Sex In Public

Topic: LIFES SEXUAL PERKS 22 Fact or fiction? you decide.
 Like all weekend pre-planning,the plan on wake up sleepy head, the plans changed,we"re off to swimming with fried breakfast after. I surfaced from my dream to find Jackie holding a new swimming costume against her naked front. "What do you think of it?" Job to tell,put it on. Having poured herself into it with many girating movements making my already piss proud cock ache like hell. Shooting through the door,I holler,"Be back,must have a piss" Drained of pee,I return to find Jackie stood looking in the mirror admiring what she can see. "Oh! its all soft now!" Stick with where we are,I will need to get going,what"s the game plan then,bit sudden wasn"t it? "No you were all tuckered out when I found out last night so I left you asleep" Den come in to tell you? I said knowingly. No-o, your aunt let me know,funny tho! she especially emphasized about you being there and to not let you stay doing your DIY.
 "MMMMM,something fishy there,I wouldn"t be surprised if she wanted to share your body" She"s my aunt for christs sake! "All the same, I see how she looks at your bulge" Hold on,you"re lining them up for me now,what with your plan about Moira,put them in a line and I"ll go along the line dipping in each one to see which cumms off first. Ha!Ha! "Bastard, That Moira thing,you still will wont you? I"d planned to talk about it with you again before I ask her if she"d like it"
 Oh! shit,I should have left well alone,she now thinks I want to, next it will be me who proposed it. Change tac! No,I thought Den may have been involved,you know,after all that"s been a whole day since having your puss,puss. "SO?" Well I can"t imagine going a whole day with no pussy from you,it must be driving him mad. "Hang on, you"re saying you wouldn"t mind him doing me every day now?" NO! "What then? when I want? or when he wants? or when you want?" No, nothing like that,I wasn"t saying anything really. Silence while we got ready.
 "We"re meeting at the pool like usual" Bet its cold like usual on a Sunday, your nips will stand up like bullets through that costume. "Men shouldn"t look at a prim young housewife,it"ll make her embarrassed" She giggled, "I forgot to show you,after you dashed off and then with all your banter.

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   LOOK!" she held the costume out with her hand inside, and ran her hand across what, being a man,I can only describe as a modesty strip going across from thigh to thigh and hiding any through costume pussy slit from view.  Yeah,funny as a girl your school pattern costumes never had it. "Yeah,but look" her hand was now showing from inside to outside from under this strip" True to man. Yeah so?? "Don"t you see? up the strip is open,not stitched" Moving her hand too and fro sideways "see?" Yeah,I expect its to do with cost at manufacture, They probably pay so much an inch for all the stitching,so that would save say! six inches worth. "I never thought of that" Well no stitching is needed there really. "No, "spose not!
 Don"t let Den know! "Why?" Think about it, a smile crossed her lips, Why that smile? "Well you did tell me to think about it" You dirty cat! "Well that was for saying you want me to keep letting him fuck me" EH? When did I say that? "You know,just now in the bedroom" . . . Silence then, "I"d let him have it say 2 or 3 times a week if you said it was ok, but trouble is you"re not always going to be there to watch,what with his and your shift changes and that,you"d have to be prepared to let me tell you about it the times you couldn"t watch yourself"
 Bloody hell,this could be getting out of hand,but thinking on my feet. While he screws my wife I could screw his and his mother-in-law. (Albeit my aunty) Dangers? He could knock Jackie up,then so could I with Ginny. No problem there. After all that"s going to be inevitable sooner or later and its a good chance I"m already one up anyway. My aunts freelance so if I knock her up,they"ll more likely suspect Den or his old man because their reputations go ahead of them. I"m also warming to the Jackie plan of knocking up Moira,well fucking her anyway.

