The Start of a Beautiful Friendship


It was a lazy Saturday morning at the beginning of the summer. At 19 years old, I had just finished my first year of college, and was enjoying being back at home in my own room and my own house. My dad was out of town for the weekend; he had gone up to Albany for the wedding of the kid of some old college buddy of his. My mom was spending the day with my aunt (her sister), because both of their husbands were out of town. I guess it was like a girls’ day out thing. That left me basically home alone. I say basically, because my 16 year old sister Anna was also home, but when the two of us were home alone together, we pretty much stayed out of each other’s way. The two of us used to be really close when we were younger. We never had any bad fights, just the usual occasional argument. But as we’d gotten older, we hadn’t spent as much time together.
There was another reason, too. Over the last couple of years, since Anna had started to fill out, I’d started fantasizing about her, lusting after her. She was quite attractive. About 5'2, she was half a foot shorter than me, and had a very petite build. She had long and wavy brown hair that accented her slender neck and matched her gorgeous brown eyes. Her legs and belly were firm and toned from years of dance and gymnastics.

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   Her breasts were small (I’m guessing a B cup), but firm and perky, and sometimes I could see her nipples sticking out through her shirts. And her ass. . . my god, her ass. The cutest ass I’d ever seen! Small and round, firm and cute, it stuck out just a tiny bit when she walked, making my heart go pit-pat, and making other parts of my body do less poetic things. Because of all of this, and because of the feelings I had, I often got nervous when trying to talk to her. I didn’t want to accidentally give away my feelings, or who knows what trouble I might have gotten into. I knew I couldn’t try anything, because she was my sister. I wouldn’t do anything, unless I got some sign that she wanted it too. Fat chance of that. . . until that morning.
Since I didn’t really have anything planned for the day except chilling out at home, instead of getting dressed after I took a shower, I just threw on a pair of boxers.

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   The weather was getting hotter, and I don’t really like being sweaty, at least not when it is because of the temperature. I did this fairly often when I was just slumming around at home, and it had never been a problem before. I was walking down the hallway when I felt a cool draft from the air conditioning vent. I decided to stand there and enjoy it for a minute, so I leaned against the wall and closed my eyes.
I opened them about 30 seconds later, to see Anna staring at me. It looked like she had just recently gotten up, because she was still in her pajamas, which consisted of loose soft pants and a thin t-shirt. The direct link between my penis and my brain noticed that she clearly wasn’t wearing a bra, because I could vaguely see the impression of her nipples against the fabric of the shirt. She was staring at me, wide-eyed, not saying a word. My first thought was, oh shit, I bet I’m hanging out of my boxers, how embarrassing. I glanced down nervously, but the troops were still in line, nothing visible. But I followed her line of sight, and realized with some shock that my boxers were definitely what she was staring at. Specifically, the bulge in them. It didn’t make sense. My sister had seen me wearing only my boxers many times before. Then I realized that the boxers I was wearing were pretty old, and smaller than most of the others I wore, which were usually pretty loose.

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   My bulge was definitely more apparent when I wore these. I decided to say something to her.
"Hey, Anna, don’t stare too hard, huh? You’ll burn holes through it. " I joked. She smiled nervously and blushed eleven shades of red, but didn’t stop looking. I realized immediately that this might, just might, be the chance I had been waiting for. But I needed to get her to actually admit to what she was doing, before I could try to proceed further. Otherwise, if I was wrong about what she was staring at, I could get in serious trouble. I tried a different tack.
"Anna, seriously, what are you staring at?" This time I got a reaction. She stopped staring, but she had a shy look on her face, and couldn’t look me in the eye.
"Sorry, Joe. Don’t be mad. I was, um, I was looking at, well. .

