

Author: Peter_Pan

Luke Randall wasn’t exactly what you’d call a good-looking guy, not even half-ways worthy of a second glance from a girl’s viewpoint. In fact as far as that was concerned, there weren’t any girls in Trinity, Idaho had gotten as far as even having a viewpoint as to Luke’s particular existence.

Now nineteen, he had somehow completed his education at Westmore High, his grades having been no more impressive than his peer-ranking. Perhaps his science lecturer had nailed it succinctly when he wrote on Luke’s essay "Atomic Fission: The Post War Challenges"… "Luke, if you ever find yourself within the proximity of a nuclear reactor – don’t touch anything!"

Five-nine at a stretch, dark lanky hair that defied any particular style. It simply grew! More than his share of acne and with a dress sense that ranked somewhere between white trailer-trash and Dennis Hopper mid adolescence.

It wasn’t as if he had the opportunity to excel in sport. He could neither wield a baseball bat or cut it as a line-back. Not that he was especially weak, simply un-cordinated as all hell. Thus, with basically no friends, no future and less than no self-esteem, you can understand Luke’s resentment at having been born.

Life at home was little better. The youngest of three children, his two sisters being several year’s older, Luke himself was an unplanned and in his view unwanted addition. His father, a retired welding contractor, had no interest in anything much beyond keeping an eye on the beer stocks in the fridge. Parenthood had simply been a rude interruption to his life-style. He knew he’d had a son but would have needed prompting to describe him.

Luke’s mother, one might kindly refer to as a faded beauty, but then one would really be lying. A mousey blonde, her best days were long behind her at sixteen, not that this would have been a problem for Luke’s father, whose eyes rarely strayed between the neck and knees of any girl……then or now.

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But Luke had one friend, two if you include his driver’s license! She was his ideal companion. Uncomplaining, she accompanied him everywhere. He would even stay-up nights just looking at her, the fading sunlight reflecting off her shapely rear-end as she sat there on the grass resplendent in all her finery.

Almost eighteen-foot long give or take an over-rider, that gold ’69 Buick Electra hard-top was Luke’s greatest, if not only joy. He had nursed her though ill-health, spent most every dollar he had earned from part-time work on her betterment and she had repaid him handsomely by way of unshakeable loyalty and reliability. He loved her, but now she had to help him .

He had never actively pursued the opposite sex at High school. Partly from fear of rejection, partly fear of acceptance, but principally, in recognition of his limited social standing. Definitely from the wrong end of town for the sort of girl he dreamed about.

The hormones had kicked-in on time but the call had never been answered. Between them, Hugh Hefner, Bob Guccione and Larry Flynt had only been able to offer temporary stapled relief and anyway, silicone implants really weren’t the sexual panacea Luke was looking for. He wanted a cute and loving little home-town girl, no manufactured blonde fantasy hot off the bench-press.

Within striking distance of twenty now, his craving for youthful female company had reached critical mass. There was only so much solace to be derived from cyber-porn, sexstoriespost. com and the old standby -his trusty bar of soap.

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At the car-wash where he held down a casual job, there were a couple of girls in the office. One he had summoned-up the courage to ask out – before she cut him dead with the needlessly hurtful reply. "No offense Luke, but go look in the mirror – I do have a reputation to look after y’know!" Kristy the other girl, already had a full-time boyfriend who just happened to be the star pitcher for the State League team.

Loneliness gave way to despair, desire to unfettered sexual imagery. He began imagining what it would be like to have a lover, one who would accede to his every whim unquestioningly. His orgasms became stronger and more prolonged, in direct proportion to his evolving dark fantasies. He began spending more time in his own room, a converted garage at the rear of the property, alongside which his father had helped him build a corrugated iron car-port to house the Buick. The arrangement suited the entire family. No-one need ever be expected to more than simply acknowledge the other’s existence.

With seemingly no likelihood of ever being able to engender a normal heterosexual relationship, Luke began reading true-life rape tales. Whether or not they were in fact kosher really didn’t matter to him. Just the thought of having that awesome power over a young and innocent girl, filled him with longing. He began to see it as his destiny. Payback of sorts for all those years of put-downs and snide comments.

