meeting my master


Within days I was cut off from my friends my mother now drove me to and from school , I wasn’t allowed to any after school clubs. When I got home the first thing I had to do was undress so I would get use to showing off my body to whoever he wanted It wasn’t easy at first and I would cry most nights begging them to allow me to at least keep my underwear on, it was hard on them also as this was the last thing they wanted for their only daughter but their hands were tied, and as the days turned to weeks and I still protested most nights, my father could see nothing else for it other than to start punishing me for my unforgiving behaviour towards them.
I came home from school and as my mother walked through the door just behind me and held out her hands for my clothes, I started to scream and kick like I did most evenings, without warning my father walked into the room and SLAP right across my face I was knocked to the floor shocked into silence I lay there afraid to move, he bent forward I thought he was going to help me up and apologise, but no he just grabbed me by my hair, dragging me almost lifting me up into the air he rushed me up the stairs banging my body on the walls not caring how much he hurt me. Not even looking at me as he threw me on to his bed. I turned to look at him , with a voice I didn’t even recognised he ordered me to lay still on my stomach my mother forcing my legs open ,fear running through my mind that my own father was going to abuse me, rape me even I froze, then it came pain like I had never felt, it was hot burning stinging my skin I could work out what was happening to me at first, then the second and third blow came raining upon me, I found my voice I was screaming trying to get away but my mother held me fast I couldn’t move I screamed and screamed howling with tears streaming down my face my whole body shaking from my sobbing . I thought he was never going to stop, the beating stopped at quick as he started. Throwing his belt to the floor, in a much more gentle voice he ordered my mother to help me clean myself up to run me a bath wash my body she was to help ease the pain away. I was just sitting up as he went to leave the room, as he turned to leave , I caught a glimpse of his raging hard cock sticking out from inside his trousers.
This was how my life was now for the next year I had stopped the tantrums as I had learnt they only heightened the punishment , the relentless punishment every day when I came home from school I would undress go to my parents bedroom where my father would offer his whip he only used his belt when I had been really bad to my skin for 10 lashes and then he would add on any that I may have acquired through the day I had by now learnt not to move or cry out when receiving my punishment as this would only add more whippings each day as my father put down his whip I would notice how hard his cock was, as for my mother she had taught me how to shave my cunt to always keep it clean , in the last year my mother had taught me a lot of new things that I would need to know if I was to keep my husband happy. I was now an expert in cooking and cleaning , in making sure I always looked my best , I was turning into a good little wife as my father would often remarked.
It was my fifteenth birthday, as I came home from school there was a strange car in our drive I walked into the house and there stood in front of me in the kitchen was Jeff the man I was to marry. Without thinking I went to walk into the lounge, just as my mother stopped me and held out her hands, I looked at her with fear on my face, she just carried on standing there holding out her hands for my clothes with tears running down my face I slowly undressed in front of this man, a man I didn’t know the man who had changed my life into one I never knew existed . I hated this man and here I was naked in front of him with him walking around me his eyes boring into me, eating away at my flesh, I felt scared and dirty, I just wanted to run away from him, to run away from everything that was happening to me, I couldn’t stand him just staring at me I wanted to scream at him to tell him to fuck off and leave us alone that I wasn’t scared of him even if my parents was, when the unthinkable happened, hot wet piss just a little at first trickled out of my cunt I pulled my cunt closed hoping that no one had noticed, but he noticed in fact he seemed to enjoy seeing me in such distress, he whispered something to my father who walked behind me getting me to open my legs wider I tried hard not to open them almost pleading with my father not to do this to me, but to no prevail with my legs stretched wide it was only a short time when the golden flow at first trickled down my leg, my father brought his hand up sharp to my tit the shocked the slap caused was enough for me to lose control and the rest of the piss came gushing out I could hear it splashing onto the floor spraying back up my legs , when I finally finished I went to move when I felt two hands on my shoulders keeping me in place, that was the first touch I ever felt from jeff, he ordered me to stand still, I couldn’t believe how soft he spoke to me as he leaned into my ear, his voice was intoxicating I felt myself go weak at the knees it was as if i swooned as he spoke, I could feel myself blush and all tension leave my body. With those few words he spoke to me I believe I fell in love with him there and then .
He lead me to my parents bedroom where this time it was he that took hold of the whip talking to my father he asked how many lashes was I to receive my father replied 10 for the normal day 5 for hesitating to undress when arrived home and he was just about to talk again when jeff answered for him “20 for pissing on the floor that makes 35 all together . Just when I thought my mother was going to hold me down like as she does when my father whips me I felt for the first time the cold feel of steel as cuffs was put on my wrists and ankles then ropes where attached this was the first time I truly felt helpless.

sweidish harmony 

The whipping started I bit into my lip to stop myself from moaning out just as he counted to 12 he stopped , asking my father if watching his daughter get whipped was a turn on for him , with no hesitation my father replied yes, so he asked my father why doesn’t he really enjoy watching his daughter today. And with that my father took his cock out of his trousers, that was the first cock I had ever seen in my life is was so hard looking with a shinny head, he already had pre cum dribbling down his head, jeff got him to stand in front of me as he wanked his cock to the rhythm of the whip, jeff got my mother to hold my head up to watch my father wank his cock as he whipped me, watching my father the pain seemed to lessen , as I was enjoying watching this cock my fathers hand moving faster and faster up and down his shaft cupping his balls with his other hand , I was so engrossed in watching him that I hadn’t even noticed that my mother had let go of my head and was kneeling down in front of me ready for my father to cum into her mouth , squirt after squirt my mother seemed to gobble all his spunk up , by the time they had finished so had the whipping , and I could feel wetness down and around my cunt , at first I thought I had pissed myself again , until mother explained later that it was just my body showing me that it had enjoyed watching . The moister had not gone unnoticed by jeff either, as I heard me saying to my parents as he was leaving that now it was time to step up the training as it was only one year away from our marriage and its now time for me to learn how to be a sexual trained ready for my husband , their conversation carried on all the way to jeff getting into his car, but I was unable to hear what else was said