First Time Experiences


I'd just begun to sprout a few short, light-brown hairs on my puffy littlemons. I brushed them with my fingers for a minute, enjoying the still-newsensation of their softness over the sensitive skin that had only a fewweeks previously been totally bald. They were still too short to curl oreven stand up, but I was happy they'd finally made their appearance. Impatiently, my fingers roamed lower. The skin of my outer lips was stillbaby-soft and totally bald. Normally very pliable, they were now stiff andswollen outward with my arousal. I didn't lift my head to look, but I knewthey were rosy-pink with desire and had parted to reveal my pink, swollenclitoris and flaring, dripping inner lips. With practiced ease, I wetted my fingers in my generous seepage and usedit to lubricate the rest of my furrow, especially my clitoris. I began torub in a circular motion, stimulating my clit with the base of my fingerswhile the tips caressed my sensitive inner folds. In seconds, I was gasping and moaning, lifting my pert little bottom intothe air as my back and legs tensed fiercely with my girlish rapture. Igrew even more turned-on by the lewd, wet smacking noises my juices madeas they were lathered into a creamy white froth between my hand and myhorny little cunny. Sparks of pleasure seemed to zip between my clitty andvagina, then ignite into fireballs of pure ecstasy. My little nipples grewstiff and began to ache for attention. My first orgasm washed over me only seconds later. I gave a single,high-pitched grunt as I felt the dam inside my vagina burst. The swollenglands behind my virgin tunnel emptied themselves simultaneously, causingmy poor little pussy to gush uncontrollably.

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   The slippery, clear fluidsluiced past my wildly frigging fingers to pour down my bottom and ontothe bed sheet. I didn't care. In fact, I wanted to squirt out as much cuntcream as I possibly could, hoping that would in some way help to lessen myaching desire for just a little while. That first orgasm was followed closely by a second, then a third as Iwantonly abused my little virgin pussy. When my clitty became toosensitive to rub, even with my copious juices to lubricate it, my middlefinger began to dig into my tight little hole. I used my other hand tomassage my tiny cone-shaped breasts with their pinkish-brown,quarter-sized aureoles and pea-sized nipples. My probing finger met no resistance, as I had broken my own hymen morethan a year before by worrying at it with my fingers as a young childworries at a loose tooth with his tongue, enjoying the strange, painfulpleasure of it. My vagina sucked greedily at my finger, trying to pull it ever deeper intoit's wet folds of hungry tissues. I moaned and cried uncontrollably withthe pleasure of it, twirling my small, girlish little hips in furiouscircles, trying to get my probing finger to caress every tiny nerve of mywonderfully sensitive inner flesh. Lewd sucking noises became morefrequent as air was forced past my accelerating, pistoning finger. It must have been half an hour later that I finally began to wind down. Myright hand and arm were exhausted and sore, and I was bathed in my ownsweat and love fluids. I can't tell you how many orgasms I had. They hadjust seemed to wash over me in devastating waves of furious pleasure everyfew seconds. Sometimes, I couldn't even tell where one ended and the nextbegan.

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   My sheets were soaked as my trembling little body finally relaxedback into them, but I was finally sated for the moment. My whole pussyfelt nice and warm and tingly. My scent, as light as it was at that age,hung thickly in the air, which was now stale and stifling. Thirsty, and needing badly to pee, I hauled myself out of the bed andgathered up the sheets. Naked, I walked them out to the back yard and intothe laundry room where I threw them into the washer. The heat out therealmost made me faint, but the warm, dry air felt good on my sopping-wetlittle cunt. There were no two-story houses in my neighborhood, and I knewnobody could see me, but I enjoyed the naughty feeling of walking outsidein the nude. Especially with my freshly-frigged, wet little pussy. I got a drink of water in the kitchen, then went into the bathroom to takecare of business and have a long, cool shower. In the shower, as Ithoroughly washed my still-tingly crotch, I felt the desire begin to comeroaring back. Fearing to make my little pussy sore, I refrained from doingmore than rubbing the slippery bar of soap all over it and my still-hardnipples. After my shower -- and still naked -- I put new sheets on my bed, gotsomething to eat, and did my chores. By then, it was nearly noon. Rather than sit and watch TV through the hot afternoon, I decided thatmaybe I'd go over to my friend Amanda's. Amanda lived two houses down fromme, but we seldom hung out together because we had little in common.

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   Sheliked riding bikes and motorcycles, smoking, and getting into mischief. Iliked music, books, dancing, and gossiping. But the one thing about Amanda that compelled my interest was that she wassexually active, and by the age of thirteen claimed to have had sex withmore than a dozen boys and men. She loved to kiss and tell, too, and Iloved to listen to her stories of sexual adventure. I also loved to hearher explicit descriptions of the private parts of the boys I knew, andtheir sexual performance (or lack thereof). It gave me a powerful feelingto see these kids at school, knowing their most intimate secrets withouttheir knowing that I knew. So, in my state of mind, I think you can see why I wanted to pay her avisit. I knew that she'd probably just be getting up, and like me, was theonly one in her house on those summer days. She had an older brother andsister, but they had already moved out. On a whim, I put on a pink-and-green flower-patterned bikini top, someskimpy panties and my shortest cut-off blue jeans. They were so short, youcould see the lower part of my bottom sticking out of them. They were alsowonderfully tight against my crotch, but not so tight you could see mycunt outlined through them. With a pair of sandals, I was set!You might think I intended to get laid that day, with that skimpy littleoutfit I put on. But I never even thought of it as a possibility. That wasjust how Amanda dressed, and I wanted her to feel comfortable enough withme to tell me the juiciest details.