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  . I can really see your, um, your package. Please don’t be mad. " She was very embarrassed and shy, pleading with me not to get angry. This was totally different from her usually confident and slightly pushy personality. I wondered if this was why she had never had a boyfriend, even though she was so pretty. Maybe she was just really shy when it came to sexual topics.
"I’m not mad, Anna, but I don’t really get it. You’ve seen me in my boxers plenty of times before, and you never had this reaction. " Of course, I knew the real reason why she had noticed this time, but I wanted to hear what she had to say, wanted to keep her talking about it.
"Well, I guess I saw it before, but never, you know, really looked. Like the difference between just hearing and actually listening. . . " She was staring at it again.

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   "It looks a lot bigger than I thought it would be. "
"Oh really? And how much time did you spend thinking about how big it would be?" I teased her, and her shy smile grew.
"You know what I mean. Bigger than it seemed like other times that I saw you wearing just your boxers. " I decided to press further.
"Have you ever actually seen one?" She blushed furiously.
"No, not a real one. I’ve seen pictures on the internet and stuff, plus the crap pictures they show in sex-ed. And my friends have told me about what they are like. And, like, I saw Toby’s when I was in fourth grade. " Toby was a guy who had gone to elementary school with her. "But his looked silly, like a little floppy worm. " She giggled. "Not like yours. Yours looks like it’s probably pretty thick.

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   Like. . . I don’t know, like Toby’s was a toy and yours is all business. "
I laughed. "Very poetic, Anna. " Hearing her talk about how thick my penis looked was, of course, only making it bigger. It was pressing against my boxers, trying to escape. The only thing that saved it from springing loose on its own was the fact that I had twisted the boxers ever so slightly, so that the fly hole was not directly lined up in the front. Only compounding the issue was the fact that I could now clearly see the impression of her nipples against her shirt, and since it was a warm day, the only likely cause was that she was getting turned on. She walked a little closer to me, looking me in the eyes this time.
"Is it big?" She seemed genuinely curious. I decided to be honest.
"It isn’t huge, or anything. Guys like to make jokes about their ‘nine inch monster,’ but the truth is that extremely few men have a penis that size.

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   But yes, mine gets decently large. " I had measured (doesn’t everybody?) and mine maxed out at a quite respectable 7 inches. A bolder guy would have whipped it out right then and there, but I am a pretty cautious individual, and wanted to make absolutely sure that she was into it.
"Would you. . . would you maybe let me see it?" I gaped at her. This was too easy! She mistook my surprised look for displeasure and scrambled to explain herself. "I mean, I just feel a little silly being sixteen and never having seen one. I didn’t mean to offend you or anything. Please, I promise I wouldn’t tell anyone. "
I smiled and gently caressed her hair. I figured the more it seemed like I was going along with her idea, the less likely it was that I would get in trouble. "Okay, I guess, just this once, I could let you look. "
By now I was at full mast, and pretty much desperate to pull it out anyway.

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   But before I could even do anything, Anna grabbed my boxers and pulled them down in one quick movement. I shouldn’t have been surprised. This was actually more in line with her usual confident personality; once she decides what she wants, she just goes for it. She had made pulling down my boxers a full body motion, so that by the time they were down, her face was right at the level of my fully erect penis.
She gasped almost comically, and her eyes got really big. "That goes inside of people?!"
I laughed. "That’s what it’s for. " She seemed mesmerized. Then, another shock, she suddenly grasped it around the middle with her right hand. I could feel the soft skin of her palm, the tender but firm grip of her small fingers, and my cock twitched.
"It’s so hard, but the skin is so soft. I’ll bet it’s really sensitive," she whispered. With the index finger of her other hand, she traced a gentle line across the head. An insane thought crossed my mind, that her nail polish clashed terribly with the color of my cockhead. What? I needed to pay attention to what was going on.

