
Punishment and just reward...chapter 1


He smiles to himself and kisses her forehead as it also became crystal clear how he needs to handle her indiscretion. She bites her lip as he reaches for her hand and pulls her from the chair. Once on her feet he leads her just a step away from the chair and sits down himself. Before she can think to protest or try to explain, he pulls her down across his lap catches her other hand, holding them firmly behind her back he flips up her skirt. This isn’t the first time she has read the day away but this is the first time she will be punished for it. This is the first time he would punish her for anything. Until now their life was play and it was sex and it was love, everything he had hoped for. Except when he bought her a new book. Then everything went out the window, she would lose herself in the story she was reading and not even feel the hours passing. The previous night when she had asked for the book she had promised him that she would behave and read it only when her work was done. He knew it was impossible to have kept that promise given the number of pages that were left for her to read. He also knew he had to take control of her right now before she started thinking she could do whatever she pleased. No discussion, no questions, just swift punishment. Shock sweept through her as the first slap hit her bare ass. His name catches on her breath as he delivers the second blow. She can’t believe the instant pain; he’s never hit her this hard before.

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   Panic pushes shock out of her head and she automatically begins to fight him. He holds firm and delivers another smack without pause. She begins to beg him to stop and almost hopes he has as he pauses to reach for the paddle he had left under the chair shortly after her ill kept promise was made. Her pleading grows as he directs the first strike just under the roundest part of her ass knowing it will sting all the more in that sensitive area. She calls out with each strike, as her pleas grow more frantic. She is crying now and beginning to weaken but he continues on telling her quietly what the reason is for her punishment. Punctuating his words with blow after blow on her reddened ass. Then at last it’s over. She is sobbing softly afraid to move. He drops the paddle to the floor and brings his hand to her ass feeling the warmth rising from her abused bottom. He pulls her up and into his lap and arms and whispers to her that she is forgiven. He tilts her head up so she will look into his eyes, kisses a tear away and tells her how much he loves her and reminds her that she will behave or this evening will be repeated as often as necessary. She nods slowly, still recovering from the shock of what he just did to her. Her mind is racing and she wants to be terribly angry with him but she isn’t. She feels confused.

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   She really shouldn’t be surprised by the punishment, she did deserve it but she certainly didn’t expect it today. She’s read the day away before; doing just enough of her chores that he wouldn’t be upset with her for doing nothing but reading all day. She did promise not to read until all her work was done. She did try…she was only going to read for a little while but she had lost track of time again and this time she had paid for her mistake. Now she felt confused, not how she was expecting to feel. She knew deep down that this day would eventually come. He wasn’t going to be able to control her if he didn’t punish her for her transgressions. She used to imagine it back when an ocean and commitments to other people separated them. She always imagined it would arouse her. She always thought it would leave her wanting him to fuck her. That’s how she felt when they played and he spanked so why would it be any different when it was punishment? It was still spanking and that aroused her immensely. Reading stories about girls being punished always got her motors humming so why wouldn’t it arouse her when she was in their place? That is why she was so confused sitting there in his lap with her ass burning and throbbing from the punishment inflicted on her tonight. She wasn’t aroused like she thought she would be. She was sure she was wet because she always was if he was anywhere near her but there wasn’t that surging overwhelming desire she had imagined. She felt humiliated and ashamed and upset.

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   Upset with herself for disappointing him. Her sobbing fades as he holds her. She softly whispers an apology and a new promise of good behavior but he hushes her with a passionate kiss that changes her mood instantly from sorrow to arousal. He smiles, knowing full well the effect her has on her, and tells her to grab her coat they are going out for a bit. She pouts and kisses him again trying to persuade him to take her to bed instead of out and about. He is tempted, a quick fuck would be very nice, but he has a mission in mind and wants to see if she will keep her newly made promise of good behavior. It’s time for her training to really begin. It’s time for him to beginning molding this girl, his girl, into the slave he has always imagined her to be. She knows better than to argue especially since her bottom still throbs painfully. She is very curious as to where they are going and goes quickly to grab her coat and shoes. Just as she leans over to get her shoes, she hears his voice firm and surprisingly loud telling her to stop. She freezes, startled but the tone in his voice. Dread fills her as she obeys his next command and stands, turning to face him. He asks her quietly and calmly to pick up her shoes, thinking to himself that the smallest tasks can quickly become lessons. Confused she turns from him and leans down to pick them up.

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   Just as she is about to reach them again he tells her to stop, this time adding that she ought to pick up her shoes in such a way so that anyone who may glance would see her lack of panties. She stands again glancing over her shoulder at him and the very determined look on his face. Slowly and deliberately she bends at the waist, her legs parted just enough so that nothing is concealed by the time her hand reach her shoes. He smiles, not just because of the view but also because she has done exactly as commanded. She stands, asking him softly if that was better as a seductive smile crosses her lips. He nods and ushers her out the door. They ride in silence for a while. Him making his plans, her wondering but not daring to ask where they are going. It’s already been a very surprising evening so she isn’t sure if she should be nervous or excited and finds herself both, along with growing more and more aroused. That always happened when she didn’t know what to expect from him and tonight he had shattered her expectations leaving her quite disorientated yet feeling extremely submissive. A feeling that always made her become instantly and extremely aroused. She glances at him and catches him grinning at her. A grin that tells her without words that they are about to play. She shifts nervously in her seat, wincing as the car seats rough upholstery rubs her still very tender ass. He calmly begins to explain to her where they were going and why.