He began cruising local schools, just watching the girls as they left for the afternoon.

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   Just the way they would giggle, hold hands, toss their hair back and every other little affected girlish mannerism, he missed no detail. He began to imagine some of them back in his room tied up, breasts open to his touch, their skirts so easy to push up and those hot little panties exposed for him to look at from whatever angle he chose…for as long as he chose.

Some days he would return to his room and beat-off several times before he was able to shed the hot images he had so fancifully created.

Implementing a plan however was another question. He could hardly cruise-on down to the school gates mid-afternoon, parents and relatives offering clustered protection and especially in a car which just about every second resident of Trinity would recognise two hundred yards distant. No, he would need to think this one through.

Night meant increased safety, while at the same time virtually eliminating opportunity. What school-girls would be walking around town unaccompanied after dark? For sure, none that he would be interested in! He figured he owed it to himself at least to go check-out the scene that evening.

The mere reality of his being on-site, "prowling" the sidewalks that night sent a hot flush through him. A predator-come-lately perhaps but at least he was "doing," not "dreaming. " He had parked the car in a dark back-street just off the main drag, yet five minutes walk from the center of town. Not that Trinity had what you could call a "Town Center" as such, just Union Park with its Council chambers and old stucco Town Hall which rather like Trinity itself, had long since seen better days. A light breeze induced some brief motion in the flag atop the Court House fronting the main entrance to the Park and through which one or two people were obviously about to take their evening constitutional.

A young couple strolled past Luke as he stood just inside the doorway of Al’s Diner that had been forced to close the previous month, having been several weeks behind on the rent. Their happy chatter and the loving expression on the girl’s face as she clutched the man’s hand as they passed, angered him momentarily.

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He walked towards the eastern boundary of the park now, crossing Marriot Boulevarde at the lights. Two girls in a black Saab convertible screeched to a halt. Eminem was emphasising the depth and resonance of the car’s sound system insisting "Two trailer-park girls walk round the outside, round the outside, round the outside…. . " The girls stared at Luke and the one driver’s side called out to him, "Wot you lookin’ at dickhead?" They accelerated off before he could reply, leaving him little but the use of his middle finger.

"Couple of hoes," he thought to himself. He wasn’t far wrong either.

He walked for twenty minutes or so, not with any particular plan, just checking the lie of the land as it were. As he crossed to the corner of Third Avenue, "Brent’s Alnite Drugstore" loomed large, a shimmering beacon of blue neon light that illuminated as area at least fifteen feet across the sidewalk and onto Marriot Boulevarde itself. Standing at the shop’s entrance, Luke caught the not unpleasant odour of pharmaceutical and medical preparations, toiletries and allied drugstore supplies. A thought came to him. At the counter he was surprised just how easily he had ordered it.

"A small bottle of chloroform please," he had requested.

When asked if it was for him, he simply replied that he was just getting it for his mother and that he didn’t know what she needed it for. He was most convincing and the pharmacist handed it over with no fuss.

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Aside from a few girls in small groups leaving the theater, there didn’t appear to Luke to be too many opportunities presenting themselves. He foresaw that it would be much the same any night and manic depression began to overwhelm him once more. He didn’t want to go home already as it was only a quarter after nine and all that awaited him there was a pile of stained magazines, fuzzy video cartridges and wall to wall loneliness. He decided that hunched-up in the corner of Rick’s Charcoal Chicken Basement with a hot coffee and a ham on rye was probably as good as anything else on the horizon.

The caffeine coursed through his venal system – shame the rye was yesterday’s. Luke sat there sullenly, watching customers play out their seemingly happy lives, purely at the expense of his escalating torment, he figured.

At that moment a young girl with a back-pack stepped through the entranceway, sending the plastic strips into temporary confusion. She looked very unhappy but walked up to the counter and ordered a Coke and a sandwich. Luke watched as she sat down with her back to him just a couple of alcoves up, shuffling her tray around nervously as if deciding whether to eat or drink first. From what he had seen, she was rather pretty.

The girl had fairly long light-brown hair, shining and obviously well-cared for. Prettily swept back into a ponytail, it was held in place by a piece of dark-green ribbon that contrasted sharply with the caramel colored top she had on. Her short dark skirt accentuated both her youth and the slender perfection of her legs. He wished he could see her face again.