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   Besides, that wasn't uncommon attirefor girls our age to wear when the temperature could reach 120 degreesoutside. True to form, Amanda had barely arisen when I got there. When her facefirst appeared in the window of her side door, she looked cross at beingdisturbed. But when she saw it was me, her eyes widened in surprise andher face lit up. I guess I was such an infrequent visitor that she washappy to see me. That day, I guess it'd been nearly a month since I'd lastspent any time alone with her. She flung open the door and greeted me warmly, giving me a big hug. Iremember smelling the hairspray in her hair, and a hint of some perfumeshe'd put on the previous day. It was nice, and I remember feeling myselfmelting into her more womanly form as her embrace tightened into somethingmore than just a friendly hug between schoolgirls. I felt very close toher at that moment, and I even remember the sting of tears in my eyes fora reason I'm not even sure of to this day. She finally pulled me away, her hands on my shoulders, to look into myface from only inches away. I had to look up at her, since she was severalinches taller than me. "Don't tell me. You're 'in heat' again, right? Andyou came over to talk about boys, didn't you?" She asked in amusement. I felt my face heat up with a furious blush as a silly grin spread acrossit.

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   I could only look away and shrug my shoulders, a little ashamed that Iwas so readable to her. Of course, looking back, that really had been themain reason I'd ever go over to see her. Our private discussions hadalways been about boys and sex. We never had much other common ground totalk about. There must have been something about me that concerned her. Perhaps it wasthe hint of moisture in my eyes, or maybe I was trembling a little,because she put an arm around my shoulder and asked, very softly, "You'vegot it bad, today, don't you?"Now the tears did start to flow, and I couldn't stop them. I had so manythings bottled up inside me - desire, frustration, exhaustion, excitement- that they all came pouring out at once, now that I had someone I couldreally talk to. "Oh Mandy," I sobbed as she walked me to a couch and sat down next to me,holding me tightly with my head against her bosom, "I couldn't even sleeplast night, it was so bad. I just can't stop thinking about it! I didmyself for half an hour straight this morning, and it hardly helped atall! Why me, Mandy? Nobody else has it this bad! Why me?""You're just hot-blooded, girl, that's all. A lot of hormones in a littlebody like yours is a bad combination. It'll be OK. Just be glad you're ahealthy, pretty girl. Someone with muscular dystrophy or cerebral palsywould trade places with you in an instant. Think about that!" Amanda saidas she rocked me back and forth. Indeed, she had a point and it struck home.

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   This really WAS nothing in theoverall scheme of things, and it was 100% survivable if I just toughed itout. After a moment, I pulled away, sniffling and wiping away my tearswith my hands. "You're right, Mandy. I'm being pretty stupid. " I said brokenly. "Not stupid, Lisa, just horny! I think it's time we got you laid. "I looked at her, trying to see if she was joking. The serious look on herface told me she wasn't. "What?" Was all I could say. "You need to start having sex, Lisa. It's a wonderful thing. The onlything that'll give you any relief. Believe me, I know. " Amanda said. I was all for it.

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   At that moment, there was nothing I wanted to do morethan find out what sex was like. Some of my friends had already done it,and loved it, but they had boyfriends. I didn't. "How? I don't even have a boyfriend. " I pointed out. "You could, if you wanted. I think you've shied away from them becauseyou're afraid of your desires, of what they might make you do. I've talkedto several boys who think you're pretty hot. You just seem a littleunapproachable to them. Remember, boys can be pretty immature. ""Who?" I asked, titillated by her disclosure. "Jimmy and Mike seem the most interested, but there are others. ""Them? All they do is taunt me and play tricks on me!" I said, shocked. "Because they want your attention, silly! They're afraid you'll rejectthem if they let you know their real feelings for you. I told you, boyscan be very immature.

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  "I sat there, digesting that. Jimmy and Mike liked me! I liked them, too,really. Especially Mike. Why hadn't they told me, instead of tormentingme? I couldn't help smiling. "Feel better, now?" Amanda asked, seeing my face light up. I nodded. "Who do you think you'd like to go out with the most? Jimmy or Mike?"Amanda asked. I wanted to say both, but told her I liked Mike the best. "I'll get to work on it for you, then. You'll be getting some good cockbefore the week is out, I promise. " Amanda assured me. "You've had sex with him?" I asked, thinking her reference to good cockwas from experience. Amanda just laughed. "No, not him. But he told Greg that he desperatelywants to fuck you.