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 "What ya thinking about? Its a simple question, Can I or not? Oh! I"ve got it, you"re thinking of the romance thing, Its pure lust,you know I love you only so dearly, it can only ever be for lust really, but since that first time you put yours in me I"ve become obsessed with being fucked and made to cum and thrill and cum again and now you"ve let me have another one its worse or rather even better. I know you are good doing it lots,but I might even let you or rather if you say I can, do some others for you to watch" Anyone in mind?
 "No,but you know what I mean! But it would have to be blokes we know or get to know,nothing on a one nighter like. So,what do you reckon then?" Lets just play it by ear, obviously a lot depends on whether Moira is up for it and you can get your jollies watching like you think you will. Always assuming she does. "She will,I know she will,trust me,I know" mmmm? Sounds like Jackie"s in scheming mode! You better keep your hand on puss,puss for the next hour or so,otherwise I may have to watch before an audience of many. Thwack on the shoulder,JAB!JAB! in the ribs. "You"d just love that,watching your little wifey being raped by two men in front of all those others. . . and your aunt for good measure. . . I know she was watching you show Den my pussy that time. . .

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   and she didn"t stop either of you. . . horny lesbian. I didn"t really mean that bit,sorry" Its ok we"re on our own still. . . but you missed out Ginny watching her husband raping you.
 "Oh yeah,I forgot,she wont be here. Its Den,his dad,your aunt and Jean (Den"s sister) you and me" Why no Ginny? "Think about it!" Oh! silly me. Well,the dirty sods will have a free hand so to speak on you. Ha!Ha! "Fuck off its time for your aunt to take a turn" She wont with Jean around, but Jean wont take any notice of them getting you. "What does that mean?" Well you"re young and Jean will expect them to grab at you and try to throw you about like they do her. "Ah, I expect you"ll try to grab some as well" I smile. Ah, Mr.

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  innocent,like hell you are! I bet your grotty little fingers could tell a tale or two about pool groping,you horny bastards are all the same! You got a very low opinion of us men then? "No,its all a matter of controlling your animal instincts,that"s all,your aunt agrees too!
 They"re here already waiting. . . In we go, being three we are pointed to the club changing room,the attendant knows us anyway. We"re at a fairly new pool here. Charlie,the attendant says,"Can"t talk now,I"m covering both sides again,bet she got pissed up last night,its always me covering both on Sundays" Yeah,must be pure hell with all that pussy in today, Hurrying off with an ear to ear grin,"Yeah especially the female club room,I got to pass through that for the rest. I let them know its a male attendant coming through. You just wouldn"t believe a lot of them,they purposely turn outwards to flash their fur. They"re worse than the blokes"
 Three of us in the clubroom,three of them in the clubroom I bet.  With my slacks off my naked beast gives a twitch as I imagine Charlie looking at a 40+,20+ and teen model pussies in a row,one of which will have very little hair on. (Lucky bastard,and getting paid as well)
 Following our talk on the way, I"m assessing what Jackie will receive in due course. Having given her a description of their respective wedding tackle, I find myself studying both more closely although very covertly. If Den haven"t washed his cock,he"ll still have my wifes juice hidden under his foreskin. Then a mind switch,I wonder if he"s told his old man she"s a goer as we all refer to women that have let us. I turning stops and stares, Fuck look at that bastard.

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   This bloke got the biggest,thickest cock I"ve seen since my military days. I"ll draw Jackie and aunts attention to that one. It also triggered another notion.
 Seeing this enormous man meat, I remembered my old mate in the merchant navy. On a par to this one,I thought,now that would make Jackies eyes water, an introduction when he"s ashore next time is imperative I"ve decided. . . Now in the pool, as always the women appear later. I position myself by the middle steps, experience tells me Jackie will dive in first time,aunt will come down these steps and stand by them as the water will be nearly up to her shoulders. I also know that in coming down the steps much can be seen between her legs including her spider pubes each side and sometimes a section of pussy intentionally or unintentionally,Who cares, it always brings a smile on her face when I look though!
 Then there"s nieve teen Jean. She never gets in for a while,prefering to sit on the side with her feet on the hand rail,shivering a bit as her goose bumps appear on her legs and the two on her breast very much bigger than the rest. You got it, two firm breasts with very firm and prominent nipples atopping them. Because of the coldness she always keep opening and shutting her thighs,which in turn opened and closed her slit area until the costume found its way into her pussy groove. This in turn tended to pull the leg part away from her groins and sometimes her little pussy was partly in sight.
 Also she was more a tease than Ross, a while back she was in the habit of always trying to get me to feel up the girls in our group at the time.