As he watched, she seemed distracted and put down the coke.


   The sandwich he noticed, she had barely touched. As she lowered her head, he heard her begin sobbing as she covered her face with her hands. By no means hysterical crying, she was gripped obviously by some deep personal misery.

This was a situation outside Luke’s experience…. most any situation was come to that! Something about the girl’s immediacy touched Luke and as no-one else seemed to be paying her much heed…an older couple two tables up turned and glanced at her before continuing on with their conversation…. . he got up and walked towards her.

"Excuse me Miss," he said standing alongside her table somewhat awkwardly, "Are you OK?"

She glanced up at him, evidently surprised by his presence. She didn’t seem to be annoyed by the intrusion.

"Yes…. I…I’m fine thank you," she lied. "Just got a few problems…but thanks for asking. I’ll be fine. " She dabbed her eyes with a serviette and Luke found himself staring at point-blank range at the prettiest of little-girl faces. Even tear-filled, her blue eyes were enough to melt his heart.

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   Beautiful soft features, cutest little turned-up nose set between smooth cheeks with all the flush of youth. At her temples, strands of brown hair curled into little feathery bangs just overlapping the tops of her small but clearly defined ear-lobes. She wore tiny golden ear studs, that for a moment reminded him of the Electra. Most appealing though was her mouth. Intensely kissable and lightly glossed lips that curved delicately upwards just enough to let you know that here was mother nature truly unplugged, a rare example of female genetic perfection.

Luke gulped.

"Want to tell me what’s wrong Miss?" he managed somehow to get out.

She looked at him for a moment, instinctively aware of his social discomfort.

"Look, its nothing really, just a few issues at home. " she replied.

"C…could I sit with you for a minute?" he asked, hardly daring that she would ever acquiesce. "My name’s Luke by the way," he added hopefully.

Inviting him to sit down, she told him her name was Ashley. He learned that she was fifteen and attended St Angelus College, an expensive private educational facility in the northern and far newer sector of Trinity. When she predictably asked where he lived, he felt a flush of embarrassment, telling her simply, "Oh, just near the rail terminus," but she didn’t seem to make any adverse connections.

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The "issues" she mentioned earlier proved to be stubborn parents that she felt were denying her her freedom. Specifically, a father who refusing to admit to himself that his daughter was barely a child any longer, would not allowed her to go out to a rock concert with other girlfriends. She told him she had just walked out of the house that evening in anger as she had been given free tickets and it was something she was really looking forward to.

All the time she was speaking, he was gazing at her and wondering if this was simply God indulging himself in another round of humor at Luke’s expense. Tempting him beyond the boundaries of sanity with the immediacy of this exquisitely beautiful young girl.

"Have a good look son, it’s as close as you’re ever gonna get!"

An unheralded vision of her tied-up helpless on his bed brought a blush to his cheeks. He looked away momentarily. He felt the small bottle in his trouser pocket and immediately rebuked himself for the images it brought.

"Well Luke," she said, "I suppose I’d better be getting home. I’ve never ‘run away’ before…even if it was only for an hour or so! My dad will be looking for me soon coz I switched my cell off. "

On impulse, he said to her.

"Well hey Ashley, I have a car just round the corner. Let me take you back, you can’t walk home alone this time of night. " Then, as an afterthought, "It’s OK…I’m pretty safe!"

She smiled at him.

"Sure it’s not out of your way?"

"Yeah, like at least ten minutes," he replied in a mock-inconvenienced tone.

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She gathered up her back-pack and they left Rick’s Charcoal Chicken.

Luke’s mind was in hyperdrive as they walked to his car. He knew she would never, COULD never, go out with him. This was the only opportunity he could ever see himself as having. She was the girl over and above any that he had fantasisied about and if he was to do it…this was the moment. Still chatting to her idly, he slowly retrieved the small bottle from his pocket.

"Whoa!" she said when they reached the Buick. "Is this really your car?"

"Yeah," he replied. "I’ve had her for a couple of years. Bit heavy on gas, but she’s a dream to ride in. "

"Really cool car Luke," she said. "I love it. "

Opening the passenger’s side door for her, he ushered her in. The glow from the courtesy light permitted Luke a momentary glance of her skirt riding up her thighs as she sat down. Being a really warm night, he had her lower all four windows from the central console.