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   He explains that tonight would begin their total power exchange. Looking back to the road he reaches over with a free hand and slips his fingers into her already soaked pussy. She parts her legs automatically, welcoming his touch while trying hard to concentrate on what he is saying to her. They are going to the shopping mall where she will practice showing herself off as she bends to pick something up. She blushes and begins to protest. He silences her with a sharp pinch to her clit then continues on, telling her that he will watch her from afar to make sure the view is clear from a distance. She tries hard to find her voice but can’t focus past overwhelming sensations he is stirring up with his fingers. He knows he is pushing her close to the edge. She is so easy to get worked up to an orgasm and when he thinks she is just about there he stops. She groans aloud, finally finding her voice she quickly begs him to let her cum. Firmly, he tells her no as he pulls into the parking lot of the shopping mall. As they get out of the car he tells her to wipe herself a bit so her arousal won’t drip down her legs. She asks him if he has anything she can use. His reply sends dread through her. He grins anew and tells her to use her own fingers and to lick them clean of any excess juices she may find.

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   She doesn’t move quite as quickly as he would like so he moves quickly to her and swats her ass firmly. She yelps and pleads with him not to do it again. He just calmly and firmly tells her to do as she was told. Knowing she has lost, and wanting to protect her sore bottom, she dips her fingers into her pussy trying to wipe some of her fluids away and brings them up to her lips. He grins at her, loving the submission he sees in her eyes as she licks her own juices from her fingers. Once more he tells her to do it, savoring this moment of submission and control. When she is through he reaches for her hand tasting it for himself before he leads her into the mall. As they stroll hand in hand though the mall he describes her task to her. She will walk ahead of him the length of two store fronts and every once in a while she must lean down and appear to be examining something in the stores window. The item must be close to the floor so that when she bends to look at it she has the opportunity to expose herself to anyone behind her. She is nervous and excited as she imagines some guy walking behind her getting the view of a lifetime. He tells her to go and to continue to do her task until she has walked completely around the mall. She takes a deep breath and begins to walk away from him glancing back to ensure she has put the required distance between them. Her mind is racing, should she look back first to see if anyone else is behind her or should she just do it. She is so nervous as she approaches the first window that offers an item low enough to suit her need.

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   She pauses tilting her head to seem interested in the stores merchandise when in reality she isn’t even seeing the stuff. She is lost in feeling herself submit to his desires as she obeys her lover and bends slowly at the waist to examine a little item just above the floor. He sees her pausing and wonders what is going through her mind. He wonders if she is contemplating disobeying his instructions. He is very pleased when see her begin to bend and even more pleased to see her soaked pussy come into view. He smiles broadly and laughs out loud as he sees a young man do a double take and stare openly at the pussy his little slave is bravely still showing off. Hearing his laughter she strightens up quickly and continues to walk. She is sure someone saw her display, she is sure that is what caused his laughter. Now she has to do it again knowing that whoever saw the first time is most likely still watching her and will see her again. She comes upon another window with merchandise down low but not as low as the first store. She chooses this store for her next performance hoping the looking at an item a bit higher up will be enough for her lover to be pleased but not quite as exposing as the first one had been. She bends again looking intently at the small object in front of her thinking again only of her submission. She thinks about her lover and that he said tonight begins their total power exchange and without realizing it she drops into a more comfortable squat and losses herself for a moment in her thoughts wondering what exactly he meant by that. Suddenly she feels someone grabbing her arm and pulling her forcefully to her feet. She panics at first thinking she is being arrested for indecent exposure but is relieved to see it is her lover.

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   Relief that is quickly replaced with fear as she hears him tell her they are going home immediately and she will be punished when they get there. She drops her head knowing immediately why she was going to be punished and wishing she had paid more attention to her task and not squatted down lost in thought. The ride home was silent and uneventful which caused her to worry and gave her plenty of time to think. Her ass is still tender, he can’t possible spank her again so soon. No, he won’t do that, after all she didn’t do anything major wrong. It wasn’t as if she had not bent over at all or done it incorrectly. She started to feel mad all of a sudden. She had done as she was told, maybe not exactly but it was good enough. Maybe if she explained what she was thinking about when she squatted down he will understand and won’t go though with her punishment. She turns to speak to him but he is driving so intently she suddenly feels she should ask his permission first rather than just to interrupt his concentration. Out of the corner of his eye, he sees her watching him. He studies the road ahead of him, not letting her see his absolute delight. He knew she wanted desperately to ask him something but he had been so unpredictable tonight that she was obliviously unsure if she should even speak. Finally, after watching her squirm nervously in her seat he tells her to ask him what is on her mind. She looked surprised for a moment that he knew there was a question waiting on her lips but quickly asks him if she was going to be spanked again.

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   He answers her with a simple no and turns his attention back to the road. She wants to ask him what her punishment will be but he clearly isn’t going to explain any further just yet. He is delighted, that was the best word he could come up with to describe the way he felt. Everything was going exactly as he had hoped, better actually. She had obeyed so nicely at first but she faltered as he hoped she would. He would eventually reward her efforts but first he must punish her for allowing herself to become distracted from her task. He could tell by her posture she was unhappy. She wasn’t sad though she was getting mad. He knew her so well, probably better than she knew herself, he knew she was getting herself all worked up. He knew she was thinking that she didn’t deserve to be punished; he knew she thought her mistake was small and should just be forgiven outright. He, on the other hand, was looking at the bigger picture and needed her to learn that absolute submission and obedience was expected from her and anything else would receive its just punishment. It was a lesson that would take time and effort to teach her and he was delighted it was beginning. .