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"Oh, jeez, I’m sorry," she said suddenly, removing both hands, and looking very sheepish. "I just got carried away. "
"No, that’s alright, I don’t mind. You can touch it if you want to. " I flashed her a winning smile. Don’t mind? What an understatement! In my head I was doing a little dance of happiness. She immediately returned her right hand to its grasping position.
"Thanks for letting me do this. " My grin threatened to reach the ends of my face. Very slowly, she began to pump her hand up and down. "I think you have a very nice one," she whispered, barely audible. My heart was beating at a hundred miles an hour. She tenderly ran her left index finger down the ridge at the base of my cockhead, and continuing down the full length of the shaft. I shuddered at the sensation, and the tip moistened itself with a couple glistening drops of precum.
"Hey, that’s precum, isn’t it?" I stared at her, incredulous.

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"You seem to know an awful lot about this. "
"Just because I’ve never done this before doesn’t mean that I don’t know anything about it," she pouted. "I’m not dumb you know. "
"Sorry. "
"So, am I right? It’s precum, right?" I nodded. She was staring directly at the head. "I’m gonna try something," she said, quickly and almost under her breath. I could barely hear her. "Don’t be mad, okay?" Before I could even react, she brought her face up to my dick and, with quick flick of her tongue, licked the precum off the tip.
Now it was my turn to gasp loudly. And only a small part of it was from how good it felt; mostly it was surprise. Anna immediately backed a few feet away and sort of cowered on the floor. She started babbling what sounded like a long and confused sentence.
"I’m sorry, Joe, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to, well I mean I did mean to, but I’m sorry, please don’t be mad, I just really wanted to try it and see what it was like, and now you’re gonna be mad at me, please don’t be mad at me, please don’t tell Mom and Dad, I’m sorry –" I walked over to her, put my hand on her shoulder, and got her to stand up, cutting off the flow of her words by placing a finger on her lips and saying "shhh. " She looked at me, tears just beginning to well up in her eyes, and let out a final, whispered "I’m sorry.


  " I put one hand on each of her shoulders and looked directly into her eyes.
"First of all," I said firmly, "we can’t ever tell anyone about any of this. Do you understand?" She nodded nervously. I felt a little silly lecturing her while she was dressed and I was naked, especially because we were standing so close that my erect penis was pressing against her. "Second, I’m not angry with you. Not even a little. " She seemed visibly relieved. "I was just really surprised. I didn’t expect you to do that. "
"I didn’t expect me to do that either. " She blushed a little. "I mean, you’re my brother and everything. But I wanted to see what it was like. You didn’t mind?"
"It was very nice. " She smiled a little.

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   "And it looked very sexy. " I chose my next words very carefully. "I would love it if you did it some more. " She looked at me, with just the slightest hint of a coy smile.
"You mean, give you a blowjob?" She seemed to be seriously considering it.
"Only if you really want to. I don’t want to force you into it. " My heart was racing. She smiled sweetly.
"I think it could be fun. I don’t really know how, but you could teach me, right?" I nodded, breathlessly. "And I know that you would never hurt me or anything. Plus, you wouldn’t go bragging to all your friends about it and give me a bad reputation. . .

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  " She looked me over, and now I could definitely see a naughty smile on her face. "And besides, I can tell that you want it really bad. " I stammered uselessly, and she gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. "I’ll do it," she said, with a matter-of-fact calmness that seemed almost out of place.
She knelt down in front of my dick, and once again grasped it with one hand. "It is a very nice one," she said softly. I could feel her moist warm breath. Slowly, tentatively, her tongue touched the tip. First a couple of small licks, really no more than just touching the tip of her tongue to my cock. Then a few larger and more confident licks. She kissed the tip, and a few places on the shaft.
"You know," she said, looking up at me, "there’s no way that I can put that whole thing in my mouth. " I guess she didn’t know as much about it as she thought she did.
"Don’t worry about it. Most girls don’t put the whole thing in their mouth.