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"Just have to get my bag out of the trunk Ashley, hold on a sec. " He glanced around the darkened street…. not a person in sight.

He almost dropped the tiny bottle in his haste. He hadn’t realised it until that instant, but the adrenalin-rush had imbued his body with a fit of shaking. Retrieving a small cloth he kept near the spare tire, he quickly unscrewed the bottle and poured several drops of fluid on to the rag, soaking the center part, while keeping it at arm’s length and being careful not to breathe more than necessary. He hadn’t been thirty seconds.

"Ready now," he called to her. A last glance around revealed no newcomers to the street.

In two steps he was beside her. Clamping the cloth tightly across her mouth she struggled immediately of course, trying desperately to force his arm away. She beat at it, but to no avail. The car being pillarless, he was able to hold her tightly against the seat and in a matter of seconds the chloroform took hold, her struggles subsided and she yielded no further resistence. He let her breathe the fumes for just a couple of seconds more to ensure she was deeply under. He then tossed the rag back in the trunk, climbed into the driver’s seat and buckled up.


   She looked for all the world like a sleeping girlfriend.

Driving straight into his carport, he knew no-one would be outside. His father would either be watching TV or getting drunk…. hopefully both. His mother if she was home, and not at a friend’s place as usual, would be in bed by now and asleep. Both sisters had moved out long ago.

The stillness of the night contrasted to that of his heartbeat as he got out and retrieved the key from its customary place over the door lintel. Leaving the front-door ajar he returned to the Buick where Ashley still lay unmoving across the seat that he had set to the maximum lay-back position. By moonlight, she looked to him an angel at rest. Just for an instant as he moved her, the light reflected off the little pendant that hung around her neck, murdering his conscience, imperiling his very soul.

She was so light, her arms hanging loose by her side as he carried her inside quickly. As he entered the solitary little room, he tried to imagine if this was what it felt like carrying one’s bride across the threshhold. The young girl’s breasts were clearly accentuated now given her limp and vulnerable position. He lay her gently down on his bed and hurriedly returned to the trunk to fetch the chloroform bottle should he be needing it.

He saw the room so differently suddenly.

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   Its shortcomings were underscored by her very presence. His bed now, looked to him the worn and pitiful item of furniture that it was. The creased and far from clean quilt contrasted with her neat attire. The threadbare carpet seemed to complete the picture. Beauty and the Beast…with new players.

He partly addressed the problem by turning off the harsh center light and switching on the bedside lamp that at least made some pretense at gentility. He simply could not take his eyes off her. He had caught a glimpse of her light-colored panties as he laid her down. Now as she lay on her back, he could see a hint of them once more. He felt a substantial stirring right where he needed to.

He approached the bed and very gently re-arranged her legs so that more of her undies were visible. She was still out cold and he had free rein for now. Sitting in the chair opposite, the view now was substantially improved and he unzipped himself. Definitely no need for soap tonight he realised. He began to rub himself as his fantasies kicked-in big-time given the scene before him.

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He remembered his digital camera. Here surely was the opportunity of a lifetime? Yet as he looked at that scene through the viewfinder, he experienced a momentary twinge of conscience, though not enough ultimately to sway him from his endeavors. He became more creative and pushing the girl’s skirt right up, stared now at her fully exposed knickers. His erection was dictating operational procedure. He took several pictures before pushing her knees up and setting her legs wide apart.

From the chair, her fully indecent pose suggested to him, innocence betrayed and in his mind she was doing this to arouse him further. Staring at her panties, he visualised her rubbing herself and whispering to him to watch. He got up, cock in hand and taking hold of her left arm, managed to get a hand inside her panties. Backing up a few feet, he took a picture of her ‘pleasuring herself. ’

He felt the first orgasm racing to the surface and barely made it to the bed. Kneeling between her legs, Luke directed the hot magma spurts right across the front of her panties. Several globs caught the edge of her skirt, others the inside of her legs. He stared fascinated as his reproductive tide began to seep-in to the material. He leaned forward and just passed his fingers down the center of her panties where the lips of her pussy were just beginning to be outlined by the clingy wet material.