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   Greg says Mike told him he fucks his big sister Julieall the time. "My mouth dropped open. "Don't let that bother you. Believe me, you'll appreciate his experience. There's nothing more frustrating than an inexperienced little boy firinghis load before he even gets started. " Amanda said. I just smiled, embarrassed at becoming a charity case for her, but gladfor her help. My heart leapt at the thought of finally having a boyfriendand having sex. If I had only known that I was less than an hour away fromfinally losing my virginity! I think I would have fainted. With that business taken care of, Amanda got up from the couch andannounced that she was going to take a quick shower, and invited me tokeep her company. I readily agreed, and followed her down the hall to herbathroom. She pulled off her nightshirt as she was walking, and suddenly I wasfollowing her bare butt. I couldn't help admiring its fullness and the wayit swayed with her walk. It sure was more attractive than my tight, boyishlittle bottom. Amanda went straight to the bathtub and started the water.

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   When thetemperature was to her satisfaction, she activated the shower and closedthe shower curtains. She twisted around to look back at me, and I couldsee the side of one tit, pale and pear-shaped with a light-pink aureoleand nipple. "Wanna join me?" She asked, "I'll scrub your back if you scrub mine. "I started to say that I'd already taken a shower, but I felt indebted toher for what she'd just offered to do for me, so I just nodded and beganto take off my clothes. If she wanted her back scrubbed, I'd give her thebest scrubbing she'd ever had. She spent a moment with her hand in the shower, and when she glanced atme, I was already naked. She did a double-take, then turned around and puther hands on her maturing hips, the one hand dribbling water down the sideof her leg. She gazed at me appraisingly for a long moment. She saw a short (about 4'8"), skinny girl with straight, shoulder-lengthdark brown hair that curled inward at the neck in pageboy style. My eyeswere a deep brown with full, black eyebrows arching over them, my nose wasthin and turned upward at the end to show a little too much of mynostrils, my lips were thin and pale, and my chin tapered to a delicate,dimpled point. I could see her eyes lingering on my small, conical breasts, then on mybarely sprouting pubis. She nodded slightly as she noticed that myimmaturely forward-facing vaginal cleft was parted slightly in it's nearlypermanent state of arousal, displaying its little treasures of mypea-sized clitty and delicate inner folds. I took the opportunity to admire her more developed form. She had veryshort blonde hair, shorter than many boys in those days, blue eyes, a lotof freckles, a small nose and beautiful, lush lips. Her breasts were aboutthe size of oranges, but narrow at her chest.


   Her aureoles looked huge tome, with big, fat nipples on them. She was a little pudgy, with no realwaistline, but her hips were wide and womanly. A sparse nest of goldenhair covered her mons, while her slit hid itself father between her legsin its own little forest of golden strands. My heart quickened at thethought of all those nice cocks her golden little vagina had alreadyexperienced. "You've got some hair, now, I see. " Amanda observed, raising and loweringher eyebrows. When I'd last spoken to her, I'd admitted that I was stillcompletely bald down there. I nodded bashfully and unconsciously thrust my hips forward in pride. Amanda smiled. "And those breasts are coming along nicely, too, Lisa. " Amanda added. I just smirked at that, knowing I was less developed than most of myfriends, but accepting Amanda's compliment in the spirit it was given. "You've got a nice body. " I told her, and her smile grew. "That's what they tell me," she said with mock conceit.

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  We both laughed. She pulled back the shower curtain and invited me to step in first, whichI did. Amanda took the opportunity to give my little bottom a slap as Ipassed by. The water was cool and refreshing. When she got in, I impulsively asked her if she'd like me to wash her. Shewas very pleased by the offer and eagerly accepted it. I started with shampooing her hair. She bent forward, facing me, so Icould more easily reach her head. I lathered her hair while keeping thesuds from her face, then rinsed my hands in the water before grabbing abar of soap and asking her to turn around so I could scrub her back. I scrubbed and scrubbed, with Amanda giving me little humming noises ofappreciation and encouragement. Her soft, slippery skin felt nice and coolbeneath my fingers and I carefully made sure I scrubbed every inch betweenher shoulders and her pretty bottom. At one point, my attention lingeredat the base of her spine, not quite daring to go any lower. Realizing my hesitation, she just said, "Go wherever you want, Lisa. You're doing fine. "Immediately, I dropped to my knees and began to rub the soap and my handsalong her bottom, luxuriating in the feel of her smooth soft globes.

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   Ihoped my bottom would be as full and nice as that one day. When my fingersslipped into her crack, she opened her legs slightly in encouragement, andI delved in, running my soapy fingers along it until I felt the wrinkledheat of her anus. She gave a sigh of happiness at the contact, so I spenta generous amount of time scrubbing it while she grunted with contentment. I spent a great deal of time on her legs, and when I got to her heals, sheturned around. I worked on her feet, then up the front of her legs. When Igot to her thighs, my face was only inches from her hairy little pussy. Istared at it, fascinated, as I thoroughly scrubbed her thighs. When my hands got near the top of the inside of her thighs, she plantedher feet farther apart, silently inviting me to explore her love nest. Iwas fascinated, and found my hands moving on their own up into thatspecial place. Amanda's pussy hairs were stiff and bristly, but the skin underneath wasvery soft. As I watched, her outer lips seemed to swell and part for me,growing a rosy red color under the hair. Her clitoral sheath revealed, Igasped in amazement as her clitoris emerged and swelled until it was thesize of a marble. Her inner lips also began to uncurl from her vaginalentrance until they were flaring out like little flower petals. The tenderskin inside her outer lips seemed more red than the delicate pink of myown. She began to gasp with pleasure as my slippery fingers slid into hercleft, gently rubbing and massaging the soft skin.