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   That’s called ‘deepthroating,’ and it’s a lot harder to do," I explained. She looked up at me, a little confused, still holding onto my cock with one hand.
"How am I supposed to do it, then?"
"Think about how you would suck on a popsicle. You wouldn’t put the whole thing in your mouth at once, or you would choke. You can lick all parts of it, or you can suck on the end of it. Try to be creative. . . you know, make it sexy. Just don’t bite it. "
"Alright, I’ll do my best. But keep in mind, it’s my first time doing it, I might not be so good at it. " She looked up at me, and I could see the eagerness in her eyes. She really wanted to do it right. She kissed the tip again, but this time, instead of breaking the kiss, she opened her lips slightly, and slowly let the head enter her mouth.

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   The warm smooth surface of her lips felt like heaven against the flesh of my cock. While it was in her mouth, her lips formed a tight and pulsing seal, while she rubbed her tongue against the tip. Then, slowly, she removed it from her mouth. Once it was out, she deftly swirled her tongue around the head a couple of times. I realized that I hadn’t taken a breath in nearly half a minute.
"Am I doing a good job?" she asked.
"Absolutely amazing. Jesus, Anna, is that how you eat a popsicle?"
"That’s how I eat a sexy popsicle," she replied, winking at me, and then she got back to work. This time, she started at the base of the shaft, and wetly ran her tongue all the way up the length of it. Reaching the head, she teased it by flicking her tongue on it, and then swallowed the head again. She started moving her head gently up and down, all the while her tongue sliding smoothly against it. The sensation was amazing. I put one hand on her shoulder to brace myself, otherwise I think I might have fallen over. With the other hand I slowly caressed her hair.
After about a minute, she tried to get more of my cock into her mouth, and managed to fit about 3 inches of it before I felt the tip hit the back of her mouth.

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   She had such a small mouth, she was never going to be able to deepthroat anyone. But that didn’t matter, she more than made up for that with creativity and enthusiasm. She tried to get more in, and I felt her gag.
"Hey, Anna, don’t hurt yourself. It feels fantastic just from what you were doing before. " She took my advice, and retreated back to having only 2 or 3 inches in her mouth. She went on licking and sucking for a couple of minutes.
"Oh god, Anna, I’m gonna cum soon," I warned. She stopped sucking for a moment and looked up at me.
"I wanna try to swallow it. Guys like that, right?" I couldn’t believe what I was hearing! My little sister wanted to swallow my cum? None of my girlfriends had ever even done that.
"Oh yeah, guys love that. But be careful not to choke on it, there’s gonna be more than you expect," I managed to croak out through my now very heavy breathing. She went back to sucking, and withing a minute I started to cum.
I’m always pretty quiet when I cum (probably from years of masturbating in my room, which is right next to Anna’s room, training myself not to shout out so that she wouldn’t hear me), and this time was no exception.

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   But the feeling was incredible, like somebody was wrenching my entire body and soul out of me through my cock. I could feel stream after stream of my cum shooting into Anna’s mouth. What’s more, I could feel her throat muscles working to swallow as much as she could. But as I had suspected, it was too much for her. The edge of her mouth opened as she started to choke a little, and thick white cum spilled out onto her lips and chin, and then down onto her shirt.
I finished cumming, and my body tingled all over, but she wasn’t done yet. She swallowed what was left in her mouth, then proceeded to lick all over my cock, to get any that was left. Once that was done, she slowly licked her lips to get the remaining cum. She tried a couple of times to reach the cum on her chin with her tongue, but it was too far to reach, so she wiped it off with her fingers, and then sucked it off of them. This was too much. It was so fucking hot! Seeing her do all that was almost better than cumming. Almost. I had to sit down. . .

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   basically I collapsed against the wall and then slid down to the floor, never once taking my eyes away from her.
She seemed to emerge from a daze, and looked at me innocently. "Did you like it?"
"My god, Anna, that was absolutely, no question, the hottest thing I have ever seen. Bar none. And it felt awesome. Man, that was sooo hot. . . " I was literally breathless from the entire business, but I still managed to be surprised by her reaction to what I’d said. She giggled and blushed shyly. What the hell? She was still feeling embarrassed? Whatever, it was her first time. I felt unbelievably good, and I wanted to return the favor, but I wasn’t quite sure how to initiate it. Then suddenly, I got an idea.
"Oh, hey, you’ve got some on your shirt," I pointed out to her. There was, in fact, quite a bit of my cum spilled onto her shirt, most of it on her breasts.

