers, forcing her mouth open and sliding his tongue into her mouth. His hand slid from her tit to between her legs, causing her to jump again. Then she felt another hand on her tit. A third hand covered her other tit and squeezed gently. The hands on her boobs started to play with her nipples as the hand in her pussy played relentlessly with her clit.

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   She realized Nels had reached around from behind her to wrap his hands around her tits. He was working with Danny to tease her to another climax. She tried to pull away from them but there was no escape. She was soon squirming under their ministrations then screaming in ecstasy. Danny placed a kiss between her breasts.
“Beautiful, pet,” he said with a chuckle.
They heard another scream and Nels turned to see Kade mounting Beth from behind. He had forced her onto her hands and knees and was ass fucking her, hard. He suddenly grabbed her tits and lunged forward, spearing her ass with his giant dick. Thrusting deep into her ass, he released a long stream of his seed into her gut. After spurting for what seemed like forever to Beth he finally finished and dropped forward, crushing her to the floor. When his prick finally shrank and slid from her ass she managed to wriggle enough to get out from under him some so she could breathe easier. She was still, however, pinned to the floor.
Nels finally crawled from the bed and shoved Kade off the hapless girl. Kade’s only response was a deep grunt as he rolled over.

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   Nels held his hand out to Beth and helped her to her feet. He saw she was shaking either from the experience Kade had given her or cold, he wasn’t sure. He pulled her into his arms and lifted her onto the bed with Danny and Amanda. Danny quickly scooted to the opposite edge of the bed, pulling Amanda with him. Nels then lay down next to Beth and gently stroked her breasts.
“Please,” she begged. “Don’t hurt me again. ”
“You’ll enjoy it,” he promised.
Nels used his hands and mouth to quickly bring Beth to a blazing orgasm, causing her to arch her back and scream in pleasure. She clenched her legs together and pulled him to her, clawing at his back as she soared with the pleasure he had given her. He smiled as he held her close and waited for it to pass.
“Smart ass,” Danny hissed at him.
Nels merely smiled as he rose from the bed. He moved to stand next to Sam and free the boy’s lead chain from where he had attached it to the foot board earlier. He then turned back to face Danny.

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“I need Matt’s prick. ”
Danny frowned at him.
“I told you, he’s being punished. ”
“I won’t take him loose from the wall or release his other bondage. I just need his prick. Unless you want to volunteer the use of yours. ”
Danny stared at him for several seconds then finally shrugged.
“Fine. Just don’t release him. ”
Nels turned and led Sam toward Matt. The two stopped within inches of the bound man. Nels reached out and ran his right hand down Matt’s cheek and neck, down his chest to his well-muscled stomach. Finally let his hand slide down to hold Matt’s wrapped prick, never taking his eyes from Matt’s.
“You are beautiful, you know. I wish Danny would sell you to me.

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   I think you’d be much happier with me. ” Nels released Matt’s prick and moved his hand to trace the welts across his stomach. “You wouldn’t be getting marks like these from me. ”
Nels sighed and dropped his hand to his side as he turned to Sam.
“Sam, kneel. ”
Sam dropped to his knees and stared at the floor, afraid of what might happen next. Nels dropped the lead chain to the floor and moved his left foot to cover it. He then knelt in front of Matt and proceeded to undo the work Xi had done on Matt’s prick. He carefully removed the weights first and set them aside then slowly unwound the rope binding Matt’s privates. He gently rubbed the other man’s prick and balls when Matt moaned as the ropes were removed. Nels knew that it would probably be painful when full blood flow was returned.
“I know it hurts. ” He glanced up at Matt as he rubbed. “I’m sorry. ”
He finally released Matt and stood up, lifting Sam’s lead chain as he stood.

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   He looked down at Sam before looping the lead chain around Matt’s chained hand.
“Hold that for me, will you?”
Nels returned to the bed long enough to retrieve the tube of lubricant. He quickly returned to stand in front of Matt again.
“Sam, stand up. Let me see how tall you are. ”
Sam obediently stood, keeping his eyes glued to the floor.
“Hmm. ” Nels stared at the two captive men before him then glanced around the room.
Danny leaned up on one elbow in bed and watched. He was curious as to what Nels was up to. His left hand played idly with Amanda’s tits. Nels’ eyes finally settled on a large ottoman in one corner of the room. He walked over to it and pushed it over next to Sam.
“That should be about right,” he mumbled to himself.
He reached out and pulled Sam back a few steps then shoved the ottoman forward, placing it right in front of Matt.

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“Okay, Sam. Climb up on your hands and knees. ”
Instant panic lit Sam’s face but he did what he was told. He quickly discovered that the ottoman was solid and large enough to hold him in the position Nels had dictated, which eased his fear.
“Okay, good boy. ” Nels stroked Sam’s head and bare back like he was a well-performing pet. “Now, Matt’s been neglected this evening. Suck him. ”
Sam slowly reached out and grasped Matt’s tender prick in his hand then slipped his mouth around it.
“Put your hands down, Sam. Just use your mouth,” Nels directed. Sam obeyed. “Good boy. ”
Nels again patted and stroked the boy, carefully breaking the strings that held Sam's g-string in place and letting it fall away. After several minutes on Sam’s attention, to Matt’s horror, he began to grow hard.


   Nels noticed the shocked look on Matt’s face and smiled.
“He’s quite good, isn’t he?” He stroked Sam’s head again. “When he cums Sam, swallow it, all of it. ”
Nels’ hand slid down Sam’s back and he carefully filled it with a bit of lube. He rubbed the lube on Sam’s ass and into the boy’s ass hole, causing him to jump.
“It’s okay, Sam. I’ll try not to hurt you. Just focus on Matt. ”
Nels tossed the tube of lubricant away and stepped up behind Sam, lining up his erection with the boy’s ass hole. He slowly started to push forward, drawing a low groan from Sam. Nels noticed Matt’s fingers curl into his hands, forming fists.
“Sam, no biting and don’t be too hard or rough. ”
Matt grunted and tried to shake his head. The posture collar prevented any movement though. He stared at Nels, begging with his eyes.

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   Nels stared at him and continued to push his way into Sam’s ass. Once he was fully inside the boy he stopped and waited a few minutes while Sam continued to work on Matt. When Nels saw Matt’s jaw tighten he put his right hand against Matt’s face.
“Wait for me,” he said softly and began to pump in and out of Sam’s ass.
Matt groaned and grunted, unable to fight nature any longer. He exploded in Sam’s mouth, frightening the boy, causing him to choke initially. Sam finally regained his senses and started swallowing just as he felt Nels explode in his ass. Tears mixed with the cum dripping down his chin. When Nels’ prick finally relaxed and shrank it slid from Sam’s ass and he patted the boy on the back of his shoulder as he raised up to his full height, towering over the sick and frightened Sam.
“Good boy. You did just fine, Sam,” he said softly, turning away and heading back to the bed.