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   She grabbed forhandholds and placed one foot on the edge of the tub. Her head fell backand began to sway as I continued to massage her sensitive clitoris andinner tissues. I felt very contented as I pleasured her. It was arousing, but I also verymuch enjoyed being the giver of such pleasure. It was the first time I'ddone that for another person, and I felt a great deal of satisfaction fromit. With the fingers of one hand, I began to gently rub the skin of herclitoral sheath all around the clitoris itself. I loved to do this formyself, and I could tell by the way her back arched and her body tensedthat she was enjoying it, too. Then with the other hand, I stuck my middlefinger between the swollen inner labia and into her vagina. I gasped atthe heat inside. She yelped and clamped down hard on my finger, trappingit, until all I could do was wiggle it against the sensitive walls. I wasamazed at how strong her cunt muscles were. Her hips began to thrust back and forth, and I let the hand on herclitoris stay still as she rubbed against it at her own speed. Spasmsinside her vagina continuously squeezed at my probing finger. Soon though,I could feel her juices begin to seep out, and was able to move my fingerin an out in time with her thrusts. I could feel more room inside of herthan my little pussy had, so I tried to stick another finger inside.

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   Sureenough, it popped in easily and sent her to brand new heights of pleasure. I watched her juices collect in my hands, mix with the soap, and drip tothe water below in long, gooey strands. Suddenly, her body stiffened andshe let out a loud wail. I felt her clitty disappear into its sheath andher vagina squeeze hard around my two fingers, then relax. Amanda grunted,and another huge spasm gripped her cunt. Again and again, about a secondapart, Amanda spasmed around my fingers. Twelve times, Amanda's littlepussy gripped my fingers in its orgasmic seizure. Her young girl juice wasdripping down to the water in a continuous rain of sticky strands. Myhands were coated with it, too, clear evidence of a job well done. Her orgasm finally subsiding, Amanda dropped to her knees with me and Isoaped up her tummy as she sat gasping and groaning in post-orgasmicbliss. Then my hands rose upward to her tits, and I began to knead andmassage them with my soapy hands. Amanda could only groan as I tweaked herhard nipples and scraped my palms across them. After a few minutes of this, Amanda grabbed me in her arms and hugged meclose. My knees slid to either side of one of hers, and my right kneebanged against her hairy little crotch. My tiny tits crushed against hers,and as our nipples touched, I felt sparks of pleasure race straight downto my clitoris.

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   I gasped and dropped the soap, caressing her back with myhands. Our heads rested on each other's shoulders as we embraced, cooingand moaning at each other. Without a word, Amanda leaned me back and pulled my legs forward so that Iwas sitting on my bottom at the back of the tub with the cool watersplashing down on my face and chest, stimulating my hard little nipples. Amanda, still kneeling at the front of the tub, spread my legs and liftedone over each shoulder. Then she bent forward and placed her face in mycrotch. I began to tremble, realizing what she was about to do for me. When I felt her wet tongue one of my sensitive outer cunt lips, I moaned. My trembling increased, my legs became tense, and my toes curled. Instinctively, my tiny hands went to her wet, sticky hair and held herhead. This was sex. My first real, undeniable sex with another person. I couldrationalize my exploration of Amanda as a thorough washing. But not this. I was having sex with Amanda. I giggled as the irrational thought that Ishould have rinsed Amanda's hair first popped into my head.

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  I giggled and squirmed underneath Amanda as her tongue laved my outerlabia from bottom to top, alternating between the two. After a fewminutes, I calmed as her tongue moved up to my less-sensitive mons. Mytrembling stopped, and my body slowly relaxed as I got used to the feelingof her tongue and my own excitement at what was happening. I moaned as Ifelt her tongue lick and toy with my new little pubic hairs. When she made her way back down to my outer lips, I was much more relaxed. I moaned with every scrape of her wet tongue on my virgin skin. I couldfeel the lips swelling wide. Then her tongue started to make side-to-sidemovements as it licked upward, making me squirm again, this time trying toget her tongue to slip into the more sensitive areas between my gapingcunt lips. But she was careful not to rush it. She just grabbed the upraised globesof my bottom and held me still. I held onto her head for dear life,panting, gasping, and giggling with pleasure. When I was little more than a tight little ball of sexual tension, she lether tongue dip down into the top of my sensitive furrow. I let loose withan ear-splitting squeal as the moment I had been anticipating finallyarrived. Her tongue barely made it down to the base of my clitoral sheath when Iwent off like a case of dynamite. My hips bucked hard against her, and hertongue was forced down across my lewdly distended clit and into my hungryvaginal entrance.