With his face but a couple of feet from her most private of possessions, he gently held aside her panties and stared at the hottest sight that he had ever seen.

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   Though not fully exposed, her pussy, framed by the prettiest short curly hair, was the sexiest and most beautiful thing he had ever imagined. He allowed a little of the cum that was running down her panties to fall on to his index finger. He then very gingerly inserted the finger into her pussy, very gradually parting her lips. Only a few centimetres inside, he lightly touched her vaginal wall, dislodging the white goo. He wanted more of it inside her and repeated the process twice…three times. Although not opening her eyes, she began to stir.

Shaking out a few more drops of chloroform on to the rag, he got careless and breathed-in enough to make him almost pass out. Recovering swiftly, he climbed back on the bed and held the material beneath her nose. She was senseless again seconds later.

Arousing as Ashley looked in that lewd pose, he had so much more to accomplish. Her breasts were small yet prominent beacons of desire and he allowed himself the luxury of feeling them up through her top. For a while he just knelt there fondling both her breasts and relishing their softness. When that was superseded by the need to explore further, he slipped a hand down her blouse and inside her frilly and ultra-soft bra. The skin to skin contact just about blew his sanity. Passing his hand again and again over her nipples he felt them hardening and even though this was an automated response, to Luke, she wanted his attentions and was teasing him with her hot body.

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His second erection was if anything, harder than the first and he did not even bother to keep the thing in his pants. First things first though. Laying there on her back, face slightly to one side, obviously she wanted to be kissed. That he could do, and lowering his head while still squeezing her breasts, he kissed her hard on the lips. The taste alone almost brought him to a second orgasm.

Losing much of the limited control he still had, Luke literally tore the front of her blouse until it gaped open, exposing her bra completely. He pushed the flimsy material up, freeing her small but beautifully formed breasts. His mouth drying up rapidly like the Utah Salt Flats, he could but stare at those twin mounds of desire, capped by tiny light brown nipples that he had managed to arouse visibly. Lowering his mouth, his lips closed around the right nipple. The feel of her milky soft skin, and the uniquely exciting smell of fifteen year-old tits, sent his reproductive equipment hurtling towards danger zone-code red. Even as he sucked, with his spare hand he was rubbing himself.

This time he knew what he wanted. As the hot cum ejected on cue, he was already in place, spurting dramatically over both breasts and her face. One nipple was covered, her cleavage redecorated and white stuff trickled down her left cheek. He was getting there!

So hot did she look like that, he had to take more pictures.

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   Having done so, he undid the remainder of her blouse buttons and turned her over on to her tummy to get the thing off. This achieved two things. It certainly gave him access to get her topless very quickly, but it also presented him with a hitherto unpremeditated aspect of arousal. One very shapely little bottom. He had seen enough hot bums in cyber-space, but never had he been in such close proximity to one.

Experimentally he patted hers and immediately discovered something interesting. It felt really good! He pulled her back towards the edge of the bed until she was bent over it. Then pulling a pillow across, he pushed it under her to elevate her bottom, so that she looked like a naughty little girl about to get a spanking. This was DEFINITELY a picture to be savored. With her skirt pushed up around her hips and her panties pulled to her knees she looked even better. He allowed himself the luxury of patting her bottom several times and feeling it up in all its youthful entirety.

This however provided even greater promise of pleasurable fulfilment as he was to find out. While photographing her little bum, Luke noticed some sleek dark hair just visible between her legs. The improved viewing status to be had simply by parting her legs a little, amazed him. By parting them a LOT he was blown away.


   Her entire pussy thus exposed occupied his camera lens for many a close-up. She was such a temptress!

He had now an all-consuming need to see her naked. It was then but the least difficulty in divesting her of her skirt and slipping her hot little panties off the rest of the way. Turning her back over, he stared at his handiwork……leastways, God’s handiwork! He sat back in his chair just taking in her pronounced hips, curved waist and breasts thrust out now with the aid of a pillow under her back. He arranged her arms up above her head, her legs wide apart so that she was in all appearances, begging to be fucked.