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   Her clothes sense kicked in immediately.
"Oh no, is it going to leave a stain?" she asked. Of course, I knew it wouldn’t, but I decided a little white lie couldn’t hurt, and might even help.
"It might, if you don’t wash it out soon. Here, come into the bathroom," I said, standing up. "I’ll help you wash it out. " She got up, and we walked towards the bathroom. As we walked, she slipped an arm around my waist, and leaned her head against me. This is going to be a piece of cake, I thought to myself. We got into the bathroom, and she started to wet a washcloth. "Hold on," I said. "This will be easier if you take the shirt off. " She took it off instantly. Strangely, at that moment I don’t think she even thought of the sexual implications. She just wanted to clean her favorite pajama shirt.

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   Girls. . .
Now, for the first time, Anna’s cute little breasts were exposed to me. They were gorgeous. Firm and round, with small pink nipples that stuck up perkily. Her nipples were quite hard, and looked perfectly suckable. Patience, Joe, patience, I told myself. She put the shirt in the sink and turned on the water, as I stood behind her. While she began to rinse it, I placed my hands on the sides of her body, just below her breasts. I heard her breathe in sharply, but she continued to clean the shirt. Slowly, smoothly, I cupped a perfect little breast in each hand, and began to very lightly massage them. She sighed audibly, and I moved myself closer, pressing my body against hers. My massaging got a little firmer, and although I hadn’t even touched her cute pink nipples yet, she was already breathing heavily.
"What are you doing?" she managed to ask.

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   She was still trying to wash the shirt, but she wasn’t really paying attention to it anymore.
"You made me feel so good. I’m just trying to return the favor. "
"Oh, Joe, that’s alright, you don’t need to-oooh!" Her last word turned into a moan as I simultaneously brushed my fingertips across both of her nipples. I could tell that they were very sensitive, and I started to rub them softly. She wasn’t even trying to wash the shirt anymore. I moved my head to whisper in her ear.
"You know, it’s really a shame that you’re standing like this, otherwise I wouldn’t be limited to using my hands. " I flicked my tongue against her earlobe to make it obvious what I meant. Almost immediately, she turned around. She had a pleading look in her eyes. I moved my mouth down to one of her nipples and breathed a warm breath onto it. I kissed the skin around it, without actually touching it.
"Please, stop teasing," she whispered.
"What about your shirt?" I smirked at her.


   She looked at me for a moment.
"What about my shirt?" and arched her chest out towards me. I flicked my tongue against her nipple, and then gave it a couple of slow wet licks. She moaned, and arched her chest even more. Using my other hand to slowly rub the other nipple, I began to suck on the first one, alternating between just sucking on it and teasing it with my tongue. Her hands were on the back of my head, at first just holding it gently, but soon she was practically shoving my head down onto her tit, moaning softly.
"This is so nice," she said softly. She was mumbling and whispering about how nice it was, just barely loud enough for me to hear her. She said something that made me start for a second, but it was so quiet that it could have been my imagination: "It must be nice to be your girlfriend. " Then, back at a normal speaking volume, she said "Is this how I made you feel? When I gave you a blowjob?" I unlatched my mouth from her nipple and smiled at her.
"Not even close, sweetness. What you did felt much more intense than this. "
"What was it like?"
"Well, come on Anna, you’ve masturbated before, right?" She nodded. "And you’ve made yourself cum from doing it, right?" Again she nodded. "Well, when someone else makes you cum, it feels like that, but a hundred times better.