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   I gave an ungodly shriek when I felt that happen, and itseemed like my orgasm was having an orgasm. I'd never felt anything sointense in my life. I crushed Amanda's head against my crotch as my legs clamped down oh her,feet arching, toes curling. My head came up, then jerked back, my eyes andmouth gaping open. My little body bucked and heaved while Amanda continuedto calmly lick me out. Through the waves of pleasure and heaving my little virgin body wasexperiencing, I somehow felt Amanda's nose crushing against myover-stimulated clitoris as her tongue penetrated as far as it could intomy vagina. I knew I was gushing an incredible amount of little-girl juiceinto Amanda's mouth, but she didn't seem to mind. She just kept lappingcontentedly away. Finally, my little body began to relax, and Amanda's tongue knowingly leftmy too-sensitive inner folds and returned to the outer lips where it allstarted. She carefully lapped away all of my juices that had smeared ontothem from her own face. It was a slow, wonderful come-down from my mostblissful experience ever, and I tried to let Amanda know that by gentlycaressing her wet head. Finally, Amanda lifted her head. A big, wet smile was plastered across herface. "How about it? Did we chase those hornies away for awhile?"All I could muster was a contented sigh and caress my breasts, letting mylegs dangle open lewdly so the water could cool down my overheatedgirlhood. We were just getting dressed when we heard a knock at the side door.

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   Itwas customary for locals to knock at the side door when visiting at theneighbors, so we knew it was most likely one of Amanda's friends. I wasn'ttoo thrilled about this, since I didn't really care much for her wildfriends and it interrupted what had come to be a special afternoon for me. Amanda didn't seem too happy about our visitor, either. We hurriedly finished dressing, and Amanda went to answer the door anyway. I waited in her family room, and was somewhat surprised and disappointedwhen I heard that Amanda seemed delighted with whomever was at the door. Icould tell that she was going to invite them in. I sometimes tremble whenI think about that moment. If she had done as I wished and sent them away,I may never have met my wonderful Curtis, boyfriend for six years andhusband for eighteen!I sighed resignedly as Amanda called me to the door, where two boys wereentering. One was a Hispanic boy named Joey, a neighbor from a couple ofstreets over and a few blocks down. As Joey passed in front of her, Amandamouthed "I fucked him," and gave me a wink and the thumbs-up sign. I wasmildly surprised by this, since Joey was a year behind me in school. And then Curtis walked in the door. I still swoon when I remember themoment I laid eyes on that boy! And did I ever swoon then! I gasped andhad to lean against the kitchen counter, my knees suddenly weak andrubbery. I felt sweat break out all over my body as a surge of adrenalinepoured into my bloodstream. I felt a silly grin spread across my face asmy eyes widened and my pupils dilated.

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  Small and lithe, Joey still stood about two inches taller than me. He hadfeather-cut brown hair, parted in the center, that cascaded down over hisears and thickly over his neck down to his shoulders. His eyebrows werethin and graceful, arching sweetly over the most intense, dark-brownpuppy-dog eyes I had ever seen or ever will see. His nose was thin andstraight, turning up just a smidgen at the end. His lips were pale butperfectly formed, and his chin had a beautiful cleft. A dark shadow ofsoft peach-fuzz covered his upper lip, testifying to his entry intopuberty. As soon as Curtis saw me, he stopped in his tracks, staring at me. I felta hot thrill run through me as I saw his eyes widen and his face light up. I could tell that he was taken with me, too. I couldn't believe it. Talkabout love at first sight!Curtis was so stunned that Amanda had to push him forward a couple ofsteps so that she could get the door closed. This made him blushfuriously, but his eyes remained locked on to mine as a bashful smilespread across his face. The four of us stood silently for a few moments, Curtis and I locked in alovers' gaze while Amanda and Joey digested what was happening. After afew more moments of awkward silence, I was dimly aware of Amanda givingJoey a nudge and saying, "Well? Aren't you going to introduce yourfriend?"Joey shuffled uncomfortably, and finally muttered, "Uh, this is my friendCurtis. He lives in town and spent the night with me last night.

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   I broughthim over to meet you. "I was too love-struck to wonder about why he would do such a thing. Ilearned later that Amanda had struck up some kind of deal with Joey wherehe would bring over some of his good-looking friends (preferably virgins)for Amanda's inspection and possible seduction. Curtis was no innocent inthis, either, as he had known going in that he might "get lucky" withAmanda if he passed her scrutiny. I know all of this makes Amanda sound terribly sleazy, but please don'tjudge her unkindly. There were extenuating circumstances in her familylife which I'll not go into, and she had a very good heart. She told melater that she very much wanted Curtis, and that her first impulse was topair me up with Joey since she'd already had him several times. But whenshe saw how smitten we were with each other, she graciously conceded tothe situation. Not that Joey would have been bad in any other situation,mind you. He was a very handsome young boy and I would have been more thanhappy to give my virginity to him that day, believe me. But not aftermeeting Curtis and discovering the vast difference between love and lust. The boys had ridden their bikes over, and were hot and sweaty after eventhat short ride. After letting them drink their fill of water, Amanda toldCurtis and me to have a seat on the couch while she had a talk with Joey. Alone together, we suffered through a few awkward moments of silencebefore Curtis broke the ice by asking me about my summer, where I livedand what classes I'd be taking in the fall (I was going into seventhgrade, he sixth). He answered in kind and it turned out that he was goingto have the same teacher I had just had.