To fuck her? If only. It’s what he brought her home for isn’t it? To rape a girl…that had been the plan. But could he do it? What would happen after that? She knew him now, could identify him. So far all he had done was basically abduct her for a while, though that was her word against his anyway. True he’d stripped her and felt her up but nothing that would stand up in Court…. well except for a few cocks listening to the evidence maybe.

Of course being forensically uninformed, Luke was unaware that courtesy of his index finger, he had already shoved enough DNA up inside her to convict a herd of intellectually-challenged rapists. But what he didn’t know, hardly occupied his right brain activities did it?

That she would come around of course was beyond question. He simply hadn’t exactly planned the rules of debate from that point onwards. What he WAS thinking though is that maybe he could just get it in her once or twice.

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   Who’d know? Certainly not her if she was still out.

Showing at least the rudiments of forward-planning, Luke cut off a couple of small lengths of rope that he kept out back and returning, tied her hands to the bedhead. He also allowed his hands to roam her body at will, pulling her nipples, tracing the outline of her mouth with his finger and even slipping a hand beneath her bottom. Setting up his third erection really was as easy as fingerpainting. Looking at her tied up like that could probably have brought him to another orgasm in time, especially with her legs spread as they were.

Staring at her exposed and defenceless pussy, although if the truth be known - he was most definitely thinking of it as her cunt right now, he had to indulge yet another fancy. Slipping the cushion beneath her bottom once again, this had the effect of pushing her hot little slit up and outwards. He lowered his head and licked her. She seemed to stir slightly but if the chloroform had been strong, the scent of her pussy was an emotional anaesthetic. He licked her harder and surely, she was getting wetter, even if she didn’t know about it?

This was the stuff of dreams. A naked teenage girl, tied up and letting him do what he wanted to her. Wasn’t strictly an accurate summation of the circumstances he knew, but it was close enough.

He put his cock at the entrance to her pussy and almost passed-out as it slipped-in an inch or so. She was so hot inside and as he pushed in again, he groaned both with pleasure and at the sight of her breasts jiggling to his ministrations.

"You want me to fuck you don’t you Ashley?" he whispered.

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   "You want to feel a boy’s cock in your pussy…. . just like this?" He looked down as he muttered the words. The sight of his cock entering her was just an all-consuming emotion for him. She had been born for him to do this to her, this very night!

As he pushed in further he met with some resistance and was inwardly pleased that she was obviously still a virgin. It made it all the hotter. As he increased the pressure and the rate of penetration, he felt her body react. She seemed to wince slightly even while still out. His need was great, his urgency greater. Long past the "Let’s back off while we’re still safe" zone, he simply was riding a blinding urge now to fuck her, to impregnate her if necessary – anything to fill that hot little cunt with his cum.

He felt the hymen give, felt something sticky envelop his cock and glancing down, saw a trickle of blood exiting from her pussy. But it wasn’t as red as his lust right at that second. Now he was raping her, no other word for it. He could hear, see, feel nothing but his relentless pumping action. If he had, he would have seen her open her eyes.

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He felt her legs widen further, the girl’s breathing became as irregular as his own. He was thrusting in to her so hard that it had forced her shoulders up against the bedhead. Totally on auto-pilot now he had hold of her breasts and was squeezing them with impunity. He thought he felt her raising her hips but was too close to consummating the deed to question that likelihood.

As his residual sperm-supply rode the tube at warp factor 10, ultimately spraying the girl’s vaginal walls every which way, he cried out in a passion, "I so love you Ashley. "

He didn’t even see her smile.


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Escort agencies in Belgium do a wonderful job and give their clients with the high-class escort services in this country. If you decided to call a babe, please, contact the agency and tell about your plans in advance. It will guaranty that your model will be ready for 100%. They are able to give you pleasurable massage that will make you forget about all troubles and help get rid of stress. You can enjoy the continuation, too. Winsome angelfaces with sexy shapes can show you what a passion is. When using services of escort in Belgium, you may be sure of the professionalism. First of all, you should know that confidentiality is the most important thing in our business. Our customers are worried about their business reputation or relations with their spouses. We understand it and do everything that is possible to keep your meeting with an escort girl in secret. You can invite a lady vamp to your own place, a rented apartment, motel room or our agency can provide you with a nice place optionally. Feel like a successful male for one day or more thanks to our marvelous escort girls. You shouldn’t lose such a chance. If you are lonely – you need a brilliant jilt. If you have a wife, she will never know about your entertainment. This is the top Belgian escort company with frolicsome females for all tastes. escort in brussels is amazing source of real pleasure. When you spend time with our escort girls, you become absolutely happy and nothing can make you upset or unsatisfied.