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   I never quite worked out whether it was her plan or her older mates plan to get me to feel them up. Who cares? it worked every time. The men all had their own way of mucking and funning around. I being a good swimmer under water took full advantage of getting in close to their pussies or swimming through their legs with strategic groping of thighs done so innocently all appeared not to notice being touched up.
 By now Jackie had been tossed around quite a bit by Den and Chuck (Father-in-law) together. Jean was now on the diving boards at the other end. Aunt had enjoyed giving me some serious splashing after attempting to swim through my legs which ended in failure as she seemed unable to let go of my cock. Gasping to the surface with her eyes tightly shut a very naked tit with the ever present very large nipple rippled just below the surface. I was duty bound to grasp it and put it away before she became embarrassed,Ha!Ha!
 This top seems to catch the water as I come up,that keeps happening. Do it again then. Thump, fuck I knew she and Jackie were alike. Aunty now back in her place by the rail, I"m just foreward and to the side,my ass cheek is touching my aunts thigh. Her mouth quietly says, "You were half hard just now and in cold water as well" I return, I Know the cold always makes me randy for some reason! "Keep looking they"re trying to get your wife you know,is that what"s getting you hard?" At that Jackie came shooting up from the water right afront of Chuck. Finger to thumb she flicked Chucks nipple (For a man he had big nipples more in place on a woman) "Ow you little bitch,get her Den" she launching herself past Den in an attempt to escape in turn was captured when Den launched himself in pursuit.
 Taking full advantage of the ensuing struggle and with Jackie struggling and panting very much out of breath,he now had her under the arms and clasped around her chest.

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   Aunt! "Crafty sod look he"s having a right old squeeze of her tits" Yeah,with this total distraction and knowing all underwater was fairly opache I tested the costume theory. Sure enough twisting my hand on the front of my aunts costume I was able to go up in and down, the elasticity of the material allowed me to adjust my hand to grasp her volumptious pussy lips,I quickly got my middle finger inside. "You dirty little sod,don"t let anyone see you" Despite the coldness of the water,up in her cunt was remarkably warm, It then felt warmer still? "You"re making me pee myself you sod" Fuck I now had a hard on and being wrong placed it was sticking straight out but there was no way I was going to let go aunts pussy at the moment.
 Jackie was now kicking out at Chuck who had closed with the struggling pair. "Hold her Den,hold her" Den did, Jackie was kicking like hell but all to no avail, Chuck had now got between her legs and inside her kicks. Still struggling,A No! please no more,splutter,splutter,her body now bobbing up and down in the water as chuck sought to grasp my wifes thighs even tighter, (Aunt was gently rocking in and out on my finger) Excitedly hissed "He"s nearly got hold of it" What? "Her cunt,he"s after her cunt,cant you see?" Jackie with energy drained was struggling much less and Chuck now had a hand right round and under her ass holding right across both cheeks while his other hand was now on the inside of her of thighs. Because of the wrestling they had become nearer and although under water with Chucks body holding my wifes legs open,almost quietly Chucks hand disappeared into Jackies costume,not how my hand was but up through the leg hole.
 I glanced at my aunt,she was mesmerized, "Don"t it make you want to watch them fuck her" checking herself, "Sorry, she"s your wife,well you know what I mean?" Yes & Yes. Looking puzzled and looking up at me, realisation dawned and she broke into a smile. "You horny little sod,you"ll stop at nothing,I wish we were somewhere you could fuck me now" Its all in hand! Another questioning look. "Let go they"ve let her loose,look at her nipples,I know its cold but she certainly liked what they done to her,go on let them loose on her and we"ll watch.
 Tut! Tut! Aunt,what a dirty old lady, Cut the old bit,I"d drain your balls a couple of times while we watched them. AAH" Now there"s a thought.
. .