   We thought that was great, and Igave him all kinds of advice. Within ten minutes, we were getting alongfamously. All this time, I'd been covertly admiring his sweet little body. He worejust a baby blue tank top and cut-offs. His deeply tanned arms were stillboyishly skinny, but his hands were large with slender fingers that endedwith short, ragged nails. His legs were lean and slender, without an ounce of fat. All the meat waspure muscle. He was just beginning to sprout a few straight brown hairs onhis shins, but his creamy thighs were still boyishly hairless. Of course, my eyes spent most of the time fixed upon his beautiful crotch. His little package bulged delightfully against the pale blue denim. Hisscrotum looked round and full, about three inches around, with his littleegg-shaped nuts clearly outlined. The sight made my heart pound and mybreath labor in my throat. My mouth went dry, and my virgin cunt began todrool again. Finally, Amanda and Joey came back into the room and asked me to talk withthem a second. Regretfully, I left Curtis' side to go with them.

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  Amanda and Joey had big grins on their faces when they turned to face mein the bedroom. "So, what do you think?" Amanda asked. "About what?" I asked, clueless. "Do you like him?" Amanda asked. "Huh? Yeah. He's really nice. " I said, a little flustered. "Joey says he's a virgin and wants to fuck. He says Curtis is only 11, buthe has hair and can cum already. Joey doesn't even squirt yet," Amandaadded, glancing at Joey who giggled and shuffled with embarrassment. "Oh," was all I could say, taken aback by the frank conversation. I wasinterested, though. Very interested. "So do you want to fuck Curtis?" Amanda asked. "Joey and I will arrange itfor you if you want, but you have to be sure.

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  "I found myself nodding and biting my lip, unable to meet her eyes in myembarrassment. "OK, cool. But remember, he can cum so you could get pregnant. I knowyou're not having your periods yet, but there's a chance, even if you'reprobably more likely to get struck by lightening. I have condoms, but Idon't think Curtis can fit into them yet. Joey might be a safer choice. "Amanda explained. Joey blushed at her last statement and looked down at his feet. I was silent for a moment, but I wanted Curtis, and I wanted him more thananything in the whole world at that moment. "Joey is very handsome, but Ithink I'm in love with Curtis. Just this once, I'll take my chances. "Amanda nodded and turned to Joey. "OK, we need to get started then. Getting caught by my folks would be a definite bummer. You go get Curtisand take a quick shower to get the sweat off you, then just put a towelaround yourselves and come back in here.

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   Lisa and I will be ready for anice back rub, and then you and me can set an example. Got it?""Got it!" Joey said with a bright smile before running off down the hall. While the boys were in the bathroom showering, Amanda instructed me toremove my clothes while she did the same. When we were naked, she offeredme a spray of breath freshener, then pulled out a small bottle containinga thick red liquid. "To freshen us up a little," she explained as sheplaced a few droplets onto a finger, then unabashedly spread her legs andinserted her fingers into her vagina, making squishy wet noises as shespread it around inside. Then she had me stick my fingers out and poured alittle bit of the stuff onto them. I sniffed it. It smelled nice, likestrawberries. Then I spread my legs and carefully spread the gooey fluidonto my vaginal entrance before inserting a finger and spreading it aroundthe first inch or so of my tight, virgin love tunnel. I noticed that I wasstill nicely lubricated inside without being too wet. I was tempted tokeep my finger in there, stroking my eager young cunt flesh, but I mademyself be patient, knowing that something far better would soon be feedingits aching hunger. Amanda must have seen something in my face, for she smiled and winked atme. "It won't be long now," she assured me. Amanda had a set of twin beds in her room (neither of which were made atthe moment). She instructed me to get in one, which I did, and she turnedthe sheets down until they were just barely covering my tight little buns.

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  Then she went to her own bed and did the same for herself. We heard the water of the shower turn off, and then the hushed,high-pitched voices of the boys in the bathroom as they probably discussedtheir role in the forthcoming event. Amanda and I lay with our heads on our pillows, facing each other. She smiled. "Are you OK with this?"I just smiled back and nodded against my pillow. "Good. . . Remember, there aren't any rules. Just follow your instincts. Youdon't have to copy Joey and me if you don't want to. In fact, you two willprobably be pretty eager to get to the best part, and that's OK. You canalways practice the other stuff later. ""OK," I said. And then the boys were in the doorway, damp towels hanging around theirskinny little waists.

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   Joey was in front, but my eyes homed in on Curtis,only able to see his face and shoulders, bronzed by the sun with a palerstripe over each one from the tank tops he and the other boys always wore. Joey didn't waste any time. He just hopped onto Amanda's bed and satastride her sheet-covered buttocks, then began to run his hands overAmanda's back. Curtis approached me more slowly, a little uncertain, but I looked back athim and gave him a smile that I hoped was reassuring, but was probablyjust a nervous grimace. Our eyes locked, and he broke into the most beautiful, bashful smile I'dever seen. I noticed how long and graceful his sweet eyelashes were as hisgaze dropped away. But then he seemed to lose his shyness and in a moment I felt the bedadjusting to his weight, then my pointed little buttocks were covered witha wonderful, heavy warmth. He leaned forward, and I could hear his heavy breathing as I felt hiscallused hands against the skin of my back. Gently, he began to massage mytense little back muscles. I was facing Amanda, and noticed her eyes riveted on Curtis. There was abeatific smile on her face. When she saw me looking at her she gave me along wink. Unable to see Curtis, I watched Joey as he vigorously rubbedAmanda's back. His hips began to undulate on top of her, and my heartquickened when I saw his towel come undone and fall backwards down hisripe little bottom. There, in all its glory was his sweet littlethree-inch erection, rubbing along the furrow of Amanda's bottom.