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What to expect from Escort

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There are a lot of diversified categories for you to pick from, hereby you can be sure to surely find what you like the most. Don’t miss an opportunity to enjoy standard, VIP, diamond and other categories, based on your budget. Regardless of the category, you will surely get to know plenty of fascinating hotties in Sexy Latinas, filthy Asians, nasty Caucasians, dirty-minded Europeans, horny Arab ladies, gorgeous ebonies are waiting for you in order to show off their deeply impressive escort skills. Feel free to go through their CVs and have a look at their mouthwatering photo collections, which expose their arousing body curves from the best angles.

Safety and Diversity of Escort Services

Now we have reached the most intriguing part of our journey through Escort city. Time to see what you are going to do with those skilful escort bitches. We continuously work to improve the quality of our services and make sure that our sexy hotties can deliver only top-quality escort services to each and every customer of ours. My word, those ladies possess the best means to deliver the ultimate satisfaction to absolutely any guy on this sinful planet. Hereby, feel free to implement your desires with breathtaking oral sex, arousing escort massage, lecherous cosplays, incredible toying, amazing anal sex, stunning handjobs, unforgettable pissing, passionate orgy and many more. Our rouges will certainly do anything they can to satisfy you to the maximum.
When it comes to personal information, we take it very seriously and ensure that it stays fully safe at all times. Top-quality escort services and safety in operations make our customers come and visit Escort again and again. So, don’t miss such an unbelievable opportunity to unveil the lecherous pleasures that Escort and its marvellous bitches have prepared for you, because you will like it for sure!
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Escort Ivory Coast - The escort girls of Ivory Coast are more than simply stunningly attractive; they radiate elegance, appeal, and a sultry seductiveness

Côte d'Ivoire, sometimes known as the Ivory Coast, is a country in West Africa that is both stunning and unusual. Ivory Coast is a fascinating destination for many reasons, not the least of which are the attractive escort females that call the country home. Ivory Coast's escort business is a tantalising and intriguing world of refinement, sensuality, and refined elegance.
The escort girls of Ivory Coast are more than simply stunningly attractive; they radiate elegance, appeal, and a sultry seductiveness. They are well-traveled women who have mastered the art of sensual pleasure. Their attractiveness comes from inside, reflecting their confidence, intelligence, and drive. With their beautiful eyes, lovely grins, and bodies that celebrate the beauty of the African woman, they are the embodiment of feminine appeal.

Escorts in Ivory Coast
Although it is rarely discussed, the escort profession in Ivory Coast plays a significant role in the country's booming tourist economy. Those looking for something special and personal throughout their trips are the target audience. The appeal of an escort female, for many men and women, isn't limited to sexual gratification; it also includes friendship, closeness, and a profound connection beyond the physical.
Escort Ivory Coast
Although it's an emotive topic, sex tourism exists in many countries, including Ivory Coast. However, it is crucial to recognise that escort females in Ivory Coast are more than just objects of lust; they are service providers. The excitement of sexual adventure and the comfort of company come together in a way that can only be found with them.
Ivory Coast Escorts -
Experience the beauty, sensuality, and passion of African women through the escort profession in Ivory Coast; it's not about cheap thrills. A safe, courteous, and mutually rewarding exploration of wants is the goal.
It doesn't matter if you're drawn to Ivory Coast by its beautiful scenery, fascinating history, or exciting culture; you can't deny the appeal of the escort females. They are a representation of the country's variety, sensuality, and fervour. They personify every admirable quality in an African lady.
The fascination of Ivorian escort females ultimately comes down to more than simply their physical attractiveness. Experiencing the comfort of a friend's company and indulging in Africa's sensuous delights are at the heart of this journey. The goal is to have a meaningful, one-on-one encounter with Ivory Coast.
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