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  . Time flys when you"re having fun. As we started to get out Jean reappeared and going up the steps ahead of me I had a glorious view of a wet costume displaying her ass and pussy slits, on getting to the top she stopped and pulled from the back the leg of her costume out of her bum. In the over exaggerated pulling I clearly saw her ass crack and all the puffy cleft of her pussy. Looking back over her shoulder,she faintly smiled. So that"s why she got out last but one. I recalled she"d shown a bit of a crush on me before I"d married.
 As I headed up the pool side,the others having gone ahead, she clung on to my arm quietly saying, "That was compensation for what dad and Den had just now. Then as we separated,me having to cross to the other side she grabbed and squeezed one of my ass cheeks so hard I thought I"d have a bruise. Then openly, "About that other,there"s plenty more where that came from" Fuck me! she"s coming on to me,having spotted Jackie"s antics she"s declared open season on Richard. Most flattering but also most dangerous,then again she was what eighteen,get on with you,you old pensioner. After all you"re all of twenty two yourself. Ha! Ha! Thinking on That"s only half what Den is to Jackie.
 Breakfast dealt with, we returned home to Jackie"s reminiscence"s. She"d certainly seen the mighty cock close up having swam under water right up to the bloke.

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   She admitted laughingly,she was tempted to bite it. She admitted that,if hard she doubted it would go all the way in her. She reckoned it would make her ache for days as well. I offered, I"ll make you a rubber one that size would be hard to let you try if you want! (No such thing as purchasing dildos back then) Adding I know of a live one, you could try sometime in the future. "I don"t know anyone that big" No but I do! "How come I haven"t met him I know your friends" Ah! But not all,I forgot him till I saw that blokes cock and thought again what you were talking about, having some others. "What you actually saw it for real?" Course we all changed together, Oh" Did it have a lot of foreskin?" Yeah,I spose it did really,Why? "Well it would help it go in wouldn"t it?" Yeah I spose that"s what its there for. "Yeah,I"ve always assumed so!"
 Then came the crunch. I told you they"d get hold of you,I seen you calm down when Chuck got his hand in. Surprisingly my wife blushed. "I thought I only had to protect my pussy from Den it didn"t occur to me his father would try in the pool,despite his reputation and he"s so old" Smart assing again. . . Many a good tune played on an old fiddle. "Yeah maybe,but its my young fiddle he was playing" We both had hysterics at her utterance,gasping, "Yeah well,it isn"t really funny he pushed his fingers right up in, in front of everybody" I reassured her it wasn"t that easy to see. "and that other dirty bastard was egging him on saying,make her cum dad,make her cum.


   He"ll get no more cumming I can tell you. Anyway it wasn"t all that nice either,the water meant his finger wouldn"t slide like in love juice"
 Yeah,well you knew that, its like in the bath, better on the side after mucking about because of the same reason. "Well I spose so" You sound disappointed? "Well wouldn"t you be,there"s two men trying to fuck you and it wasn"t as good as it should have been,after suffering being watched by everybody" Now don"t exaggerate Jack, only me aunt and Jean saw. oops! "WHAT! Jean saw her father wank me? What if she tells her mother?" Trust me she wont,in fact she liked watching it. "Why what did she say?" Our dad don"t get none at home,I hope Jackie will understand and not tell mum, I lied. "Oh! Thank goodness, else they"ll think I"m a slut" Jean knows better than that,old head on young shoulders that one. "Would you fuck her given the chance?" oops! trick question again. Why you planning to put her on your list? "Oh! not that again. Yes alright, now she"s been added? Trouble with women,you can never tell if they"re serious. Done to keep us blokes guessing I guess! Still Den had a good squeeze of her tits. In the current mood about him I decided to let that pass.
 More later.  