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"Really?" She seemed excited by the concept. She stared into my eyes with a desperately wanton gaze. "Do you think. . . " she said softly, "do you think maybe you could –"
"Shhh," I said, touching a finger to her lips, and smiling. I kissed her forehead. "You don’t even have to ask. " Without speaking, I led her out of the bathroom and into her bedroom. At the edge of her bed, I moved her hands to the waistband of her pajama pants, and motioned for her to take them off. She pulled down her pants and her panties together and kicked them off, leaving her totally naked and beautiful in front of me. I grabbed her and held her close to me, kissing her neck, and then sucking it gently. One of my hands slowly snaked its way down her side, over her belly, and ever nearer to her pussy. I lay her down on the bed and kissed her belly, then took my first good look at her adorable little pussy. It was perfect, untouched by anyone except her.

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   It looked extremely tight. And surprisingly, it was shaved clean. I ran my fingers over the mound and she hissed lightly in pleasure. With one finger, I traced along the tight slit, from top to bottom and back. I pushed my finger in ever so slightly, not even up to the first knuckle, then withdrew it. Then I pushed it in a tiny bit further, and then withdrew it again. While tight, she was very wet. She was also starting to squirm under my touch.
I bent down and kissed first the top of her pussy and then the opening. I ran my tongue up and down the slit, and she squealed happily. Her legs wrapped tightly around my neck, and I saw that she was rubbing her nipples. Slowly, I inserted my tongue into her pussy, and I spent several minutes tasting the inside of her, occasionally removing my tongue from her pussy to tease her little clit with it. She was moaning loudly now, first my name, and then just loud sounds of pleasure. Pushing my tongue in deeper, I used one hand to rub on her clit. Now she wasn’t just moaning; her entire body was bucking against me.

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   Her moans turned to loud shouts, and increased the rhythm of my licking and rubbing.
"Oh god, Joe, I’m cumming! Yes! Yes!" she screamed, and her second cry of ‘yes’ turned into a shriek of pure pleasure as she was gripped by her orgasm. Her back arched spasmodically, and I felt a gush of wetness. After a moment she collapsed back down onto the bed, eyes closed and breathing hard. I licked her clean, then moved up on the bed so that I was lying next to her. Her eyes were still closed, and her face was flushed. I kissed her on the cheek, and her eyes opened. She hugged me and rested her head on my shoulder, and I felt her little breasts pressing against my bare chest.
"Oh, Joe. . . Thank you so much," she whispered. "I’ve never felt it like that before. " She looked into my eyes. "Thank you.

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"I love you," I confessed. She did not respond with words. She just kissed me. First gently, and then fiercely. I nibbled on her lower lip and she pressed her body against me. Parting her lips with my tongue, I explored her mouth, and she reciprocated. When our kiss ended, we simply lay together, holding each other, for several minutes.
"Hey, Joe," she said.
"Hey, gorgeous," I replied. She smiled, and gestured downward with her eyes.
"You’re hard again. " Indeed, I was. I hadn’t even noticed. I’d been so consumed by a flood of emotions that a little thing like being unbelievably horny had managed to escape my notice. My cock was fully hard again, and pressing against her.

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"I guess I am. " She bit her lower lip pensively, and thought for a moment. Then she looked into my eyes.
"Joe. . . make love to me. "
"What? Anna, are you sure?" I asked, almost not willing to believe the wonderful turn of events that had gotten us here.
"Please. I love you. And you’re the only one I trust. You would never hurt me. " The honesty and trust in her expression was touching. "You don’t have to worry about getting me pregnant. Mom’s had me on the pill for almost a year.

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  " She smiled. "Dad doesn’t know about it, or he’d freak out. He thinks it’s another dumb vitamin supplement that she’s giving me. Plus, it’s the safe part of the month. "
"And you’re sure this is what you want?" Again, I know that many guys would have been full steam ahead, but like I said, I am a cautious fellow. This time it wasn’t honesty or trust that I saw on Anna’s face, but pure lust.
"Yes. Fuck me. Make me cum again. " She moved her face close to mine. "Fuck your little sister. I want it so bad. I want to be yours. " That was more than enough for me. I kissed her tenderly and lay her on her back.