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   Eachtime it pushed forward, a circle of skin would pop back to reveal a plump,pink helmet-shaped head. When he pulled it back, it would nearly disappearinto its little sheath. When Joey saw me looking, he just smiled andraised his eyebrows a couple of times. Curtis, the sweetheart, was daintily keeping his crotch just above mybottom. I wanted no more of that, so I raised my bottom a few inches. Thewonderful contact made us both groan with delight, and Curtis immediatelyallowed his sweet crotch to fall against me. I could easily feel his barescrotum and penis through the thin sheet, and it sent a thrill through methat caused my legs to spread involuntarily. His penis was hard and heavy as it began to rub along my bottom, dragginghis precious little scrotum along with it. I undulated my hips beneathhim, trying to magnify the sensation. We both began to grunt and groanwith the new feelings that were coursing through our virgin bodies. Mylittle pussy began to grow wet and spread its dew onto the bed sheetbelow. I dimly noticed Joey rip away the bed sheet between him and Amanda, thenreplace his little cock into her crack. He bent down and began to suck andnibble on her ears and neck, while she groaned and humped her bottomagainst him. Suddenly, the heat inside of me built to an intolerable intensity. I hadto have him.

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   I had to have him NOW!As I began to roll over beneath Curtis, he lifted himself up slightly. Wewere both breathing harshly. When I was on my back, I yanked the bed sheetout from between us. At the same time, Curtis threw away his towel. I had only a moment to admire his hard, trembling little four-incherection, the two sweet little tufts of pubic hair at its base, and hissmooth, hairless little nut sack before he fell onto me, his mouthdesperately seeking mine. Our lips met, then crushed against each other passionately, each of usmaking breathless little grunting noises deep in our throats. I felt histongue in my mouth, and began to lick and suck on it, loving its warm,metallic sweetness. Then I felt his penis and scrotum against my wetcrotch. Immediately, it began rubbing along my feminine furrow, growingwet with my fluids and scraping my clitoris, which seemed to erupt into ablazing inferno. His hands clamped down on my pointy little breasts and began to knead themwith passionate desperation. My nipples instantly became swollen and beganto burn with pleasure. Our bodies began to rut against each other in anuncontrollable frenzy. My feverish eyes locked on Curt's. His deep browneyes were watery, burning with ecstatic intensity. I lifted my hips upwardto increase the pressure of our hungry loins, and I felt him pressdownward in response.

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   The speed of his thrusts quickened, and I gasped atthe vigorous massage my over-stimulated little clitoris was receiving. Then I started to cum. It washed over me in an instant, and I wailed atits intensity. Still looking into my lover's eyes, my little body began tospasm from head to toe. I felt my juices bathe his sweet little ball sackas they copiously poured forth. Then I felt his body stiffen and presstightly against mine, his hips spasming against me. His eyes widened, thenclosed as he suddenly relaxed onto me. I felt it then, his warm, quick little spurts against my fuzzy littlemons. They made a warm little pool between our tightly pressed bodies, andI thought it was the sweetest, most precious feeling in the world. Irubbed my hands up and down his sweaty back as he squirted, then grabbedhis full, firm buttocks and pressed him tightly against me, enjoying thefeel of his scratchy little hairs rubbing against my spermy mons. Hislittle hard-on began to soften, but not much, and I luxuriated in the feelof its luxurious thickness between our bodies. Taking a moment to regain our breath, we looked over to the other bedwhere Amanda had turned onto her back and was noisily sucking Joey'shairless little cock for all she was worth. He was sitting astride her,his buttocks undulating over her breasts, his hands twining through herhair. His head was thrown back, his mouth gaping open, and his eyes closedin a look of pure ecstasy. Amanda had her legs spread, and was busilyfrigging herself, making lewd wet noises inside her hairy little pussy.

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  Suddenly, Joey yelped and held her head tightly against him, pressing hisloins into her face. His face twisted into an orgasmic grimace, and hiships began to spasm quickly. He was cumming into Amanda's mouth. Curtis and I turned back to face each other and we kissed again, long andslow. In a minute, our bodies began to move against each other, and Icould feel Curt's cock growing back to full hardness. He began to move downward, slowly but purposefully. Then I felt the headof his little cock slip down my furrow to press against my gaping littlevaginal opening. I adjusted myself slightly, and moaned, feeling mountingpressure against my entrance. I pushed back. Suddenly, with a snapping sensation, his slender little cock waspenetrating me. I wailed with ecstatic fulfillment, and Curtis grunteddeep in his throat. With delicious smoothness, Curtis filled mecompletely. I could feel his cool, wet little balls gently kiss my bottom. He felt so huge inside of me, and I felt like if it had been only amillimeter bigger I'd have exploded. Reflexively, my cunt muscles clenchedat his invading member.