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   I was poised over her body, and she looked so ready, so willing, and so vulnerable.
"You’re a virgin," I said. It was not a question. She nodded, a little nervous. I caressed her breast. "Don’t worry. I’ll be gentle. "
"I know. I trust you. " I placed the head of my cock at the wet entrance to her pussy, rubbing the head against the slit. She whimpered, and I started to push it in. She was tighter than any girl that I’d ever had before, not that I’d had too many. The head popped in and she gasped. She was so warm, so wet. I pushed further, and I felt the walls of her eager virgin pussy clinging at my cock.

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   I could feel that I had reached her hymen, so I stopped my progress, and looked at her for a moment.
"How are you doing?" I asked.
"It feels so big. How much of it is in me?" she said breathlessly.
"Only a little more than half of it. " Her eyes got big.
"Please, put the rest in. The suspense is too much. " I could see that she was afraid, but she was ready.
"This might hurt a little, but only for a moment. " I looked her in the eyes. "I love you. " I thrust myself into her, breaking past her hymen and burying my whole length in her. She yelped and I stopped to see if she was hurt.
"It’s okay," she said, but there were tears in her eyes.

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   "I’ll be fine. Just give me a second. God, that feels so big in me, so deep. I feel so. . . filled. " A tear sneaked down her cheek, and I wiped it away.
"Are you sure you’re okay?" I asked her, concerned. She looked so fragile.
"Yeah," she smiled. "It just hurt a little more than I expected. "
"Let me make it better," I said, slowly pulling out until only the head was still in. She seemed about to protest my removing it, and then I gradually pushed it back in. I fucked her slowly and deeply for a minute, and she was breathing heavily, her hands on her breasts.

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"Better?" I asked.
"All sorts of better," she said. "I never knew it would be like this. . . But could you go maybe a little faster?"
"I was just going slow to get you used to it," I explained. "If you want it harder, I’ll give you as much as you can handle. " I started to speed up. Her legs wrapped around my waist and drew me closer. She was moaning loudly now, crying out my name, and shouting things like "Yes! More!" I don’t think there was a drop of blood in my brain; it had all flowed straight down south. She put her arms around my back and drew me closer to her. Her breasts pressed against me, and I sucked on her neck. I could feel her pussy walls pulling at my cock, and I could see that she was loving it. Speeding up again, I pistoned my cock in and out of her at a feverish pace, and her cries of pleasure changed from intermittent to nearly constant. I knew I couldn’t last too much longer before I came, but she was even closer.


Her shouts swelled to a single long shriek of ecstacy as her orgasm began. As before, her back arched, this time making her press her body against me. Her arms gripped my back with surprising force, but that was nothing to the vise-like grip that her pussy suddenly exerted onto my cock. I was basically stuck fast, buried in her pussy and unable to move as it squeezed against my cock. It felt so good it almost hurt. In any case, it was more than I could take. I started cumming into her, feeling my cum jet out, filling her. I kissed her full on the mouth, cutting of her scream, and she seemed to channel all the energy of the scream into the kiss.
We collapsed against each other at almost the exact same moment, exhausted but satisfied. For at least five minutes we lay together, holding each other, my dick still deep into her pussy, neither of us saying a word. Eventually, my dick shrank and came out of her. Still we held each other quietly. She was the first one to break the silence.
"Joe. .

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  . Am I your girl now?" She looked so hopeful and unsure. I smiled and kissed the tip of her nose.
"For as long as you want me, I’m yours. " I meant it. She smiled back at me, and kissed me very lightly on the lips, a sisterly sort of kiss.
"I have the best brother in the world," she murmured, and nuzzled her face against my shoulder. I held her close. I knew this was the beginning of something amazing.