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   Immediately, I heard Curtis groan loudly and felta pop deep inside me. Then a wonderful warmth spread through my womb. Instinctively, I knew my lover was cumming, squirting his baby-making seeddeep inside of me. It was a miraculous feeling, and I wished at thatmoment that I COULD get pregnant and have his beautiful baby. The thoughtof it set me off, and I began to cum in a series of mind-shattering spasmsthat caused my newly deflowered little pussy to flex uncontrollably aroundit's precious visitor, squeezing every last droplet of his immature semeninto my wet vagina, where my spasming cervix could lap it up into myinfertile little uterus. Joey now had his face buried in Amanda's wet, hairy crotch, licking andgrunting noisily as Amanda watched us, kneading her plump little tits. Joey's bald little cock hung sweetly over his plump little scrotum, wetwith Amanda's saliva. Soft, it looked like there was a cute little nippleat the tip. We shared a smile, then I turned my attention back to Curtiswho was beginning to grind his hips against mine. Again, I'd barely felt him soften before he became raging hard again. Isighed with pleasure and began to match his movements. We started a slowrhythm against each other, each of us exploring the new sensations of sex. Lewd sucking noises came out of my little pussy as our fluids mixed into athick froth. I wiggled and jerked beneath my lover as jolt after jolt ofintense pleasure raced through my tense little body. I grunted and moanedwith abandon, sometimes whimpering and crying out.


   We kissed and licked ateach other's faces, breathing harshly and raggedly against each other. Ifelt myself pop off many times, my consciousness nearly shutting down asmy animal lust swept over me. My dear, sweet Curtis was a magnificent little lover. After his first twohair-trigger ejaculations, he showed magnificent control. Again and againhe plowed into my gripping, spasming little cunt, measuring his pace andnot letting my desperate little thrusts break his rhythm. I lost track oftime, my awareness fixated on my lover's plunging little cock and myburning, clenching little twat. Dimly, I could hear Amanda and Joey going at it. He was on top of her now,plunging his little cock into her teeny-bopper cunt with gusto. The wet,smacking noises of our sex seemed to fill the room. Amanda has givinghigh-pitched little grunts every time Joey banged into her, and he wasmaking little animal noises with each thrust. Watching Joey fuck Amanda like an animal turned me on ferociously. I beganto cum in continuous waves, and it was too much for poor, sweet, Curtis. "Ooooooooh, Liiiisssssaaaaaaa!" My lover wailed, lifting himself onto hisarms and pressing his little cock as far into me as it could possibly go. We both looked down between us as his hips sputtered and jerked againstme. Our pubic hair was matted with sperm and sweat, and our loins werethick with white froth.

Men from all walks of life can book the Escort Services In Greece of the Athens Greece Escort girls with full peace of mind. This escort agency in Thessaloniki can assure you that all deals and appointments are treated with full confidentiality and anonym 

   I felt a bullet of his cum splatter against mycervix, and I came instantly. He fell back onto me and we crushedourselves together, our climaxing little bodies a trembling, writhing massof orgasmic ecstasy. His flexing, spurting young prick continued to peltmy heaving little cunt with his sticky seed, and I marveled that hislittle balls could produce so much. Our noisy orgasm set Joey and Amanda off, too, and I heard them both yellin unison as their bodies peaked with orgasmic pleasure. Joey's hips frozeagainst Amanda's crotch, then began to jerk and spasm against her, hisimmature little penis trying desperately to squirt its first load of boycum. The four of us continued to bump and grind against our respective loversfor a few more minutes, enjoying the wonderful sensations. I realized thatfor the first time in a long time, my sexual desire was totally sated. Iwrapped my arms tightly around my new lover, thankful for his gift. Finally, we all roused ourselves and got dressed. We were all a littlelight-headed and giddy, and giggled like getting dressed was the funniestthing in the world. Before he left with Joey, Curtis and I exchanged phone numbers. Alone withAmanda, I told her that our plans with Mike were no longer necessary. Ihad found my boyfriend. She was not at all surprised, and gave me a hug, wishing us well. Ithanked her from the bottom of my heart, and left.

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   She watched me from thedoor, and I turned back once to wave at her. I think we both somehow knewthat I wouldn't be visiting her again, and I never did. ---Curtis rode his bike to my house every weekday for the rest of the summer,a total of four miles through deadly heat. We explored each other's bodiesand tried just about every sexual act we could think of. More than that,we were lovers and Curtis became my best friend and confidante. When hewasn't at my house, we talked for hours on the phone, driving our familiescrazy. We practiced safe sex and suffered no mishaps. I finally graduated fromhigh school and went to the local community college the next year. Curtisgraduated (with honors) the year after I did. One night, shortlythereafter, on bended knee and with tears streaming down his face, Curtisprofessed his undying love for me and asked me to marry him. It was thesingularly happiest moment of my life. Curtis joined the Navy, and we moved to the West Coast. We've had toendure long separations, but our love has never faltered. We have threewonderful kids (two boys and a girl) and are very, very happy. Amanda continued to be Amanda for a few more years, then one day left townwith a biker gang.

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   I never saw her again, but think of her often, hopingshe was able to eventually satisfy her restless spirit. I have a lot tothank her for. THE END.